
Baby names you love, but didn't get to use


Mar 21, 2008
So now we know all the baby names you hate...

but I'm interested to hear about the names you chose if your baby would have been the other sex and didn't get to use, or the other names you had picked for your LO but didn't end up going with. if you're planning on having more babies and plan to use one of those names, you don't have to share, of course.

our LO is a girl. if she had been a boy, her name would have been Phoenix. no middle name.
I also love Lex, but DH didn't like that name because of association with someone.

other girl names I chose were:
Cali - but thought it sounded too cutesie for when she is older and introducing herself at the office
Kaylin - from LEGEND OF THE SEEKER, but spelled differently. didn't choose it because there are too many girl names with the K sound nowadays
Aylin - rhymes with the above, but is too close to the word "alien"
Cecilia Rae - just a classic
Raven Penelope - probably too dark a name
Sloane - this was DH's pick, but to me it sounds too much like Sylvester Stallone

in the end, she was named Skye Penelope. DH came up with Skye, and Penelope is MIL's name as well as my grandmother's name
Love the name you chose!

Some girl names I love are Veronica, Lila, Lily, Sophie (or Sophia), Julia and Penelope. I love these names!
DH and I both love the name Benjamin.

However, our last name sounds similar enough to Franklin that we can't use it. Especially considering we live in Philadelphia.
Julian - love it but our best friends have a daughter named Juliana. Not a problem for me but DH didn't like the idea and we ended up liking Nolan better.
Henry Ellis - LOVED THIS NAME! We were so torn between Henry and Nolan. If we ever have another boy we'll be using this. I actually loved Ellis as a first name but our dog's name is Hollis - a little too close.
Nora Jane - DH's grandmother is Jane Eleanor so it was an adaptation of her name and I just think it's beautiful. If we ever have a girl, this will be her name.
Desmond - I loved it but DH hated it.
Calvin or Cael - DH couldn't get passed the fact that Calvin meant "little bald one". :lol:
Rachel- this would have been nice- MIL had a stillborn before DH and this was to be her name. It would have been a nice way to honor that.
Leah- just like it.
Benjamin- BIL's middle name so no-go.
Dora, Sadie- these are family names, I just love them.

Sadly we are done having children so they will never be in our family! I love the names we chose though, no regrets :)
When I was choosing a name for my daughter, I wanted to go with a name that spoke to my heart. When we chose Sophia we were well aware of its popularity but it was a name we really loved. I can't imagine her being named anything else!

On my list for girls (boys are another whole story) were really classic/timeless names that others would refer to as popular. My favorites were/are:

Some name that were thrown at me during pregnancy that I grew to love:
Ava-love love!

I have a really hard time with boy names. My taste is the same as girls but I can't picture having a boy with any of these names though I love them. Maybe because I need to see and hold the boy first, I don't know.
I love the name Blake but can't use it since it sounds really bad with my (future) last name.
Love this thread!

I always thought I would use more un-traditional names but it's so very different when you actually name a child.

Our boy is Oliver, but on our short list was:

Dashiell (nn "Dash")
Ronan- won't use because a close friend used it
Henry- won't use, too many in my area and close friend used
Finn- now way too popular in my area and my BFF used it as a nn

We never really had a girl list, but a few I've loved but won't use most likely:

Amelia- If we had a surprse in the delivery room, this was the only girl name we discussed and agreed on. My BFF's name and my DH's grandmother's middle name, but it doesn't go with our last name so not sure we'll use. Also it's gotten so popular where I live
Lily- Love love love but becoming so popular
Mia- Love but next door neighbor's kid's name
Juliet- see above
Here are my names that I haven't gotten to use.

If we have another boy, the contenders are:

Names we both like but family members have used them:

DH doesn't like:

If we have another girl, the list of contenders are:

Names already used:

DH doesn't like:
Lucy...I forgot about that one. We loved that name but it's my best friend's daughter's name. Before deciding on Nora for a girl, DH wanted me to call my friend and get permission to use it!
Our daughter is Halle (pronounced like Halle Berry)...names that I liked but that DH wasn't on board with:

Marin (pronounced Mare-in)

Boys: the only one we could agree on was Nathan (we call him Nate)
We only had four names on our list when my water broke at 29 weeks, which is how we ended up using both boy names :cheeky:


So we came home with Oliver Liam.
yennyfire|1311194260|2973275 said:
Our daughter is Halle (pronounced like Halle Berry)...

This name has recently moved to the top of my girl list. I'm debating between the two most common (and only?) spellings, Halle and Hallie.
Well, if you don't want her name mispronounced, I'd go with Hallie. We thought for sure that Halle would be hard to get wrong (I mean, don't most people know who Halle Berry is and how to pronounce her name???) , but so many people call her Hailey (or Haley or however you want to spell it), that she started correcting them herself at the age of two! :bigsmile:

I suppose you could also spell it Hally, but I wonder if that would get butchered somehow too?
Ayla was the other girl name we had on the list when I was pg w/London. Gunnar was the original name for Trapper when I was pg w/him..Then JD decided it would get mispronounced so it was Gunner..and we called him that up until a month before he was born..the name didn't feel right so we changed it to Trapper and didn't tell anyone. I'd have loved to have used Trader and Cutter for boys. Svea and Nevada for girls. Or Linnea. I can see that getting mispronounced tho.
For girls I like:

Elizabeth (my daughter's middle name)
Alice (my grandmother's name)

For boys I like:

Timothy (my dad's name)

We are done having kids; we have a boy (James Emerson) and a girl (Grace Elizabeth). We put a lot of thought into their names and we both love each name that we picked for our kids.
For bubs names as hubby is aussie and I am Serbian I really wanted bubba to have a Serbian name but it also had to be easily pronouced in English so that narrowed down our field quite a lot her middle name is also that of my late mother

I picked our daughters name when I was 9 and heard the name loved it and it suits her perfectly :) names for girls that didn't make the cut however may be used if we have another daughter


Asfor boys names well not sure hubby hated all the Serbian boy names I liked and the only ones we could agree on are already taken - we will cross that path when it comes
I love the name Rose, but it is totally out of the question with FI's last name (think Candy Cain or that type of name). I especially like it as a middle name, but it just will not work. And I LOVE Eve, but I also love Adam for a boy, and there's no way we can do both!

I like the name Seth for a boy, but FI hates it, and it also doesn't mesh well with his last name. I also love Daniel, but our firstborn son (if we have one, of course) will have the middle name Craig (family tradition), and Daniel Craig is kind of...taken. So we can only use Daniel if we have more than one son.
yennyfire|1311206863|2973417 said:
Well, if you don't want her name mispronounced, I'd go with Hallie. We thought for sure that Halle would be hard to get wrong (I mean, don't most people know who Halle Berry is and how to pronounce her name???) , but so many people call her Hailey (or Haley or however you want to spell it), that she started correcting them herself at the age of two! :bigsmile:

I suppose you could also spell it Hally, but I wonder if that would get butchered somehow too?

I had the following text conversation with a friend:

me: I really like the name Hallie/Halle
her: You mean Hayley?
me: No, Halle. Like Halle Berry
her: Isn't that the same thing?

I think I would go with Hallie to help the pronunciation. But that assumes people know phonics, which they don't. My last name is like Kady...and people always pronounce it kaddy with a short a. Um, hello people, it rhymes with lady! Apparently people have forgotten the "one consonant after a vowel" thing. Ha. Needless to say I'm looking forward to changing my name in a few months :)
We had Edward John picked out for a boy.

I got pregnant very quickly after we got married. Had I got PG on our mini-moon then I would have been very tempted to have had 'Ammonite' as a second middle name for a girl and 'Velociraptor' (or similar) for a boy given that we had gone to Lyme Regis to go fossil hunting!

Others that were considered:

Claire - DH's choice but I wasn't keen to have as a first name
Flora - Vetoed as didn't flow with last name
Violet - DH didn't care for and is his grandmother's name
Sophia - DH didn't like
Matilda (nn Tilly) - DH didn't like.
Emily - still on the list

I LOVE Antigone (nn Tiggy), Tabitha and Tacita but DH does not. I might well fight for one of those as a second name if we were to have another baby.

Since then, my BIL's have named their daughters Tilly as a first name and Sophia and Violet as second names.

Robert - I love this and is a big family name but DH didn't like it at all.
Rupert - vetoed by DH as were things like Peregrine etc

My taste is for a relatively common and traditional first name and something fun and unusual in the middle. We did have Xanthe Claire as a girls name if we were to have another but then used Xanthe as a middle name for DD.
My mom wanted to name me Autumn Rose, but thankfully it was vetoed by my dad for cheesiness. The other names she had picked out were Kayla for a girl and Shawn for a boy, which I also like.
Gillian and Isaac. My husband does not like either name, so even if we have another child neither name will be a possibility.
amc80|1311271812|2973895 said:
yennyfire|1311206863|2973417 said:
Well, if you don't want her name mispronounced, I'd go with Hallie. We thought for sure that Halle would be hard to get wrong (I mean, don't most people know who Halle Berry is and how to pronounce her name???) , but so many people call her Hailey (or Haley or however you want to spell it), that she started correcting them herself at the age of two! :bigsmile:

I suppose you could also spell it Hally, but I wonder if that would get butchered somehow too?

I had the following text conversation with a friend:

me: I really like the name Hallie/Halle
her: You mean Hayley?
me: No, Halle. Like Halle Berry
her: Isn't that the same thing?

I think I would go with Hallie to help the pronunciation. But that assumes people know phonics, which they don't. My last name is like Kady...and people always pronounce it kaddy with a short a. Um, hello people, it rhymes with lady! Apparently people have forgotten the "one consonant after a vowel" thing. Ha. Needless to say I'm looking forward to changing my name in a few months :)

I'd wager my eternity band (which I dearly love!) that many people will still pronounce it incorrectly, as you are right...most people don't remember the "one consonant after a vowel" rule. Grrr...
For girls, I love Yvonne and Coco (seriously). DH nixed both.
For boys, I love Paul, but since our last name starts with P, I didn't want to get all alliterative. :D
If Brooks had been a girl, he was going to be named Linden Mae. I love it. I'm kinda sad I will never get to use it.
I wanted to call my daughter Alice. It's a name I've always loved, so beautiful, strong yet feminine. I've always had this as my baby name.


It was DH's first wife's name. She's a good, kind and generous person, I have nothing but respect for her, but it just wouldn't have felt right. ;(
Jennifer W|1312057172|2980665 said:
I wanted to call my daughter Alice. It's a name I've always loved, so beautiful, strong yet feminine. I've always had this as my baby name.


It was DH's first wife's name. She's a good, kind and generous person, I have nothing but respect for her, but it just wouldn't have felt right. ;(

If we have a girl, her middle name will be Alice...DH and I both had grandmothers with that name...

I thought of this thread last night...DH out of nowhere asked me what I thought of the name "Kendall" for a girl. I don't hate it, but considering she'd have a brother named Jackson, we may give people the impression we like wine a lot more than we really do.
amc80|1311177647|2973026 said:
I love the name Blake but can't use it since it sounds really bad with my (future) last name.

If my mum had had a son she was going to name him blake - its my grandmother's maiden name.

love Halle too for those considering, funny id never really thought of it but its a great name, different without being at all weird or limiting (limiting as in, "is Candy Cane ever going to be a CEO?" probably not =) )
For Boys,

Our last name is very generic so I would have loved to us the following but thought it sounded odd.

others I like:

For Girls (we had boys)


A week before I gave birth we STARTED talking names (I went at 30 weeks) so it was hard figuring it out; I think the afternoon after I gave birth is when we finally started to decide. Miles is after Miles Davis and Evan is just because we liked the name.
jas|1311730871|2977594 said:
For girls, I love Yvonne and Coco (seriously). DH nixed both.
For boys, I love Paul, but since our last name starts with P, I didn't want to get all alliterative. :D
hehe that made me giggle J, not sure why but I can understand that.