
Any guesses on who will be the two final nominees ...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
for election 2016?
I feel sorry for Dr. Carson, b/c you can't be black and a conservative in this country.
I don't feel sorry for Dr. Carson. He is a brilliant man who has had a very successful and fulfilling career. He just doesn't strike any particular chord for me though. Anyone can have grand ideas about doing things to make significant changes; having the ability to put the ideas into action is a whole different ballgame. I personally don't see him as that mover and shaker.

I do have many conservative friends who are on the Carson bandwagon though. I seriously doubt he will be the party nominee in the final analysis. The party itself seems to be in such disarray that I can't imagine who will emerge as the frontrunner. We have more than a year to go so there is plenty that can happen in that time.

The face of America has greatly changed in the last few decades. The voting public has changed as well. I think the staunch, conservative platform doesn't work for many of the voters that really do make a difference in today's elections. I think there are people that really want to hold onto the way things used to be - it was the America that they identified with - but it has rapidly changed. I think the Republican party needs to rethink the public they want to reach and the goals they want to accomplish. It seems that they have been so busy playing defense these last eight years that they have lost sight of their own vision.
What are your guesses about who the nominees will be, Dancing Fire?

AGBF|1444744458|3937798 said:
What are your guesses about who the nominees will be, Dancing Fire?

I am not qualify to be President but if I was I can do a much better job.
Dancing Fire|1444756173|3937845 said:
AGBF|1444744458|3937798 said:
What are your guesses about who the nominees will be, Dancing Fire?

I am not qualify to be President but if I was I can do a much better job.

Better than whom, DF? Also: you are not fooling me that you do not understand your own question. I asked you what your guesses were as to who the Democratic and Republican nominees would be. I did not ask you whether you would make a good president. And, yes, I do know that you would like Holly to be president. ;))

Biden and Trump. Trump is outrageous but he says what many people think and are afraid to say. Biden is smart but comes across as dumb. Neither reflects my personal choice.
I LOVE Biden. I sort of think it's too late for him though, although he officially has a couple more weeks left to declare. I think ultimately it will be Clinton and...

I've typed Trump's name and deleted it several times. I just can't believe he could be the nominee. No, no, no. I think he's like Bernie Sanders in that he's garnering a lot of support but in the end, I don't think he'll get the votes needed to be the nominee. I don't see Carson as the nominee either though. I think Jeb surprised everyone with how poor a candidate he's turned out to be. I think the GOP assumed he'd be the front runner. Yeah, that's not working out so well for them.
AGBF|1444767845|3937921 said:
Dancing Fire|1444756173|3937845 said:
AGBF|1444744458|3937798 said:
What are your guesses about who the nominees will be, Dancing Fire?

I am not qualify to be President but if I was I can do a much better job.

Better than whom, DF? Also: you are not fooling me that you do not understand your own question. I asked you what your guesses were as to who the Democratic and Republican nominees would be. I did not ask you whether you would make a good president. And, yes, I do know that you would like Holly to be president. ;))

My guess it will be Rubio vs Clinton "if she is not in jail by then"... ;))
AprilBaby|1444768228|3937926 said:
Biden and Trump. Trump is outrageous but he says what many people think and are afraid to say. Biden is smart but comes across as dumb. Neither reflects my personal choice.
Then I'm not voting.
Zoe|1444773635|3937973 said:
I LOVE Biden. I sort of think it's too late for him though, although he officially has a couple more weeks left to declare. I think ultimately it will be Clinton and...

I've typed Trump's name and deleted it several times. I just can't believe he could be the nominee. No, no, no. I think he's like Bernie Sanders in that he's garnering a lot of support but in the end, I don't think he'll get the votes needed to be the nominee. I don't see Carson as the nominee either though. I think Jeb surprised everyone with how poor a candidate he's turned out to be. I think the GOP assumed he'd be the front runner. Yeah, that's not working out so well for them.
I can't believe that Trump is still in the race... :wacko:
I am just glad Walker is out.
I just watched the Democratic debates. (I also watched the second Republican debate. I thought the Democratic debate was far more substantive. There was no name calling and nothing derogatory was said about women; immigrants; or minorities.)

I have to say that I was far less impressed by Lincoln Chafee than I had thought I would be. I was also less impressed by Jim Webb, who once represented me (and technically still does), when I lived in Virginia. Governor O'Malley of Maryland was fairly intelligent. In fact I agreed with his positions more than I agreed with Hillary Clinton's. (Especially his position on restoring The Glass Steagall Act.) There was something overly hearty in his delivery that put me off, but perhaps that should not matter. Hillary Clinton has never been my cup of tea, but I assume she is electable, which is also why I voted for President Obama. I really don't like the politics of either of them. I have decided that I am in love with Bernie Sanders.

AGBF|1444794447|3938061 said:
I just watched the Democratic debates. (I also watched the second Republican debate. I thought the Democratic debate was far more substantive. There was no name calling and nothing derogatory was said about women; immigrants; or minorities.)

I have to say that I was far less impressed by Lincoln Chafee than I had thought I would be. I was also less impressed by Jim Webb, who once represented me (and technically still does), when I lived in Virginia. Governor O'Malley of Maryland was fairly intelligent. In fact I agreed with his positions more than I agreed with Hillary Clinton's. (Especially his position on restoring The Glass Steagall Act.) There was something overly hearty in his delivery that put me off, but perhaps that should not matter. Hillary Clinton has never been my cup of tea, but I assume she is electable, which is also why I voted for President Obama. I really don't like the politics of either of them. I have decided that I am in love with Bernie Sanders.

Just got home from dinner so I'm going to watch the replay. :errrr: You like the Socialist?
I wanted to see a Fiorina vs Clinton final but that will never happen... :(sad
Dancing Fire|1444795510|3938065 said:
You like the Socialist?

Actually, as I said, I love him. I had not expected to. He had not exactly grabbed my imagination. But my daughter watched the debate with me and she had some insight into the phenomenon that is Bernie Sanders in the flesh. He commands respect. She said that no one interrupted him, and she was right. He is a natural leader, very genuine. He'll never in a million years get the nomination. So I donated some money to his campaign after listening to the debate. It was just a matter of principle. ;))

Deb :wavey:
Dancing Fire|1444795510|3938065 said:
AGBF|1444794447|3938061 said:
I just watched the Democratic debates. (I also watched the second Republican debate. I thought the Democratic debate was far more substantive. There was no name calling and nothing derogatory was said about women; immigrants; or minorities.)

I have to say that I was far less impressed by Lincoln Chafee than I had thought I would be. I was also less impressed by Jim Webb, who once represented me (and technically still does), when I lived in Virginia. Governor O'Malley of Maryland was fairly intelligent. In fact I agreed with his positions more than I agreed with Hillary Clinton's. (Especially his position on restoring The Glass Steagall Act.) There was something overly hearty in his delivery that put me off, but perhaps that should not matter. Hillary Clinton has never been my cup of tea, but I assume she is electable, which is also why I voted for President Obama. I really don't like the politics of either of them. I have decided that I am in love with Bernie Sanders.

Just got home from dinner so I'm going to watch the replay. :errrr: You like the Socialist?
I wanted to see a Fiorina vs Clinton final but that will never happen... :(sad

DF, I hope at least one of your daughters is politically-inclined. The U.S. needs more solid female candidates for all offices!

As far as my guess, I don't have any yet. I'm my typical sit-back-and-watch observer self this time around and am kind of enjoying everyone fanning themselves over all the excitement. My husband just moderated a local debate tonight and came home surprisingly calm. I hope that bodes well for not only local, but state and national elections to come, but that's not usually the case, sadly.
AGBF|1444796635|3938069 said:
Dancing Fire|1444795510|3938065 said:
You like the Socialist?

Actually, as I said, I love him. I had not expected to. He had not exactly grabbed my imagination. But my daughter watched the debate with me and she had some insight into the phenomenon that is Bernie Sanders in the flesh. He commands respect. She said that no one interrupted him, and she was right. He is a natural leader, very genuine. He'll never in a million years get the nomination. So I donated some money to his campaign after listening to the debate. It was just a matter of principle. ;))

Deb :wavey:
You should have donated your $$$ to the DF campaign I would make a great Prez... :praise: :dance:
Everything Mr. Sanders said sounds good :wacko: (everything free) but where is the money gonna come from?... :read:
AGBF|1444794447|3938061 said:
I just watched the Democratic debates. (I also watched the second Republican debate. I thought the Democratic debate was far more substantive. There was no name calling and nothing derogatory was said about women; immigrants; or minorities.)

I have to say that I was far less impressed by Lincoln Chafee than I had thought I would be. I was also less impressed by Jim Webb, who once represented me (and technically still does), when I lived in Virginia. Governor O'Malley of Maryland was fairly intelligent. In fact I agreed with his positions more than I agreed with Hillary Clinton's. (Especially his position on restoring The Glass Steagall Act.) There was something overly hearty in his delivery that put me off, but perhaps that should not matter. Hillary Clinton has never been my cup of tea, but I assume she is electable, which is also why I voted for President Obama. I really don't like the politics of either of them. I have decided that I am in love with Bernie Sanders.


I watched much of the debate, too, and I wasn't impressed with Jim Webb at all. I liked much of what Gov. O'Malley had to say, and I love how committed Bernie Sanders is to a few of the issues. I don't think he'll win the nomination though, but his ideas seem to resonate with many of the American people.

Did they talk about education at all?
I thought that Hilary came off as poised, polished and experienced; whether or not you like her flavor of politics is another animal altogether. I too was impressed with Bernie Sanders' style - very forceful and direct. He seems to be the type of politician that folks yearn for in that he is not wealthy or painted by the trappings of wealth. Just sort of an old shoe that seemingly would like to make America a better place.

The other three were almost just like talking heads there to me. O'Malley has that starched look that is not voter friendly IMO. Chafee tried to come off as solid and direct but I think he missed the mark. Jim Webb turned in a surprisingly poor performance.

If Biden wanted to get in the race, I think he should have done it before tonight. Hilary certainly gamed ground tonight as the front runner and he would be pedaling from behind. However, we've a long way to go and lots can happen between now and Election Day.
As a women in my 20s I can say that many, if not most, of the politically minded people I know in my age range far prefer Sanders.

I think he has captivated youth voters the way Obama did in 2008.

This is not, as some may suspect, because he wants "everything free", which I don't agree with anyways.

The most disheartening thing is how so many say "I'd vote for him but he won't get the nom". If everyone who said that in fact did, he would.

I found him respectful, intelligent, and insightful in the debate.

Chafee, goah, did he make me uncomfortable! Cooper, in my opinion, did not moderate it well, and after 20 minutes when chafee would finally get to speak, he would very awkward, including when he told cooper he voted for a bill he didn't support/understand
AprilBaby|1444768228|3937926 said:
Biden and Trump. Trump is outrageous but he says what many people think and are afraid to say. Biden is smart but comes across as dumb. Neither reflects my personal choice.

I can't possibly believe trump would make any Republican ticket. He has a voice that appeals to radical caucus voters bit not the reasonable right. If the republicans want a snowballs chance they wouldn't put him up against a dem.
Last night's debate was so unlike the Republican's circus show! Chafee and Webb seemed invisible, whilst the rest took centre stage. I have to say that whatever your opinion of Hillary is, she was made quite an impression with her confidence and strong understanding of the current affairs.
Niel|1444820360|3938113 said:
As a women in my 20s I can say that many, if not most, of the politically minded people I know in my age range far prefer Sanders.


The most disheartening thing is how so many say "I'd vote for him but he won't get the nom". If everyone who said that in fact did, he would.

I'll vote for him in a Democratic primary, Niel. I already put money down! By the way, I agreed with everything you wrote in your post.

Deb :wavey:
MissGotRocks|1444818446|3938110 said:
I thought that Hilary came off as poised, polished and experienced; whether or not you like her flavor of politics is another animal altogether. I too was impressed with Bernie Sanders' style - very forceful and direct. He seems to be the type of politician that folks yearn for in that he is not wealthy or painted by the trappings of wealth. Just sort of an old shoe that seemingly would like to make America a better place.

The other three were almost just like talking heads there to me. O'Malley has that starched look that is not voter friendly IMO. Chafee tried to come off as solid and direct but I think he missed the mark. Jim Webb turned in a surprisingly poor performance.

If Biden wanted to get in the race, I think he should have done it before tonight. Hilary certainly gamed ground tonight as the front runner and he would be pedaling from behind. However, we've a long way to go and lots can happen between now and Election Day.

Interesting - I though Hillary came off as pompous and dodgy. I guess it's all about perception....
Sanders is interesting, but not realistic when it comes to some things and O'Malley and Chaffee certainly didn't light the world on fire (too rehearsed). I thought Webb did fairly well.
I agree with you about Biden - he lost a valuable opportunity and whether or not he could recapture that remains to be seen.
AGBF|1444824003|3938121 said:
Niel|1444820360|3938113 said:
As a women in my 20s I can say that many, if not most, of the politically minded people I know in my age range far prefer Sanders.


The most disheartening thing is how so many say "I'd vote for him but he won't get the nom". If everyone who said that in fact did, he would.

I'll vote for him in a Democratic primary, Niel. I already put money down! By the way, I agreed with everything you wrote in your post.

Deb :wavey:
After Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visited the U.S. in the 80's? :confused: he saw the way capitalism works here, he then returned to China and started moving the country towards capitalism and the world can see the difference in today's China vs the China of 35 yrs ago. Mr. Sanders wants to move our country more towards communism?...why? :confused:
Dancing Fire|1444838394|3938184 said:
AGBF|1444824003|3938121 said:
Niel|1444820360|3938113 said:
As a women in my 20s I can say that many, if not most, of the politically minded people I know in my age range far prefer Sanders.


The most disheartening thing is how so many say "I'd vote for him but he won't get the nom". If everyone who said that in fact did, he would.

I'll vote for him in a Democratic primary, Niel. I already put money down! By the way, I agreed with everything you wrote in your post.

After Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visited the U.S. in the 80's? :confused: he saw the way capitalism works here, he then returned to China and started moving the country towards capitalism and the world can see the difference in today's China vs the China of 35 yrs ago. Mr. Sanders wants to move our country more towards communism?...why?

I think that saying Senator Sanders wants to move "towards communism" is more than a slight exaggeration! He believes in the right of privacy. He is far less a totalitarian than the presidents who allowed the NSA to spy on American citizens using the cloak of the The Patriot Act: namely Presidents Bush and Obama.

I believe that he said it is unfair for "the top 1/10 of the top 1% of Americans to own more of the wealth than the bottom 90%", but my ear for math is tone deaf. I can look it up. That is the only way you will get an accurate quotation on statistics from me. ;))

He does have a plan to pay for the moderate increases for the public good that proposes to make, you know. He, also, isn't planning to make "everything free". He is proposing to make public colleges free because he believes that college, now, is what high school used to be. And that an educated work force, as well as a people not in debt with student loans, is good for everybody.

AGBF|1444843930|3938221 said:
I believe that he said it is unfair for "the top 1/10 of the top 1% of Americans to own more of the wealth than the bottom 90%", but my ear for math is tone deaf. I can look it up. That is the only way you will get an accurate quotation on statistics from me.

This is from Senator Sanders' website:

"Today, we live in the richest country in the history of the world, but that reality means little because much of that wealth is controlled by a tiny handful of individuals.

The issue of wealth and income inequality is the great moral issue of our time, it is the great economic issue of our time, and it is the great political issue of our time.

America now has more wealth and income inequality than any major developed country on earth, and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is wider than at any time since the 1920s.

The reality is that since the mid-1980s there has been an enormous transfer of wealth from the middle class and the poor to the wealthiest people in this country. That is the Robin Hood principle in reverse. That is unacceptable and that has got to change.

There is something profoundly wrong when the top one-tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent"
Dancing Fire|1444756173|3937845 said:
AGBF|1444744458|3937798 said:
What are your guesses about who the nominees will be, Dancing Fire?

I am not qualify to be President but if I was I can do a much better job.

My Dad, who ran a fortune 500 company, often said that no one in their right mind would ever want to be president :lol:
But I would vote for you!
Poor Governor Chafee. I thought any moment a big hook was going to pull him off stage.

To be honest, he was not any better as the Governor of my state.

Hillary Clinton did look well informed, imo.

Trump livens up the debates, but I just do not see him as presidential material.

I believe that he said it is unfair for "the top 1/10 of the top 1% of Americans to own more of the wealth than the bottom 90%", but my ear for math is tone deaf. I can look it up. That is the only way you will get an accurate quotation on statistics from me. ;))

He does have a plan to pay for the moderate increases for the public good that proposes to make, you know. He, also, isn't planning to make "everything free". He is proposing to make public colleges free because he believes that college, now, is what high school used to be. And that an educated work force, as well as a people not in debt with student loans, is good for everybody.


But what the liberals failed to tell you is that the top 1% earners are already paying most of the taxes in this country.

I do agree with him that today's 4 yr college degree is equal to yesterday's HS degree.