
Any Aussies around


Mar 20, 2016
Hi I have been reading all the great information available on this site. I am just about ready to buy an item from Jewels by Grace and wanted to know if any other people from Australia had bought from her before? If yes are there comments good or indifferent?
Appreciate your input thanks


Jul 3, 2013

Yes I have order from Grace before. Nothing but positive feedback from me. All things went smoothly. Would order from Grace again if only the exchange rate was better. What are you purchasing?



Mar 20, 2016
Hi Bibs I am looking at buying a ring around 6,500usd. I believe in reading up on the customs regs if i have it unmounted i only pay duty tax of 5% on the ring and gst on the diamond. I am going to use the diamond to make another ring. Can you tell me how your purchase went and were there any hidden costs? Thanks Shelley


Jul 3, 2013
HI Shelly9,

I purchase from Grace in 2014. I bought a 1.01 diamond mounted in a 14k setting. Cost at the time was about $3400 US and about $3800 AUD. Exchange rate was about .90. I paid the ring off over a few weeks as the exchange rate was going up and down. Next time I would just pay in one instalment. I paid Grace with a CC over the phone.

When Grace sent the ring she sent me the Fedex tracking and I could track the whole way (only took 3 days). Once it hit Australia, Customs rang me and I had to pay the 10% GST which end up being close to $400. I paid with a CC over the phone and the ring was delivered a few hours later.

My sister also bought from Grace more recently (2015) and has had the same experience as me. All positive and smooth in receiving our rings.

It was a very smooth transaction and the ring was stunning. I have actually sold the ring now but would of loved to upgrade with Grace but it was to much of a hassle to send the ring back.

I do believe I read also that on a loose stone you only pay 5%.

I would never buy a diamond from a jewlerlly store here in Australia unless it was from Tiffany and a few other small owner stores.

Looking forward to seeing your purchase.

Hope this has helped.


May 11, 2012

I have purchased from Grace a number of times in the past and am about to get something from her in the next week or two. If she fills in the AUSTFA froms with your purchase you pay 10% in GST NOT 15% so you save 5%, you cannot get out of paying the 10%, it doesn't matter if the stone is set or not set, I don't know where you read that but it's wrong I've purchased both loose stones and complete rings and it's always 10% of the total price in Australian dollars plus customs charges a handling fee as well.

Based on our exchange rate you paid around $8125.00 AUD for the item, they will charge you $813.00.00 AUD plus a handling fee so it will be around $880.00 to $950.00 AUD altogether. Sorry it is probably going to be higher than you thought but that is an approx. estimate of costs.


Nov 12, 2011
Exciting!! I'm a fellow Aussie and have almost finalized my purchase with Jewels By Grace. It's been a totally happy positive easy journey and I would not hesitate again. It's scary when you live on the other side of the world (not to mention our awful dollar) but Grace has been patient and helpful and I trust her totally with her honest advise about her diamonds.... Buying sight unseen with no aset was tricky for me also but I'm confident after all of our communication and even a PS appraiser based in LA said whilst he would welcome the job, coming from Grace and being set by Victor Canera he was confident I was getting what I paid for....


Mar 20, 2016
How exciting Lauren what are you getting? Are you paying by cc or bank transfer. Did you look up the customs fees etc. I have allowed $1000 i hope that covers it. It sure is daunting buying such an expensive item sight unseen, but i sure do get a good feeling from Pricescopers and from Grace as well. I live in Perth where abouts arw you. This is for my 30th wedding anniversary and i am spending some money my fav aunt left me. Cheers Michelle


Nov 12, 2011
Hi! I havnt looked into customs or duty yet but anticipated it being around $2500. I'm buying a loose antique pear!! Little different but I fell in love! This is for my ten year anniversary! I live all the way over in Queensland (Brisbane). There are a few Perth pricescopers I beleive!! I actually have had a payment plan (gave me time to sell my other ering etc) and have paid installments a few different ways. The best way I found was doing an international transfer from your bank account. You will pay the $20approx fee but you won't be charged an international transfer something fee which is about 3-4% of the amount transferred.... (I learnt this the hard way). So try NOT to use your credit card, not even a visa debit. If you MUST use a credit card is actually do a cash transfer as its 1.7% approx or $175 whatever is more, then do transfer to Grace from bank account. Cheaper than the awful 3-4%. Just a good old transfer. Grace will provide all the details and it's super easy.

What are you buying? I'm intrigued!!



Mar 20, 2016
I grew up in Sydney a nd moved to Perth 25yrs ago. I do love Brisbane much nicer than Sydney now. Anyway as I said I'm looking for an anniversary ring. I only want to spend up to $9000 aus on the diamond and then to pay for the setting. Its such a shame the exchange rate is crap atm. I was originally looking at just the round brilliants but think I've fallen for the AVCs from GOG (unfortunately they don't have any in atm in my ranges). I am looking at a rbc in a ring that Grace has but last night spent hours looking at Ericas website and she has a few OECs listed. I like the petal, flowery looking ones rather than the crushed ice look. My anniversary is end of June so a little bit of leeway. I like the edwardian style settings, also the Tacori 2620 with the small halo effect. Do you know the names of the other Perth posters? Your diamond looks like a beauty. I read your posts last night too. Today I have been reading posts about cushions and AVC. I ideally want to have a 7.5mm round or close enough in a cushion. Hopefully will get some help picking out a stone from those who are clever at reading all the scans etc. I just can't seem to see leakage etc in the pics when i look. But then the wonderful ppl on here have lots of experience. What a great find this site was. Cheers again


Oct 13, 2011
Hi Shelley,
There are a few of us in Perth and we get together a couple of times a year. We are due for another one soon. We don't have PM here or any way of contacting you, but do you have anything listed on LT or DB (don't post your email address here)? Otherwise we can just post the date here. Any days that are good/not good for you?

It would be great to meet you!


May 11, 2012
I am in the process of getting something back from Grace at the moment (this is an item I have paid the GST on already once getting it here last year) and this time it was declared for $3500USD and customs just sent me a bill for just over $800.00 AUD :shock:

I really loathe customs our packages can have all the correct AUSTFA agreements in the world taped to the front of them and they STILL attempt to claim they didn't get them, so get Grace to email you a copy you can cheerfully send them to prove that there is one and it is not acceptable that they are too stupid to look at on the front of the box. This also makes me assume their general handling fees and charges have gone up in price as well.

FedEx/customs here works with the theory they like to rip people off, charging you the full amount and then creating so much red tape it's nearly impossible to recover anything back from them again, so be aware of that and make sure you have all the forms and declarations from the vendor by email ready to go in order to argue with them, if needed. I get several items a year from the US and more often than not I have this issue with customs. It's not Grace, she is wonderful but customs sucks.


Mar 20, 2016
Hi Glammosher i dont have anything on loupetroop, do you? Its a shame there's no pm on here. Can you let me know where you meet iie:in town or where? Is there any way of contacting someone? :wavey:


Mar 20, 2016
Thanks for the info. It seems you really do need to be on the ball with customs etc. Hopefully if i do go ahead i will do like you suggest and get a copy sent to me of the paperwork


Mar 20, 2016
Glammosher , Hi just read through your blog and have contacted the guy who got you your diamond. Can you let me know how the process went?
Ta Shelley


Sep 11, 2012
Hi Shelley,

I have a loupe troop listing and it is here:

whilst i have not bought from Grace, i have met her in person and she is just a down to earth person. I have bought stuff from USA. Yes, we cannot escape the the taxes. The total charges (including the GST) equates to about 17% extra : customs + GST + handling charges + import declaration.

Hi Glamosher!!


Mar 20, 2016
OMG now I've done it. I was trolling last night and came across a ring on a for sale site. Its 1.65 OEC and i bought it. Yyyyiiipppes
Need help now with the paperwork i require, the seller is telling me she is going to put the appraised price on the customs forms. Is this correct?. Do i pay import taxes on that price or just the selling price? Where do i get the customs forms i need. I got it for $7800 aud. I hope i did good.....


Sep 11, 2012
It should be the price you paid for it, not appraised price. The appraised price is usually 2x higher. Then there are the conversion to aud and then the taxes on that!!! Nono!

The seller should know that It is the price YOU PAID is what should be on the forms and package, and appropriate insurance on it. You don't need to complete anything- the seller does it all including all the necessary documents for shipping.

Depending on who seller uses to ship, that company will call you in due course to pay the taxes.

We will help you where we can, but it sounds like the seller doesn't know how to package stuff internationally.
Would you mind sharing more details?

I am in and out today and may not respond quickly.

Congrats on the purchase!!!! Always love new bling!!


Mar 20, 2016
Thanks Gregchang this is what she said in her email "i only ship USPS international priority express mail with signature confirmation. Also i have to declare the exact value on the customs forms". Reading it again maybe she did mean the cost price. I just interpreted it wrongly. Its an etsy store buy from usa. So just to confirm i only pay 10%gst on arrival of ring and how much are customs fees and handling fees. Should i get her to send me a copy of the austfa form before postage. I assume she has this dorm to fill in. How about payment what is the best way?
Appreciate your help thanks.


Sep 11, 2012
You can ask for the afta form. You may need to claim that back if usps charges you for it.
The handling charges are probably in the order of $100. Soem other charges are based on the value of the goods, so not really sure.
In 2 overseas transaction that I have had, the charges totalled about 17%.


Nov 24, 2015
Shelley9|1460867638|4020300 said:
Thanks Gregchang this is what she said in her email "i only ship USPS international priority express mail with signature confirmation. Also i have to declare the exact value on the customs forms". Reading it again maybe she did mean the cost price. I just interpreted it wrongly. Its an etsy store buy from usa. So just to confirm i only pay 10%gst on arrival of ring and how much are customs fees and handling fees. Should i get her to send me a copy of the austfa form before postage. I assume she has this dorm to fill in. How about payment what is the best way?
Appreciate your help thanks.

Hi Shelly9 - Make sure she puts the cost price to you on the paperwork...NOT the don't want to have to pay on that figure :doh:
If it's a set ring, you’ll need to add on 5% duty for jewellery (finished jewellery attracts 5% duty) as well as the 10% GST. Loose (unset) stones don’t attract the 5% because of the free trade agreement with the US – just make sure that there is proper documentation / certificates of origin / etc.
FedEx (or in this case USPS - assuming they work the same?) will send you a bill of goods and require payment before they’ll release the goods. You’re looking at 10% GST (of the declared value + shipping/insurance + duty if applicable) + around $50-$150 for ACS electronic entry fees (depending on over/under 10k)
You might want to check the vendors shipping insurance policy to make sure you're covered if it all goes...pear shape...see what I did there...heh...heh...hewww... :roll: ...sorry... ;-)
Hope this helps


May 11, 2012
I echo the sentiments of the others, she is probably trying to send it with forms stating the replacement or insurance price this is incorrect you want her to ship it with the price you paid for it or you will end up paying a lot more tax and duties.

If she does not have the correct AUSTFA forms and declarations on the front of the box (and in my case even if she does) you could still end up paying around 15% plus their handling fees and charges which are usually a few hundred dollars extra as well. Google within Pricescope Australia free trade agreement forms, I think WINK has put examples on here before, I have emailed them to people, you might need to give her a copy of an example if she has not filled one in before, and make sure she emails you a copy before it gets taped to the box.

I found an example;



Mar 20, 2016
Thankyou Arkieb i will copy that form and send it to her. Its such a shame that customs dont seem to be doing their job properly and cause undue hassel and frustration to ppl. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to tell of their experiences
Chees S :angel:
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