
Anyone into musicals?


May 11, 2009
I've been a big fan of musicals for as long as I can remember. Going to the theatre was always a treat while I was growing up, since it was an hour and a half away. I loved the intricate wood carvings, and the luxe red velvet seats, everyone in their fancy clothes! :love: The first show I really remember was 'Les Mis.' I've never been the same since, lol.

Now that I live in a proper city that hosts international tours, I try to go often. Tickets are very expensive though, and honestly some shows I can't raise an interest in for some reason. 'Annie' was here earlier in the year and I couldn't be bothered going - just not into it.

My overall favorite, to which there will never be compare, remains 'Les Mis.' I've seen it 9 times now, and will never stop seeing it. I was heartbroken when I saw (while searching for shows in NY) that it is returning to Broadway and we'll be missing it by 2 months. ;( It depressed me enough that I took a break from trying to decide which shows to see for about a week. :lol: :nono: :lol:

What shows has everyone here seen? And which are your favorites? Any Broadway favorites for us to check out?
I've only ever been to Cats as far as big productions go. Our community theater did The King and I last summer and are doing Les Mis this next year. They just went to a production of it a couple weeks ago. My lead teacher and her husband are huge into theater, and I've been trying to get up the guts to audition.

I love the musicals like Sound of Music, Singin in the Rain and The King and I. JD hates them, so if I wanted to go to the productions in the bigger cities, I'd have to go w/my lead teacher and their theater friends.
Ginger, I love musicals and Les Mis is my favorite musical too! I loved it and saw it 5 times. Very impressive you saw it 9 amazing musical for sure. The music, the story, everything. We haven't been going much in the last few years but what I can recommend is Wicked, Jersey Boys and
Avenue Q . I really enjoyed them and think they are still around. Wicked was especially good. I also can recommend Book of Mormon though I haven't seen it yet unfortunately because everyone just loves it (as long as you do not get offended easily as I believe it is a bit off color and hilarious!).
We had a no kids day at work Friday and my lead teacher brought in her Wicked cd so she could play a couple songs for me. She said another one they want to do is The Producers.
Went to The Book of Mormon two weeks ago. Had fabulous seats (row K) . OMG it was hysterical, vulgar, incredible!
The talent in that show was off the charts! Spent the entire time switching between this :lol: and this :shock: back to this :lol:
Went with my very unshockable friend, my 21 yr old son and her 30 yr old nephew. Best time ever :bigsmile:
I wasn't offended at all, but believe me there was plenty to be offended at :devil:
Great show, highly recommend!

I have been to see: Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of Penzance, Grease, Joseph and the Amazing T-Color Dream Coat(30 yrs ago)

Would love to see Wicked.
I love musicals - even the old, campy, dated ones. I've been ushering at our local musical theater company for several summers now. It's a volunteer gig, but I do get to see a lot of productions (or rather, I get to see most all of a lot of productions) for free! This year year we were treated to a nice, stepped-up version of Showboat, a wonderful version of "Chicago," and a very nicely done "Wizard of Oz." Our local theater is "in the round," which means that actors and sets get to and from the stage on the main aisles and occasionally the action occurs in the aisles. It also means that the outer corridor is essentially the backstage area, which we get to see when we're waiting to seat late patrons etc.

My all-time favorite musical is "Man of La Mancha," followed closely by "Fiddler on the Roof," and I loved "Rent" when I got to see it on Broadway. I have to admit though that several more current large production numbers, including Les Mis and Cats, are on my "once is probably enough" list. Sorry, Les Mis fans! :wink2:
Mostly standard summer stock fare, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few, in no particular order....

Sound of Music (I was IN a local professional company's 2001 production of Sound of Music in fact. Great fun but I would not want to do theatre as a career.)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Little Shop of Horrors
Secret Garden (the season my teacher was in it)
And The World Goes Round (teacher was in this one)
Forever Plaid
A 1941 Radio Show
Man of La Mancha (teacher was in this too)
Brigadoon (ages ago as a kid)
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Bye Bye Birdie
Will Rogers Follies
Jesus Christ Superstar
Phantom (not to be confused with Phantom of The Opera)
Pirates of Penzance

Those are the ones I've seen live. There are the others I've not seen live, just on film....

The Producers
The King and I

The World Goes Round is very good, being a Kander and Ebb musical review - around 18 songs, a real vocal endurance-fest for a performer, I'm told.

Forever Plaid is just a hoot. And the music in Jesus Christ Superstar is catchy and unforgettable.
At this point, Book of Mormon appears to be non-negotiable. My BFF and her husband saw it on the West End earlier this year and she told me she was almost in tears.

I've seen Wicked and Chicago, loved them both. Thinking of doing Matilda and The Lion King, and maybe Big Fish as well. Has anyone in Chicago seen Big Fish there? I'd be happy to see a different show each night we're there!
missy|1380508251|3529431 said:
Ginger, I love musicals and Les Mis is my favorite musical too! I loved it and saw it 5 times. Very impressive you saw it 9 amazing musical for sure. The music, the story, everything. We haven't been going much in the last few years but what I can recommend is Wicked, Jersey Boys and Avenue Q . I really enjoyed them and think they are still around. Wicked was especially good. I also can recommend Book of Mormon though I haven't seen it yet unfortunately because everyone just loves it (as long as you do not get offended easily as I believe it is a bit off color and hilarious!).

Everything she said.

The Lion King was also an amazing experience (I saw it in Toronto) so I would give that one a thumbs up. I've not heard about Matilda or Big Fish. I've heard great things about this revival of Newsies.

Another favorite of mine is the Off-Broadway production of The Fantasticks. I'm not sure when you'll be arriving in NYC, but it appears to only be running through Christmas Eve... ;(
woofmama|1380513654|3529449 said:
Went to The Book of Mormon two weeks ago. Had fabulous seats (row K) . OMG it was hysterical, vulgar, incredible!
The talent in that show was off the charts! Spent the entire time switching between this :lol: and this :shock: back to this :lol:
Went with my very unshockable friend, my 21 yr old son and her 30 yr old nephew. Best time ever :bigsmile:
I wasn't offended at all, but believe me there was plenty to be offended at :devil:
Great show, highly recommend!

I have been to see: Phantom of the Opera, Pirates of Penzance, Grease, Joseph and the Amazing T-Color Dream Coat(30 yrs ago)

Would love to see Wicked.

Forgot: Jesus Christ Superstar and Bye-Bye Birdie
justginger|1380536714|3529487 said:
At this point, Book of Mormon appears to be non-negotiable. My BFF and her husband saw it on the West End earlier this year and she told me she was almost in tears.

I've seen Wicked and Chicago, loved them both. Thinking of doing Matilda and The Lion King, and maybe Big Fish as well. Has anyone in Chicago seen Big Fish there? I'd be happy to see a different show each night we're there!

JG-You will not regret spending the money on Book of Mormon!!!! It is pee in your pants funny :D
Missy - how is Avenue Q? I've heard about it, but don't know anything about it. It was an option when we were on the West End last year, but we ended up going the Mamma Mia route instead. It looks to be off-Broadway, but of course that doesn't mean it isn't a great production, I simply don't know anything about it.

We saw Jersey Boys here in Perth earlier this year. It was...ok. I don't understand the fab reviews; I found that it dragged. The music was good though - my parents had a record player that I was allowed to use as a child and my favorite record was the Four Seasons. :))
I love musicals. When I lived in Central London I would go all the time, usually by myself since many young professionals in London in their early-mid twenties only want to drink. I didn't know anyone my age who wanted nights out at the theatre. After work, it was always straight down the pub till closing time.

I saw My Fair Lady at the Theatre Royal on Drury Lane, Covent Garden, 12 times. I sat in the gods, as it was cheapest, and I saw Jonathan Pryce as Higgins. There was a sandwich shop opposite, and I'd always go in there and have tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches and coffee beforehand. I also went to Les Mis, Phantom, Cats, Starlight Express, Fame, but nothing quite grabbed me like My Fair Lady.

I also went to the ballet, as the Royal Opera House had really cheap seats. Listening seats, or standing seats, for five pounds. I saw ballets, concerts at the Barbican and the Albert Hall, and various plays. All of it was awesome. And at the Royal Opera House, occasionally I'd treat myself to a glass of champagne in the interval :D
Smith1942|1380551859|3529567 said:
I saw My Fair Lady at the Theatre Royal on Drury Lane, Covent Garden, 12 times. I sat in the gods, as it was cheapest, and I saw Jonathan Pryce as Higgins. There was a sandwich shop opposite, and I'd always go in there and have tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches and coffee beforehand. I also went to Les Mis, Phantom, Cats, Starlight Express, Fame, but nothing quite grabbed me like My Fair Lady.

How could I forget My Fair Lady????? It was the first musical I ever saw, live or otherwise! My father worked the sound systems for a large local university when I was in grade school, and every summer they put on a musical in the football stadium. He took me to see My Fair Lady there - touring summer stock with local chorus and extras. I even got to be in the backstage area! This was not long after the movie came out, so of course we got the soundtrack album, and played it often as we didn't have a lot of albums back then. My memory of that event is still so grand that I'm not sure I'd want to see My Fair Lady live again, if you know what I mean. But I've seen the movie several times (oh, those costumes!) and probably know most of the songs by heart.

Smith - your time in London sounds wonderful!
I just saw " next to normal" Friday night. Most disturbing musical ever about mental illness. If it comes your way be warned: tons of profanity and disturbing content. We left at intermission because it came too close to home and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.
AprilBaby|1380556996|3529602 said:
I just saw " next to normal" Friday night. Most disturbing musical ever about mental illness. If it comes your way be warned: tons of profanity and disturbing content. We left at intermission because it came too close to home and I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

That sounds awful! It's not really the intended effect of a night out at the theatre, is it?

I don't really like avant-garde things myself. When I go to the theatre or the cinema, I want to relax and be entertained. Call me low-brow, but I don't want to be challenged or stimulated or scared. I've got enough of that in my daily life already!!
VRBeauty|1380514081|3529451 said:
My all-time favorite musical is "Man of La Mancha," followed closely by "Fiddler on the Roof," and I loved "Rent" when I got to see it on Broadway.

OMG, yes!! Man of La Mancha was the very first musical I ever went to, when I was 6 or 7 years old, and it remains very near to my heart.

Les Mis is probably my overall favorite, I seriously have lost count of how many times I've seen it. At least 10? I've seen it in so many different venues, too, which is fun. I've seen it in LA, SF, NY, London, and a couple others.

The Lion King is amazing, if any of you haven't seen it, you absolutely MUST. I've seen it a few times and I just recently took DH to see it for his first time and he was blown away.

Also love Wicked, so much that I once dragged DH on a day trip to LA (6 hour drive from us, we literally drove down in the morning, did pre-show dinner/drinks, saw the show, drove all the way back home) because he'd never seen it before. That year it wasn't coming any closer to us and I couldn't wait another year for him to see it, lol. Since then we've seen it a couple of times in SF.

The Producers!!! Funny story with this one, my ex-FI loved the show and dragged me to it a few times when he was living in London. I didn't love it, or even like it, until my 3rd or 4th time seeing it. Somehow a light switched on for me and all of a sudden I was able to enjoy it, and I anxiously await the day it comes on a revival tour or something.

Beauty & the Beast, Chicago, Phantom, Jersey Boys, Cats, Mamma Mia - all so fun.
star sparkle|1380563886|3529658 said:

The Producers!!! Funny story with this one, my ex-FI loved the show and dragged me to it a few times when he was living in London. I didn't love it, or even like it, until my 3rd or 4th time seeing it. Somehow a light switched on for me and all of a sudden I was able to enjoy it, and I anxiously await the day it comes on a revival tour or something.


I saw The Producers in NYC with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. It was, HANDS DOWN, the single most amazing theater experience I've ever had. Those two men know how to work an audience and Mel Brooks is pretty much a genius.
vc10um|1380564295|3529662 said:
star sparkle|1380563886|3529658 said:

The Producers!!! Funny story with this one, my ex-FI loved the show and dragged me to it a few times when he was living in London. I didn't love it, or even like it, until my 3rd or 4th time seeing it. Somehow a light switched on for me and all of a sudden I was able to enjoy it, and I anxiously await the day it comes on a revival tour or something.


I saw The Producers in NYC with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. It was, HANDS DOWN, the single most amazing theater experience I've ever had. Those two men know how to work an audience and Mel Brooks is pretty much a genius.

Well color me green with envy! =)

I freaking love that show; when I saw it on Broadway, Roger Bart was playing the role of Leo opposite Tony Danza. I thought THAT was a great combo!!
star sparkle|1380564583|3529665 said:
vc10um|1380564295|3529662 said:
star sparkle|1380563886|3529658 said:

The Producers!!! Funny story with this one, my ex-FI loved the show and dragged me to it a few times when he was living in London. I didn't love it, or even like it, until my 3rd or 4th time seeing it. Somehow a light switched on for me and all of a sudden I was able to enjoy it, and I anxiously await the day it comes on a revival tour or something.


I saw The Producers in NYC with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. It was, HANDS DOWN, the single most amazing theater experience I've ever had. Those two men know how to work an audience and Mel Brooks is pretty much a genius.

Well color me green with envy! =)

I freaking love that show; when I saw it on Broadway, Roger Bart was playing the role of Leo opposite Tony Danza. I thought THAT was a great combo!!

How awesome that Roger Bart was Leo! He originated the role of Carmen Ghia in the original run on Broadway...I believe I saw him in that role. I'd LOVE to see Tony Danza in a show someday!
vc10um|1380565474|3529669 said:
How awesome that Roger Bart was Leo! He originated the role of Carmen Ghia in the original run on Broadway...I believe I saw him in that role. I'd LOVE to see Tony Danza in a show someday!

Yeah, it was pretty cool! It took my brain a couple of minutes to make the transition from Roger Bart as Carmen Ghia to Roger Bart as Leo, but he was fantastic! Ahh, this is making me miss that show. I may have to watch the film version tonight to get my fix. :naughty:
So I collect magnets kind of the way some people collect shot glasses. I LOVE magnets, and I think they're such a fun way to commemorate places I've been or things I've seen, and they have the added bonus that they're easy to display.

As such, I have a whole section on my fridge dedicated to the shows I've seen! I think you all might appreciate it more than most. ;) Most are musicals, but there are some others in there as well (Cirque shows, the Tonight Show, etc..). I have one for almost all the shows I've been to, with a few notable exceptions: Man of La Mancha, The Sound of Music, and Chicago.

star sparkle|1380568170|3529686 said:
So I collect magnets kind of the way some people collect shot glasses. I LOVE magnets, and I think they're such a fun way to commemorate places I've been or things I've seen, and they have the added bonus that they're easy to display.

As such, I have a whole section on my fridge dedicated to the shows I've seen! I think you all might appreciate it more than most. ;) Most are musicals, but there are some others in there as well (Cirque shows, the Tonight Show, etc..). I have one for almost all the shows I've been to, with a few notable exceptions: Man of La Mancha, The Sound of Music, and Chicago.

I collect the lapel pins from all my shows, star sparkle! They're all packed away right now (I need a new shadow box for displaying them...I outgrew the old one!) but after seeing your show magnets I'm itching to get them out!
I was practically raised in the theater & think I have seen just about everything =)
But my all time favorite, which I have seen 8 times & I still cry my eyes out at the end, is Blood Brothers. I am not sure if it has done much international touring & stays mostly in the UK due to its Liverpudlian humour, but it is the most powerful & moving musical EVER. Makes me well up just thinking about it - I really am that sad!!
I love musicals, and am going up to London to see Top Hat this Saturday, after visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum for their Pearl Exhibition, can't wait! :mrgreen:

Last year I went to see Singing In The Rain on stage and enjoyed it. However, it lacked some of the magic when compared with the film.

I have seen a number of musicals in London over the years, mostly revivals of the classics, and enjoyed nearly all of them.

Of the newer ones, I enjoyed Chicago, Cats (twice), and We Will Rock You (I am a big Queen fan).

Not too keen on Miss Saigon or The Lion King for their music, however, their stage setting were innovative and original.

I saw Hugh Jackman as Curly in Oklahoma on stage before he made it big on the big screen.

Also saw John Barrowman in Anything Goes.

Someone once said to me that in order to truly appreciate the greatness that is Bernstein, one needs to see West Side Story on stage, and it is so true!

If I could travel back in time, I would love to see Yul Brynner as the king in the King and I, and Julie Andrews and Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady on stage.

DK :)
I saw Yul Brenner in the King and I in San Francisco, feb. 1983. Fabulous performance! Theatre on Market street.
As a child (military family), I didn't live in communities where musicals were prevalent but I love them from tv. As an adult, through the traveling Broadway shows and community theater, I've seen Chicago, Wicked (favorite, seen four times), Man of La Mancha, and a handful of operas. This Friday is Book Of Mormon - can't wait! :appl:
AprilBaby|1380583636|3529825 said:
I saw Yul Brenner in the King and I in San Francisco, feb. 1983. Fabulous performance! Theatre on Market street.

Jealous. :love:
packrat|1380589556|3529874 said:
AprilBaby|1380583636|3529825 said:
I saw Yul Brenner in the King and I in San Francisco, feb. 1983. Fabulous performance! Theatre on Market street.

Jealous. :love:

Ditto. How amazing, AprilBaby! I nearly wore out that video on our VCR when I was a kid. "When I sit you shall sit, when I kneel you shall kneel, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!"