
Anti-Bride Article

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Jul 27, 2007
I saw this article on msn and thought it was good!

Basically, it talks about being an anti-bride given the following criteria:

1. You need to be convinced to have a wedding
2. Bridal boutiques give you the creeps
3. You don''t believe that the wedding is "all about the bride"
4. You let your bridal party decide what to wear
5. Save the dates. What save the dates? Party favors. What party favors?
6. You''d rather go for a hike than have a bachelorette party
7. You opt for nontraditional wedding invitations
8. You fight tooth and nail not to have a bridal shower
9. You don''t own anything resembling a wedding planner
10. You only need a few months to get your act together

I thought this article was hilarious because every single one of these 10 points applied to me. The only one that didn''t apply 100% was #5 because I did send out STDs, but only because people had to travel, no party favors, though!!

Anyway, I thought the article was a fun read and should be a refreshing reprieve from the "Oh my gosh, you''re getting married in 2 years and you haven''t chosen the cake yet?!?!" lists on the knot, haha.


Nov 18, 2007
Date: 6/18/2008 4:19:59 PM
I saw this article on msn and thought it was good!

Basically, it talks about being an anti-bride given the following criteria:

1. You need to be convinced to have a wedding
2. Bridal boutiques give you the creeps
3. You don''t believe that the wedding is ''all about the bride''
4. You let your bridal party decide what to wear
5. Save the dates. What save the dates? Party favors. What party favors?
6. You''d rather go for a hike than have a bachelorette party
7. You opt for nontraditional wedding invitations
8. You fight tooth and nail not to have a bridal shower
9. You don''t own anything resembling a wedding planner
10. You only need a few months to get your act together

I thought this article was hilarious because every single one of these 10 points applied to me. The only one that didn''t apply 100% was #5 because I did send out STDs, but only because people had to travel, no party favors, though!!

Anyway, I thought the article was a fun read and should be a refreshing reprieve from the ''Oh my gosh, you''re getting married in 2 years and you haven''t chosen the cake yet?!?!'' lists on the knot, haha. it


Mar 24, 2008
oohh...too too! I really didn''t realize it too much until the other day at work the girls were "checking-in" on all the wedding planning and ooo''ing and aaahh''ing about all the fun i should be having picking my invites....and I felt like I had to get it up for them. LOL - It reminds me of this Sex & The City episode where Miranda is "pretending" to be excited about her pregnancy and they force her to have a baby shower.
I can''t wait to be married and am excited about "the" day, but I think i would be happier if I could just show up and that was that! Imagine - that is what it must be like for the men!

1. You need to be convinced to have a wedding
2. Bridal boutiques give you the creeps
3. You don''t believe that the wedding is "all about the bride"
4. You let your bridal party decide what to wear
5. Save the dates. What save the dates? Party favors. What party favors?
6. You''d rather go for a hike than have a bachelorette party
7. You opt for nontraditional wedding invitations
8. You fight tooth and nail not to have a bridal shower
9. You don''t own anything resembling a wedding planner
10. You only need a few months to get your act together



Jan 2, 2008
LOL ... i fit into every single point other than STDs.


Jun 13, 2006
Except the bouquet, that''s me.
Other than the dress and venue, everything was done in the 6 months or less leading to the wedding. Until real money was being put down, I was still trying to talk FI into eloping.

As a matter of fact, I am having neither a shower or bachlorette party and my FI and I going to climb another 14er (mountains more than 14,000 ft above sea level) a month before the wedding, so I would much rather hike.

I am not doing save the dates, out of town baskets, favors or anything that is a waste of money that just ruins our enviroment.
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