
Are You Guilty of Recreational Shopping...?

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Nov 20, 2007
I am and I have to stop!!

I find myself cruising the same stores every week, buying this and that, not out of need, but thinking it''s a great buy or just liking the item.

Or online. If I read an article, a post on a blog or forum, my bored brain starts to research it and before I know it I''ve clicked "confirm buy" !!

So spill the beans - are you guilty, if so, what do you buy??

For me, it''s Home Goods, can''t stay out of that store!
Online, clothes, shoes and skin care.
absolutely guilty!!
it''s an addiction i have, i think. i can''t ever just have 1 of something, i have to have it in every color it comes in.
i am buying online all the time, and poor DH is so "whatever" about it.
then i go shopping almost daily.
and it is buying things i would like but i don''t need. do i really need 20 pairs of brand new work out pants, at $100 a pair? NO!!
i am trying to control myself a little bit better though, but no luck really.
I fall victim to e-mail marketing. Especially when I can't sleep, and I get emails from various stores telling me about their 20% off sale (TODAY ONLY!) or free shipping (Ends Tomorrow!) or things of that kind.
It's really sad. I click on that email, "just to see" what qualifies for the discount, and then I see things I like, and then they get sent right to my door!
I've gotten clothes, shoes, even food.

ETA: I should add that, in the last few months, I have started focusing on how much I'm spending, and I have basically ended my late-night online shopping habit.
I used to shop for things (especially for my little one) all the time and buy things I didn''t really need. Now I no longer do that because we started doing a written budget every month. I used to think budgets were for people that didn''t have a lot to live on, but now I realized that you really do save so much when you are paying attention to how much you spend. I still give myself a certain amount every month for things like clothes, haircuts, and pedicures, that type of thing, but I feel like we got a raise since we are actually seeing where our money is going every month!
I used to, but not anymore
. Too much $$$.
Definitely, but it''s mostly on Food! When I''m feeling down or bored I''ll go buy good food and cook - fresh veggies, shrimp, steak, fruit, spices, etc, and make an excellent meal that I eat way too much of. It''s good because I''m not buying more ''stuff'', but very bad for my waistline!

At least I''m not buying HoHos and DingDongs, lol!
I go shopping pretty often, but I don''t buy anything unless it is something I really want. I often will have several shopping trips in a row where I find nothing, than one trip where I find a good amount of closes I need for the season. I guess it is feast or famine for me.
I was, but not so much now
because I have too much stuff, and because of economic jitters. It isn''t an easy habit to break, however... and I amaze myself with the excuses I can come up with to go shopping!
Am I guilty of recreational shopping?

Is there another kind?

I don''t do anywhere near the amount of ''strolling through department stores'' as I used to. I''m much less likely to impulse purchase now. Don''t know whether that is age speaking, or that I''m now a wife whose closets are crammed and the hubby knows it.
I love Home Goods, have to stop on my way to the Post Office

also check watch prices/deals online
I wish. We''re actually on a shopping ban ( my husband and I ) till April. We started it in January. It''s tough.
I do, I have done, but I''ve set up new guidelines for myself. I allow a certain amount per month to spend on the girls, just shopping money and we go out together. This amount is no more than $200 a month, sometimes less. I don''t buy anything over $100 without discussing it with DH. Other than that, I try to only buy perishable household items. At least they get used. I have overspent on our new puppy, but I''ve stopped doing that. I would love to add to my Pandora bracelet, but I''m not doing that either! I''m getting my hair done professionally (coloured) every 5 weeks, so I try to save up that amount by not buying things I might have splurged on in the past. I''ve stopped buying magazines and books (i used to mass collect books, and have many to finish!). I try to buy whatever I need at Walmart with one of my daughter''s discount cards (they both work there p/t), and this saves quite a bit of money. I now think about every single purchase. Have to do this, the economy is not great and DH didn''t get much of a raise at all this year, but at least he''s still employed.
I "stress" shop - which is why I just bought a new stone. Ugh.

For all you online shoppers sometimes you can find good coupon codes at
seems I''m not the only one! Misery loves company huh!

I don''t buy expensive stuff, but all those 150.00 Target trips and HomeGoods extras really add up.

I kinda need 4 new breakfast room chairs. I''ve seen them from 1,000. ea to 1,200. for 4. I realized all
my recreational shopping could easily pay for those chairs.

with the economy in the state it is in, who knows what the next few years will have in store for us.
I am very concerned, very worried.
(we still have one son in college who is going on to grad school. Why bother getting out!)

I will not be contributing to boosting retail sales any time soon!!
Date: 3/6/2009 2:05:24 PM
Author: hoofbeats95
I ''stress'' shop - which is why I just bought a new stone. Ugh.

For all you online shoppers sometimes you can find good coupon codes at

Oh, perfect. That''s JUST what i need!!
Shopping isn''t recreation--it''s the reason humans exist!
naaaaah I prefer my money in the bank, rather than languishing away on the shelves in my closet. I work too hard for it to spend it on "junk." I do like to window shop though
Date: 3/6/2009 2:05:24 PM
Author: hoofbeats95
I ''stress'' shop - which is why I just bought a new stone. Ugh.

For all you online shoppers sometimes you can find good coupon codes at

So do I. I am moving to a small town in a few months. What am I going to do with myself!!??
Date: 3/6/2009 3:04:45 PM
Author: LtlFirecracker

Date: 3/6/2009 2:05:24 PM
Author: hoofbeats95
I ''stress'' shop - which is why I just bought a new stone. Ugh.

For all you online shoppers sometimes you can find good coupon codes at

So do I. I am moving to a small town in a few months. What am I going to do with myself!!??
oh gosh, I''d go into withdrawl big time!
In my case if I''d become real good friends with the UPS delivery guy!!
Yes, mostly for beauty products. However, I really started putting the brakes on about a year ago, and I''ve been doing very well with not buying things I already have (how many different shades of Bobbi Brown brownish-pink lipstick do I need?)

My best friend is a compulsive shopper, so I''ve been trying to hang out with her less, as well. She buys way more than she needs, and is in tons of debt - she encourages us around her to shop with her, but I''ve been resisting.

My husband & I have gotten rid of all of our credit card debt, and we hope to not use them anymore unless for emergencies.
Date: 3/6/2009 3:47:35 PM
Author: bebe
Date: 3/6/2009 3:04:45 PM

Author: LtlFirecracker

Date: 3/6/2009 2:05:24 PM

Author: hoofbeats95

I 'stress' shop - which is why I just bought a new stone. Ugh.

For all you online shoppers sometimes you can find good coupon codes at

So do I. I am moving to a small town in a few months. What am I going to do with myself!!??

oh gosh, I'd go into withdrawl big time!

In my case if I'd become real good friends with the UPS delivery guy!!

I guess catalogs are going to be the substitute, but it is just not the same. I guess it would be good for me to find another way to deal with stress.
Yep, although I have really stopped doing this in the last year or so! I never go to the mall unless I actually need to get something, which has cut my mall trips down to basically never! I also have cut back on my online shopping, although I still get crazy every now and then.

However, I work at a clothing store so I do buy a lot more clothing than most people. I was trying to figure out a normal amount of money to spend on clothes every month, so I asked my twin sister. She told me that the previous month she had only spent $20 on a top from H&M, and I almost fell over!
I spend a LOT more than $20 a month and I get a sweet discount!
I used to A LOT! Especially when I was working. Now that I''m a SAHM I buy a lot less for myself. Well, now that I think of it, I buy less of what I used to (clothing, makeup, home accessories) and save all my extra cash for jewelry purchases.
Online shopping can really be dangerous. Example, Zappos for shoes. I''ll order both sizes and several colors of the same shoe, thinking I''ll keep just one pair, ha!
Who am I kidding!!
Then the other day I decided I had to have remote controlled flameless candles. I have these lanterns on a high shelf that I needed them for. So while I was at that
web site, I just bought a ton of Easter decor. Totally stupid and totally don''t need.
I also ordered a spring lightweight jacket online, got it and didn''t like it, so I returned that, but bought more on the return trip!

Gotta stop
Date: 3/6/2009 12:29:21 PM
I am and I have to stop!!

I find myself cruising the same stores every week, buying this and that, not out of need, but thinking it''s a great buy or just liking the item.

Or online. If I read an article, a post on a blog or forum, my bored brain starts to research it and before I know it I''ve clicked ''confirm buy'' !!

So spill the beans - are you guilty, if so, what do you buy??

For me, it''s Home Goods, can''t stay out of that store!
Online, clothes, shoes and skin care.
imported Japanese koi.
I'm not a big shopper and I don't like to spend money, but I do shop for fun occasionally. The last thing I bought for myself probably was a pair of boots a few months ago. I have to be in a certain mood to shop, and I usually need to have a purpose. I don't really like to walk through the mall browsing aimlessly.

Like jsm, I do spend money on food way more than on other stuff. We love to go out to eat or get take out, especially on the weekends, but we've had to reign that in.
Date: 3/7/2009 5:56:20 AM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 3/6/2009 12:29:21 PM
I am and I have to stop!!

I find myself cruising the same stores every week, buying this and that, not out of need, but thinking it''s a great buy or just liking the item.

Or online. If I read an article, a post on a blog or forum, my bored brain starts to research it and before I know it I''ve clicked ''confirm buy'' !!

So spill the beans - are you guilty, if so, what do you buy??

For me, it''s Home Goods, can''t stay out of that store!
Online, clothes, shoes and skin care.
imported Japanese koi.
Hey DF, how do you buy these fish, just curious. Do you order and they ship or do you buy locally?
Can live fish even be shipped? Showing my ignorance here, but I guess anything is possible these days.
No really no. On the whole, I don't really enjoy shopping
. I find it a bore walking through the stores and have never done any online shopping for clothes, shoes or handbags. I usually do my shopping towards the end of the sale, as it seems I've developed a penchant for designer clothes and shoes but am loathe to pay full prices, LOL. I've been known to "waste money" (according to DH) on some LV's and a few Chanel bags but it seems I've outgrown these, thank God!

EXCEPT for diamonds of course!
But even for these, I try not to overpay.

Seriously though, I've actually stopped spending on practically all the unnecessary stuff, which includes diamonds. I am actually coping a lot better with the "dry spell" than I though I'd be, he he. This doesn't mean though that I will stop buying any more diamonds altogether, it just means a temporary deferment for a while!

What can I say?! I'd much rather have the $$$$!
I''m definitely guilty of this, but not recently. Generally, if I''m really stressed about money and/or really super busy (both true right now), its much easier for me to avoid shopping for stuff I don''t really need...
Date: 3/7/2009 11:17:39 AM
Author: bebe

Date: 3/7/2009 5:56:20 AM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 3/6/2009 12:29:21 PM
I am and I have to stop!!

I find myself cruising the same stores every week, buying this and that, not out of need, but thinking it''s a great buy or just liking the item.

Or online. If I read an article, a post on a blog or forum, my bored brain starts to research it and before I know it I''ve clicked ''confirm buy'' !!

So spill the beans - are you guilty, if so, what do you buy??

For me, it''s Home Goods, can''t stay out of that store!
Online, clothes, shoes and skin care.
imported Japanese koi.
Hey DF, how do you buy these fish, just curious. Do you order and they ship or do you buy locally?
Can live fish even be shipped? Showing my ignorance here, but I guess anything is possible these days.
i buy from koi dealers whom imports from Japan into the US. dealers need a special import license.
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