
Baby fever!


May 28, 2012
I'm only 26 and the baby fever is upon me. In fact, I had baby fever waaaaayyy before I had engagement fever.

Do you have children already? Will you have children? Would you have a child before getting engaged/married? If you're waiting until after marriage, how long will you wait?

I wanna have a baby ASAP. My boyfriend is well aware of my urges. :lol:

Does anyone else suffer from extremely debilitating ovarian/uterus twinges when you see a baby? (Okay, obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit) It does NOT help that I work in Labour & Delivery. :nono:


May 15, 2012
lin_ny|1357671111|3350396 said:
I'm only 26 and the baby fever is upon me. In fact, I had baby fever waaaaayyy before I had engagement fever.

Do you have children already? Will you have children? Would you have a child before getting engaged/married? If you're waiting until after marriage, how long will you wait?

I wanna have a baby ASAP. My boyfriend is well aware of my urges. :lol:

Does anyone else suffer from extremely debilitating ovarian/uterus twinges when you see a baby? (Okay, obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit) It does NOT help that I work in Labour & Delivery. :nono:

Good thread!

I am 26 and I have a 4 and a half year old from a prior relationship. I have major baby fever. It comes and goes but for the most part its there. SO is well aware of this and is supportive. We will be sitting on the couch hanging out and I will be like, 'Can we have a baby, yet?' So says, 'Soon!' lol. Poor guy.

Then another one of my friends announces they are expecting... and I am sad for a day...

I think I do have a fear that if I don't have another baby soon, I won't want one at all and SO would like to have a baby. I am almost done paying for daycare/preschool and she is almost in Kindergarten. I just don't know how I feel about having kids super far apart. I sort of feel like I am starting over. But then, I see a baby and I am like, no I want a baby and I cant wait for SO to be a dad because he will be so great! Cheesy.

I don't think I will have a baby before getting married. I think that has to do with my daughter and the relationship I had with her Dad. For me, its just a personal preference.


Linny, I would not do well in L&D. I would have baby fever all the time! But its so cool that you work in that field, you must love it!

I know you and SO have talked about it but would you consider having a baby before getting engaged?


Mar 18, 2007
I'm 26 and the idea of babies makes me want to run screaming. I'm not anti-baby. I've recently decided I like snuggling my friends' babies (this is a big step). BF and I tentatively plan on maybe someday considering babies. But not until we're at least 30. And also still possibly never. Also, I kind of want to never be pregnant.


I would love it if y'all would get married and have babies so I can look at pictures.


Sep 23, 2011
I have baby fever. I have been bitten by the worst baby bug ever. I have had it for a few years now. SO is bitten and smitten, too. Every time I pass thorough the baby section in stores, I have to go "aww", and he has to tear me away. I once saw a brown stuffed teddy bear sleeper for a baby at H&M, and I seriously teared up and wanted to buy that thing.

SO has baby fever. His parents want their own baby (FMIL is 43) but has given up, I think. So they want us to have babies. His mother really wants a girl in the family, since they have all boys, and all the cousins are boys. We really want a little girl.

But alas, I have 1 more year of undergrad, and 2-3 more years of grad school + 1 year of clinicals before I can be a full time licensed practitioner… before I can have benefits and maternity leave.. before I can just stop and interrupt everything I have going on. ;( I'll be 29-30 before we try.


Feb 29, 2012
Love babies!! No kids yet but can't wait to be a mom. We are both traditional in that aspect though that we would wait until we are married (but also because that timeline coincides with when we will finally be more financially prepared to raise a child). I want a little girl SO bad!! I would love a boy too but I think I would be more upset if I don't have a girl than if I don't have a boy.


May 9, 2012
I don't have baby fever yet! SO and I have baby curiosity, if you will. :tongue:

I'd like to start having children at 28/29 if I can. I don't have a number of years I'd like to be married first, I guess it all depends on when that happens!


Mar 26, 2012
Neither of us want kids. So no baby fever here! He's 34 and I'm 28. I have a lot of other fevers fever, travel fever, wedding fever!!!

I have baby phobia. I'm the one who buys preg tests and has to take 50 of them even though I'm on BC haha. I'm scared to death of getting preggers. :errrr:


Dec 1, 2011

I can relate to your feelings. I'm past the age of having children, thank goodness. I'm glad that there are people who LOVE children, I'm just not one of them.

One of my friends mentioned that she would look at babies and just know she wanted one. She loved/loves being a mother. I never looked at a baby and thought, "Gee, I want one of those of my very own!" I'm fine with all sorts of animals (have had baby lambs and baby pigs sleep in my bed from time to time), but baby humans just aren't my "thing."



Mar 26, 2012
LibbyLA|1357681445|3350578 said:

I can relate to your feelings. I'm past the age of having children, thank goodness. I'm glad that there are people who LOVE children, I'm just not one of them.

One of my friends mentioned that she would look at babies and just know she wanted one. She loved/loves being a mother. I never looked at a baby and thought, "Gee, I want one of those of my very own!" I'm fine with all sorts of animals (have had baby lambs and baby pigs sleep in my bed from time to time), but baby humans just aren't my "thing."


Thank god. I feel like I'm the only one I'm broken because I don't want a baby! I cannot wait till I'm past age of having children...because the amount of times I hear "oh you'll change your mind..." Make me want to strangle someone!!!


Dec 23, 2010
lin_ny|1357671111|3350396 said:
I'm only 26 and the baby fever is upon me. In fact, I had baby fever waaaaayyy before I had engagement fever.

Do you have children already? Will you have children? Would you have a child before getting engaged/married? If you're waiting until after marriage, how long will you wait?

I wanna have a baby ASAP. My boyfriend is well aware of my urges. :lol:

Does anyone else suffer from extremely debilitating ovarian/uterus twinges when you see a baby? (Okay, obviously I'm exaggerating a little bit) It does NOT help that I work in Labour & Delivery. :nono:

I don't have children, I will NOT have children, and most certainly won't have one before engagement/marriage.
Neither M nor I want kids. Sadly, I can't relate to your twinges when you see a baby. I more or less force a smile and say "awww" just to be polite. I will not ask to hold a baby, or engage in "baby talk" with it. I'm sorry. I hate babies, children, and everything that comes along with it.

But that's a whole other story..................

Sorry your baby fever is so intense, lin_ny. I wish I knew what to tell you. :???:


Dec 23, 2010
LoveLikeCrazy|1357682936|3350622 said:
LibbyLA|1357681445|3350578 said:

I can relate to your feelings. I'm past the age of having children, thank goodness. I'm glad that there are people who LOVE children, I'm just not one of them.

One of my friends mentioned that she would look at babies and just know she wanted one. She loved/loves being a mother. I never looked at a baby and thought, "Gee, I want one of those of my very own!" I'm fine with all sorts of animals (have had baby lambs and baby pigs sleep in my bed from time to time), but baby humans just aren't my "thing."


Thank god. I feel like I'm the only one I'm broken because I don't want a baby! I cannot wait till I'm past age of having children...because the amount of times I hear "oh you'll change your mind..."Make me want to strangle someone!!!

This drives me insane. I HATE people that pull that. Seriously, I've known since I was a child that I didn't want my own kids. I'm 30 now, and guess what! 20 years later, I still don't want them.

Some people just need to accept that children are not for everyone!


May 28, 2012
antiquesparkler - Glad we're sharing in the fever together!!!! I know what you mean when you talk about friends who are pregnant. Half the people I work with have had a baby in the last 2 years. AND... my BEST friend announced she's pregnant in August. It's very exciting to watch her belly grow but a huge part of me is so completely jealous. I'm not jealous of her financial situation though - although they've been married for 5 years they started a business right after they found out they were expecting and are in quite the precarious financial situation now.

As far as having a baby before marriage goes - we'd both be thrilled - so, so happy. But we are NOT planning on it. I really want to wait until after we get married.

princesss - I understand that feeling. Some days that I spend with nightmare children, I really question what I want. :lol:

madelise - I could potentially be 29 before I have any kids too. It's just how it is these days. Time flies when you're waiting to get engaged! :lol:

pandabee - My oh my... I so badly want a little girl too! But I've seen some little girls with some serious 'tude and it makes me a bit scared. Just gotta raise 'em well I guess. When I met my boyfriend and his brothers, I knew it'd be okay to have all boys too. That's what he thinks is gonna happen - all BOYS! But I don't think so mister! I need my girl! At least one! :wink2:

Chewbacca - All these darn timelines! The sooner I get married, the longer I think I'll wait to try and get pregnant. Realistically, I think I'll be 28ish as well.

LoveLikeCrazy & LibbyLA - I can totally respect that. It's equally as cool to know yourself well enough to know you don't want kids. :)

MBKRH - I should probably clarify... I don't really love other people's children. Just my future children. :lol:


Jun 12, 2012
I haven't got full on baby fever yet but I am approaching it I fear! I definitely wan to get married first so am focused on wedding fever now. I tend to skip steps in my fever planning. First I had engagement fever, became obsessed with rings and possible proposals etc, then I exhausted that so I am currently on wedding fever (while WAITING for the proposal) once I have exhausted that I will move on to baby fever lol! I like babies but children not so much. A friend of mine has a 7 month old baby and her baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen, so whenever I see pictures on Facebook or talk to her I want a baby! Ugly babies don't do it for me haha :tongue:

OH says he wouldn't mind about not being married before kids and he also says he is ready to be a dad now. I made it clear I do not want to have a baby before I get married and ideally not for a few years, probably 30 or so. I am 26 now, better bloody get engaged this year and get married 2014 so I will be 27 or 28. Depends how long it takes him to propose. Then babies at 30ish :) we have already chosen our baby names, just like we chose our dog's name a few years before we got them.


Sep 23, 2011
MBKRH|1357695769|3350832 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1357682936|3350622 said:
LibbyLA|1357681445|3350578 said:

I can relate to your feelings. I'm past the age of having children, thank goodness. I'm glad that there are people who LOVE children, I'm just not one of them.

One of my friends mentioned that she would look at babies and just know she wanted one. She loved/loves being a mother. I never looked at a baby and thought, "Gee, I want one of those of my very own!" I'm fine with all sorts of animals (have had baby lambs and baby pigs sleep in my bed from time to time), but baby humans just aren't my "thing."


Thank god. I feel like I'm the only one I'm broken because I don't want a baby! I cannot wait till I'm past age of having children...because the amount of times I hear "oh you'll change your mind..."Make me want to strangle someone!!!

This drives me insane. I HATE people that pull that. Seriously, I've known since I was a child that I didn't want my own kids. I'm 30 now, and guess what! 20 years later, I still don't want them.

Some people just need to accept that children are not for everyone!

OH, you'll change your mind when the time is right! ;)) :lol:



There's nothing wrong with you guys. Ya'll ain't broken. If anyone tells you you'll want kids, you can tell them they're more than welcome to adopt, feed, care for and pay for your accidents.

I used to not want kids. I used to HATE kids. So I've heard all this. I also hated it when people said that not wanting kids is being selfish. I'm assuming they mean that I want to save my $ to spend on myself vs. other kids. I've always wanted to backhand them and tell them that it's selfish to have kids when you aren't ready for them, don't want them, or don't have the means to take care of them. THAT's selfish. Bringing a life into this world without being prepared to give them your all is selfish. Bringing a life into this world because OTHERS tell you to, that you should.. THAT's selfish. :rolleyes:


Nov 30, 2012
PhillyMcGee|1357706964|3351010 said:
I haven't got full on baby fever yet but I am approaching it I fear! I definitely wan to get married first so am focused on wedding fever now. I tend to skip steps in my fever planning. First I had engagement fever, became obsessed with rings and possible proposals etc, then I exhausted that so I am currently on wedding fever (while WAITING for the proposal) once I have exhausted that I will move on to baby fever lol! I like babies but children not so much. A friend of mine has a 7 month old baby and her baby is the cutest thing I have ever seen, so whenever I see pictures on Facebook or talk to her I want a baby! Ugly babies don't do it for me haha :tongue:

OH says he wouldn't mind about not being married before kids and he also says he is ready to be a dad now. I made it clear I do not want to have a baby before I get married and ideally not for a few years, probably 30 or so. I am 26 now, better bloody get engaged this year and get married 2014 so I will be 27 or 28. Depends how long it takes him to propose. Then babies at 30ish :) we have already chosen our baby names, just like we chose our dog's name a few years before we got them.

You're not the only one! We've chosen our dogs and baby names too... ok I did most of the choosing and SO just kind of smiles and nods along :bigsmile: I'm also on a similar timeline... I'll be 27ish when we get married and then I'd like to enjoy being married for a year at least before thinking about kids seriously (also need more time to be financially stable). We'd also need a house before kids since our apartment can barely fit all our stuff as it is. So between wedding and house hunting/decorating and then kids - I've got my next 7 years planned! Haha

But in terms of baby fever - I don't have it yet. Or it comes and goes. I'm not ready, financially or maturity-wise, and SO definitely isn't ready. We've talked about it though and have agreed on 2 kids at most. I'd love a boy and girl of course but if it was the choice between 2 girls or 2 boys I don't think I have a strong preference. SO's niece is so cute but also kind of a b*tch (hates when anyone besides her mom touches her) - and having grown up as a female I know they have more drama and more STUFF. So in terms of being more a more laidback and less cluttered household maybe boys would be better? I would miss going shopping and getting manis with my daughter though :)


Dec 23, 2010
madelise|1357707009|3351011 said:
MBKRH|1357695769|3350832 said:
LoveLikeCrazy|1357682936|3350622 said:
LibbyLA|1357681445|3350578 said:

I can relate to your feelings. I'm past the age of having children, thank goodness. I'm glad that there are people who LOVE children, I'm just not one of them.

One of my friends mentioned that she would look at babies and just know she wanted one. She loved/loves being a mother. I never looked at a baby and thought, "Gee, I want one of those of my very own!" I'm fine with all sorts of animals (have had baby lambs and baby pigs sleep in my bed from time to time), but baby humans just aren't my "thing."


Thank god. I feel like I'm the only one I'm broken because I don't want a baby! I cannot wait till I'm past age of having children...because the amount of times I hear "oh you'll change your mind..."Make me want to strangle someone!!!

This drives me insane. I HATE people that pull that. Seriously, I've known since I was a child that I didn't want my own kids. I'm 30 now, and guess what! 20 years later, I still don't want them.

Some people just need to accept that children are not for everyone!

OH, you'll change your mind when the time is right! ;)) :lol:

*evil eyes* Oh NO you didn't! :lol:

... it's selfish to have kids when you aren't ready for them, don't want them, or don't have the means to take care of them. THAT's selfish. Bringing a life into this world without being prepared to give them your all is selfish. Bringing a life into this world because OTHERS tell you to, that you should.. THAT's selfish.

I couldn't have said it better myself. You're so right, and I agree 100%.


Nov 25, 2010
i can't wait to have kids. we got a puppy 2 years ago which did help to tide me over but I dream I'm pregnant every now and then and sometimes poke my belly out in front of the mirror and rub it like I'm pregnant! we will definitely wait until we are married and I want to travel first but I've started saying 2013 we get married, 2014 we travel, 2015 we have a baby. only 2 years and 9 months to go :)


May 9, 2012
hippi_pixi|1357894779|3352843 said:
we got a puppy 2 years ago which did help to tide me over...

I NEED to get a dog before I have children. I have no idea how to pull this off until we own our own home, and one of us is home more often. ;(

I think it'll help tide both SO and I over!


Dec 1, 2011

Cats are easier :cheeky:.



May 9, 2012
LibbyLA|1358276581|3356222 said:

Cats are easier :cheeky:.


I know right! Unfortunately I'm mega allergic! ;(


Dec 25, 2012
I LOVE other people's babies! I've loved babies all my life... but I'm so uncertain about having my own children. I have thought about it so long and the cons seem to outweigh the pros. But at the same time, I feel if I don't have kids, I will regret it when I'm old (if that even makes sense?) so I'll probably have one when I feel "ready" but who knows when I'll ever be ready?


May 28, 2012
alma123|1361155238|3382806 said:
I LOVE other people's babies! I've loved babies all my life... but I'm so uncertain about having my own children. I have thought about it so long and the cons seem to outweigh the pros. But at the same time, I feel if I don't have kids, I will regret it when I'm old (if that even makes sense?) so I'll probably have one when I feel "ready" but who knows when I'll ever be ready?
I'm not sure anyone is ever really 'ready' for that kind of life-changing responsibility/commitment.

Despite that though, I think you'd know if it felt right and if you wanted to 'go with it', despite your readiness... or if it just felt completely wrong.


Jan 11, 2013
I've read this entire thread and I'd like to start out by saying: I've been there! I know what each of you are talking about. I had a crappy childhood so there were a few years in my early twenties when I didn't want children. Then I got serious baby fever for a year or so, but chickened out because I realized I wasn't ready. I got baby fever again around 26, when I found out I had PCOS which causes infertility, but SO was clearly not on board. He said he wasn't sure he'd ever want kids :errrr: Then I turned 28 and got pregnant :shock: Now we have gorgeous baby boy that we're both crazy about :love:

I always thought I'd be married when I had kids but I wouldn't trade my little guy for anything! You guys still have plenty of time, but you can't imagine the love you will have for your child(ren). It grows everyday. You will all LOVE being mommies planned or not ;))
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