
Band help

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Dec 15, 2004
Wow, just got the chance to read through all of this...

First of all, don''t stress out so much!

Secondly, don''t you want an appraisal on the stone anyway for insurance purposes?? It seems like the easiest route would be WF to Atlas to DCD. $150 is presumably cheaper than the taxes you''d pay and it just solves all the problems.

I know its hard when things don''t work out as you envisioned, ie everything going perfectly with the custom, etc....but sometimes you just have to make the best out of the situation. Sometimes you have to work outside of the box to make things happen, and while this isn''t how you envisioned things going, but by being flexible and going ahead with the options that are laid out for you, it''ll just make the process go that much more quickly


Nov 19, 2004
Hey everyone,

Ok I think that situation isn't clearly presented. So I'm going to clarify. I'm not frantic about the situation anymore. I'm just MAD

a) I'm mad because DCD told me on Tuesday they could ship the setting, which got me excited, and then decided on Wednesday that it COULDN'T be done. DCD is unhappy with WF's policy (this was made very clear) and are NOW unwilling to send the setting. I want it to be CLEAR that if I asked DCD to send it to any OTHER company then WF yesturday, it would probably have gotten DONE. Jim is angry with with the WF policy, which is why he doesn't want to send the setting. I don't think it's right that I have to get in the middle of it, and pay to smooth is over.

SOLUTION: I'm not getting the setting, because it would cost be 500$ more from DCD

Do I need an appraisal? No absolutely not. I would be sending to David Atlas and spending 150$ only for a shipping route. Our insurance company (La Capitale) Quebec company, told us it doesn't accept an independent appraisal. They want to appraise it themseleves (and we have to pay) in their facilities to insure we are not over/under appraising (or appraising a CZ).

b) I'm mad because WF hasn't given me clear and consistent answers to questions about my setting, and didn't respond to email I sent for clarification. I have gotten 3 different answers to the same question. There has also been trouble with them sending me the bank wire info it was suppose to be sent by email, but it never arrived. My boyfriend called yesturday and the info was sent again. Although we use a HOTMAIL account I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that 3 emails were lost in this entire transaction. The first one concerning the initial inquiry, one for clarification about the setting, and the other for the banking info. Because people on Pricescope have only had AMAZING things to say about WF's customer service, I am going to assume that this is an anomaly.

SOLUTION: We'll see if WF tries to resolve it or we'll walk away (however much it pains to give up my stone). I am NOT going to chase them down to give them $9500.

In the BEGINNING, this was about getting what I wanted, but at this point, that is less important. I am unhappy with the customer service on both ends, and I feel that they are saying "it's because I want something that VISUALLY there is no difference" is confusing the issue. Everyone keeps addressing the "visaully no difference" issue and not the fact that a) DCD changed their mind about sending the setting because they are angry b) Whiteflash hasn't answered my questions CLEARLY and CONSISTENTLY (or at all for that matter) about my setting.

So if I come off sounding frantic, I'm not. I am disappointed because I feel that so many people on pricescope indicated that BOTH these companies had amazing service, so far it hasn't been what I've been expecting.


Mar 3, 2004
Date: 6/22/2005 7:30:48 AM
Author: allycat0303
Hey everyone,

In the BEGINNING, this was about getting what I wanted, but at this point, that is less important. I am unhappy with the customer service on both ends, and I feel that they are saying 'it's because I want something that VISUALLY there is no difference' is confusing the issue. Everyone keeps addressing the 'visaully no difference' issue and not the fact that a) DCD changed their mind about sending the setting because they are angry b) Whiteflash hasn't answered my questions CLEARLY and CONSISTENTLY (or at all for that matter) about my setting.

So if I come off sounding frantic, I'm not. I am disappointed because I feel that so many people on pricescope indicated that BOTH these companies had amazing service, so far it hasn't been what I've been expecting.
OK, clear now. You have reason to be upset with all involved. That being said it's about getting what you want in a timeframe and budget that you want. Only you can decide if you want to continue with either of these guys or start fresh. If it were me I'd take the path of least resistance to get what YOU want. On pricinciple, they messed up, but let's see is one of them steps up and takes responsibility.

I don't know if this will make feel better, but sh*t happens. I've had an annoyance with virtually every (PS) vendor I've dealt with. They are not perfect, but they generally try. However the overall result outweighs the annoyance. I could list a number of screwups by vendors (if anyone is interested). I guess what I'm saying is keep your eye on your end goal and do what you feel is right to get you there.

Cranky Dave. I actually agree with you (I guess blue moon does occur once in a while) This is a pi**ing contest between vendors with Ally in the middle. I've said this before, the favored vendors do get preferential treatment based on reputation and posters own experiences.


Nov 19, 2004
Noobie: I'm so happy you understand!!
I thought if I heard the "visually no difference", or "policy" again I was to scream
So thanks so much for getting it. The MAIN reason I ventured to DCD was for the concise answers, and not for the 0.2 mm difference. I would like the 1.8 mm (of course) but that isn't the reason I tried to go with DCD and incur higher costs, for less carat weight, and shipping+ setting headaches. Although that didn't turn out well either, so who knows.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 8:19:39 AM
Author: crankydave

Date: 6/21/2005 11:06:01 PM
Author: aljdewey

She can spin her wheels and wait for others to come up with a solution (at great mental expense), or she can formulate her own. That simple.

Should she *have* to do that? Not for me to say. My goal isn''t to tell her what should be, but to help her get what she wants. PERIOD.

I don''t care if she reams every vendor from here to the UK over this......I''m not interested in the vendors here. I''m interested in helping her.

I hope this is crystal clear now.
Customer service is the job of the vendors not the consumer. WF and DCD should be interested in helping her. Spin it any way you want. It''s poor treatment of the consumer.

Neither vendor wants to ship their product to the other. It''s called a ''p*****g contest'' with the consumer caught in the middle.

On any other thread regarding this kind of treatment of the consumer by most any other vendor, the ''pile on'' would be unmerciful. They''d have been ripped to shreds on page 1.

I''m sure WF and DCD appreciate you and others trying to make their sale for them. You should ask for comission.


I wish you the best of luck with getting what you want. I''m sure there are plenty of vendors more than willing to make it easy for you to give them your money.


NOPE - evidently still NOT crystal clear. Guess there is no getting through to your gray matter.

Dave, this is the last freaking time I''m gonna say this, and if you don''t like/believe the answer, you can file it under "I don''t give a crap".

I have no interesting making any sale for any vendor. That''s not my job here, nor is it my purpose. If that''s too difficult a concept for you to wrap your brain around, then there is just no helping you. I seriously don''t appreciate the insinuation/accusation. Enough, ok.....before it gets really nasty.

Ally......sorry it''s been difficult for you. I hope things work out.


Oct 30, 2002
My first thought was...sometimes you have to fire the customer.

Read that article in one of my industry mags....and I have to say sometimes it is definitely warranted. There are two (or three) sides to every story and so far we have really only heard this one. But if I was a vendor I wouldn't necessarily pipe in to defend myself here, because it's a consumer based forum. So we only have one side of the story to go on.

WF and DCD are not perfect. Sure they get alot of amazing accolades on this forum as do other vendors, but they do make mistakes and do have good/bad. Having worked with WF for years now, sometimes I need to chase down an answer or send a reminder email that I feel I shouldn't have to. WF and DCD are run by humans that probably sometimes make mistakes, or give a wrong answer and/or forget to send an email. You can cut them some slack or you can just say...NEXT.

I think it's ridiculous that the customer is stuck in the middle of this situation, even thought YES, WF's policy is that they do not ship to another vendor. I think that comes from having some bad experiences in the last year or two and so I am sure they just want to cover their butt. I can understand that. Don't understand why DCD would say they would ship and then not...but whatever. It is unfortunate that the customer is stuck wanting to buy a stone and a setting and can't (or won't) because of a policy and does not want to spend the extra cost. Unfortunate that both companies will probably lose a sale.

You mentioned that you are not the type to call, you prefer to work via email. I'm here to tell you that doesn't always work out with working with some of these online vendors. I am an email person too but I have to call in and speak with Brian at WF, he doesn't do email very well. But if I want to do business with them, I call in. If I don't....then I go elsewhere.

Bottom line, sure be mad about whatever you want, but vote with your money. Take it elsewhere if you feel so maligned. You have the power to vote with your cash. But how sad is it that when I read this post that I feel almost sorry for the o'nine tails couldn't be more painful?!??!


Nov 19, 2004
Mara: (Now don't take this as inflammatory ok. I don't want to start a big battle or anything
), I understand where you are coming from, that you've had incredible experiences with WF. You are one of the reasons why I decided to go with them.

I have read other posts where people were not 100% satisfied with WF and the company did their best to make it right (etc. GingerBcookie and her setting). I believe that they are a good company. However, if either WF or DCD were intrested in making this right, they don't have to post on the public forum, they easily could have PM me or called me or my boyfriend. I respectfully disagree that I am "whipping them". I believe that I should be able to post my experiences without it automatically being assumed that I am being unfair or biased. Is this a consumer forum? Or a vendor forum? People post all the time about their negative experiences with Sheona, Robbins Brothers., etc., and no one accuses them of being biased or one sided. I understand that WF has an outstanding reputation, but that doesn't mean that their customer service is 100% satisfactory 100% of the time. I wouldn't be willing to buy from them if I DIDN'T believe that they are a wonderful company.

Do I want to go elsewhere? Well my boyfriend is very set on the stone. He absolutely wants the stone and is terrified they will sell it to someone else. I'm not as attached to the stone, and would go somewhere else. My opinon is to sit on it and figure out what to do.


Nov 19, 2004
curious....given the policy set forth, what in your mind, would make this right?


Oct 30, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 1:08:08 PM
Author: allycat0303
Mara: (Now don't take this as inflammatory ok. I don't want to start a big battle or anything
), I understand where you are coming from, that you've had incredible experiences with WF. You are one of the reasons why I decided to go with them.

I have read other posts where people were not 100% satisfied with WF and the company did their best to make it right (etc. GingerBcookie and her setting). I believe that they are a good company. However, if either WF or DCD were intrested in making this right, they don't have to post on the public forum, they easily could have PM me or called. I respectfully disagree that I am 'whipping them'. I believe that I should be able to post my experiences without it automatically being assumed that I am being unfair or biased. Is this a consumer forum? Or a vendor forum? People post all the time about their negative experiences with Sheona, Robbins Brothers., etc., and no one accuses them of being biased or one sided. I understand that WF has an outstanding reputation, but that doesn't mean that their customer service is 100% satisfactory 100% of the time. I wouldn't be willing to buy from them if I DIDN'T believe that they are a wonderful company.

Do I want to go elsewhere? Well my boyfriend is very set on the stone. He absolutely wants the stone and is terrified they will sell it to someone else. My opinon is to sit on it and think it out, as far as I'm concerned I am cutting them slack. I will 100% giving them a few days to decide if they want to make it right OR as you say 'fire me'.
Ally, my point was not that I am telling you that WF is the best. In my message, I said that I also have had ups and downs with them. But the bottom line is like with any vendor, you do what is best for you. If you feel like they aren't going that extra mile, then just go elsewhere!

No one is saying that you can't air your feelings, you have gotten TONS of support here in this thread as well as fabulous suggestions. You do what you want. But I know for a fact that John from WF did give you his # and asked you to call him, and you did not call him. He wants to help you, he's a customer advocate at WF, but you are not helping them help you. Instead, this thread just gets bigger.

Honestly, good or bad, I could care less what you post about WF or another vendor...but in this instance all we have now is one side of what is going on. There is ALWAYS more than one side to the story and YES you are only giving one side, that is all you can give...your side of the story. But the vendors most likely have another, one we won't hear...most likely out of respect for the customer.

Lastly, I don't think you are cutting them any special amount of slack really. You are pissed off because they won't ship the diamond to the other vendor even though it is against COMPANY POLICY...and because you got an inconsistent answer and are having problems with emails. Hotmail is NOT a reliable account, maybe they are interpreting the emails as SPAM. I mean honestly, who knows. AGAIN, pick up the phone and try to figure out a solution...and if you don't care to, then just go elsewhere.


Nov 19, 2004
Belle: I''d just like to have someone from WF call or email me or my boyfriend, look at the pic of the setting I want and give me DEFINITE specs on what is possible (within their policy parameter) with definite halo and width measurements. Then they make it for me, it turns out like I want (or close) and I am extremely happy. It doesn''t have to be perfect, the only thing I am absolute stickler on is a) That the band is not over 2mm and the halo is not overpowering the stone (so 1.5-1.8 mm for halo). I am not looking at workmanship, prongs even/uneven. Just the general look. I would love to be able to modify the under part of the setting, but if that''s not possible then that''s fine too.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 7:30:48 AM
Author: allycat0303

a) I''m mad because DCD told me on Tuesday they could ship the setting, which got me excited, and then decided on Wednesday that it COULDN''T be done. DCD is unhappy with WF''s policy (this was made very clear) and are NOW unwilling to send the setting. I want it to be CLEAR that if I asked DCD to send it to any OTHER company then WF yesturday, it would probably have gotten DONE. Jim is angry with with the WF policy, which is why he doesn''t want to send the setting.
If this is an accurate accounting, then I''m disappointed in Jim.

I can understand a policy which says "we only ship to you (via a Fedex holding station), or to an appraiser"...there are insurance/damage issues there. That''s not a "standing on ceremony" decision; it''s a policy to protect the customer and the vendor.

The fact that Jim is angry with WF or unhappy with their policy is a process issue that shouldn''t affect Ally. It''s true that vendors will oftentimes have different practices/terms. No vendor should dictate to another vendor what their policies should be.

Now, if WF was noted for shipping to other vendors and wouldn''t ship to Jim, I could see taking that personally....but that''s not the case. I wanted to have Wink send my stone to WF for setting, and WF filled me in on their policy then, too.....and I''m a 5-time customer! They wanted me (or appraiser of my choice) to receive/approve the stone and THEN send to them.

Jim''s response seems to say he''s taking this as a personal insult, and he shouldn''t be.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 1:33:14 PM
Author: allycat0303
Belle: I''d just like to have someone from WF call or email me or my boyfriend, look at the pic of the setting I want and give me DEFINITE specs on what is possible (within their policy parameter) with definite halo and width measurements.
Ok, now I''m confused. You''re saying "I want someone from WF to call or email me or my boyfriend." John Quixote DID that - according to his post, he emailed you and asked you to call him directly.....presumably so he could verify all the information you need and get the answers for you. the form of John....have done that very thing. But they cannot force you to return the phone call. They can''t help you if you won''t respond.


Jun 18, 2002
Good morning everybody.

This is Jim from DCD and I wanted to post a quick reply to this thread.

I am certainly not angry with Whiteflash and am not trying to do anything other than best serve our customer, Allycat.

To that end I have had the chance to personally speak with both Brian Gavin and John Quixote at Whiteflash and the two companies are now working together to try and find the best solution to this situation. We are confident that our mutual commitments to customer service will result in an outcome that is both consistent with the needs of our client, as well as company policies.

We'll be contacting Allycat shortly and hope to have this all figured out very soon.



Mar 6, 2005
Okay I get it you dont want to call them you want them to make contact with you. That doesnt seem unreasonable. I hate calling people and I much prefer when they call me. Why not PM the vendors with your number and email with an ideal time to call?
Date: 6/22/2005 1:33:14 PM
Author: allycat0303
Belle: I''d just like to have someone from WF call or email me or my boyfriend, look at the pic of the setting I want and give me DEFINITE specs on what is possible (within their policy parameter) with definite halo and width measurements. Then they make it for me, it turns out like I want (or close) and I am extremely happy. It doesn''t have to be perfect, the only thing I am absolute stickler on is a) That the band is not over 2mm and the halo is not overpowering the stone (so 1.5-1.8 mm for halo). I am not looking at workmanship, prongs even/uneven. Just the general look. I would love to be able to modify the under part of the setting, but if that''s not possible then that''s fine too.


Oct 30, 2002
Glad to hear both co''s will work together to see if they can make things work out. other thing concerns me. You said you already have a 2mm band and ''hate it'' and never wear it.

So why would you be happy with a 2mm engagement ring?

I''m confused?


Nov 19, 2004
Aldjewey: My boyfriend spoke to Renee last night and learnt they wouldn''t ship the stone. After that I posted the discussion about being unhappy with the situation. As of today no one has called or written to my boyfriend or I (I''ll check my email after I post). My boyfriend wanted to have Whiteflash make the setting (that has always been his first choice because he''s afraid of a company with the name Dirtcheap... come on that''s worth a smile
). I have not called John, you are absolutely right on that, I am waiting to see if WF is going to "fire me".

Mara: Truce ok
? Read the very first post of this beginning thread, and please just give me the benefit of the doubt. I''m telling you DCD is not my first choice, and that I really wanted Whiteflash to make it. I don''t want to ship it back and forth, it''s going to cost me 400$ more and worries. If I am guilty of being not presistent enough, then fair enough.


Sep 3, 2000
AGA has agreed to act as an intermediary to allow everyone to be happy and make their respective sales................. Our concept of doing business on the Internet has been, "Do whatever is asked of us." We have no problem helping people to get what they want and being responsible about protecting everyone involved in the best possible manner.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 2:00:50 PM
Author: allycat0303
Aldjewey: My boyfriend spoke to Renee last night and learnt they wouldn''t ship the stone. After that I posted the discussion about being unhappy with the situation. As of today no one has called or written to my boyfriend or I (I''ll check my email after I post).
Right - and you posted that information in your post at 5:40 p.m. last night. Two hours later, John replied in the thread with this:

I wish you and I (or you and Renee) had spoken directly. I believe part of the frustration is that the obstacles relating to your circumstances have stretched out over time. Your boyfriend is chivalrous to handle matters but when he speaks to someone at WF, gets info, comes back to you with it and reports - you don''t have the ability to interact live with the source about it. It might not change the policy, but I wish we could have dialogued or just been able to speak directly about it.
I gave you my direct line in one of the PMs I''ve sent (you received them I hope?). Regardless of what you decide to do - even if you just want to vent - please feel free to call.

This post tells us that he''s sent at least a few PMs to you.....and you didn''t answer them. In short, he''s been asking to talk with you directly since *before* you realized they won''t ship the stone....he''s reached out several times, and you haven''t responded to him. How many times is he supposed to ask you to get in touch? It''s hard to understand how they can help you if you won''t dialogue with them. Customer service cannot be forced on people; they have to be willing to engage.

I also see your post replying something along the lines of "I hate to keep calling with a million questions"....but honestly, I''m sure any vendor in his right mind would prefer to handle things DIRECTLY. It seems that the most contributing factor in this stems from lack of direct communication. Different people are getting different stories from various people instead of going straight to the source.

Date: 6/22/2005 2:00:50 PM
Author: allycat0303

I have not called John, you are absolutely right on that, I am waiting to see if WF is going to ''fire me''.
Two things: First, let''s clarify that it was not *I* who made the comment about firing the customer, and you are addressing it in your remarks to me, so I just want to clarify this.

And two: Hasn''t it become clear that waiting isn''t working? How many times should John have to beg you to call him so he can help you? Honestly.....pick up the phone. Get things straightened out. YOU are the one that knows precisely what you want, so YOU should be the one to convey details to WF. Let your BF handle the payment/shipping details, etc.....but it''s silly to insist on him trying to essentially play "telephone" and relay information when it would be much better to get it directly from the source. Honesly, by doing all this posting, you are already involved anyway, so trying to stay "uninvolved" isn''t really working, right? Make the call.



Nov 18, 2004
Yes at this point it should be discussed over the phone and not posted here, IMHO.


Jan 3, 2005
i didn''t realize you had not called or spoken with WF directly. I agree, you need to call John yourself and discuss all of the details. I called Quest every other day with questions/concerns/comments about my custom ring project. i too felt "bad" and hated bothering them but hey, i''m paying them a lot of money and have a right to know exactly what i''m getting. quest even told me they prefer picky, involved customers b/c then they know the product will be exactly what the client is expecting. just call John, i know they will make things right

are you sure you can do the 2mm band?


Sep 9, 2004
Ally, I spoke with your boyfriend a few minutes ago and left a message for you.

These circumstances (US vendors/Canadian client/etc.) have resulted in unique challenges. Ultimately, both Whiteflash and DCD desire happiness for all of our customers. That is a given. I called Jim Schultz of DCD this morning. We’re equally committed to moving forward in a manner consistent with our policies that does not unnecessarily burden our mutual client.

Many thanks to the helpful consumers who suggested the optimum option (and to those who have followed and suggested others).

Ally - Whiteflash will gladly send your diamond to Dave Atlas’ laboratory. I called Dave and requested his assistance this morning. He will verify the diamond and send it to DCD for mounting. Whiteflash and DCD will split the cost of shipping between AGA and DCD.

I hope this causes your stress level to diminish.

- - - - -

For clarification, regarding standards and business practice: Whiteflash and DCD both have long-standing policies. These policies must balance the wishes/needs of a majority of consumers with practices that make sound business sense for the company. Individual circumstances define a company's policies, based on expertise, past experiences and security needs. With established practices, treating clients equally is paramount. Haphazard exceptions undermine the concept of 'policy.'

Though solutions may not emerge immediately it does not mean the wheels are not turning. We will not compromise our attention to quality assurance and security, so this decision – while taking a day to emerge – was made with utmost care.

We respect the rights of other vendors to conduct their businesses in a way that makes sense to them, and we sincerely hope that other vendors would extend the same professional courtesy to us.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 1:56:40 PM
Author: crankydave

Date: 6/22/2005 1:52:28 PM
Author: YoungPapa
Good morning everybody.

This is Jim from DCD and I wanted to post a quick reply to this thread.

I am not certainly angry with Whiteflash and am not trying to do anything other than best serve our customer, Allycat.

To that end I have had the chance to personally speak with both Brian Gavin and John Quixote at Whiteflash and the two companies are now working together to try and find the best solution to this situation. We are confident that our mutual commitments to customer service will result in an outcome that is both consistent with the needs of our client, as well as company policies.

We''ll be contacting Allycat shortly and hope to have this all figured out very soon.

As it should have been from the beginning.


As it MAY have been if the communication from the customer side had been more direct and forthcoming.
It''s hard to tool a solution that suits the customer when the customer won''t communicate, n''cest pas?


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 1:52:28 PM
Author: YoungPapa

I am certainly not angry with Whiteflash and am not trying to do anything other than best serve our customer, Allycat.
I''m glad to hear this wasn''t the case. It didn''t sound like your style, Jim.


Nov 19, 2004
Hey everyone,

I haven''t spoken to John, but I have spoken to Renee (on the phone) about my setting. My boyfriend has, several times as a matter of fact spoken to John, Renee, and Brian. Renee is the one that is the one doing the transaction/payment etc. and our case worker I believe. I also subsequently emailed her about the the setting problems, but as Mara said, it may be in the spam box. I have not called John because my boyfriend insisted on talking to him (guys buy the ring not girls) and he is the district manager, not the person who is in charge of my case. So I have defintely spoken to WF. Not to John but to WF.

Aljdewey: You''re right that either me or my boyfriend should have asked to talk to Brian or John right away. Maybe by trying to keep some degree of surprise/romance in it, we''ve made the situation much more stressful then need be. I''m not sure what we''ll do from here, buy the stone and run with it or forgo the process completely.

Mara: I had a 1.8 mm eternity band before, and I loved it. As I mentioned before, my cat ate it, so I got a 2mm one. I can tell the difference, but I figure an e-ring, most of the band will be hidden by the stone. Can I do a 2mm band? I don''t know, but I know I can''t do more. Either way, I can''t complain if they give me what I ask for can I?

I''m going to tell my boyfriend to get me a 2mm band, from whoever he decides to (if he still wants to buy an e-ring), and I''m going to shut the hell up because I''m giving myself a headache over this. I think this is why guys are supposed to do a surprise proposal

I am happy that both companies are willing to work together though, if need be.


Nov 18, 2004
Je suis D''accord


Sep 9, 2004
Psssst... Hey Ally, your boyfriend and I are both trying to contact you.

We worked out a solution with DCD and Dave Atlas this morning (go back to page 3... I posted it there).

Your answering machine should have 2 messages on it unless I dialed wrong both times - in which case someone in your area code is very confused.


Mar 3, 2004
Date: 6/22/2005 3:19:37 PM
Author: kaleigh
Je suis D''accord
Moi aussi

I''m glad everything worked out in the end. I hope you enjoy your ring.


Nov 25, 2002
Date: 6/22/2005 3:19:01 PM
Author: allycat0303
Hey everyone,

I haven''t spoken to John, but I have spoken to Renee (on the phone) about my setting. My boyfriend has, several times as a matter of fact spoken to John, Renee, and Brian. Renee is the one that is the one doing the transaction/payment etc. and our case worker I believe. I also subsequently emailed her about the the setting problems, but as Mara said, it may be in the spam box. I have not called John because my boyfriend insisted on talking to him (guys buy the ring not girls) and he is the district manager, not the person who is in charge of my case. So I have defintely spoken to WF. Not to John but to WF.

Aljdewey: You''re right that either me or my boyfriend should have asked to talk to Brian or John right away. Maybe by trying to keep some degree of surprise/romance in it, we''ve made the situation much more stressful then need be. I''m not sure what we''ll do from here, buy the stone and run with it or forgo the process completely.

Mara: I had a 1.8 mm eternity band before, and I loved it. As I mentioned before, my cat ate it, so I got a 2mm one. I can tell the difference, but I figure an e-ring, most of the band will be hidden by the stone. Can I do a 2mm band? I don''t know, but I know I can''t do more. Either way, I can''t complain if they give me what I ask for can I?

I''m going to tell my boyfriend to get me a 2mm band, from whoever he decides to (if he still wants to buy an e-ring), and I''m going to shut the hell up because I''m giving myself a headache over this. I think this is why guys are supposed to do a surprise proposal

I am happy that both companies are willing to work together though, if need be.

Well, it sounds as though both parties are on track with that, so hopefully good things will happen.

Believe me, I understand what an emotional process it can be.
I went crazy for 3 WEEKS just trying to pick the right stone! LOL. HAHAH - every night, Rich would say to me "Uh....did we find a stone yet?"
I can''t imagine how much harder it would have been if I''d have had to curb involvement in the name of surprise.....I can only imagine what a tall order that is for you.

It''s such a tough thing when you want something very specific on the you do (and as I did). It''s hard to make that happen and try to also preserve the surprise/romance.

Hold on, because it''s more of the same trying to plan the wedding! Thousands of little details that have to be attended to.

I can honestly say, I don''t think I''ve seen a purchase yet on PS where the parties involved weren''t wound up to warp speed by the time they chose.....and I can also tell you that nearly every one of them was happy in the end. It''s inherently a tough purchase, but I''m sure you''ll be happy with your end result, wherever that comes from.


Mar 14, 2005
Just be sure to post a picture of this baby for us when it is all done! We want to see this in Show Me the Ring.
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