
anti-gay group disrupts funerals of soldiers

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movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
“Our view of this situation is that God Almighty blew these kids to smithereens and sent them to hell,” claims the 76-year-old Phelps, who says God is punishing “a fag army - don''t ask, don''t tell - for a fag-loving agenda of a fag-loving nation,”

peace, movie zombie


Dec 27, 2005
I am appalled at 'so called Christians' like this. I will never understand how all the narrow minded Bible thumpers missed the Passages of "JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED" and "LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE".
If I were Phelps I would be worrying what fate I would be suffering for such actions. Wonder what God has in store for him?


Feb 25, 2005
I think these people are scum. ALthough many Christains do not beleive that someone should be gay, this is a small fanatical group of people acting like lunatics. But I am wondergin what is more offending to people that read Capitol Hill Blue articles such as these. the thought that they are insulting our soldiers or because they are anti gay? But, the ACLU is right, this is their freedom. Just as you defend the right for someone to act like an idiot during a Rep. Convention, it is these people''s first Amend. rights to act like idiots as well.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
what is interesting in reading such an article is that what this group is doing is an affront to our dead soldiers: who cares what their sexual orientation?! they did their job.

but that''s not good enough for these people. why is there not an outcry about these people being unAmerican and not supporting our troops? why is it ok to accuse those in opposition to the war of being unsupportive of our troops and not say the same for these people?

however, i also believe in freedom of speech and they do have the right UNDER THE CONSTITUTION to voice their opinion no matter how i might think it unpatriotic or the setting inappropriate.

imo, the purpose of posting such articles here is to promote dialog and as we discuss these types of issues, sometimes come to a greater understanding of our own selves and perhaps others that participate in the discussions. what i don''t understand is why someone would not want to know more than what the mainstream media feeds us.

peace, movie zombie


Nov 1, 2003
I am a Christian and if these people did this in my area id be grabbing a bat and beating some heads in.
They do not represent me or most Christians.
Yes the gay lifestyle choice is a sin according to the bible, there is no getting around that.
But what these people are doing is an even bigger sin.
They shall pay when the final accounting comes.

I usualy dont comment on threads about the gay lifestyle because if people want to be gay they have the right too.
When they start throwing it up in my face then it is made my problem otherwise they can do there own thing and I dont care.


Feb 25, 2005
Date: 1/3/2006 3:23:44 PM
Author: movie zombie
what is interesting in reading such an article is that what this group is doing is an affront to our dead soldiers: who cares what their sexual orientation?! they did their job.

but that''s not good enough for these people. why is there not an outcry about these people being unAmerican and not supporting our troops? why is it ok to accuse those in opposition to the war of being unsupportive of our troops and not say the same for these people?

however, i also believe in freedom of speech and they do have the right UNDER THE CONSTITUTION to voice their opinion no matter how i might think it unpatriotic or the setting inappropriate.

imo, the purpose of posting such articles here is to promote dialog and as we discuss these types of issues, sometimes come to a greater understanding of our own selves and perhaps others that participate in the discussions. what i don''t understand is why someone would not want to know more than what the mainstream media feeds us.

peace, movie zombie
I do not think anyone said anything about noy wanting to start diaolog here MZ. At least not from what I see here. What I am concerned about is the obviuos left wing fanatism with this Capital Blue thing. So IMO, I am discussing these issues from the aspect of one who does support our troops but poo poos these idiots that are being lunatics. I do support our troops, but I can have question.. are you saying that you want those who are say that people that are in oppostition on this war are not supporting the troops think that those who are acting like idiots are not supporting the troops? Sure... I can throw those people in that lot.. that way they won''t feel so lonely.

And who is to say that there is not an outcry against these people? Capitol Blue?


Jul 7, 2004
That JUST happened here. There was a funeral the Friday before Christmas and the police were able to keep them completely away from the church or route or cemetary.

What bothers me the most is what they want is the media to pay attention and that''s what they are getting.


Oct 23, 2005
Nothing against Christians (I am a rosary saying Catholic)but they middle American bible thumping Christian is unhappy if not spewing uninformed rhetoric or pure lies! Not to long ago my Baptist stepmother and very religious family was against any form of stem sell research saying that it was an abomination to God. Then not long after her grandson was driving drunk and was in an accident, killing his friend in the car and paralyzing him. Tides turned fast my stepmother thought stem cell research was the newest miracle.
Most Christians are against gays saying it is not normal not considering their might be a genetic answer to people who are gay. Well then what is the answer to people who are hermaphrodites? When society is confronted with the "problem" of hermaphrodites as children they try surgery, hormones and gender reassignment trying "fix" the problem. Have they thought that''s how God wanted them to be born? I have worded with animals since childhood, and in the animal kingdom you will see animals that "bond" with those of the same sex. We do not understand God''s ways. As said before "judge ye not least ye be judged".

Sorry for the long rant. I just get very upset that people that claim they are religious act like heathens! For those who feel that my post is to harsh remember it just one persons opinion. No hard feelings.


Sep 27, 2004

Welcome to the World forum. I couldn''t have said it better myself.

And Strm, also, thanks. Since Kerry has said he may run again in 2008, I nominate you for a place on his campaign. While you would need to control your gag reflex, Kerry needs somebody to teach him what it means to believe in something and not be afraid to tell people about it. The Murtha role. I''m not being silly. I mean it.


Oct 23, 2005
I would love Kerry to win!!


Sep 19, 2004
One of the things that stikes fear in my heart - is when someone starts out a conversation with some reference to jedo-christianity and starts talking about how "we" should behave or act.

While I recognize that a few get it right - those few usually don't even bother to proclaim there relegious affiliation.

My detailed study of the bible (which took years) and many issues convinced me that organized religion is not about being religious - its about power; and many members of those congregations seem to believe that you can't have power unless you are willing to put others down. It seems that the first indication is the start of a conversation that I'm a xxxx and....

As strange as it may seem to some, I do not find any reference in the bible that requires that there be a church between me, jesus, and god. Thus, I don't put one there.



Oct 23, 2005
I am not trying to put anyone down. I was raised atheist but when to a strict Sothern Baptist school where we where schooled in all religions. If I come off as hard or as putting a group down. I just have a bad flavor in my mouth when a group of people claiming to believe in God can disrespect others. I have witnessed this personally. When I was sixteen I when to a gay rally to support one of my best friends. While there a group of religious advocates started hassling my friend. One of the guys in the group took a swing at my friend (a 5''4 petite girl who is openly gay) I got in front of him and started arguing with him. I never physically threaten him however a knife was bought out, not by me. I now where a three inch scar on my arm where I blocked the guy from stabbing me. So yes I am proud of my religion, but it scares me to death when people say “Our view of this situation is that God Almighty blew these kids to smithereens and sent them to hell,. As I said before I am not trying to put anyone down just airing my thoughts.


Nov 1, 2003
Date: 1/3/2006 10:45:34 PM
Author: perry
One of the things that stikes fear in my heart - is when someone starts out a conversation with some reference to jedo-christianity and starts talking about how 'we' should behave or act.

While I recognize that a few get it right - those few usually don't even bother to proclaim there relegious affiliation.

My detailed study of the bible (which took years) and many issues convinced me that organized religion is not about being religious - its about power; and many members of those congregations seem to believe that you can't have power unless you are willing to put others down. It seems that the first indication is the start of a conversation that I'm a xxxx and....

As strange as it may seem to some, I do not find any reference in the bible that requires that there be a church between me, jesus, and god. Thus, I don't put one there.


We think a lot alike, i searched a long time before I found a church I could tolerate.
Even it has gone the power/money hungry/clicks route and I dont go too often.
People get way too hung up on a church and dont put enough into God.
I dont need a church to call unto God all I need is his Son to form a bridge for me and the holy spirit to guide me.


Nov 1, 2003
Date: 1/3/2006 8:30:55 PM
Author: Richard Hughes

And Strm, also, thanks. Since Kerry has said he may run again in 2008, I nominate you for a place on his campaign. While you would need to control your gag reflex, Kerry needs somebody to teach him what it means to believe in something and not be afraid to tell people about it. The Murtha role. I'm not being silly. I mean it.

I dont think he would survive working with me.
He has no more respect for peoples rights than Bush has and that makes me ill.


Oct 23, 2005
Thanks Richard.

Cant everyone just coincide in peace and love.

movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
for those that don''t already know it, capitol hill blue is NOT a left wing liberal reporting group.....however, LIBERTARIANS do find it in their hearts to claim them: which claims it with pride as ''conservative'' reporting

soldiers that die for their country no matter their color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief or disbelief should be respected if for no other reason than followiing orders. these soldiers are all good Americans.

peace, movie zombie


Jan 16, 2005
For those of you who aren''t in on what is happening here - the family who "protests" at the soldiers'' funerals are con artists.
Several of them have been to law school and are lawyers.
They set up these "protests" and if they make anyone mad enough to assault or threaten one of them not only do they sue the person who did so - they bring suit against the municipality where it occurred for failing to protect their rights to free speech.
They have to find the most outrageous hot button issue to inflame people''s emotions at an already emotional time and unfortunately one of the soldiers famliy members or more likely one of his fellow soldiers there for the funeral falls for it.
You can search them on the internet to find the true facts.
It''s their family business.


Feb 25, 2005
Geez... cockroaches... well, that takes away the opportunity people have for bashing the Christain... well maybe next thread someone will find a way.


Nov 1, 2003
some people have nothing to lose in a lawsuit and dont care if they take out the trash.

What gets me mad in todays world is those that scream about rights while not respecting the rights of others.

They have the right to talk about this issue but they dont have the right to violate the soldiers right too repect and honor and his families right to not be hassled in their time of grief.


Nov 15, 2004
These psychos picketed in front of my church in August (an Episcopal church in La Jolla, CA....they hit 5 churches that day for maximum air time on the news.) Seriously just PATHETIC. The great part was how full the church was that day, how NO ONE stopped to their level to engage them in debate, and how every hymn, lesson, psalm, etc. was about God not seeing color, sex, creed, etc. It''s hard to give any credence to a "church" of ONE family headed by a megolomaniacal patriarch who has small children and grandchildren holding signs with slogans like "god bless 9/111" and "your priest is a dyke" and the like. In my world, Christianity and homophobia are like oil and water. And the fact that they''d degrade military funerals for totally unrelated self-serving purposes reserves them a special karmic corner of Hell.
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