
Alternatives to teaching?

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Jun 12, 2008
Let''s just say that during my 1st evaluation from my principal (I am a 4th grade teacher at a new school) I got a taste of why people truly hate her. I never had a problem with her before, and then 1/2 a year later, she meets with me to review my progress (or lack thereof) and she states so many lies...

I want to resign.

What can teachers do after they want to leave the profession? Where can I go? What if I want to get out of this profession? I have a masters in curriculum & instruction, a masters in administration, an administrative credential, and I am working on my doctorate in organizational leadership. I live in California and educators, in my opinion, are not highly regarded and that is reflected in our budget crisis that continues in public education year after year.

Any ideas? I''m unhappy.
Hi, Elegant.
I was a kindergarten teacher for 4 years before I left my job as my hubby keeps moving up/getting transferred to new places, so I have been staying home with our son for the past few years. Anyway, I have thought about the same thing, as I am not sure I want to go back into teaching when my son goes to school full time. Some of the things I have thought of are a corporate trainer. My dad does this and makes a really good salary (especially compared to a teacher), but basically you are doing the same type job, just with a different population. Another option would be real estate (although I guess it''s not a great time right now, but may be less competitive at this point due to so many people getting out of the profession). Also, with your credentials, you could probably teach at a local college (maybe some education classes) and that would get you doing something a little different, but still in your specialty. Good luck!
I''m sorry that you are so unhappy teaching at your school..
Would you be open to teaching at another school? Perhaps another level (i.e. high school)
You could always go into administration (and do a good job of it, encouraging your staff, etc. unlike your principal)

Best wishes! We really need to set our priorities straight in society- so that teachers feel appreciated and so that we don''t lose all of the good ones!
So sorry to hear about your nonsense evaluation.

You sound very qualified for many different jobs . . . school administrator (be the positive and effective administrator your principal isn''t), curriculum writer, curriculum specialist, etc.

I worked at a school with a crooked principal, and I had to transfer to get away from her. I just couldn''t live like that. Last year we got an assistant principal who evaluated us who seemed to hate everybody except me. So while it didn''t personally affect me, I did see my closest friends get written up for doing nothing wrong. We documented what she was doing, and she was transferred at the end of the year. Every profession will have inept people at various levels (more frustrating when it''s closer to the top, of course), so I suggest you make sure that you really don''t enjoy being a 4th grade teacher before you leave because of a bad egg.
P.S. The crooked principal was reassigned to a non-job in central office for incompetence a few years later. Our kids need some of the good teachers to stick around when things are bad . . . karma usually takes care of the bad eggs in the end.
You could be a drug rep for a pharmaceutical company. All you need is a Bachelor degree, so you''re ok there. They will send you for training and tell you everything you need to know.
Elegant--I''m sorry to hear about your principal. That''s awful.

What about:
- Corporate training
- Running one of those tutoring centers (Kaplan, Score!, et cetera)
- Working for the Discovery Channel in their educational office, or some similar position
- Working for a boxed program (e.g. Read 180) and doing their on-site training
- Running a small, private religious school or something similar
- Getting out of education altogether and pursuing some other dream. I would run a stationery store if I left education.

Tuckins--I have a friend who left teaching two years ago to become a pharmaceutical drug rep and she loves it.
Wow, these are great ideas! Thank you.

I love teaching, I really do - and I agree, I believe in karma 100%.

Funny, my two sisters are real estate agents and I love real estate. I also thought of teaching at the college level.

I think I am just frustrated that the lies get documented and I have to sign the document. I'm disgusted by her. 8 years of teaching in another district with a stellar record and then bam, this wench. I'm frustrated and sick to my stomach. MY bf said I just need to play the game long enough to make it to the end of the school year, and still in the mean time, look for another job. The economy and the educational field is so limiting right now, especially with all of the proposed cuts/pink slips that are coming out and that I will get.

I'm angry, sad, frustrated, and filled with disgust. I need to direct my energy on setting a plan of action and I love these ideas! Thank you!

And if I could get out of teaching altogether, I would do something artistic, etc. Painting, sketching, bead work. I love making jewelry.
It sounds like you just don't like this principal, not that you dislike teaching?

I'm going to try to get into a teacher preparation program next year. What district are you in? (I also live in CA)

I think you might try to be an administrator...sounds good to me.
I''m a bit tired of this profession. Evaluations are so subjective - and if you rub your principal the wrong way and maybe you aren''t in the social circle they favor, you are screwed. It is a constant struggle. I want to work for myself so I don''t have to be subjected to such crap. For 7 years I dealt with a principal who was very envious of the education and experience in education I had at such a young age. He wouldn''t recommend me for any leadership roles in the district even though year after year I proved myself worthy. Then you have parent issues - they treat you like crap most of the time, like you don''t know what you are doing and question every move you make. That has been my experience for almost 9 years now - that is the experience of my fellow co-workers.

Principalships and vice principalships are very hard to come by. That''s why I have held an administrative credential for 3.5 years without a job. I apply but I am competing against administrators who have been pink slipped, let go, etc. They have more experience than I do.

I live in Northern California now. I just moved up here.
Elegant, can I ask what areas she was not pleased with in your evaluation? How long have you been teaching? I would hate to see you so discouraged that you want to leave in the middle of the school year. Is there any way you can stick it out for a few more months? If you love teaching, and you are good at it, you may simply be at the wrong school. Positions will be posted by May for the upcoming school year from other schools.

I understand California is one of the toughest states to land a teaching job in. My husband and I grew up in and went to college in Cali. We moved to Florida because of the hoops we would have had to jump through just to get certified. Here in Florida, you just need a bachelor's degree and you need to pass the certification exam in your subject area to be eligible.

My school is in its 7th year of restructuring. We have not made AYP in the FCAT. We went from a B school in 07-08 to a D school in 08-09. My principal is under a lot of pressure from the district to ensure that the necessary changes are being put into place. There are only so many people to blame. Either it's the administrators, the teachers or the students. This year is tough because all of the classrooms are under strict scrutiny from district and curriculum visitors, on top of DOE visits. The teachers are definitely absorbing a lot of the flack.

If you lost your passion for teaching and you absolutely do not have it in you anymore, then changing careers would be best for you. You seem qualified for top administrative positions. The only problem is that top administrative positions are scarce, and if one comes up, they will put priority over applicants with the most experience.

On the bright side, we still have our jobs. Teachers nation-wide are being laid-off because of budget cuts.

Hang in there, and I hope things get better for you!
Date: 2/15/2009 7:01:33 PM
Author: platinumrock
Elegant, can I ask what areas she was not pleased with in your evaluation? How long have you been teaching? I would hate to see you so discouraged that you want to leave in the middle of the school year. Is there any way you can stick it out for a few more months? If you love teaching, and you are good at it, you may simply be at the wrong school. Positions will be posted by May for the upcoming school year from other schools.

I understand California is one of the toughest states to land a teaching job in. My husband and I grew up in and went to college in Cali. We moved to Florida because of the hoops we would have had to jump through just to get certified. Here in Florida, you just need a bachelor''s degree and you need to pass the certification exam in your subject area to be eligible.

My school is in its 7th year of restructuring. We have not made AYP in the FCAT. We went from a B school in 07-08 to a D school in 08-09. My principal is under a lot of pressure from the district to ensure that the necessary changes are being put into place. There are only so many people to blame. Either it''s the administrators, the teachers or the students. This year is tough because all of the classrooms are under strict scrutiny from district and curriculum visitors, on top of DOE visits. The teachers are definitely absorbing a lot of the flack.

If you lost your passion for teaching and you absolutely do not have it in you anymore, then changing careers would be best for you. You seem qualified for top administrative positions. The only problem is that top administrative positions are scarce, and if one comes up, they will put priority over applicants with the most experience.

On the bright side, we still have our jobs. Teachers nation-wide are being laid-off because of budget cuts.

Hang in there, and I hope things get better for you!
Well, just a bit of a background. I teach an all GATE student class of 30 children in 4th grade (I don''t want to get too specific). Basically, I am teaching this special program, and the principal changed lots about it over the summer, then I got hired, then the sh*t hit the fan. She made so many changes, parents got mad, got mad at me, then realized it wasn''t my fault, and now they are blaming her...they are completely on my side (which was WORK). That was my first four months of school. New to the district, school, grade level, and never taught GATE before. Then she wants me to teach a reading and writing program that I have never been trained in, but have completely immersed myself in (and she did give me credit for learning and doing it). My class is very different because I am CONSTANTLY differentiating my instruction (something she accused me of not doing). She decided to reserve her decision to keep me or fire me until I prove such and such. The evaluation said I needed to continue my professional growth (even though I am working on a doctorate, GATE certification, and learning/trying the language arts programs she wants me to teach but have had no training in), she said I need to work with my grade level and meet with them more because they say I am not contributing or something like that - BACKSTABBED!!! I mean, my gosh, can''t they talk to me about things before they talk to her? Unbelievable. And the thing is, I am constantly asking them if we are going to be meeting and I go to all of the grade level meetings. Their idea of meeting is gossiping, and I just don''t do that. I guess that''s why I don''t fit in? But to put down on my eval that I need to talk to them more and differentiate my instruction? Then she says that I use the computer too much - I am highly technologically inclined and I don''t feel I use it enough. Now I have to stop using my computer altogether for fear she will stop in and see me there. We use the computer all of the time in my class, something that other teachers NEVER do - but I am getting punished for it...Grrr....
Date: 2/15/2009 8:23:19 PM
Author: Elegant

Date: 2/15/2009 7:01:33 PM
Author: platinumrock
Elegant, can I ask what areas she was not pleased with in your evaluation? How long have you been teaching? I would hate to see you so discouraged that you want to leave in the middle of the school year. Is there any way you can stick it out for a few more months? If you love teaching, and you are good at it, you may simply be at the wrong school. Positions will be posted by May for the upcoming school year from other schools.

I understand California is one of the toughest states to land a teaching job in. My husband and I grew up in and went to college in Cali. We moved to Florida because of the hoops we would have had to jump through just to get certified. Here in Florida, you just need a bachelor''s degree and you need to pass the certification exam in your subject area to be eligible.

My school is in its 7th year of restructuring. We have not made AYP in the FCAT. We went from a B school in 07-08 to a D school in 08-09. My principal is under a lot of pressure from the district to ensure that the necessary changes are being put into place. There are only so many people to blame. Either it''s the administrators, the teachers or the students. This year is tough because all of the classrooms are under strict scrutiny from district and curriculum visitors, on top of DOE visits. The teachers are definitely absorbing a lot of the flack.

If you lost your passion for teaching and you absolutely do not have it in you anymore, then changing careers would be best for you. You seem qualified for top administrative positions. The only problem is that top administrative positions are scarce, and if one comes up, they will put priority over applicants with the most experience.

On the bright side, we still have our jobs. Teachers nation-wide are being laid-off because of budget cuts.

Hang in there, and I hope things get better for you!
Well, just a bit of a background. I teach an all GATE student class of 30 children in 4th grade (I don''t want to get too specific). Basically, I am teaching this special program, and the principal changed lots about it over the summer, then I got hired, then the sh*t hit the fan. She made so many changes, parents got mad, got mad at me, then realized it wasn''t my fault, and now they are blaming her...they are completely on my side (which was WORK). That was my first four months of school. New to the district, school, grade level, and never taught GATE before. Then she wants me to teach a reading and writing program that I have never been trained in, but have completely immersed myself in (and she did give me credit for learning and doing it). My class is very different because I am CONSTANTLY differentiating my instruction (something she accused me of not doing). She decided to reserve her decision to keep me or fire me until I prove such and such. The evaluation said I needed to continue my professional growth (even though I am working on a doctorate, GATE certification, and learning/trying the language arts programs she wants me to teach but have had no training in), she said I need to work with my grade level and meet with them more because they say I am not contributing or something like that - BACKSTABBED!!! I mean, my gosh, can''t they talk to me about things before they talk to her? Unbelievable. And the thing is, I am constantly asking them if we are going to be meeting and I go to all of the grade level meetings. Their idea of meeting is gossiping, and I just don''t do that. I guess that''s why I don''t fit in? But to put down on my eval that I need to talk to them more and differentiate my instruction? Then she says that I use the computer too much - I am highly technologically inclined and I don''t feel I use it enough. Now I have to stop using my computer altogether for fear she will stop in and see me there. We use the computer all of the time in my class, something that other teachers NEVER do - but I am getting punished for it...Grrr....
GOSH, I went through a lot of the things that you just mentioned:

-Teaching a completely new grade without prior experience.
-Avoiding the teacher''s lounge because of bitter teachers who do nothing but complain.
-Being accused of not differentiating instruction
-Having to rearrange my room a bunch of times until it satisfied them
-Pointless and last-minute curriculum meetings with no agendas
-CRT''s coming to my room and looking for something wrong. Then they tattle to the principal without consulting me firstl.
-Drama from other nasty teachers who are always in other people''s business
-Being targeted by the CRT''s while other teachers get off easy.

It was rough this year, and it became so frustrating that I wanted to just walk out and leave. But the children kept me going. They are my sole reason for becoming and being a teacher. Gosh, they have my heart. I also had great support from other teachers and it helped put things in perspective. A lot of them were also being targeted.

Since then, I just did what I was asked and told to do. I documented everything just in case they wanted to pull surprises. And I just worked my butt off and made sure I was doing my job. I never leave at 3 pm like other teachers do. I always end up staying until 6 pm. The job is never done.

The kids are well-behaved. They are learning. They are improving. They are making progress. Everything else is just a distraction from why you are teaching in the first place. Please don''t forget why you went into teaching and what contributions you have made to your students and school. I learned early on as a teacher who to avoid and who I can trust. I definitely learned to avoid the teacher''s lounge!

Whatever happens, just know that I completely understand what you are going through. This is the nature of the beast.

And it truly does get easier every year.
Date: 2/15/2009 8:54:23 PM
Author: platinumrock
Date: 2/15/2009 8:23:19 PM

Author: Elegant

Date: 2/15/2009 7:01:33 PM

Author: platinumrock

Elegant, can I ask what areas she was not pleased with in your evaluation? How long have you been teaching? I would hate to see you so discouraged that you want to leave in the middle of the school year. Is there any way you can stick it out for a few more months? If you love teaching, and you are good at it, you may simply be at the wrong school. Positions will be posted by May for the upcoming school year from other schools.

I understand California is one of the toughest states to land a teaching job in. My husband and I grew up in and went to college in Cali. We moved to Florida because of the hoops we would have had to jump through just to get certified. Here in Florida, you just need a bachelor''s degree and you need to pass the certification exam in your subject area to be eligible.

My school is in its 7th year of restructuring. We have not made AYP in the FCAT. We went from a B school in 07-08 to a D school in 08-09. My principal is under a lot of pressure from the district to ensure that the necessary changes are being put into place. There are only so many people to blame. Either it''s the administrators, the teachers or the students. This year is tough because all of the classrooms are under strict scrutiny from district and curriculum visitors, on top of DOE visits. The teachers are definitely absorbing a lot of the flack.

If you lost your passion for teaching and you absolutely do not have it in you anymore, then changing careers would be best for you. You seem qualified for top administrative positions. The only problem is that top administrative positions are scarce, and if one comes up, they will put priority over applicants with the most experience.

On the bright side, we still have our jobs. Teachers nation-wide are being laid-off because of budget cuts.

Hang in there, and I hope things get better for you!


Well, just a bit of a background. I teach an all GATE student class of 30 children in 4th grade (I don''t want to get too specific). Basically, I am teaching this special program, and the principal changed lots about it over the summer, then I got hired, then the sh*t hit the fan. She made so many changes, parents got mad, got mad at me, then realized it wasn''t my fault, and now they are blaming her...they are completely on my side (which was WORK). That was my first four months of school. New to the district, school, grade level, and never taught GATE before. Then she wants me to teach a reading and writing program that I have never been trained in, but have completely immersed myself in (and she did give me credit for learning and doing it). My class is very different because I am CONSTANTLY differentiating my instruction (something she accused me of not doing). She decided to reserve her decision to keep me or fire me until I prove such and such. The evaluation said I needed to continue my professional growth (even though I am working on a doctorate, GATE certification, and learning/trying the language arts programs she wants me to teach but have had no training in), she said I need to work with my grade level and meet with them more because they say I am not contributing or something like that - BACKSTABBED!!! I mean, my gosh, can''t they talk to me about things before they talk to her? Unbelievable. And the thing is, I am constantly asking them if we are going to be meeting and I go to all of the grade level meetings. Their idea of meeting is gossiping, and I just don''t do that. I guess that''s why I don''t fit in? But to put down on my eval that I need to talk to them more and differentiate my instruction? Then she says that I use the computer too much - I am highly technologically inclined and I don''t feel I use it enough. Now I have to stop using my computer altogether for fear she will stop in and see me there. We use the computer all of the time in my class, something that other teachers NEVER do - but I am getting punished for it...Grrr....

GOSH, I went through a lot of the things that you just mentioned:

-Teaching a completely new grade without prior experience.

-Avoiding the teacher''s lounge because of bitter teachers who do nothing but complain.

-Being accused of not differentiating instruction

-Having to rearrange my room a bunch of times until it satisfied them

-Pointless and last-minute curriculum meetings with no agendas

-CRT''s coming to my room and looking for something wrong. Then they tattle to the principal without consulting me firstl.

-Drama from other nasty teachers who are always in other people''s business

-Being targeted by the CRT''s while other teachers get off easy.

It was rough this year, and it became so frustrating that I wanted to just walk out and leave. But the children kept me going. They are my sole reason for becoming and being a teacher. Gosh, they have my heart. I also had great support from other teachers and it helped put things in perspective. A lot of them were also being targeted.

Since then, I just did what I was asked and told to do. I documented everything just in case they wanted to pull surprises. And I just worked my butt off and made sure I was doing my job. I never leave at 3 pm like other teachers do. I always end up staying until 6 pm. The job is never done.

The kids are well-behaved. They are learning. They are improving. They are making progress. Everything else is just a distraction from why you are teaching in the first place. Please don''t forget why you went into teaching and what contributions you have made to your students and school. I learned early on as a teacher who to avoid and who I can trust. I definitely learned to avoid the teacher''s lounge!

Whatever happens, just know that I completely understand what you are going through. This is the nature of the beast.

And it truly does get easier every year.
Date: 2/15/2009 8:54:23 PM
Author: platinumrock
Date: 2/15/2009 8:23:19 PM

Author: Elegant

Date: 2/15/2009 7:01:33 PM

Author: platinumrock

Elegant, can I ask what areas she was not pleased with in your evaluation? How long have you been teaching? I would hate to see you so discouraged that you want to leave in the middle of the school year. Is there any way you can stick it out for a few more months? If you love teaching, and you are good at it, you may simply be at the wrong school. Positions will be posted by May for the upcoming school year from other schools.

I understand California is one of the toughest states to land a teaching job in. My husband and I grew up in and went to college in Cali. We moved to Florida because of the hoops we would have had to jump through just to get certified. Here in Florida, you just need a bachelor''s degree and you need to pass the certification exam in your subject area to be eligible.

My school is in its 7th year of restructuring. We have not made AYP in the FCAT. We went from a B school in 07-08 to a D school in 08-09. My principal is under a lot of pressure from the district to ensure that the necessary changes are being put into place. There are only so many people to blame. Either it''s the administrators, the teachers or the students. This year is tough because all of the classrooms are under strict scrutiny from district and curriculum visitors, on top of DOE visits. The teachers are definitely absorbing a lot of the flack.

If you lost your passion for teaching and you absolutely do not have it in you anymore, then changing careers would be best for you. You seem qualified for top administrative positions. The only problem is that top administrative positions are scarce, and if one comes up, they will put priority over applicants with the most experience.

On the bright side, we still have our jobs. Teachers nation-wide are being laid-off because of budget cuts.

Hang in there, and I hope things get better for you!


Well, just a bit of a background. I teach an all GATE student class of 30 children in 4th grade (I don''t want to get too specific). Basically, I am teaching this special program, and the principal changed lots about it over the summer, then I got hired, then the sh*t hit the fan. She made so many changes, parents got mad, got mad at me, then realized it wasn''t my fault, and now they are blaming her...they are completely on my side (which was WORK). That was my first four months of school. New to the district, school, grade level, and never taught GATE before. Then she wants me to teach a reading and writing program that I have never been trained in, but have completely immersed myself in (and she did give me credit for learning and doing it). My class is very different because I am CONSTANTLY differentiating my instruction (something she accused me of not doing). She decided to reserve her decision to keep me or fire me until I prove such and such. The evaluation said I needed to continue my professional growth (even though I am working on a doctorate, GATE certification, and learning/trying the language arts programs she wants me to teach but have had no training in), she said I need to work with my grade level and meet with them more because they say I am not contributing or something like that - BACKSTABBED!!! I mean, my gosh, can''t they talk to me about things before they talk to her? Unbelievable. And the thing is, I am constantly asking them if we are going to be meeting and I go to all of the grade level meetings. Their idea of meeting is gossiping, and I just don''t do that. I guess that''s why I don''t fit in? But to put down on my eval that I need to talk to them more and differentiate my instruction? Then she says that I use the computer too much - I am highly technologically inclined and I don''t feel I use it enough. Now I have to stop using my computer altogether for fear she will stop in and see me there. We use the computer all of the time in my class, something that other teachers NEVER do - but I am getting punished for it...Grrr....

GOSH, I went through a lot of the things that you just mentioned:

-Teaching a completely new grade without prior experience.

-Avoiding the teacher''s lounge because of bitter teachers who do nothing but complain.

-Being accused of not differentiating instruction

-Having to rearrange my room a bunch of times until it satisfied them

-Pointless and last-minute curriculum meetings with no agendas

-CRT''s coming to my room and looking for something wrong. Then they tattle to the principal without consulting me firstl.

-Drama from other nasty teachers who are always in other people''s business

-Being targeted by the CRT''s while other teachers get off easy.

It was rough this year, and it became so frustrating that I wanted to just walk out and leave. But the children kept me going. They are my sole reason for becoming and being a teacher. Gosh, they have my heart. I also had great support from other teachers and it helped put things in perspective. A lot of them were also being targeted.

Since then, I just did what I was asked and told to do. I documented everything just in case they wanted to pull surprises. And I just worked my butt off and made sure I was doing my job. I never leave at 3 pm like other teachers do. I always end up staying until 6 pm. The job is never done.

The kids are well-behaved. They are learning. They are improving. They are making progress. Everything else is just a distraction from why you are teaching in the first place. Please don''t forget why you went into teaching and what contributions you have made to your students and school. I learned early on as a teacher who to avoid and who I can trust. I definitely learned to avoid the teacher''s lounge!

Whatever happens, just know that I completely understand what you are going through. This is the nature of the beast.

And it truly does get easier every year.
How long have you been teaching?
I agree - the kids are THE only reason I continue with this. And yes, it is ALL distractions! I will do as she asks as well. My grade level lives locally to the school and I don''t, so they stay until 7pm or even later than that. I have a 45 minute commute, so although I don''t leave at 3pm, I don''t stay all hours of the night either, and I think that is a major problem too - I don''t work 12-14 hours like they do. They don''t want to go home and they have nothing to go home to either. I don''t stay there to gossip and talk about crap instead of actually planning.

I just feel like it is such a slap in the face about me not participating in grade level meetings. I used to be a grade level rep and I used to make us share info, we used to all be on the same page in curriculum, and we used to eat lunch all the time. Here...geesh.

I don''t know if I should let it go or actually confront them. Like, can''t you say stuff to my face instead of telling the boss? I don''t get it.
Elegant, I am so sorry to hear about your situation and I completely understand. I''m a teacher in Northern CA too and I also have a lot of high achieving GATE type students. The parents can definitely be overbearing, but they can also be your strongest ally too.

Sounds like you''re definitely going through a rough patch...I would document everything that goes on, and make an attempt at working along with your co-workers (backstabbing or not, ugh!) I have had challenging co-workers before and it may stem from jealousy, frustration with their own kids, etc...I just approach them with a smile and do the best to grin and bear it.

Although you have been teaching for a while, the first year at a new position is always the hardest. Just should only get easier from here on out! Good luck!
Date: 2/15/2009 9:12:53 PM
Author: Jelly
Elegant, I am so sorry to hear about your situation and I completely understand. I''m a teacher in Northern CA too and I also have a lot of high achieving GATE type students. The parents can definitely be overbearing, but they can also be your strongest ally too.

Sounds like you''re definitely going through a rough patch...I would document everything that goes on, and make an attempt at working along with your co-workers (backstabbing or not, ugh!) I have had challenging co-workers before and it may stem from jealousy, frustration with their own kids, etc...I just approach them with a smile and do the best to grin and bear it.

Although you have been teaching for a while, the first year at a new position is always the hardest. Just should only get easier from here on out! Good luck!
I agree, the parents are now my ally, but that took time.
I will document everything - I''m used to doing that. I have sensed something weird with my grade level, but I couldn''t put my finger on it...and now I know. Do you think I should confront them? Not in an evil and angry way, but kind of saying - if you guys had a problem with me, you would tell me, right? My bf says screw it, don''t bring it up, and just do what the principal says.
This is my second year. Last year, I was a Resource Teacher for the lowest 4th and 5th Graders. I had to get them ready for the FCAT. This year, I am teaching 2nd Grade. Although I prefer the older kids, I love how open 2nd Graders are to learning and how much more moldable they are. Any problem behaviors are easier to correct. They just have shorter attention spans, and you definitely have to keep them constantly moving!

If the biggest problem they have with you is your absence in grade level meetings, then they''re just looking for something. You seem like you are working hard and doing your job. If you are doing everything that you are told to do, then I agree with Jelly. A lot of it sounds like jealousy and cattiness. Does your principal have a problem with you not going to grade level meetings? If not, try not to let it bother you.

I call these so called "teachers" voltures. They''ve been teaching for a long time and they''re lost their passion. They''re just there because there''s nothing else they''re qualified to do. They are also very bitter. Oftentimes, they are ineffective. They will blame everything and everyone else before they admit that they''re bad teachers. When they see other teachers working hard and being loved by their students, they get jealous. You are making them look bad. So they try to say and do things to make you feel discouraged. How do I know? I went through it last year and I''m going through it now. Sure enough, the good teachers burn out and leave. So the voltures win again! Guess who suffer the most? The students. And this happens every year.

As far as other teachers coming to you first before they tattle to the principal, it''s just a cop-out. Trust me, if what they found was truly warranted, you would already be having a conference with the principal. They''re just trying to get brownie points from the principal. How do they make themselves look good? By making you look bad. How do you prove them wrong? By doing your job, staying professional and showing student progress.

As far as confronting the voltures, I did that, but at a meeting where the principal was present. We were able to voice our frustration (along with the other 2nd Grade teacher who was also being targeted). Of course, they were defensive, but at least it was on the table. And I told them firsthand, "If you have something to tell me, just come to me directly. Give me some type of feedback, good or bad. Then I will have a chance to fix it before you go to the principal."

Since then, the cattiness decreased.
Actually, the annoying thing is that I attend ALL of the meetings...I do go to all of the meetings and participate in them, but the principal wants me to ask them about the language arts program and get more feedback from them - I''ve asked and asked and I just stopped asking after a while and decided screw it, they aren''t going to help me so I will stop asking. I''ve stopped relying on them and I think that bothers them.

Still thinking about confronting them though - but what''s the point?
Wait a were actually attending the meetings, asking questions and doing everything you were supposed to do? And they''ve been so unresponsive that you basically stopped trying? But because you stopped relying on them, now it''s bothering them? wonder you want to leave! I''m able to tolerate the other teachers at my school because my principal supports me most of the time. Lately, she''s been cracking down on the other teachers that are ineffective and not doing their job. But if my principal didn''t support me and I had to deal with other catty teachers and CRT''s, I''d want to leave too. No matter how hard you work, they will never be pleased. And they will always look for something wrong. Who wants to work in a place like that?

If you can survive the next few months, there should be openings at other schools. But that''s assuming that you still have the interest to teach. I don''t blame you for wanting to leave the teaching profession.

Are there other teachers at your school that you can vent with? Maybe they are also going through the same thing.

I''m so sorry that you have to go through this.
Elegant--I''m sorry you''re having such a horrible time with your principal. I know you''ve been teaching long enough to know that administrators change, and that education goes in cycles, so this certainly will pass with time. I know this isn''t much consolation right now when you''re in the thick of all this mess, but I''ve often found that focusing on my students and what they need is all I need to do to get through tough times at work.

If you''re really fed up with your current school, I''d definitely consider teaching at the college level. You could at the very least work as an adjunct and teach MEd students in a degree program you''ve already gone through, which would give you a taste of what teaching at that level would really be like.

I loved teaching community college, which is what I did before I started teaching high school, and that''s definitely another route I''d recommend for you if you want to stay in education yet change your current employment.

As for nasty coworkers, I''m sorry to say you''ll find those anywhere. At least in education you can get away from them every summer.
I just wanted to interject something concerning your evaluation. If you disagree with it, you should be allowed to write in your version/opinion of what happened before you sign it. At least that is how it is here in NJ. Have you talked to your union rep? I really think you should. If you are being treated unfairly and/or unprofessionally by a supervisor, they can help you.
Elegant - have you considered the option of becoming a nanny? With your high educational level, you should be able to find a position where the parents expect impeccable care for their children and, in addition, the role as household manager, both of which you would easily provide. There was an article in the paper a year or so ago about nannies in California being paid over $50K per year. The women hired were doing the job as a career, not as a way to make money now that their own kids were in school. The story described professionals working for other professionals.
Date: 2/15/2009 11:05:20 PM
Author: MC
Elegant - have you considered the option of becoming a nanny? With your high educational level, you should be able to find a position where the parents expect impeccable care for their children and, in addition, the role as household manager, both of which you would easily provide. There was an article in the paper a year or so ago about nannies in California being paid over $50K per year. The women hired were doing the job as a career, not as a way to make money now that their own kids were in school. The story described professionals working for other professionals.
That is what I am. I hold a California Teacher Credential, but became a nanny instead. Just like MC said, I am a "career nanny" or a "professional nanny" which is typically an educated nanny (Teacher education or experience is a huge plus) who is nannying as a career. There is a great market for nannies in California and especially here in the Bay Area. My salary is much higher than a teacher''s salary, but there are also drawbacks to nannying. The worst for me is that people assume that I am uneducated or nannying temporarily until I find a "real" career. But if that would be something you''d be interested in, I''d be happy to tell you more about what I do, or the pros/cons of nannying.
Date: 2/15/2009 10:14:11 PM
Author: platinumrock
Wait a were actually attending the meetings, asking questions and doing everything you were supposed to do? And they''ve been so unresponsive that you basically stopped trying? But because you stopped relying on them, now it''s bothering them? wonder you want to leave! I''m able to tolerate the other teachers at my school because my principal supports me most of the time. Lately, she''s been cracking down on the other teachers that are ineffective and not doing their job. But if my principal didn''t support me and I had to deal with other catty teachers and CRT''s, I''d want to leave too. No matter how hard you work, they will never be pleased. And they will always look for something wrong. Who wants to work in a place like that?

If you can survive the next few months, there should be openings at other schools. But that''s assuming that you still have the interest to teach. I don''t blame you for wanting to leave the teaching profession.

Are there other teachers at your school that you can vent with? Maybe they are also going through the same thing.

I''m so sorry that you have to go through this.
Yes, I attend ALL meetings but I just decided not to ask them about certain things, because when I did, they didn''t help. Now I HAVE to ask them...because my principal said so. And I will put it in those words...Hi, the principal wanted me to talk to you about planning...and if they can''t or don''t, I can go to the principal and tell her - they said they didn''t have time or couldn''t, now what? And its on the principal.

I''m pretty sick of the cattiness of it all - it''s been that way at all schools I have been at, but my gosh - it''s never been done to me in this form and I am completely shocked. Slap in my face, but at the same time a learning experience. I have to channel all of my energy into playing the game - and I guess, like everything I set my mind to - I will be damn good at the game by the time this is all over.

I''ve also come to realize that the principal is now trying to blame me for the failure of this special class I am teaching. At first the parents were mad and blaming me, but they came to realize that all of the decision-making was now they are blaming her and she doesn''t like it. I think with all of the crappy lies she wrote on my evaluation she is trying to blame me and say see - she is doing x, y , and z and that''s why the program is failing - not me - it''s her...blame game.

fatafelice - I should not have signed the evaluation in retrospect. I should have told her that I need to write some justifications or whatever before signing it, but then maybe that would have made things worse? I''ll just smile, buck up, and do what she says and while hating every minute of it, I will also be planning a change in schools or career. It''s quite sad too.

Exactly platinumrock - How do I prove them wrong - By doing my job, staying professional and showing student progress. I also have to make sure that each and every time she comes in, I am doing what she thinks good teaching looks like... all I want to do is teach kids and have them succeed - and see what us teachers have to put up with? It''s all politics. It''s never for the good of the kids.

I have to make that I can switch we are a 2 year probation school district, so I am unsure if I can ask to transfer. I''ll look into that.

Haven - I''ve looked into college level and I might go in that direction. And I agree, rude/nasty coworkers are everywhere - and yes, the 2.5 months of summer is a good way to stay away from them.

MC & mia1181 - I never considered being a "career nanny," and I think it is because I don''t have kids. I feel unprepared to take care of super tiny ones - but 5 years and up probably no problem.

mia1181 - Yes, if you could share the pros and cons of being a nanny, I would love to hear them. Definitely.

Thanks everyone for all of the suggestions...I feel I have more options to look forward to.
Elegant, I can''t believe you are being blamed for all these things, especially your principal. Is there any way you can contest that evaluation? I can''t wait for you to leave that school and find a better one. You really seem to have a passion for teaching, and it will be a great loss to education if you leave. Hang in there, just keep yourself busy, and these last few months will be over.

And you are right, education has a lot of politics and bureaucracy. It''s all about tenure and who''s been there longer. It seems that the longer the teacher has been around, the more they get away with and the less they contribute to the school. The union that''s supposed to protect us is also the same union that protects these bad teachers. You really do need to know how to play the game. Sometimes you have to teach the way they want you to teach so they will leave you alone. It''s not surprising that good teachers burn out and leave the profession. It seems that those who want to teach can''t, and those who can teach don''t.

It''s definitely unfair.
Yeah, what I think really sucks - she wrote in my evaluation that I need to stay away from my computer/desk area. I have been having my students email me, and sometimes I need to go on there to check their attachment and print it out, I email parents daily to stay in contact and have open communication, I email homework and project it at the end of the day, and I use it as a tool - but nobody at the school does, so I am definitely in the minority...and I now know''s like, get with the program. At least I have my students use the computers in my class unlike SO many teacher do. They let dust collect on them.

And you are right, most of the teachers who are there the longest want to keep things stale and keep some things the way they were 30 years ago, and in many ways the educational system has progressed, but you wouldn''t know it.

Somebody told me not to take it personally - she just has a power trip and to remember karma...and I will remember these things, it''s just really hard!!!

I feel like I am bending over and taking it up the you know where...but if that''s what I have to do, and if it is a disservices to the kids...what can I do?
Elegant-I suggest looking into educational publishing, specifically K-12. Most of the workforce in this industry consists of former teachers. Teaching experience is usually one of the first requirements for editorial and product development roles. There''s are even curriculum development-specific roles. I don''t know what area of CA you''re in, but I know there are several companies with offices on the West Coast. You could also look into editorial development houses. They usually hire former educators as editors as well.

If this sounds like something you''re interested in, take a look at Pearson, Cengage, McGraw Hill, MacMillan, National Geographic Publishing, School Specialty Group. there are many more, but those are some of the big guys. I don''t recommend Houghton Mifflin. That''s a very sick company.
I believe you can make notes on the document before you sign it. I would do that. Make note that you don''t agree with the statements and are signing it under undue influence. At least then if you have to face it again later you can show that you don''t agree with it.
Thanks Hudsen_Hawk - I love editing actually - love it... I will look into this definitely, thank you!

I saw that there was an "evaluatee comments" section, but didn''t write anything! Grrr... Lessons learned, you know?
One suggestion if you look into publishing roles. Be sure to read the descriptions and don''t get turned off by titles. The lingo and titles are often weird and not really connected to the actual role....I just don''t want you to miss out on anything because the title makes it sound like a sales rep role or something!
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