
Attn Lawmax

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Dec 31, 1999

This old man is trying to run you down
slow down and let me catch up with ya!
Date: 12/4/2007 3:45:47 PM

This old man is trying to run you down
slow down and let me catch up with ya!

Hi, Steve! Long time, no see. I thought of Lawmax when that thread about Pricescopers to whom we are grateful was put up. I hope she shows her face to answer your call :-).

Hey Deb!

How have you been? It has been a while since I passed through and posted. I have become so old I can't remember half the people that I met around here
Thank you very much for posting and please stay in touch.

Now I have to go stand for another 10 hours... don't you love the holidays!
Date: 12/7/2007 10:19:09 AM
Author: StevL

Now I have to go stand for another 10 hours... don''t you love the holidays!

Well...I sometimes feel holiday stress, but probably nothing compared to what you do, Steve, as I am not in sales! This year (unlike last year when I taught school) I am not working outside the home at all. Stress is just the usual Christmas preparations and family obligations multiplied by the holidays.

It is great to see you here...and healthy! Did Lawmax ever turn up? I was wondering if she had e-mailed you when this thread disappeared ;-).

Oh lord above! LOL

Hey!!!!!!! (yes, I remember my SC days!) I swear I was just thinking about you the other day. Do you still have my ring? ROFL

Well, my dear. You know how to call me and you know how to email me, so do it and tell me how ya''ll are and what you''re doing with my little ring!

You are NOT old, because I''m just a babe!


Hi Deb,

I swear I was thinking about YOU today! I get more and more psychic and tuned in the "older" I get. I was remembering that you called me some very interesting adjectives that were firsts. Strange thing to would be scary to know how that popped into my mind and what the chain of thoughts were. The words were "ubiquitous" and "perspicacious". LOL I think I had to look them up in a dictionary before I could reply to your posts!

Thanks Deb! That, among other things, gives you a special place in my heart. :)


Date: 12/7/2007 8:37:04 PM
Author: lawmax

I swear I was thinking about YOU today! I get more and more psychic and tuned in the ''older'' I get. I was remembering that you called me some very interesting adjectives that were firsts.

Gosh, lawmax, I am getting old, not you or Steve. In fact I must completely have lost all memory of where I met you. You see, I thought we met on a diamond forum, but from your description it sounds as if I must have been studying for my SATs.


Ummmm....did they have SATs when you were in high school?

Maybe I should give up that halo for good.....

edited to add: I know you have my email too because I get your group emails from time to time. I DO read them and sometimes forward them on to encourage my liberal friends and annoy my conservative ones.
We spoke on the phone a long time ago. I'd be happy to speak again some time if you like. I hope life is feeling beautiful for you.

So you remember your SC days... Me Too! I think they wrote all those beach music songs about you ;) Seems like I remember some good times in CA too. Maybe we shouldn''t meet like that; but my wife was there too!

I do now have your email address, your phone number, and I''m working on your street address:) It was so good to speak with you on the phone. Take care and I''m going to check in here more often. Not about jewelry I have enough of that, but to see what you guys are posting about fun stuff.



See, once again you brought us all back together after years of being lost in our own spaces. We all need something to bind us and you are that woman!

I don''t believe for one moment you have aged a bit. And for your mind I wouldn''t challenge that for nothing; you are one very smart person!


It is great to know that some of the first diamond forum people are still here. The very same people that asked all the important questions before many of the people today had their first job. In many ways we all went through this together....... and we still get along :)

Hugs to both of you and send photos.
Date: 12/7/2007 9:20:26 PM
Author: lawmax
Ummmm....did they have SATs when you were in high school?

Lawmax, You are trying to bait me. (That halo never fit you. It was better when you left it to me.) The sad truth is that you are almost right. Actually there were SATs when I was in high school, but when I needed the scores to get licensed as a school social worker (I had previously been "only" a clinical social worker) the educational testing service charged me extra to get them off microfilm!!! I was trying to prove that I didn't need to take a test most teachers must take to prove that they are proficient in English. As I recall, a teacher had to test out of a course or take a course....unless s/he had gotten over 700 on the verbal SAT or the English AT or something. Whatever it was, I made them go down into the dark caves and search the microfilm. The archaeologists were at it for months, but they finally found the evidence. It was carefully preserved so that it did not disintegrate and a letter was sent to my school. Or the State. Or whomever.

Deb, glad to set the record straight
Date: 12/8/2007 11:34:38 AM
Author: StevL

So you remember your SC days... Me Too! I think they wrote all those beach music songs about you ;) Seems like I remember some good times in CA too. Maybe we shouldn''t meet like that; but my wife was there too!

I do now have your email address, your phone number, and I''m working on your street address:) It was so good to speak with you on the phone. Take care and I''m going to check in here more often. Not about jewelry I have enough of that, but to see what you guys are posting about fun stuff.



See, once again you brought us all back together after years of being lost in our own spaces. We all need something to bind us and you are that woman!

I don''t believe for one moment you have aged a bit. And for your mind I wouldn''t challenge that for nothing; you are one very smart person!


It is great to know that some of the first diamond forum people are still here. The very same people that asked all the important questions before many of the people today had their first job. In many ways we all went through this together....... and we still get along :)

Hugs to both of you and send photos.

Steven!!!! LOL It was great to speak with you again too. Thanks for "paging" me via pricescope. We have gone way too long without talking.

Your wife sure was there in CA and in Hilton Head too. I have a feeling there were a couple of events she''d like to forget!!!! Please give her a hug for me. Do you remember when you "put me on restriction"? ROFL

We were here together for the crazy chaos that created what is today''s diamond industry. From chaos comes the universe works.

Hugs my friend,

Date: 12/8/2007 11:34:38 AM
Author: StevL


See, once again you brought us all back together after years of being lost in our own spaces. We all need something to bind us and you are that woman!

I don''t believe for one moment you have aged a bit. And for your mind I wouldn''t challenge that for nothing; you are one very smart person!


It is great to know that some of the first diamond forum people are still here. The very same people that asked all the important questions before many of the people today had their first job. In many ways we all went through this together....... and we still get along :)

Hugs to both of you and send photos.


He said we need someone to bind us and you are that woman. Now THAT sparked memories of some of YOUR first posts. My, I was such an innocent child before I met all of you....
Date: 12/8/2007 5:14:52 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 12/7/2007 9:20:26 PM

Author: lawmax

Ummmm....did they have SATs when you were in high school?

Lawmax, You are trying to bait me. (That halo never fit you. It was better when you left it to me.) The sad truth is that you are almost right. Actually there were SATs when I was in high school, but when I needed the scores to get licensed as a school social worker (I had previously been ''only'' a clinical social worker) the educational testing service charged me extra to get them off microfilm!!! I was trying to prove that I didn''t need to take a test most teachers must take to prove that they are proficient in English. As I recall, a teacher had to test out of a course or take a course....unless s/he had gotten over 700 on the verbal SAT or the English AT or something. Whatever it was, I made them go down into the dark caves and search the microfilm. The archaeologists were at it for months, but they finally found the evidence. It was carefully preserved so that it did not disintegrate and a letter was sent to my school. Or the State. Or whomever.

Deb, glad to set the record straight


The halo did so fit!!! I swear!!!!! OK, maybe it was a little too big.....

Yeah, yeah, yeah,...over 700 verbal...sure wouldn''t have guessed that by your vocabulary....
No worries...I remember microfiche.



Wow, and being from SC we think a 700 TOTAL on the SAT is very good ;) You girls rock!
Date: 12/9/2007 7:25:29 PM
Author: StevL
Wow, and being from SC we think a 700 TOTAL on the SAT is very good ;) You girls rock!

haha...ok, it''s true. That''s why I moved! LOL I got tired of hearin'' ''bout that ole "war of nawthern aggression"!

I expect to see some photos in my email ASAP sir.
Don''t start with me, you know we would have won the war if... oh never mind. I''ll dig some photos up from a few years ago, you won''t know the difference
I spied this thread and had to chime in for an old-timers high five. Cheers, all.

I've moved to this side of the counter but still have arrows in the old quiver.

Live long and... there you have it.

(- Cupid
Date: 12/10/2007 8:52:06 PM
Author: StevL
Don''t start with me, you know we would have won the war if... oh never mind. I''ll dig some photos up from a few years ago, you won''t know the difference

Don''t be a cheater! I wasn''t!
Date: 12/10/2007 11:53:48 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
I spied this thread and had to chime in for an old-timers high five. Cheers, all.

I''ve moved to this side of the counter but still have arrows in the old quiver.

Live long and... there you have it.

(- Cupid

Oh my gosh....I forgot you were Cupid! LOL I remember the gist of the drama now!!!

I''m glad you''re happy on that side of the counter. I always rather liked balancing right there in the middle and bringing all sides together the best I could.....ahhhhh...egos....
Date: 12/8/2007 11:34:38 AM
Author: StevL

We all need something to bind us and you are that woman!

Date: 12/8/2007 6:41:48 PM
Author: lawmax

He said we need someone to bind us and you are that woman. Now THAT sparked memories of some of YOUR first posts. My, I was such an innocent child before I met all of you....

Lawmax, you and Steve were talking about playing fair, i.e. not using old photos, etcetera. Good old Cupid is now a professional and has to watch his tongue...and no one here knows that I was ever anything but a nice old lady. So ixnay on the ondagebay (not that that was really my thing).

Your friend,
or do I mean


It has been very confusing to have you come home, Lawmax. The combination of you, Steve, and Cupid all being here at once is taking a toll on me :-).
lawmax good to see you around these parts again and love the picture!!!

steve you too. er...minus the picture. your avatar looks the same.
Date: 12/11/2007 10:38:40 AM
Author: AGBF

Date: 12/8/2007 11:34:38 AM
Author: StevL

We all need something to bind us and you are that woman!

Date: 12/8/2007 6:41:48 PM
Author: lawmax

He said we need someone to bind us and you are that woman. Now THAT sparked memories of some of YOUR first posts. My, I was such an innocent child before I met all of you....

Lawmax, you and Steve were talking about playing fair, i.e. not using old photos, etcetera. Good old Cupid is now a professional and has to watch his tongue...and no one here knows that I was ever anything but a nice old lady. So ixnay on the ondagebay (not that that was really my thing).

Your friend,
or do I mean


It has been very confusing to have you come home, Lawmax. The combination of you, Steve, and Cupid all being here at once is taking a toll on me :-).
There''s no place like home, there''s no place like home, there''s no place like home. Sure...leave it up to Steve and me to stir up some trouble! OK, I''ll ixnay...I remember nothing!!!!

I didn''t start it...he did!!!!

Date: 12/11/2007 10:46:07 AM
Author: Mara
lawmax good to see you around these parts again and love the picture!!!

steve you too. er...minus the picture. your avatar looks the same.
Thanks, Mara. I always told Leonid that I felt like I was passing the torch over to you. Good work! :)

I''m glad you''ve dug in here and enjoyed the pricescope experience. It''s fun meeting friends in "real life", isn''t it?
This is too cool. Many of the oldtimers are still here, but you guys haven''t aged a bit! So John, how is it being on that side of the counter? I bet much different than you once thought.

Mara, I remember nothing but good things about you. How are things going? And how in the heck did you end up with over 25,000 post?

AGBF, And what toll have we taken? Are we not all angels? You may elect not to answer that
ok kids. I have the photos in my email. Steve looks younger than ever!!!! So does his wife, but she will always be stunning. :) re the seems SO long ago that i found PS...a whole different life! i remember a lot of the original people quite fondly. and's so fun to meet these people in real life and understand that there are other nutso's out there like me.

Steve says:

"how in the heck did you end up with over 25,000 post?"

would you believe me if i said...I DON'T KNOW???? i like to hear myself type i guess.
Date: 12/11/2007 7:03:23 AM
Author: lawmax

Oh my gosh....I forgot you were Cupid! LOL I remember the gist of the drama now!!!

I''m glad you''re happy on that side of the counter. I always rather liked balancing right there in the middle and bringing all sides together the best I could.....ahhhhh...egos....
How soon we forget! Please don''t strip me of my last vestige of innocence m''dear!
And re: This side of the counter and egos... (leaning nonchalantly on that vestige) "Why Lawmax - I do declare - whatever do you mean?"

Date: 12/11/2007 12:10:32 PM
Author: StevL

This is too cool. Many of the oldtimers are still here, but you guys haven''t aged a bit! So John, how is it being on that side of the counter? I bet much different than you once thought.
Yeah Steve. After the initial shock - like jumping into water you know is cold... but ''tis coooooold!
- things warmed up and have been great. My primary group of local friends has stayed the same (no gemophiles) and I''ve kept a toe in the teaching waters. The nice thing is that I''ve been fortunate enough to find rock solid, good people to pass time with in both careers, so no lack of inspiration.
Date: 12/11/2007 4:55:19 PM
Author: Mara

Steve says:

'how in the heck did you end up with over 25,000 post?'

would you believe me if i said...I DON'T KNOW???? i like to hear myself type i guess.
Or: PS averages over 1000 posts a day now. I imagine back in the old days - when it was basically Mara and ten others - PS was still averaging about 1000 posts a day. Do the math.
Date: 12/11/2007 6:21:06 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
Date: 12/11/2007 7:03:23 AM

Author: lawmax

Oh my gosh....I forgot you were Cupid! LOL I remember the gist of the drama now!!!

I'm glad you're happy on that side of the counter. I always rather liked balancing right there in the middle and bringing all sides together the best I could.....ahhhhh...egos....

How soon we forget! Please don't strip me of my last vestige of innocence m'dear!

And re: This side of the counter and egos... (leaning nonchalantly on that vestige) 'Why Lawmax - I do declare - whatever do you mean?'

Date: 12/11/2007 12:10:32 PM

Author: StevL

This is too cool. Many of the oldtimers are still here, but you guys haven't aged a bit! So John, how is it being on that side of the counter? I bet much different than you once thought.

Yeah Steve. After the initial shock - like jumping into water you know is cold... but 'tis coooooold!
- things warmed up and have been great. My primary group of local friends has stayed the same (no gemophiles) and I've kept a toe in the teaching waters. The nice thing is that I've been fortunate enough to find rock solid, good people to pass time with in both careers, so no lack of inspiration.

Cupid, Cupid, dear sweet Cupid....I remember watching your last days of was like watching a deer in the headlights. hehehehe Sigh....we consumers have most certainly taken our power back, eh?

Ah....the ego...well, I've typed this paragraph a few times now and have to keep deleting! LOL And I do declare, kind sir, that you know better than most EXACTLY what I mean! And you came on the scene later than I did----it was quite a show for a long time there and was positively contagious! I hang my head.........

Date: 12/11/2007 6:28:35 PM
Author: lawmax

Cupid, Cupid, dear sweet Cupid....I remember watching your last days of was like watching a deer in the headlights. hehehehe Sigh....we consumers have most certainly taken our power back, eh?

Ah....the ego...well, I've typed this paragraph a few times now and have to keep deleting! LOL And I do declare, kind sir, that you know better than most EXACTLY what I mean! And you came on the scene later than I did----it was quite a show for a long time there and was positively contagious! I hang my head.........

Ah yes. Galahadian Cupid... Before the nervous tic. Before the shaking of the hands. Before the baldness. Ok, I exaggerate. And, yeah, headlights is so right! But I can't deny that the dramatis personae of that interesting time & place (picture yourself and AGBF in the roles of enchanting muses) were engaging enough to make a fond, positive impression. Years later when I came aboard in the trade it was cool to get to know the pros in person - and suffer a few rites of passage - especially people like Paul, Garry & Serg from different corners of the earth who I never fathomed I'd meet. As regards you, Deb, and a few more refugees who've either faded or lurk, I'll always consider you my erstwhile allies and inspirers (conspirers?)
from another place and time. Don't you hang your head!

As for "knowing ego;" my parents are both professional singers, I earned degrees in vocal & percussion performance and I've been an artist-clinician with Yamaha for many years. I came into this well-prepared for a few high-filootin' diamond cutters.

Maybe we should exchange notes.
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