
Bad Week So Far...(Long)

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Jun 28, 2006
I''m having a really bad week as far as wedding stuff goes and I needed to vent. I figured you guys would understand

Sandals finally called me back after I went to the highest person I could get to and they feel that refunding the money (which we still have to pay when the balance is due) is all they should do as a company. Apparently they don''t care that I had to spend weeks trying to get them to fix the problem in the first place. Now I''m not feeling good about the honeymoon at all. I feel like if there''s a problem they won''t take care of it quickly and they won''t even care that they caused the problem in the first place. Definitely not a good feeling to have about your honeymoon

On Saturday I had an appointment at salon/spa which was a gift from FI for Valentine''s day. I haven''t had a haircut since I moved to Ohio in July, so I was looking forward to getting my bangs (which were down to my chin) fixed as well as getting my split ends trimmed. Well, the lady butchered my hair. I''ve been growing my hair for 4 years because I''ve always dreamed of having my hair really long and half up with lots of curls for my wedding. I told her I wanted my bangs shortened, my ends trimmed as little as possible since I want my hair long and my long layers touched up. When she went to cut my bangs, she didn''t ask before she cut and I didn''t realize that''s what she was about to do. She started my bangs from about 3 inches back from my hairline!!! Before she cut them, they started at about 1/4 inch back
. And she didn''t stop there. She kept cutting and angled my bangs into the rest of my hair.
I hate face framing anything on myself and definitely didn''t ask her to do this. I was so shocked I just sat there unable to say anything. At that point it was too late anyway. She dried my hair and asked how it was and when she handed me the mirror to look at the back that''s when I saw that my long layers now start about an inch below my chin!
Every other time I''ve ever gotten my hair cut and asked for long layers it meant that I had just a few inches of layers. It''s not like the layers just start there and continue either. It''s like I have a bowl cut on top of long hair. There aren''t really any layers in between. I said something about the layers being much shorter and she said that they are long layers and that they''ll grow out. Honestly, it was so hard for me to even say that I didn''t like the layers that I just stopped there when she started giving me excuses. I hate criticizing someone''s work like that and I figured maybe, *just maybe* I was just having a bad first reaction and I''d like it later when I styled it myself.

Before she started cutting I mentioned that my wedding is in 6 months and that I wear my hair curly most of the time. She said these layers would be great for my curls after I expressed my dissatisfaction.

Sunday when I washed my hair, I straightened it afterwards and realized that there''s A LOT more hair in my "layers" (more like layer
) on the one side than there is on the other. I guess from the way she styled it at the salon it wasn''t as noticeable. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail and give it a few days. Monday I didn''t wash my hair, but kept it in a ponytail.

Today I washed it and dried it curly. It''s horrible
. The side with more in the layers is soooo poofy. Not because it''s frizzy or something, it''s just the way the cut is.

I really don''t know what to do. If it wasn''t 6 months before my wedding, I''d just chop it off at my shoulders and deal with it (It was a good 2+ inches below my bra strap). I''ve thought about doing nothing and hoping that it won''t look so bad half up and that if it does, the veil will cover most of it. I just can''t leave it how it is for 6 months though. It really looks awful and I don''t want to have to wear a ponytail for the next 6 months. I''ve thought about extensions, but I don''t even know if that would be a good idea since I have naturally curly hair which I really don''t want to have to straighten ever day on the honeymoon. Do they have curly extensions and if so can they be straightened?

I called the salon and left a message that I''m really unhappy with the haircut even after giving it a few days and I''m hoping that they can help me out. I just don''t even know what I want them to do.

FI thinks I''m being ridiculous for getting this upset about hair, but I just don''t think that he understands that it affects the whole wedding day look.

Sorry for rambling. I''m seriously so upset right now
Oh honey, I''ve been the victim of bad hair cuts too and I understand!

You definitely need to have it fixed. I don''t know if you trust her to do it right. Maybe the salon can give you somebody else? You need that "layer" to blend better and you need it now!

On the bright side, if yo''re doing half-up, you''ll be able to incorporate the shorter parts into the up part.

And if you don''t take vitamins, start. I recommend Flintstones for hair growth. Or read SDL''s threads on growing her hair out.
Robbie, you poor thing!

Don''t worry about your honeymoon. I''m sure as soon as you get there you''ll forget all about what a PITA Sandles was up front and just enjoy the experience.

As for your hair, yes, definitely get it fixed. And demand that someone other than who cut it the first time do it. At least you do have six months, but I totally feel for you. A bad haircut can be a total bummer. Have a good long talk with whoever is gonna fix it before they ever get near you with scissors and don''t leave the salon until you''re happy.

Go do something totally frivelous and nice for yourself today--you deserve it!
I was so focused on the hair I forgot about the Sandals thing. Can you tell I''m from Texas? I take hair VERY seriously!

Sandals corporate may be a mess, but the people at the resort will treat you well. I''ve been to a Sandals before and I had the best time! They treat you like royalty, you won''t have to do a thing, and it will be a fabulous honeymoon!!! And St. Lucia will be so beautiful you''ll forget all the problems you had in the beginning. (You are flying into Castries, right??? Because the other airport is REALLY far from your resort.)
Thanks for the support guys.

Sum, we''re flying into St Lucia, LC (UVF). I''m guessing this is the far away one?
Yup. Sorry to tell you this. The Regency resort is 10 minutes from the small airport in Castries, but an hour and 15 minutes from VCF (the big airport).

You can take a helicopter across the island for additional $$ to get there faster (luggage goes by car) or you can take the free van. If you do take the van, I recommend dramamine because the roads are very curvy, they drive very fast, and on the opposite side of the road. I read about this a lot when I was doing the research, but the last time I went to St. Lucia I flew into Castries and it was a decent enough small airport so that''s the one I picked. It means flying in from Puerto Rico, but we have enough of a layover there to maybe get out of the airport.
sorry you are having a bad week..
...anyways once you go on your honeymoon you will forget about this fiasco...sandals st. lucia is fabulous!!!! they will cater to you there....relax.

i would go back and have a master stylist fix your cousin had a hair disaster a few months before her wedding and they cut it and fixed it...then she used extensions for the big day and no one knew the difference except those closest to her...cut it into a style that will look best now and you can always add hair for the big day...relax and enjoy yourself----the day will be perfect no matter what--you are marrying your best friend
. he will be in awe of you regardless of what your hair looks like. and i''m sure it looks way better than you think.
Date: 3/20/2007 11:43:19 AM
Author: NYCsparkle
sorry you are having a bad week..
...anyways once you go on your honeymoon you will forget about this fiasco...sandals st. lucia is fabulous!!!! they will cater to you there....relax.

i would go back and have a master stylist fix your cousin had a hair disaster a few months before her wedding and they cut it and fixed it...then she used extensions for the big day and no one knew the difference except those closest to her...cut it into a style that will look best now and you can always add hair for the big day...relax and enjoy yourself----the day will be perfect no matter what--you are marrying your best friend
. he will be in awe of you regardless of what your hair looks like. and i''m sure it looks way better than you think.
Definitely! My stylist mentioned that to when I said I didn''t think my hair was growing fast enough. He said "Use extensions! Nobody will know!!!" I may just do it to make it thicker.
Sum, I don''t think I''ll mind the car ride so much. It could be kind of fun to see a bit of the island.

When you guys say extensions, are you talking about something permanent or something that I could take out myself after the wedding? I''m not too familiar with the whole extension thing
I would definitely get your hair sorted now. Get both sides even. As for the length, you hair will grow a good bit in six months. It mightn''t get down to where it was but it will be longer, so if you get the cut etc the way you want it to be, the length will come. I have hair almost down to my bum, and the amount of times I''ve had hairdressers trying to cut it off. I never used to say anything but ever since one girl did the same thing that yours did to you, Ive been so careful and I dont care if they think Im nagging, but say it a couple of times to them to make sure that they know what you mean. So many hairdressers just seem to want to cut off all my hair!

As for the honeymoon, I would be really annoyed that they didnt even throw in so much as a bottle of champagne. Maybe if you write a letter it might get more notice
Date: 3/20/2007 12:01:26 PM
Author: robbie3982
Sum, I don''t think I''ll mind the car ride so much. It could be kind of fun to see a bit of the island.

When you guys say extensions, are you talking about something permanent or something that I could take out myself after the wedding? I''m not too familiar with the whole extension thing
Good! I did a little land tour of the island and is beautiful but I get motion sickness really badly! If you don''t, you''re home free! And you''ll get all the champagne you can stand when you get there. They greet you with a glass, but if you ask at the bar, they''ll give you a bottle to take to your room. Do it!

Extensions can be either... of course there are the kind that you have glued in, but they also make them that can be clipped in. I don''t think your hair color would be hard to match, and if you wear it curly, all the better.
I was going to suggest extensions too. My friend used some on her wedding day because her hair takes a really long time to grow out. We did lots of research and found that there are many options available. There are some that are permanent and must be put in and removed by a stylist, but there are also others that can easily be clipped in just for the wedding. It sounds as if you would need to clip some in between the top layers and the bottom layers to make it not look so blunt. The extensions come in various materials too, some higher end extensions made out of real hair can be dyed to match your hair exactly and can be washed and styled. She went with the permanent ones and kept them in for about 6 months.
oh dear. . .i am a super-curly girl who has been hacked to death so i feel for ya. I''m currently sporting too-short to handle bangs as well. My suggestion is to gather you bangs straight up and then pin them on the top of your head (so it kinda looks like a half ponytail thingey). G-d, i suck at describing these things.

About the wedding. . .you have six months, so i''m sure it will grow to a reasonable length by then. Blow dry your hair our and curl it up with a curling iron. You get more even curls that way, with lots of spray they won''t wilt, and they usually end up being longer than your natural curls. My hair grows slower than hell and i''ve had "bad bangs" grow down to my nose in about 4 months. So I think you''re good :-)

For extensions, there are ones that are sewn in (these you can''t take out yourself and they look fantastic but are hell on your hair), and then there are "pieces" that can be braided in. These are the best! They lift you hair and then braid in some longer pieces (the braid is really tight and is about 1/4") underneath so you don''t see the braid. These are hard to get out yourself beacuse they are in the back of your head. But, if you have a good friend and an hour, I don''t see why they couldn''t be taken out the next day. :-)

Thanks for the suggestions!

Cellososweet, it''s not actually my bangs that are too short, it''s the layers. So, I guess I''m lucky that I can at least pull my hair back and have it look normal.

I''m going to have to look into extensions more.
I''ve got super curly hair too (I can''t even straighten it) and have also been the victim of a terrible hair cut, so I feel for you. My last bad one was so bad I cried and the lady I finally found that wouldn''t kill my hair still talks about the first time I came in and looked like a poodle b/c of the cut I had! The probem is curly hair can''t be cut the same way straight hair can, and there are unfortunately people out there that don''t know this. And a lot of the times, the shorter it gets, the poofier it gets. I get mine cut with long layers too and you have to be careful b/c with a lot of curly hair, the shorter you cut the layers the more it will curl up (length wise), which again is why you want the longer layers. If you go back in there to get it fixed, make sure you tell them you need someone that knows how to work with curly hair, and if they try pulling your down tight when they cut it (like they normally do with straight hair), stop them! lol, it will only make things worse, trust me! Hope things work out for you. A hair disaster is one of my fears on my wedding day, but at least you have 6 months to get it sorted out!
Oh Robbie, that sucks. I also have thick, curly, Jewish (I''m assuming here
) hair and have had it butchered more than once. But I have also learned the best way to get it fixed!

What I would do, is tell the original salon that you want your $ back, that you are dissatisfied. THEN go and find the best place in the area (go to a really nice high end store, where the sales associates are well coiffed and ask some of them where they get their hair cut if you don''t have other recommendations). If you''re out in left field, look online and see which salons carry brands like Frederik Fekkai or Kerastase. Weird, but in my experience in a new city, this is a method I have used often and it usually works for finding a good place.

THEN when you find a good salon, explain your situation, that someone else really messed it up and that you need to see whoever there is a thick/cury hair specialist. Usually high end salons will have at least *someone* on staff who is excellent at fixing mistakes and is used to working with curly hair. It is worth a bit of extra $ to have your self-esteem restored.

I got the WORST haircut this summer when living in Berkeley, CA, by a salon that someone recommended to me. I was so upset that I cried, and the girl/salon refused to even help fix it that day! Anyway, I said that I wasn''t paying, they said fine, and I left. I cried to my BF for HOURS, then finally went into San Francisco, found a salon that carried Kerastase, watched some of the stylists and looked at their hair for a few minutes, then made my plea.

They felt so bad (and could see how bad my hair was) that they squeezed me right in, gave me a senior stylist, and only charged me for a junior stylist. I ended up LOVING that haircut even though it was much shorter than I originally wanted.

Hope you have good luck getting it fixed!
Thank you for the support Julie and Neatfreak!

I do have curly jewish hair, but it''s definitely not thick and it''s weird in the fact that the longer it is, the curlier it is. When it''s short it''s more wavy, but very poofy.

This is actually supposed to be one of the best salon''s around. So far I''m very impressed with their customer service. I called again since the manager never called back (I''m guessing she''s off today) and the girl I spoke to was sooo nice! She said that they''ll always fix it as long as you call w/in a week. I requested someone who''s good with curly hair and she booked me an appointment for 7 tonight.
. I also have a free consultation with someone else at 6:15 to discuss the possibility of extensions. Keep your fingers crossed for me girls.
Oh Robbie, I am so sorry you are having a bad week. And especially the hair part. I have curly hair, too, so my jaw dropped as I was reading this because I''ve had the same gut wrenching experience with people who didn''t know how to cut curly hair. Just keep growing it out and in a couple months I would go to a different salon, specifying that you need someone with experience in cutting curly hair, and have them touch it up in whatever way possible. Hopefully your hair grows quickly. I''ve been growing mine out for YEARS and it''s just to my bra line when curly, and almost to my bum when it''s straight and wet. I also have a rule that I only get cut by people with curly hair because even if they can cut curly hair well, many of them don''t know how to style it very well because they don''t normally have to do it, plus they don''t understand that curly hair has a complete mind of it''s own and the style has to account for that. Good luck Robbie, and I hope your week gets better!!

So sorry about your hair
but don''t stress toooooo much -- you still have 6 months :) If worse comes to worse... get some extensions for your wedding day :)
Oh Robbie, I''m so sorry to hear about the hair issue! I remember once going to a new salon and telling the stylist that I wanted the layers in my hair to be a bit shorter and she misunderstood me and cut all my hair to the length of the shortest layer!
So I went from having nice long hair that went past my shoulders to having hair that only went to my chin. I was utterly shocked, but in the end I made it work and eventually let it regrow a bit.

Good luck tonight!!!

I have bought the clip in hair extensions that are sold on the HSN network-(sorry if this violates any board policies). I would advise buying several styles and colors and playing with them. They are so easy to work with. Most anyone with permanent extensions will tell you they are very spendy and a pain to maintain, and there are lots of horror stories out there. Good luck! I love the clip in extensions and they look great. I wear them most of the summer to avoid hair issues.
sounds like you''ve gotten some great advice already,
i just wanted to pipe in and say how sorry i am for the stress this is causing you-
i''m anxious to hear how the appt. tonight went, and also about the hair extensions investigation- i''ve always been intrigued by them!

anyway, best of luck and keep us posted
Thank you so much for your support everyone! I had the extension consultation first, and they are definitely a no go. For one, they''ll cost more than my ering
and they''re a lot of work to maintain. They told me that you have to put this solution on your hair immediately after getting it wet and then dry it right away. That''s really not something I want to have to worry about on the honeymoon in St. Lucia. She suggested I look into something less permanent if I still want my hair to be longer as the wedding gets closer.

The haircut went really well. I was scheduled with a master stylist and she only had to take about another inch off of the length. She had to even up the layers a lot, so it is a lot more layered now, which is not my first choice of haircut on myself, but I don''t think it looks bad anymore, just not how I really wanted my hair. It was really the only thing to do other than cutting it all off though. I didn''t love how she styled my hair last night (I almost never like how the stylist does it though), but I like the way it came out when I did it myself this morning.

Everyone at the salon was so nice to me last night. The hair cut was comped, I got a free relaxation massage and refresher facial (I think these might always be included, at least I know the facial is) and the manager even came over to talk to me and make sure everything was ok. My stylist explained everything she was doing before she did it and told me that if I''m not happy with it still to please call her so we can try something else. The customer service at this place was just amazing. I will definitely going back (though I''ll make sure to request my stylist from last night!). It was such a refreshing change from the Sandals ordeal.

So the plan is to go back in 3 months to have her touch up the ends and then again right before the wedding for another touch up. We won''t be touching the layers at all, so they''ll be much longer for the wedding.
Oh good!!! I''m so glad you''re happy with it now!!! And it sounds like you found somebody willing to work with you, which is crucial in a new town!

Maybe the clip-on extensions would be a better option for you. You just need them for the wedding day anyway, right? I think they could work, but maybe by then your hair will be in a "better place."
Ugh....I cannot believe Sandals isn''t budging!
I hope this is the last of your worries with them...

Oh no about your bad hair cut! I know what you mean about your hair. I''ve been growing mine out for a while (FI LOVES my hair looonnng) and would be devastated if my stylist cut the layers short short. The good new is you still have 6 months, and you were able to get the master stylist to fix your hair so you can live with it now. Hopefully the layers will have plenty of time to lengthen between now and your wedding.
Robbie, I''m so sorry about the situation w/Sandals and the bad haircut experience.

But I''m very happy that you got your haircut fixed!!! Having a bad haircut is horrible and guys just don''t understand! I''m glad you feel good about your new cut and will be happy w/your wedding hair.
Just think of this as an experience that will make you stronger!
DON''T chop off your hair like the whacko on utube first of all LOL

second of all - do NOTHING and just wait... six months should put 3-6 inches of growth...

... a couple weeks before your wedding go to someone you *trust* and threaten them with loss of limb if they do anything other than what you ask...

... and most of all - very important DO NOT BE AFRAID TO STOP THEM AND SAY, "I think we''re having a miscommunication" *BEFORE* they do *more* damage!!!!!!
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