
Best diet for loosing weight?

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Nov 19, 2004
I was going through some of my digi pics last night and noticed how much I changed from 2004 to now. I have gained about 20 pounds and was shocked to find out how much it shows. The weight gain came after I started dating my current husband so married life is definitely packing on the pounds for me. I was inspired by the picture differences to actually do something about it. I''ve done South Beach in the past and it worked ok. Tried Atkins but hated it. My current diet isn''t that bad. I eat veggies, no fast food etc. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Also, just how important is true exercise? I get a decent amount by doing yardwork and cleaning but I''ve not made it to the gym in ages. I used to love spinning but it won''t fit with my schedule anymore. I have a recumbant bike at home. Will that do as well as spinning class?


Jun 28, 2006
Hi IslandDreams!

I think eating healthy is a big part of losing weight, but you definitely need to exercise also! I would guess that using the bike at home could work in place of a spinning class as long as you do it with the same intensity that you would if you were actually in a class. I don''t know if you know anything about curves, but it''s a really great program especially for people who don''t have a lot of time. It''s a strength training circuit that gives you a cardio workout also all in a half an hour. One of the great things about the strength training part is that by building muscle not only are you toning your body, but you''re also kicking up your fat burning! (The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn!)

As far as dieting goes, I once lost about 20 lbs by having a slimfast shake for breakfast, a lean pocket for lunch, and some type of frozen diet meal for dinner. I would have some healthy snacks (carrot sticks, fruit, yogurt) throughout the day also. I found that my biggest problem is portion size, so the prepackaged foods really helped.

Just a suggestion


Mar 14, 2006
Hi Islanddreams -

I highly recommend a book called the Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose. She has a lot of principles in her book that could help you lose weight. I wouldn''t follow it STRICTLY because it can be somewhat extreme but I found that a couple of things are great. 1) eating properly combined meals (you can eat AS MUCH of as you want so long as everything is properly combined) - she goes into detail about this and this is the basis of her book, and 2) JUICING, which has become a HUGE staple in my diet. It''s a lot easier than you would think and actually tastes pretty good. I drink about a 25 oz glass of her green lemonade at least 4-5 times a week. And if you decide to start juicing, I highly suggest the Breville juicers which make juicing 1000x easier.

I would NOT suggest a diet of processed foods (ie. frozen meals, "health" drinks). They are just that ... processed, and NOT what is intended for the body. I hope this isn''t making me sound like a health nut b/c I am FAR from that. I just really believe in this diet. I gained about 30 pounds in 4 years and have lost about 15 of it from this diet.

As for exercise, it does help...a lot but I think if you can start by changing your diet slightly, you''ll begin to notice a difference.


Mar 20, 2006
I agree with Robbie about portion size... often we''re unaware of just how many calories we''re actually consuming even when we think we''re eating "healthy". For me, being slightly hypoglycemic, I NEED to eat all throughout the day... every few hours or I''m a mess. The best "lifestyle diet" for me is just to eat when I''m hungry, but before I get ravenous... and to choose protein-based snacks that don''t burn through my metabolism as quickly as something sugary would. For example, apples make me even hungrier! But scrambled eggs with cheese or some tuna-salad lasts a while.

The best "lose weight diet" for me is to really make sure I''m not eating more than I really need at any meal, even dinner. As long as I''m getting everything nutritionally, I find it easier and more filling to spread that out throughout the day in 5 or 6 mini-meals, rather than divide it into 3 separate "breakfast, lunch, dinner" meals. It usually doesn''t take long for my appetite to adjust to that.

But I''m definitely not a doctor! So take my methods only for what they''re worth.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/3/2006 9:46:28 AM
Author: ephemery1

The best ''lose weight diet'' for me is to really make sure I''m not eating more than I really need at any meal, even dinner. As long as I''m getting everything nutritionally, I find it easier and more filling to spread that out throughout the day in 5 or 6 mini-meals, rather than divide it into 3 separate ''breakfast, lunch, dinner'' meals. It usually doesn''t take long for my appetite to adjust to that.
I''ve been doing this as well, as it helps. Have you tried I learned about it in the weekly workout thread and it was great for getting me on track. I was absolutely amazing how many calories I was putting into my body without knowing it. It''s kind of a pain to add in everything you are eating for the first few days, but then you really see what you are consuming. After a week or so of putting in various foods, I know have a pretty good idea how many calories I am consuming without inputing it (since I tend to eat the same foods during the week). I''ve lost 5 pounds in a month, which may not sound like much but I am a firm believer in slow and steady weight loss (although I''ve heard that a pound a week is considered a lot.)


Apr 30, 2005
Island, if you have the time to spend on PS, why not join our Weekly Workout Thread ? You don't have to post often or at all if you don't want to, but it really is a great motivator and we encourage each other and swap tips, it is a great little club!

20 1bs isn't much to lose, I finally had success once I took the pressure off myself with 'diets' and realized that I had to make lifestyle changes permanently to lose some weight and keep it off without having to diet again, I was so sick of being on that treadmill. Guess what? It worked and I began my new lifestyle over a year ago and started working out a couple of months ago and am now wearing clothes I hadn't worn for 10 years!

I think try to avoid the diet mindset and to start with keep a food diary with EVERYTHING you eat so you can see exactly where the calories come from. In this way some simple changes could make all the difference such as choosing leaner meats such as chicken, turkey etc, low fat mayo, smaller portions, more veg and lower fat protein and fruit, also try to drink 2 litres of water a day. This helps fill you up and really makes a difference to any bloating plus it makes your skin look great. I was a diehard diet soda addict and believe me, I feel so much better for the water.

Also try to incorporate some exercise. I get up and am at the gym at 6 am weekday mornings, it is hard but so worth it as I see myself shape up and lose even more weight easily. If time is a problem, try to fit in a brisk walk for 20 mins or the exercise bike, as long as it is something, it all makes a difference.

Lastly, don't let yourself get too hungry. Try to eat 4 - 6 small meals a day as this keeps blood sugar stable to avoid snacking and helps give your metabolism a boost. I really believe that exercise makes all the difference, I have proved it so try to fit some in.

Also do have a treat occasionally , like me I am on a plan for life now and it does cut out a lot of the guilt thinking long term rather than short term, that I can have an icecream now and then for example.

Best of luck, you can do it!


Oct 17, 2003
Another book I would recommend is UltraMetabolism by Mark Hyman. He is an M.D. who has some really insightful, eye-opening information about how our bodies react to certain foods and why. He is also an advocate of non-processed foods. "If it has a label, don''t eat it" is his motto. Of course that is almost impossible in this day and age so he suggests if it does have a label it should have no more than 5 ingredients and you should know what each one is. No long chemical sounding names!

I have started incorporating some of his suggestions. No High Fructose Corn Syrup is the hardest. It seems like everything has this in it!!! It can be very frustrating. Yesterday I found out the diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil that I love to use in certain dishes has High fructose corn syrup in it!!!
Why? It drives me crazy!

Unfortunately, exercise needs to be a part of any weight loss/management program.
But choose something you like to do. It doesn''t have to be going to the gym 3-5 times a week. Walking, playing with your kids/pets, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, any type of sports, anything to get your heart rate up. Every little bit helps, so your bike at home would be perfect!

Good luck!


Jun 16, 2005
Yep, it still is the true combonation of exercise and diet that will do the trick for you! Here are a few options...

For diet:
I LOVED! It is a great system to teach you portion size, and you have like 10 different diets to choose from. I choose the glycemic index diet- kinda like South beach. You will get recipes or frozen food/restaurant substitutions. I still use the recipes and portion sizes in my cooking and I''ve been off the diet for a month.
Get a scale. You''ll use this religiously to measure all portions- in particular meat and cheese.
Read all nutrition information on any boxes you buy. Stay away from trans fats- hydrogenated oils, sugar, and high salt. One of my fav. treats is sugar-free pudding cups- love em!

For exercise:
You can use your bike at home. I would supplement with the following: an aerobics tape (any kind you like), a weight training tape or program (anything by Cathe Friedrich is fabulous!), and a pilates tape/dvd.
Get yourself a dumbell set- weight training is essential with cardio!

Good luck! I also recommend the fitness threads- they are awesome! Do a little at a time and reward yourself with pampering, shopping, or anything than food for your small successes!


Sep 8, 2004
The best diet for losing weight is one that you can stick to for the rest of your life (end commercial). But seriously, you can eat cabbage soup for a month and lose some pounds, but nobody human could keep that up forever, and once you go off the diet, you''ll just slip back into the old eating habits that made you overweight in the first place. If you like South Beach and your doctor doesn''t have a problem with it, you should do South Beach.

Also, there was an article recently that looked at the eating habits of normal weight and overweight-obese people, and the critical difference was one serving of fruit and one serving of fiber more per day for the normal weight people. Since reading that article a couple weeks ago I''ve been more diligent about eating at least one piece of fruit per day (I was bad, no fruit for weeks sometimes) and in 2 weeks I''ve lost 2 pounds. Good luck!!


Mar 20, 2006
Date: 8/3/2006 11:35:00 AM
Author: JCJD

Also, there was an article recently that looked at the eating habits of normal weight and overweight-obese people, and the critical difference was one serving of fruit and one serving of fiber more per day for the normal weight people.
Very interesting... unfortunately, most fruit is a bit too sugary for me and my messed-up blood sugar
... but I wonder if that works with veggies too? Something to think about...


Sep 8, 2004
Date: 8/3/2006 11:51:20 AM
Author: ephemery1
Date: 8/3/2006 11:35:00 AM

Author: JCJD

Also, there was an article recently that looked at the eating habits of normal weight and overweight-obese people, and the critical difference was one serving of fruit and one serving of fiber more per day for the normal weight people.

Very interesting... unfortunately, most fruit is a bit too sugary for me and my messed-up blood sugar
... but I wonder if that works with veggies too? Something to think about...

Really? I have wacked up blood sugar sometimes too (get shaky, dizzy, need to eat something fast), but fruit doesn''t get my blood sugar going, DEFINITELY not like desserts and simple carbs do (if I have a bagel for lunch, I''m shaking and starving 2 hours later). I''ve read that the fiber and more complex sugars in fruit keeps your blood sugar levels from spiking too quickly, unlike simple sugars like fructose (HFCS) that are found in processed foods. You can find dried fruits that don''t have sugar added, and I think 1/4 cup counts as 1 fruit serving. I like dried apricots, apple slices, pineapple, raisins and craisins (dried cranberries). I find the dried apples and banana chips aren''t quite as sweet as the other fruits. How about unsweetened applesauce?


Oct 30, 2002
for me the only thing that works is lots of exercise and changing food habits big time. now that i am getting older, 10 lbs is a lot harder to take off then 5 years ago or 10 years ago. i am working out 4 days a week with an intense hour of kickboxing, and then i also do 2-3 mile walks on the 3 days i do not go to class, sometimes we go for longer walks but i try to at least get 2-3m in. i feel like i am almost always sore on some area of my body, but i am finally seeing results. just walking was kind of slimming me down but not enough for my taste. i really needed to burn a large amount of calories and i don't like the gym at all so this is the class of my choice. it's finally to the point now when a handful of people in the last week have asked me if i have lost weight. in terms of food consumption, fitday is great to track calories. i decided to stop with more carbs or less fat kinda thing and just eat a sensible amount of calories for my body size/shape etc and up the workouts and it seems to be working well.

i do believe that people need both though to get to where they probably really want to be, both food changes and workouts because if you just change food habits, you may lose some weight but you won't be firming up or creating muscle at all (which helps burn more calories than fat), and if you just workout and don't change food, you will probably get more muscle going on but you won't necessarily slim down. so for me it's a two part thing. i still splurge though on foods and stuff, but i try to be sensible and eat fresh healthy foods 90% of the time and the other 10% is a free for all. hehee.

and yes i suggest our weekly workout threads because we not only discuss what we are working on that week etc but how we are getting there, there is lots of 'how to'information, we post the excercises we like the best, the foods we are eating, a great recipe that tastes good and is healthy, etc. and it keeps us pretty motivated. come visit, ID!

and PS..did you ever see my questions to you in your vacation post about mexico? i would love to check out that area and find out where you stayed because i was researching and there is so much information, i would love to hear more about your trip and a 'review' so to speak!!


May 14, 2006
Ive lost 12 lbs so far on weight watchers and I find it great as I can eat some naughty things as well as all the healthy stuff. Ive always found that I lose weight quite quickly on it

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Date: 8/3/2006 2:12:57 PM
Author: bee*
Ive lost 12 lbs so far on weight watchers and I find it great as I can eat some naughty things as well as all the healthy stuff. Ive always found that I lose weight quite quickly on it

I second WW. It is more of a lifestyle change than a diet.


Mar 20, 2006
Date: 8/3/2006 12:51:51 PM
Author: JCJD

Really? I have wacked up blood sugar sometimes too (get shaky, dizzy, need to eat something fast), but fruit doesn''t get my blood sugar going, DEFINITELY not like desserts and simple carbs do (if I have a bagel for lunch, I''m shaking and starving 2 hours later). I''ve read that the fiber and more complex sugars in fruit keeps your blood sugar levels from spiking too quickly, unlike simple sugars like fructose (HFCS) that are found in processed foods. You can find dried fruits that don''t have sugar added, and I think 1/4 cup counts as 1 fruit serving. I like dried apricots, apple slices, pineapple, raisins and craisins (dried cranberries). I find the dried apples and banana chips aren''t quite as sweet as the other fruits. How about unsweetened applesauce?
Unfortunately most fruit is on the simple carb list, which is part of the problem for me. Some is higher in fiber, therefore a bit slower to digest... but for the most part the effect on my blood sugar is like eating a piece of candy.
But nutritious candy, at least! I do eat a lot of banana, but usually with peanut butter or some other protein. And I''ll eat applesauce with cottage cheese. I''ve been told to avoid dried fruit and fruit juices, as the impact of the sugar in those (even when natural) is apparently even worse than in a piece of fresh fruit.

From one of my Hypoglycemia websites:
Fruits: (in moderation after hypoglycemia has stabilized and with a source of protein)
Best choices - Boysenberry, cantaloupe, casaba melon, coconut (fresh), cranberry, fruit salad (no grapes), gooseberry, honeydew melon, lemon, lime, strawberry.
Limited amounts - Apple, apricot, blackberry, cherry, dewberry, grapefruit, loganberry, orange, peach, pear, pineapple, plum, raspberry, tangerine, elderberry.


May 14, 2006
Those skinny cows are delicious-we have only got them in Dublin the past couple of months and they are yummy,


Nov 12, 2004
I have lost 8 lbs already on WW in just about 7 weeks. I think it is a great plan-like someone said- not necessarily a diet, but a totally different way of eating that you can continue forever. I like it a lot, and would recommend it to anyone!

As far as ice cream ladies, I LOVE WW's Giant Cookies and Cream Bars! They are soooooo good!!!


Aug 8, 2005
i think what''s key is finding out what works for you. i also think exercise is needed and that''s it''s not as bad as it sounds. there are so many forms of it, you just need to figure out what you like. you''d be surprised how exercising makes you feel better too! it''s a little brust of "feel good."


Nov 19, 2004
Ok guys. Thanks for the advice and motivation. I think my biggest issue is portion size. I already choose the leaner meats and low-fat stuff. I even eat only whole grain bread/pasta products. But ultimately, it comes down to too much food compared to the amount needed. So, I think the easiest thing for me to do will be to get out the measuring cups and eat on smaller plates. I also need to stop evenly splitting the food with my 6''3" husband. He needs more calories than 5''4" me.

I''d love to do pilates/kickboxing/spinning classes but I can''t make them fit my schedule. I will try to get on the exercise bike and use the free weights that I already own.

I''m going to find the workout thread.

Mara--No, I missed your questions on Mexico. I''ll start another thread on it.


Apr 30, 2006
You know, I hate the word "diet" - it makes you think you are going to starve yourself. I think the key is reducing calories, but staying full. I used to eat a lot, but lately I have cut down my portion size, and realized that I am just as full, and actually feel better, because I''m not sluggish from the extra food. And I do get full, but choose lower calorie options to eat instead.

I eat fast food all the time, because I don''t know how to cook, and don''t have the time anyway. So I looked online and made a list of the foods I could get at the common places, and keep my meals under 500 calories. I don''t feel like I''m limited - I can still go to taco bell if i want to. But I''m surprised at how full I get, and I find at the end of the day I actually have not eaten enough calories, so I sneak in a glass of milk or juice to make sure I am over 1200.

Here''s an example of what I will get - I can go to Chick-fil-et, and order a chargrilled chicken coolwrap, for 390 calories. I get light italian dressing on the side for 15 calories more. And add a side of fruit at 90 calories, and a diet coke or water. I am just as full as if I had a giant burrito at a mexican place, but total out at under 500 instead of 900. And when cutting out 500 calories a day for a week burns about a pound, it really adds up.

Just remember to get at least 1200 calories a day, otherwise you won''t burn fat efficiently - I try to get 1200-1500. I''ve only been doing this about a week and a half, but haven''t felt hungry, and have lost a couple of pounds. Just make sure you choose more filling, low calorie foods to replace the fatty, high calorie, good for nothing foods. And watch out for your salad dressings and drinks - hidden calories galore!!

I also found this great site where you can input everything you ate, and your daily activities, and it will tell you how much you have taken in, burned, and how fast you are losing weight, and it''s free -

Good luck!!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 8/5/2006 1:52:24 AM
Author: ocbride2007
You know, I hate the word 'diet' - it makes you think you are going to starve yourself.
I so agree with this. Island I finally realized some time ago that I had enough of being on the on diet/ loose weight/ off diet/gain weight treadmill, that I knew I needed a lifetime eating plan which I could stick to permanently in order to lose weight and keep it off. I did this in trying to make a basic plan of around 1500 - 1800 calories a day as I am quite active that I could stick to and go about my life with the occasional icecream etc. Also to help this I would need some extra exercise in order to repair my metabolism which years of fad dieting etc had destroyed. Well over a year later I have lost weight and look and feel good finally. Once you take the short term pressure off yourself, it makes caring for yourself a lot easier and you know you can enjoy life with the occasional treat and not beat yourself up over it.

In this way I have my basic food plan based around high carbs, low fat and high fibre as I don't eat much meat and this works for me very well.

My point is this might not work for you, but it did for me. Try to not think diet but lifetime weight and health maintenance and give yourself time to adapt. The weight will come off and stay off. I have found this so empowering to no longer fear gaining weight as I now feel in control finally.

Also the exercise is so important. Mara and some of the others inspired me to start working out. I felt I no longer had an excuse, they lead busy lives and fit in exercise time, so I knew I could. It has made all the difference. I am fitting into clothes I didn't think I would ever wear again in just 2 months!

So use the bike and try to aim for 20 to 30 mins a day initially at least 3 times a week. Also brisk walking is great if you can find the time, plus the free weights. You will soon see a difference. Also it will really help to speed up your metabolism. 2 months later I so enjoy my exercise, I feel grumpy if I miss a day! Who would have thought it??? Lazy Lorelei????


Jun 7, 2005
Lorelei, that''s true about enjoying exercise when you get used to doing it. I have been walking my two dogs nightly almost every night since July of 2005. We walk about 30 min./night. I occasionally don''t walk if it''s raining, etc., but overall I have stuck to this routine. It doesn''t feel like exercise now, it''s just something I enjoy.

And I just started reading Intuitive Eating by Tribole and Resch. Katherine McPhee from American Idol had recommended it and said that book helped her learn the tools to fight her eating disorder. She also lost about 30 lbs. eating this way. I don''t have an eating disorder, but the book is great. It tells you to stop the diet mentality (what some of you have said above). Also, don''t restrict yourself because you will rebel and then completely binge and blow the diet and gain weight. It''s about learning healthy eating habits for life. It also talks about the connection between food and emotions. I never thought I was an emotional eater until recently when I started this book. And it also said that not being able to lose weight has nothing to do with willpower. That made me feel good. I highly recommend it!!!!


Oct 30, 2002
it''s very true for me that exercise has to be a way of life as well as the healthy eating for the most part. i crave exercise now when i don''t do it. i just feel better afterwards, mentally and physically, i like feeling a bit of muscle soreness because i feel like i really did something. even taking a day off now isn''t appealing to me, i''d at least want to go for a walk. we walk at nights a few nights a week too and i really like''s some ''family time'' for us and we are being healthy and having fun too. it''s relaxing as well to be out stretching your legs in the cool summer nights.

and yes i agree not to view things as ''diet'' or keep yourself from things you like because that will end at some point and that''s not what you want. good habits should continue long-term.


Nov 8, 2005
I struggle with my weight as well. Sadly there is no magic bullet. If you are maintaining your weight with what you are eating now, could be that adding exercise is all you need to lose weight. Additionally, when you exercise you will likely feel better and find junk food to be less appealing. The benefits of exercise (even if you don't lose weight!) are immense. I have always loved exercising but I find that when I sign up for an event, such as a 5K or 10K race or a triathlon, it helps me focus my workouts into training for that event and it is very exciting to participate in them. If you are a beginner, why not sign up to walk a 5K (about 3 miles), perhaps with a friend. That is a very do-able goal within a few months. If you wanted, you could plan to jog it or walk-run. Many events are very friendly for beginners and walkers. I would also look for a workout buddy or club to help you stay motivated and make your workouts more fun! And with the summer heat, don't forget to drink plenty of water while you exercise, and include some gatorade or other sports drink if you work out for more than 60 min. Good luck and have fun!


Sep 19, 2004
Your simple question doesn''t really have a simple answer.

It is very simplistic to state that what you need to do is:

Eat less and eat healthy

Exercise more

That is just stating the obvious without addressing the problems that lead to weight gain in the first place. Also, certain forms of exercise is much more effictive than others.

So why are you eating to much food:

Are you a "stress eater" - someone who eats in response to stress.
If so, the answer is to learn how to better manage stress in your life.
In some cases it may mean a change in jobs as part of that.

Do you have low blood sugar problems and are eating to just have energy and
feel good.
Transition to a low glycemic index diet may do wonders for you.
(low glycemic diets are not cure alls for all blood sugar issues, but are being
adopted by more Dr''s and Nutritionist becasue they at least form a base
from which to start - and do work in just by themselves in a number of cases).

Do you have food alergies or "sensitivities" - and are overeating in order to overcome
the effects of the food you are eating:
If so, identify the foods responsible and avoid them.

Do you eat a lot with your freinds to just fit in....

Are their other medical issues (that perhaps you and your Dr have not yet
pegged down).

Do you live downwind of a resturant or fast food place where they intentionally
exhaust the "good food" odors in order to make people in the immediate area
and downwind hungary (triggering the "it''s time to eat" body response).
Either move, or lean to ignore this trigger (which is not easy for some)

Have your metabolism changed due to a medical problem or age - and your
old eathing patterns no longer work for you.

What is your ancestry and blood type (it appears that people may be genitically
programmed to live best off of certain types of foods).

Certain medications affect how well your body absorbs nutrition.

Etc, Etc, Etc.

Sometimes all a person needs to do is cut out something simple. I stopped drinking Pepsi about weeks ago (the only soda that I drank). I have lost about 5 Lb in the last 3 weeks based only on that (of course it took me the prior month to wean myself from 6 cans a day to none).

From an exercise standpoint: Yes, it is true that if you exercise a lot or hard you will burn a lot of calories. I myself remember a period where I was eating an average of 7000 calories a day and lost 20 pounds in a 3 week period. Wearing a 50 Lb backpack and hiking 15+ miles a day over mountains does that. I also know of a person who eats a 15,000 calorie a day diet and won their national beauty pagent; but she was a long distance swmmer and swam something like 10 miles a day as part of her workout.

However, many people do not have the muscle or bone strength to support rigourous exercise - and often overexercise at first and injure themselves - which stops the exercise program. Other medical problems exist (arthritis). People need to start real slow and ramp up real slow.

Also, from an energy conversion process (allowing your body to more correctly burn up stored energy). What you want to build up is micochondria cells in the muscle. They are only build during "modest" exercise - such as casual walking. They do not build much at all during vigourous exercise. What a lot of research has found is that something simple - like casual walking (not power walking - not jogging) 5,000 to 10,000 steps a day provides all the exercise that people need to build micochondria cells and loose weight with a reaonable diet. For people who are substaintially overweight (> 10% of ideal body weight) who want to use a more vigourous exercise program. They should take 3 to 6 months to work up to 5,000 to 10,000 steps a day of normal walking before embarking on the more vigerous. It prevents a lot of injuries. Of course, many people find this booring and want to do something exciting...

I have worked hard to allow my to mentally see that short term booring provides long term excitment. It is a struggle.

Finally, If you have any known or suspected health problems (or are taking a lot of medications): You really need to talk to a good doctor and nutritionist prior to starting your weight loss program. Please note that I did not say talk to your Dr. - I said talk to a good Dr. Many primary care Dr''s do not really know much about everything that relates to a good exercise and nutrition program for you. They may be a starting place - but they may also lead you down paths that don''t work for you (I''ve had a few do that).

Best wishes all.

Should we start a weight loss forum. I''ve only got about 100 Lbs to go.


lost on 5th

Mar 16, 2005

i only skimmed the above, so i appologize if i repeat something. i agree with what i several said as lifestyle change being the most important! and with that note, i know the WW plan does work. (its as simple as counting points!)

in addition, an interesting thing i heard recently... eat like royalty in the morning and eat like a pauper at night. the concept behind this is that during the day you will burn the calories from your earlier meal, but late in the evening a big dinner is not burned off...its stored. this also ties into metabolism.

aside from food... exercise is key! you would be amazed how much as little as a 30 minute walk will help!

oh... and if you are looking for some tasty good for you food!



Aug 12, 2005
I apologize if I''m repeating any tips you''ve already been given, but I didn''t have time to read through this whole thead....anyway, my best advice (I''ve lost 19 pounds in the last 5 months) is keeping track with a journal of everything you consume during the day for a couple weeks, and the time you spend exercising. It''s really all about your caloric consumption vs. your caloric expenditures. When you see how many calories you are putting into your body on paper, you will realize where you need to cut back and how much you need to exercise per day to realistically lose weight. There is NO quick fix for weight loss, especially to do it the in the most healthy way. I know fad diets work for some people, but the results are usually not long lasting, and that''s why other posters have said (and I wholeheartedly agree) that it is really a lifestyle change. Join the workout thread, ID! It''s very motivational and if you''re spending time on PS anyway, it''s a great supplement to one''s jewelry habit! (Kind of cancels out any guilt you feel over sitting at the computer and thinking lustful thoughts towards sparklies, LOL!)
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