
Arnold Schwarzenegger-The Biography


Jan 26, 2003
Apparently there is going to be a new biography published about Arnold Schwarzenegger. If I understood correctly, it has not yet been published, but the author of the one about to be published has said that when allegations she makes were made previously they were not taken seriously. I do not know how much credence to place in all the "history" recounted in this article, although I have read much of it before. (I have found that reading something many times does not make it true.) Nonetheless, I found the article to which I have provided a link below, fascinating. The little bit mentioned about Arnold's father, especially, was interesting. I had read previously that he was a policeman. And I had also read that Arnold did not stop his training in body building for the Olympics to return to Austria for his funeral. I found that very cold. I had thought of Arnold as a family-oriented person. Now reading this account of his father as a former member of the SA (the brownshirts), and as abusive to Arnold and his mother gives me another possible slant on things.

This article finds Arnold to be misogynistic. It mentions stories of his groping unsuspecting women; pushing Maria Shriver's face into a sundae; getting a female co-star who didn't drink drunk; and engaging in unprotected sex, fathering numerous children out-of-wedlock while married to Maria Shriver without regard to the feelings of anyone but himself.


Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend


Jan 26, 2003
AGBF|1306124492|2928135 said:
Apparently there is going to be a new biography published about Arnold Schwarzenegger. If I understood correctly, it has not yet been published, but the author of the one about to be published has said that when allegations she makes were made previously they were not taken seriously.

What I wrote about above is incorrect. I sometimes do not read well for for comprehension, or to be more charitable to myself, my attention was elsewhere! I am sure that that a lot of books-I don't know if they will rise to the level of, "biographies"-of Mr. Schwarzenegger will be forthcoming, but none by the author of the above article. Her biography was published in 1990.

(Her name is Wendy Leigh, by the way.) In her article she also refers to another biography that had already been published, one by Ian Halperin, that supposedly alleges that Arnold has as many as six other biological children born out-of-wedlock.


Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend
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