
Autoimmune Thyroid Disease


Feb 2, 2011
I’ve been away for a while Missy and am just now catching up on older stuff. I haven’t had a chance to read all of this thread but am wondering how things are going with this health issue?

Thinking about you and hoping you are stable and finding some positive answers!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you @Begonia and I am relieved your mammogram went well and that you are healthy and I hope you are feeling well!


Jan 13, 2006
Missy, please let me know what you think of the book and any supplements you try. And please let me know in here instead of emails. I know there are others reading this thread, many of whom most likely are not familiar with natural supplements. When we aren't familiar with something, we can often be scared of it. So any hands on/personal experience info will help possible fence sitters allay their fears. ;)2


Jun 8, 2008
Missy, please let me know what you think of the book and any supplements you try. And please let me know in here instead of emails. I know there are others reading this thread, many of whom most likely are not familiar with natural supplements. When we aren't familiar with something, we can often be scared of it. So any hands on/personal experience info will help possible fence sitters allay their fears. ;)2

I will Ellen! I have not started reading the Iodine book yet but as soon as I do I’ll share my thoughts here.

I haven’t started any new supplements yet either. I just want to see what the heavy metal toxicity specialist says.

My endocrinologist wanted me to start applying DHEA cream to help my adrenals but I have procrastinated about that too. I have the tube but haven’t started applying it.

Will keep you posted. Thank you :wavey:


Jan 13, 2006
I didn't mean to rush you in any way Missy, just wanted to ask that when you did have some news to post it in here. Thank you!

And I have procrastinated about the DHEA. Getting on it. :oops:


Jun 8, 2008
I didn't mean to rush you in any way Missy, just wanted to ask that when you did have some news to post it in here. Thank you!

And I have procrastinated about the DHEA. Getting on it. :oops:

Ellen no worries! I never felt you were rushing me at all. I appreciate all your help and support and I’m here for you too.
We are on a journey not a race to be sure. Let me know what you feel when you start the DHEA. I don’t react well to those kind of hormones and that is the main reason I am procrastinating. I know the endocrinologist will be annoyed with me at my next appointment with him. He’s the one who told me on our second visit with him that I had to “give up control “ and lol turns out I’m disobeying him but only because I’m scared of DHEA.

And also my internist thinks it’s a waste of my time and energy. But my internist said I should stop the thyroid hormone med also. He feels at this point I’m too early and while he thinks yes eventually I’ll need thyroid replacement right now he thinks I don’t need it. He told me to get another endocrinologist and second opinion. But I’m overwhelmed wo5 doctor visits and doctors and in no shape to start with a new endocrinologist at this point. Will see how it goes and then reevaluate.

Good luck with the DHEA!


Jan 13, 2006
Oh no Missy, I am not going to take the DHEA, now anyway. I meant, I had not looked in my other book that Dr. Brownstein wrote on natural hormones about what he had to say on it. I had told you I would let you know, but I have procrastinating looking it up!!


Jan 13, 2006
Ok, I'm going to respond here so others may benefit also. This is from the Dr. that wrote the book on iodine that I recommended. He has written several books.

On DHEA, he is overall definitely for it (there is simply too much to type out), however, he issues this statement/warning.

"DHEA is presently found over-the-counter at health food stores and I have even seen it at grocery stores. People taking this hormone need to know it is a powerful hormonal compound and should not be taken lightly. This is not like taking something relatively innocuous like Vitamin C. Though I discuss the benefits of DHEA, I want to emphasize that it should only be taken under monitored conditions. DHEA levels should be checked and the health care professional recommending its usage should be knowledgeable and have experience with prescribing DHEA. When it is used appropriately. DHEA is very safe. I feel in the near future we are going to see negative side effects of DHEA as a result of people taking excessive doses without the proper guidance from a health care practitioner. DHEA levels should measured before and after supplementation with DHEA. In obtaining DHEA levels from various medical labs, normal ranges often vary between the different laboratories."

This quote is from this book .

Hope this helps you decide Missy!


Jun 8, 2008
@Ellen I am reading and learning a lot from Dr Browenstein's Iodine book you recommended. Thanks so much for recommending I read this book. I am now convinced I need a combo Iodine and Iodide but good luck to me finding a physician here who knows how to measure it properly and prescribe it accurately. My current endocrinologist just said no I dont need Iodine when I asked him about it at my first visit.

And update re my thyroid meds and I cannot be sure but I think I am now hyperthyroid. My pulse is so high and bp is high. It all started yesterday when I woke up. I thought it was because I didn't sleep well. Not my normal self at all. When I realized my pulse and bp were so high I called endo but it was after hours and he wasn't in plus we are away til next week so I think I am going to reduce my thyroid med on my own until I see him next Wed.

Ok, I'm going to respond here so others may benefit also. This is from the Dr. that wrote the book on iodine that I recommended. He has written several books.

On DHEA, he is overall definitely for it (there is simply too much to type out), however, he issues this statement/warning.

"DHEA is presently found over-the-counter at health food stores and I have even seen it at grocery stores. People taking this hormone need to know it is a powerful hormonal compound and should not be taken lightly. This is not like taking something relatively innocuous like Vitamin C. Though I discuss the benefits of DHEA, I want to emphasize that it should only be taken under monitored conditions. DHEA levels should be checked and the health care professional recommending its usage should be knowledgeable and have experience with prescribing DHEA. When it is used appropriately. DHEA is very safe. I feel in the near future we are going to see negative side effects of DHEA as a result of people taking excessive doses without the proper guidance from a health care practitioner. DHEA levels should measured before and after supplementation with DHEA. In obtaining DHEA levels from various medical labs, normal ranges often vary between the different laboratories."

This quote is from this book .

Hope this helps you decide Missy!

Thanks Ellen. I have also been reading about DHEA and I am so unsure about starting this because it is a precursor of steroids and I am hyperactive to steroids so I feel right now not worth the risk for me. It is all so complicated and I am not feeling well at all atm because of my very fast heartbeat.


Jan 13, 2006
Thanks for the update Missy. I am so glad the book is helping. I am so sad you don't have a physician who is able to help you, but not surprised in the least. :/ And I hate to hear how miserable you are feeling....

Have you looked into the link I gave above from Stop The Thyroid Madness that is a doctor locater (those who are familiar with iodine, etc)? If not I would try that, and if no luck there, I wouldn't hesitate to contact Dr. Brownstein's office and see if he knows of someone in your area. I would not be at all surprised if he does.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks for the update Missy. I am so glad the book is helping. I am so sad you don't have a physician who is able to help you, but not surprised in the least. :/ And I hate to hear how miserable you are feeling....

Have you looked into the link I gave above from Stop The Thyroid Madness that is a doctor locater (those who are familiar with iodine, etc)? If not I would try that, and if no luck there, I wouldn't hesitate to contact Dr. Brownstein's office and see if he knows of someone in your area. I would not be at all surprised if he does.

Thank you Ellen! Great suggestions.
I did read the Stop The Thyroid Madness link but will re check recommended doctors and perhaps I will contact Dr Brownstein's office for a rec. Thank you.

I emailed you by the way.:wavey:


Jan 13, 2006
Let us know how you make out on the doctor search Missy!


Jun 8, 2008
Update as promised. Saw my endocrinologist this morning and he did a nerve test that supposedly indicates I am severe hypothyroid based on the slow nerve conduction/response. I am tired more so now than before despite the thyroid med and he feels I’m not on enough thyroid med. However 2 grains caused heart palpitations and high blood pressure so now we are trying an in between dose. Starting with an extra 15and increasing from 60 slowly to 90 mg of Armour.

Also taking Selenium supplement, Vitaminc C, Magnesium, Vitamin D3 and Zinc.

I asked him about Iodine but he isn’t a fan for Hashimoto’s though he said the amount I want to try is probably safe to try and if I start feeling worse to stop. So I’m buying Lugols Iodine and Iodide 2% and going to take 1drop every other day and see how I feel.

There are 2 camps re Iodine. One says you cannot get better without it and one says it will exacerbate the autoimmune thyroiditis. And my endocrinologist agrees that each individual is very different and here’s no way to know except in his exp he has never found iodine to help any of his patients. But Dr Brownstein says the exact opposite. That it is very rare to get better without supplementing with Iodine. Omg my head is spinning.

He took 8 vials of blood to test the normal thyroid stuff and test also iodine (though serum iodine isn’t accurate and a 24 hour urine is but he was reluctant to do that for whatever reason) and selenium, magnesium and iron and ferritin. It will take about 10 business days for the lab to get all those results. He’s also retesting my mercury since I stopped eating high mercury fish.

I’m worried to start increasing my Armour because my heart palpitations are not entirely gone. But he was insistent and said I can take it slow.

He also said with my numbers/findings most people would be in bed unable to,do anything and that I’m fighting the exhaustion and pain and that I don’t even realize how badly I’m feeling. Lol. He makes me sound much stronger than I feel but ok. I was unhappy to hear his evaluation of the nerve test showing I’m severely hypothyroid but I’ll take it with a grain of salt. Hahaha grain of salt get it? There’s iodine in that salt. :lol:

I will add my brain fog is worse than ever and I’m forgetting things left and right and am sure I left out important facts in this post. I feel much of my symptoms are related to my poor sleep but again the endocrinologist feels that my poor sleep is directly related to my severe hypothyroidism. It seems a vicious cycle and if only I could figure out how to sleep well instead of waking up literally every hour and finally being awake by 4 or 5 am.

Ok that’s all for now. Thanks for listening.
Sharing the 3 graphs. I’m in a complete brain fog cause I don’t remember any details. Is this hocus pocus?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
the endocrinologist feels that my poor sleep is directly related to my severe hypothyroidism. It seems a vicious cycle and if only I could figure out how to sleep well instead of waking up literally every hour and finally being awake by 4 or 5 am.
I had hypothyroidism when I was 19 yrs old. I was hungry, weak, losing weight fast , ate like a pig all day long, but still hungry. Once I got off of medication my thyroid test was very high, so my Dr. suggested for me to have surgery to remove my thyroid, but I was scared about having surgery.

I flew back to HK in 1982 to see a Chinese Dr.. The Dr. gave me some Chinese medication that was the size of BB. I remembered it was black in color. She said to take a dozen of these BB size medication once a day along with a bowl of soup containing fresh ginger boiled with red snapper fish.

Believe it or not it did cure my thyroid disease. My thyroid test have had been normal for the past 36 yrs. This old Chinese lady Dr. was able to cure my thyroid disease after what my American Dr. can't do w/o surgery.

I know, I know, this whole story sounds very crazy
to Americans here. :lol:
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
I had hypothyroidism when I was 19 yrs old. I was hungry, weak, losing weight fast , ate like a pig all day long, but still hungry. Once I got off of medication my thyroid test was very high, so my Dr. suggested for me to have surgery to remove my thyroid, but I was scared about having surgery.

I flew back to HK in 1982 to see a Chinese Dr.. The Dr. gave me some Chinese medication that was the size of BB. I remembered it was black in color. She said to take a dozen of these BB size medication once a day along with a bowl of soup containing fresh ginger boiled with red snapper fish.

Believe it or not it did cure my thyroid disease. My thyroid test have had been normal for the past 36 yrs. This old Chinese lady Dr. was able to cure my thyroid disease after what my American Dr. can't do w/o surgery.

I know, I know, this whole story sounds very crazy
to Americans here. :lol:

Haha no it doesn't sound crazy @Dancing Fire. You should see what some of the doctors I am seeing want me to do LOL.
However it sounds as if you had hyperthyroidism not hypo. Glad you are all better now.:appl:

I wonder if your old Dr is still alive today because maybe she knows a cure for my hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's? :whistle:8)


Jan 13, 2006
Hi Missy, thanks for updating!

Glad to see all the supplements you are on, and I see Selenium has been added. How much are you taking per day?

As far as iodine helping vs. hurting, I'd say remember the whole common sense thing. It's in many foods, though the levels are depleted compared to several decades ago. They used to add it to water supplies, flour, and bread products. If it was that detrimental, they wouldn't have done that. In fact, the opposite is true. Since it has been removed from those things, we are worse health wise....

I'm glad your endo is not adverse to you taking the iodine, even though they aren't really in favor of it. That's a start. :appl: However, I just wish you weren't trying to up your Thyroid med at the same time. It may be hard to know what is doing what as far as possible side effects. If it were me, I would hold steady at whatever thyroid dose you are on and start the iodine. Then keep it that way for a few weeks at least. That way you can hopefully have a better idea of what the iodine is or isn't doing. If the endo gets annoyed, oh well. It's your body, right?

I don't read any other threads here, so I am not familiar with everything you are doing. However, considering the state you are in, I would go easy on yourself. No high intensity/strenuous exercising right now. You are trying to heal so don't tax your system. Be gentle with yourself. ;)) Fresh air, relaxation and some sunshine would be good.

Your poor sleep could indeed be from your present condition. The iodine very well could help, it definitely helped me. Here's hoping!


Jan 13, 2006
I know, I know, this whole story sounds very crazy
to Americans here. :lol:

After everything I've seen, read and experienced, it doesn't sound crazy at all. ;)2

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Haha no it doesn't sound crazy @Dancing Fire. You should see what some of the doctors I am seeing want me to do LOL.
However it sounds as if you had hyperthyroidism not hypo. Glad you are all better now.:appl:

I wonder if your old Dr is still alive today because maybe she knows a cure for my hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's? :whistle:8)
I see, I'm confused by those two :bigsmile:. She would be over 100 yrs old if she is still alive today.


Aug 6, 2014
I had hypothyroidism when I was 19 yrs old. I was hungry, weak, losing weight fast , ate like a pig all day long, but still hungry. Once I got off of medication my thyroid test was very high, so my Dr. suggested for me to have surgery to remove my thyroid, but I was scared about having surgery.

I flew back to HK in 1982 to see a Chinese Dr.. The Dr. gave me some Chinese medication that was the size of BB. I remembered it was black in color. She said to take a dozen of these BB size medication once a day along with a bowl of soup containing fresh ginger boiled with red snapper fish.

Believe it or not it did cure my thyroid disease. My thyroid test have had been normal for the past 36 yrs. This old Chinese lady Dr. was able to cure my thyroid disease after what my American Dr. can't do w/o surgery.

I know, I know, this whole story sounds very crazy
to Americans here. :lol:

Are you sure you weren't given radioactive iodine treatment? It's a liquid that is given in pill form to treat hyperactive thyroid. In North America it's only used to treat thyroid cancer, but elsewhere in the world it's used as an alternative to surgery...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Are you sure you weren't given radioactive iodine treatment? It's a liquid that is given in pill form to treat hyperactive thyroid. In North America it's only used to treat thyroid cancer, but elsewhere in the world it's used as an alternative to surgery...
Impossible ,b/c she probably not even a licensed Dr. :bigsmile: it was some kind of Chinese herbal medicine . My Dr. here in the US did offered me the radioactive iodine treatment, but he do prefer surgery b/c I was young (19) and may choose to have kids in the future. The radioactive iodine treatment may effect my sperms.
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Jan 22, 2014
I had an over active thyroid in my late teens / early 20s (undiagnosed for over 5 years) and was mistakenly presumed to be bulimic (amount of food going in yet weight falling off). The treatment for my so called “Bulima” landed me in Intensive care as it caused a Thyroid storm (often fatal).
It all finally got sorted, then strangely after 2 years hormone treatment, just prior to surgery, my thyroid levels went to normal. I got written up in various medical journals as it wasn’t often people with Graves Disease go 5 years untreated, survive a thyroid storm and go into “remission” naturally.
Officially “special” but not in a fabulous way!
Thyroid levels stayed normal until I fell pregnant and that triggered an autoimmune response and I ended up as hypo or with Hashimotos. No thyroid function. So on synthethic thyroid for the rest of my life.
Oh well.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Missy, thanks for updating!

Glad to see all the supplements you are on, and I see Selenium has been added. How much are you taking per day?

As far as iodine helping vs. hurting, I'd say remember the whole common sense thing. It's in many foods, though the levels are depleted compared to several decades ago. They used to add it to water supplies, flour, and bread products. If it was that detrimental, they wouldn't have done that. In fact, the opposite is true. Since it has been removed from those things, we are worse health wise....

I'm glad your endo is not adverse to you taking the iodine, even though they aren't really in favor of it. That's a start. :appl: However, I just wish you weren't trying to up your Thyroid med at the same time. It may be hard to know what is doing what as far as possible side effects. If it were me, I would hold steady at whatever thyroid dose you are on and start the iodine. Then keep it that way for a few weeks at least. That way you can hopefully have a better idea of what the iodine is or isn't doing. If the endo gets annoyed, oh well. It's your body, right?

I don't read any other threads here, so I am not familiar with everything you are doing. However, considering the state you are in, I would go easy on yourself. No high intensity/strenuous exercising right now. You are trying to heal so don't tax your system. Be gentle with yourself. ;)) Fresh air, relaxation and some sunshine would be good.

Your poor sleep could indeed be from your present condition. The iodine very well could help, it definitely helped me. Here's hoping!

Hi Ellen, I have been taking many of those supplements before my thyroid issues with the exception of selenium. I'm taking 200 mcg but before this was eating 2 brazil nuts a day after I was originally diagnosed with Hashimoto's but now switched from Brazil nuts to the Selenium supplement for accuracy of the dose. Now I have added as of yesterday alpha lipoic acid (to help with the mercury when I eat fish) and B2 and B3 to get me ready to start low dose iodine drops. The drops arrived yesterday but I am scared to start them. LOL. I read some scary case reports of people taking less than Dr Brownsteins rec but more than the RDA and ending up in the hospital. I am one who has hyper reactions to meds so I must tread carefully. I will start the Iodine after I load up for a while with Selenium, B2 and B3 (and continue of course all my other vitamins including D3, K2, Magnesium and Vitamin C).

Another concern is I am somewhat reactive to certain shellfish and we think it could be the Iodine content. It has been a long while since I've eaten shellfish because if I have more than a little bit I get hives. So just another concern I have to carefully navigate. And while I read in Dr Brownstein's book there is an acupuncture technique for those allergic to Iodine I would rather not explore that. At least at this time.

Exercising makes me feel better mood wise and that is primarily why I do it. It helps relax me and quiet my mind. And yes occasionally I'm pretty tired while doing it but then I just lessen my intensity. I tend to favor low intensity endurance activities. Long distance cycling and enjoying my elliptical and doing Pilates. I hope I never have to give those up because I don't think I'd do well at all if I couldn't enjoy my activities.

I will absolutely keep you posted and as always appreciate your input. I hope you are doing well and feeling good. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
I had an over active thyroid in my late teens / early 20s (undiagnosed for over 5 years) and was mistakenly presumed to be bulimic (amount of food going in yet weight falling off). The treatment for my so called “Bulima” landed me in Intensive care as it caused a Thyroid storm (often fatal).
It all finally got sorted, then strangely after 2 years hormone treatment, just prior to surgery, my thyroid levels went to normal. I got written up in various medical journals as it wasn’t often people with Graves Disease go 5 years untreated, survive a thyroid storm and go into “remission” naturally.
Officially “special” but not in a fabulous way!
Thyroid levels stayed normal until I fell pregnant and that triggered an autoimmune response and I ended up as hypo or with Hashimotos. No thyroid function. So on synthethic thyroid for the rest of my life.
Oh well.

Aww sorry @Bron357. I have read that is not unusual. Pregnancy can start/exacerbate autoimmune issues unfortunately for many. Hope you are feeling well.


Jan 13, 2006
Hi Ellen, I have been taking many of those supplements before my thyroid issues with the exception of selenium. I'm taking 200 mcg but before this was eating 2 brazil nuts a day after I was originally diagnosed with Hashimoto's but now switched from Brazil nuts to the Selenium supplement for accuracy of the dose. Now I have added as of yesterday alpha lipoic acid (to help with the mercury when I eat fish) and B2 and B3 to get me ready to start low dose iodine drops. The drops arrived yesterday but I am scared to start them. LOL. I read some scary case reports of people taking less than Dr Brownsteins rec but more than the RDA and ending up in the hospital. I am one who has hyper reactions to meds so I must tread carefully. I will start the Iodine after I load up for a while with Selenium, B2 and B3 (and continue of course all my other vitamins including D3, K2, Magnesium and Vitamin C).

Another concern is I am somewhat reactive to certain shellfish and we think it could be the Iodine content. It has been a long while since I've eaten shellfish because if I have more than a little bit I get hives. So just another concern I have to carefully navigate. And while I read in Dr Brownstein's book there is an acupuncture technique for those allergic to Iodine I would rather not explore that. At least at this time.

Exercising makes me feel better mood wise and that is primarily why I do it. It helps relax me and quiet my mind. And yes occasionally I'm pretty tired while doing it but then I just lessen my intensity. I tend to favor low intensity endurance activities. Long distance cycling and enjoying my elliptical and doing Pilates. I hope I never have to give those up because I don't think I'd do well at all if I couldn't enjoy my activities.

I will absolutely keep you posted and as always appreciate your input. I hope you are doing well and feeling good. (((Hugs))).
Thanks for answering my question about the Selenium. I think that's a good dosage.

As for your concerns about iodine and shellfish, this article will hopefully help. just skip the paragraph or two that may be redundant considering what you know about it. Otherwise lots of good info here. And thanks for the well wishes, hoping this all works out for you!


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks for answering my question about the Selenium. I think that's a good dosage.

As for your concerns about iodine and shellfish, this article will hopefully help. just skip the paragraph or two that may be redundant considering what you know about it. Otherwise lots of good info here. And thanks for the well wishes, hoping this all works out for you!

Thank you Ellen! I am going to read this when we get back from cycling later this afternoon and I appreciate you sharing the info!


Oct 24, 2012
Missy I am sorry for the ups and downs. That must hard. :(2


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks @LLJsmom. I am hanging in there and doing OK. Not letting it stop me as you know. Cycling lots and lots of miles and just taking it all one day at a time. Thinking of you and hoping you are healing and feeling better as well. Sending love and good thoughts to you. XO. (((Hugs))).


Dec 27, 2017
Hey, Missy!

So, I am not a doctor, but unfortunately, I am an autoimmune patient. So all of this is from my own experience.

Definitely find an endo that treats based on how you feel, not just numbers. Some of them are so wedded to the “normal” scales that it doesn’t seem to matter how the patient in front of them is feeling. Do you have a rheumatologist? Autoimmune problems tend to travel in packs.

Yes, you can take Synthroid with coffee. I do it every morning. Though I think you’re on Armour now, if I read that correctly.

It may just take a while to get things normalized. It took years for me. But part of that was that I didn’t really normalize until we added T3 to the T4. Hopefully you will get there more quickly with the NDT.

I saw a sentence you typed somewhere in this thread that referenced you being homozygous for a MTHFR mutation. I am, too. Does your doc have you taking any kind of methylated folate for that? Deplin is a great one (it’s a prescription medical food). With that mutation, my understanding is that you need to be careful that the only B vitamins you take are methylated so that your body can process them.

Are you taking iron for your low ferritin? When I was, a nutritionist told me to take it with a small dose of vitamin C to help it absorb better. It seemed to help.

Hope you feel better soon.


Jun 8, 2008
Hey, Missy!

So, I am not a doctor, but unfortunately, I am an autoimmune patient. So all of this is from my own experience.

Definitely find an endo that treats based on how you feel, not just numbers. Some of them are so wedded to the “normal” scales that it doesn’t seem to matter how the patient in front of them is feeling. Do you have a rheumatologist? Autoimmune problems tend to travel in packs.

Yes, you can take Synthroid with coffee. I do it every morning. Though I think you’re on Armour now, if I read that correctly.

It may just take a while to get things normalized. It took years for me. But part of that was that I didn’t really normalize until we added T3 to the T4. Hopefully you will get there more quickly with the NDT.

I saw a sentence you typed somewhere in this thread that referenced you being homozygous for a MTHFR mutation. I am, too. Does your doc have you taking any kind of methylated folate for that? Deplin is a great one (it’s a prescription medical food). With that mutation, my understanding is that you need to be careful that the only B vitamins you take are methylated so that your body can process them.

Are you taking iron for your low ferritin? When I was, a nutritionist told me to take it with a small dose of vitamin C to help it absorb better. It seemed to help.

Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you and thanks for sharing @Tonks and I am glad you found the right combo for you and are doing well. I take Armour and take it generally in the middle of the night so as not to interfere with my other med which cannot be taken concurrently with any thyroid med. And if I have to go back to 2 doses of Armour (we temporarily decreased the 60 mg twice a day due to heart palpitations) I will take the second dose before lunch early afternoon.

As for my homozygous MTHFR mutation I am taking methylated folate (Metafolin) and methylated B12 (methylcobalamin)but my other B vitamins (B2, B3 (Niacinamide form), B6, B7) are not methylated to my knowledge. All gluten, yeast, wheat, dairy, sugar and soy free.

If you have a link to the B vitamins I should be taking in a methylated form (besides the B12 and Folate) could you share it please? Thanks very much.

As for ferritin my iron levels are high normal so I am not sure taking iron supplements are safe for me. I started taking the gentle iron (for about 3 weeks a couple of months ago) but it did bind me despite the claim made by the manufacturer so I stopped taking it. Though I am concerned about my low ferritin levels especially due to my hair issues. I just dont want to make my iron too high as I know that is not good either.

Do you have any suggestions re getting my ferritin levels higher without taking iron supplements? Thanks for the tip about Vitamin C. I am taking a lot of C (megadosing in fact) due to Dr. Brownstein's suggestion.

I saw my mom's rheumatologist a few years ago but that was the last time I saw him. At that time he said I was fine and had no rheumatology issues. I do have a number of AI conditions but none at this point in time that I know of that he can help me with.

As for my endocrinologist he doesn't go by the numbers and is more relying on my symptoms. But I keep telling him I am good on the 1 grain of Armour and he keeps wanting to up my dose LOL. He keeps saying I don't even realize how badly I am feeling since I am so used to feeling this way.:geek2: I am supposed to be gradually increasing my dose of Armour since last week but have not yet done so. I feel OK on the 60 mg and might add a drop of Iodine once a day. Again a Dr Brownstein's rec - a book rec by @Ellen -thanks Ellen.

First however I am slowly ramping up my B2 and B3 and Vitamin C and Selenium as suggested by Dr. Brownstein before starting the Iodine supplementation.

Whew, I just wrote another book haha. Thanks for your input and advice and insight. And if you could recommend the other B vitamins you feel are safe for the MTHFR C677T mutation I would appreciate that.


Dec 27, 2017
Hey, @missy !

I do not have suggestions about which B vitamins to take other than the methylafolate and methylated B-12 (those are the ones I take). I just recall that the doctor I spoke with about the MTHFR stuff who seemed to know the most about it cautioned me re: multivitamins unless all the Bs in them were methylated.

As far as other ways to get your iron levels up, I was told to cook in a cast iron skillet. And to est lots of dark leafy greens.

I know all of this is frustrating and taking longer than you would like, but I feel sure you will get your levels optimized eventually. Just focus on trying to be as healthy as you can in all things in the meantime. You are doing all the right things and you are SO much more educated than many of us were when we started our thyroid journeys! Thinking back on it, I knew nothing. Anyway, it sounds like you found a good endo who is relying on how you feel. That is HUGE.

Hugs. You will get there.
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