
Attn. MarcyC

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Feb 27, 2007
No worries, Skippy. I''ve had my share of blonde moments sewing.
I was making a cover for my husband''s telescope and he wanted really stretchy material. He picked out swimsuit material. I kept breaking the thread about every 3 inches. I tried changing the tension, basting it, cussing a lot - nothing helped. My mom and sisters are all awesome sewers and I couldn''t reach one of them on the phone so I continued to struggle along and then it finally dawned on my to change out needles. I needed a needle that worked on knit, stretchy fabric. It worked like a charm once I switched needles. My mom and sisters were highly amused when they returned my calls.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 4/14/2008 11:43:56 PM
Author: marcyc
No worries, Skippy. I've had my share of blonde moments sewing.
I was making a cover for my husband's telescope and he wanted really stretchy material. He picked out swimsuit material. I kept breaking the thread about every 3 inches. I tried changing the tension, basting it, cussing a lot - nothing helped. My mom and sisters are all awesome sewers and I couldn't reach one of them on the phone so I continued to struggle along and then it finally dawned on my to change out needles. I needed a needle that worked on knit, stretchy fabric. It worked like a charm once I switched needles. My mom and sisters were highly amused when they returned my calls.
Oh, I haven't gotten to the changing needles part, eeek . . . just the feed dogs. Well this is my mom's machine so I totally could not tell it was not threaded right. My mom gave this machine to me; before I was using a fancy machine which was easy to see it was threaded. Marcy, there are too many parts that can go wrong so makes sense on the needle; hehe. We could be stuck in basting mood, or feed dogs not lowered, etc. hehe


Feb 27, 2007
My machine is older and very basic. My mom has a serger and one of the fancy computer model machines. I''d be lost using her machine. I definitely need to baste things together. You are inspiring me to take up sewing again. Maybe between semesters I''ll make something. Fun for us!


Mar 6, 2006
marcy, you are such an inspiration.

I have been overweight since having my kids and have tried every diet in the book. I have posted to you about your weight loss before, how amazing I think your accomplishment is.

I have had a TON of stress recently so instead of losing the already extra pounds, I gained more weight.

I reached my breaking point yesterday, had my last straw. A very humiliating experience that I don''t want to go into here. But I woke up this morning and decided no more "diet" programs, no more diet plans, its about eating less and moving more. I literally woke up thinking that along with how sick I am about being embarrased about how I look becauase of my weight and how I hate waking up and not liking what I see in the mirror. I have let myself get so out of shape.

And I came Here just to browse and relax for 10 minutes after I''ve gotten my older kids to school and I saw your post. I am literally about to get on the treadmill for 20 minutes and feeling bad that 20 is all I can do right now because I''m so out of shape. Your post totally inspired me to realize, hey you have to start somewhere and to feel good about doing my 20 minutes :)

You really do look amazing and you look so much healthier and younger.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, have you started sewing anything?? I think you are doing awesome on your weight loss journey, kudos friend!!


Feb 27, 2007
Asscherisme, I do understand exactly where you are coming from. I was very unhappy, very embarrassed and had many humiliating experiences because of my size. Sorry to hear you’ve had a lot of stress lately and not being happy about your body just adds to that stress. I am delighted to hear you’ve decided what it takes is to eat less and do more.
That is exactly how I started this journey, I just decided that was it – no more, I was going to change. When I started I wouldn’t have even able to walk 20 minutes on the treadmill so I am excited to hear that was your plan yesterday. Yeah! It’s a great place to start. Even 5 or 10 minutes at a time is an improvement over nothing.
Good luck with your new life. I am here to help you, cheer you on and just to talk to whenever you want. Just focus on it one day at a time. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. I am excited for you!
Thank you so much for your kind words. I can’t tell you how much better I feel and how this has changed me and my life.

Skippy, thanks for the kudos. I was looking at pictures of the old me last night and it just boggles my mind that was me. I found a few pictures in a drawer the other day that I even thought about not showing my husband. They were that bad. I waited 2 days before showing him. His comments were about the same as mine – “Wow”.
I think I’ll start sewing after my classes end in 3 weeks. I have a red linen skirt cut out that I never finished and I think it will fit me now so it’s almost ½ done. Yippee. Did you get your BIL robe finished? What is your next project?



May 14, 2006
Don''t know how I didn''t see this thread before. You really are an inspiration to me with my own weight loss Marcy! You look absolutely amazing and thank you so much for posting how you lost the weight. Dying to see which sparkly you buy!


Oct 30, 2002
31,003 can totally do it. 20 minutes a day is a FAB start. eventually you''ll be doing so much more, but realizing you want to make the long-term change is the most important thing you can do. bravo.

and miss marcy, have you sent your pictures into people mag yet?! huh huh!


Feb 27, 2007
Bee, thank you for saying I am an inspiration to you. I appreciate the compliment. Looking back a few years I would never have dreamed I would do this or get this far. I would have been the last person who would inspire someone to loose weight or strive for better health. I really want to make the piece of jewelry I get for loosing 160 pounds to be something I’ll cherish and always remember why I bought it.
Mara, no I haven’t sent my picture in yet but I am sure thinking about what I want to do. Thanks for the encouragement.
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