
Anyone here watch Mad Men?


Jun 19, 2010
I searched and didn't see another post about it. I love it so much and want to eat it with a spoon.

ANyone else watch it?
Wait, there are people that don't watch Mad Men? I'm so in love with it!!!
I do and I love it. Been watching since the very first episode.

How about "The Suitcase" episode from this season? That was my favorite ever, followed by the end of season 3 when they formed SCDP. As much as I like the whole cast, I find the storylines of the women fascinating, especially Peggy.
I am in love with this show. I work at an agency and saw a clip of the speech from "The Carousel" in a meeting and was sort of hooked from that scene. I caught up on old episodes and have watched since.

Today is a bad day to talk about it, though, as I'm frustrated with the season finale last night. I'm used to the season finales being so good--I remember when "The Suitcase" aired and I thought to myself "Wow, if this episode is THIS good, the season finale is going to be incredible".

I'm sure the season finale was just a setup for the destruction of Don/Megan in the next season when he realizes he made a rash decision, but I wish the show hadn't gone there at all. This season was about exploring Don, but he ended up right where he's always been: attracted to pretty young girls who flatter him. Oh well, I really enjoyed the scene with Peggy and Joan. Speaking of Peggy, I wonder if her reaction to Don's announcement and Don's lame "she has your spark" comment is a setup for a future relationship...we'll see, I guess.
I really hope that Peggy and Don don't wind up together. I like their father/daughter thing, but I heard that the real guy that Don Draper was based on married the Peggy equivalent, so who knows.

I actually liked him more with Megan then Dr. Faye. Dr. Faye drove me crazy, but I think it was mostly the actress. I felt like Weiner was saying that Don spiraled out of control until he had what he had to begin with. Like he always was where he was supposed to be. And I think that Megan is a lot deeper a character then the other people in the office think she is.

As for the Joan and Peggy conversation, that made me so happy. After "The Girls" I felt so bad for Joan because she seemed to push people away, but now it appears that they're friends, and that makes me really thrilled for them, and I'm so glad that she kept the baby. Dr. McRapey looked pretty hot in Vietnam too. I just like to see Joan smile.

And finally - I wish Carla would've bitch slapped Betty. I hope she still will.
I adore "Mad Men" - I think it's one of the most nuanced shows around. Haven't liked any show quite so much since "The Shield." I think one of the wonders is that I don't like any of the characters, but I still find them fascinating: that takes a deft hand. I haven't seen the finale yet, but I'm looking forward to it ... even the best recaps don't give the full effect!
For anybody who hasn't seen the finale, don't read below (sorry, I should have said that in my last post!)

I also enjoy the relationship that Don and Peggy have--they are most "themselves" around each other in a platonic way, which is refreshing for Don's character--the scene just left me wondering if Matt Weiner was opening that door. I really do love Peggy and am really hoping that she's not expected to be a copywriting mentor to Megan if the wedding happens.

I'm also not a fan of Dr. Faye. I've read she's a good actress (from posters on Mad Men forums), but I never felt any connection to her. In fact, the only scene in which I liked her was when Don broke up with her.

I was happy to see Joan and Peggy bonding, too. I used to really love Joan, but I've been feeling cold towards her since that final scene in The Girls when she lashed out at Peggy. Also, I didn't like the plot twist with her keeping the baby. I didn't think MW would do that.

I've always gone back and forth with Betty. Horrible mom, yes, but also an interesting character. Obviously I hated what she did to Carla, I was also hoping Carla would bitch slap her. She deserves it. Henry didn't realize what a bitch he had on his hands...

Man, I could chat about this show all day!
I could chat about it all day too.

One of my favorite scenes from this season includes Betty. It's the one where Sally's therapist is trying to tell her that she may need to see a therapist who is more suited to talk to adults, but Betty doesn't want to admit that she needs therapy. So few words were spoken for such a huge dialog that was exchanged. I think MW is pretty damned great at those sorts of scenes, and the actors are pretty awesome too.

And I liked that Joan kept the baby. When she was on the bus I thought that she may be visiting Dr. Greg for a little conjugal visit so she could keep her story straight. I think the reason I was happy she kept it was because in the beginning of the scene she was visiting the doctor who told her she was getting up there in years. I kinda knew she was getting that maternal instinct. I think it just proved that Joan is completely human and still a product of the 50's, even if she doesn't realize it.
yes. but we watch it on netflix so we can see it as one big long movie so i don't know more than betty has left don and is on the plane to nevada with her new man.

this is a good read as to why this program is the most FEMINIST program on tv.

for those that want to go back to the 50's and 60's again, please rethink it. a single woman trying to get birth control, the sexual harrassment, the husband getting the psychiatrist to tell him about his wife's "confidential" sessions, the worth of a woman tied to the success of her man, the lack of rights to property in a divorce.....and i'm just getting started.

well written, directed well, and great acting: what's not to like?!

I enjoyed the therapist scene with Betty as well, especially when the therapist pointed out she was a CHILD psychologist. Totally fitting for Betty, no?

The entire scene with Joan at the doctor's office really tore my heart out. Joan, in the same situation she's been in twice before, old enough to know better...realizing this might be her only chance to have kids. I really don't like Greg, but part of me is still hoping that it's somehow his baby and not Roger's. I know the chances are slim, but she could have sneaked in a visit with Greg a few weeks later, maybe? It would be less soap-opera-ish if she wasn't carrying Roger's baby.

Even though I didn't like the season finale, I'm still really excited for Season 5. I think it's hands-down the best written, directed and acted show on TV.
Love, love, love Mad Men. DH and I think it's the best show on these days!
I'm obsessed with the show, and have been since the first episode. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that DH resembles the Don Draper character, down to the hairdo, and I have the biggest crush on Don Draper :naughty:

I LOVED the season finale, and am glad that Don "seems to be" ending up with Megan. I didn't really care for Dr. Faye either. It was funny to me how Betty seemed to be sidling up to Don at the end after her fight with Henry, only to find out that Don was over her.

I also don't think that I like Peggy & Don together in a romantic relationship, I like their mentor/mentee relationship, but you never know how things will change. Maybe Don will get bored with Megan once they're married & she's at home, and that's when his affair with Peggy will begin ...

I can't believe we have to wait until next summer to find out ;(
I began watching it this season. Very interesting show, but I still have lots of catching up to do.
I LOVED Mad Men when the show first started and the character development through the years has been WONDERFUL. Joanie is my favorite by far - so glad they brought her back. Peggy and Betty are very rich characters too.

I am less enamored with the focus on Don this season. The self-narrated, introspective stuff was hokey. And his proposal to Megan in the season finale seemed arbitrary and not even remotely plausible, even for Don's character. The season should have had more scenes like the spilled-milkshake-in-the-diner scene where Megan was a breath of fresh air. More scenes with Don checking her out or something. Heck, they developed the old secretary who died more than they developed Megan.

What do you think of Rubicon, right before? Seems flimsy to me, although better than regular network TV.