
An homage to you LIWs- bumpy road but, please add me!:)


Oct 4, 2012
Hello to all you amazing women. My journey stretches back a ways, and if you wouldn’t mind sharing a few minutes of your time, I’d like to take you through my path of both heartbreak and bliss, and what a massive role you ladies have played in this journey.

I’ll keep it brief as I know there are many women out there who would like their happiness shared and I certainly do not want to detract from that.
I’m joining this group from two perspectives:

I was so giddy and excited, age 26 after having moved from NYC to Copenhagen, so excited to live with by boyfriend after 1.5 years of grueling long distance and 1am skype sessions. Our eyes met in a busy pub in Oxford. I was there for 3 days for my brothers gradutation and he was finishing his masters in international law. The rest was history. We spent every spare second together- me bounding off after every family function, ceremony to meet him. Long story short we had a long distance relationship between NYC and Copenhagen before I found a great job there (my criteria) sold all my belongings and boarded the plane bound for Copenhagen, where I didn’t know a soul other than my boyfriend or the language. Fortunately, and unfortunately after reading on this site what it should feel like to be a feather away from marrying your knight in shining armor and after 2 ½ years I did a lot of soul searching and devastingly realized that while he was an amazing man, it would no justice to him nor I by marrying him.

In essence I was I bit of a runaway fiancé. After leaving my apartment, friends and leaving a successful job in NYC I was ready, for everything- the best selling love stories had raved about and the American girl meeting their love on randon trip and I certainly was in for the game, hook, line and sinker, My currently attached friends had confirmed, that married life was tremendous* which only made me more excited.

I tried, I really did- everything was so perfect at face value, we were attractive, well educated, had laughs, known in the “inner circle” of the city. (“yep, sure do know that sounds snobbish but read on”). My perfect postcard slowly, but determinedly charred before my eyes. That being said this- leap of faith to Copenhagen and back I have no regrets. After coming to terms with our relationship with my ex-fi I moved back to the States and got a great job that eventually led me to London, where I met my future FI. We met online, me, receiving a message that he thought I was very pretty and we had a lot in common but, his subscription ended that day.

Myself, I was a bit jaded at that point, having met several online who had but a mere slight resemblance to their picture and (being a finance major) the only gratification was that I “broke even” that night, having my drinks and dinner bought.

I hope I haven’t lost you right now, it’s quite presumptuous of me to ask that you take the time to read this but I’d like to reach out to the ladies that are ready (if not already to) “throw their hands in the air”. I was the same way and then I got the email that I mentioned above. Nothing too, “ooh you are so pretty”, just, “hi, really liked what you had to say and would like to get to know you. “ Long story short, the site blocked the personal email address given in his message so I replied.
Here’s the crux, in order to read “blondiexpat” (me) he had to re-subscribe to the site for a month. Long story short- he did and we are going to get married. I don’t know when and how it will happen but this entire experience, through heartbreak and pure bliss has been made both more bearable and exciting (respectively) because of you lovely ladies.

My future FI and I met at a quaint local pub in my neighbourhood. I was a bit late (who arrives on time for a blind date!?) and upon walking in, was floored by how attractive he was. That was date 1. Two days later we went the Christmas Fair ( I love rides and sparing no stress for my cocktail dresses, opted on a red classy one (thanks mom!)final wardrobe decider. Went to a gorgeous dinner then dancing and a day later I was off to the States for Christmas where we must have sent over 50 messages a day (I love you whatsapp!). I knew I was going to marry him, after just 2 dates and three days after we met. Over the Christmas holiday I looked over all the Irish Castle wedding venues (he is Irish), as I knew he was the man I was going to marry.

This is an introduction, and a request to be added on the list, but also a day to say thank you to the wise ladies that were fearless to share their doubts, concerns, happiness and bliss. I too, have experienced all the emotions above but this site was always my cocoon, calming me when the seas were rough and encouraging the power of true love.

Please, those that have been so kind to share their generous time let this homage be a note of thanks and excitement that I am in this place. I moved to London two years ago knowing practically not a soul to meeting my future fiancé last year. It’s quite gray and rainy here in London but call me crazy, I’m always seeing sun and rainbows.

Much love to you all.



Sep 23, 2011
Welcome! *waves!


Mar 18, 2007
Hey! Welcome! I'm not on the LIW list, but I had to comment, seeing as we have a few cities/countries in common! I'm in the US and my BF is in the UK (up north, though), and I just got back from Copenhagen. And oh...the 1am Skype sessions. And the rushing home to chat. And..well, everything that goes into an LDR.

Glad things are going well for you, I hope your time on the list is short and sweet!


May 15, 2012
Hi Americanlassie! Welcome to the boards! :wavey:

Your story is so sweet and I enjoyed reading every word. Best wishes to you!

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
Welcome, AL. :wavey: You have to kiss some frogs in order to find your prince. Glad you found yours!


Oct 2, 2008
Welcome! I enjoyed your story! I hope that everything works out! :)


Oct 4, 2012
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies!

Princess -it's not an easy feat by any means but well worth it when it's the right person across the Atlantic:) feel free to message me if you want to share any ups, downs or questions!


Sep 23, 2011
There's no PM function on PS, lassie :(
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