
Air Travel with toddler


Sep 21, 2006
I know there have been multiple threads on this - but I can''t find them, so hope you don''t mind me asking for thoughts on how to make this easier. I''m planning on a possible 6 hr flight in August (22 months). It''s for a family wedding and I haven''t committed, just in case!

Anyway, I have a car seat that''s supposed to be great for travel, but this got me thinking--car seat on plane is only when you have purchased a separate seat on the plane for the child, right?
Yes, you have to buy a seat then. The child is free is she is a "lap child." I would pray for empty seats when T was around that age but I never brought the car seat b/c it is not guaranteed.
Personally, I would seroiusly consider purchasing a seat for your LO. 6 hours is a long time to hold a kid especially one that is old enough to want to get down and walk around. In our experience, a flight in their carseat ends up being a lot like a car trip, they dont know that there is an option to get out of their seat.

Also their are serious safety issues. I have experienced some incredibly scary turbulence in my past and I would never want to be holding anything, let alone a child if that happened again.

We first flew with DD when she was 5 months old and purchased a seat. My DH tried to talk me into not purchasing a seat, but the month before we flew the airline that we were flying on had a cabin ceiling open during midflight. Granted, the hole wasn''t that big, but it would have been big enough for DD to fit through.

Also, once you get to your destination you have YOUR carseat. I do not like what I have seen of the ones from the car rental places.
We just flew last weekend with a "lap child". The flight out was only half booked, so they let us take the car seat on. It was Southwest, so no assigned seats. We boarded in the first group and had a row to ourselves. The flight back was full, so we checked the carseat for free (on Alaska Air). They did offer to let us haul it all the way to the gate to see if there were any empty seats, but I knew the odds were slim, so we didn''t bother.

A 6 hour flight might be tempting to see if the airline offers an infant rate. It was much easier having the kid in his own seat for 3 hours versus on our laps.
Alot of airlines do offer an infant rate. You will need your LO''s birth certificate at check in to show proof of age. We usually do not use the infant rate because if you book early enough you can usually find a cheaper fare.
How much is an infant rate--is it fair to say it''s half? She willl be 22 months by then, so probably pushing the limits. I agee a seat would be nice, so maybe I can try to find out the price.

Any other tips other than DVD, snacks and toys? Is later flight (sleeping time) better than earlier? How do you handle take off/landing? And waht about time difference (will be 3 hrs for us).

Date: 5/11/2010 9:26:06 AM
Author: janinegirly
How much is an infant rate--is it fair to say it''s half? She willl be 22 months by then, so probably pushing the limits. I agee a seat would be nice, so maybe I can try to find out the price.

Any other tips other than DVD, snacks and toys? Is later flight (sleeping time) better than earlier? How do you handle take off/landing? And waht about time difference (will be 3 hrs for us).

Unfortunately we have only found the infant rate to be a deal if you are purchasing last minute tickets. The last time we flew I purchased her a regular ticket for around $200. The infant rate was $280. To get the infant rate info I had to call each airline. Also, we try and fly Southwest whenever possible so that they do not charge for checked luggage. We did try and carry on everything one time and it was a mess. Three carry on size suitcases, stroller, carseat, diaperbag, and a backpack as vertually impossible to manage.

My LO still takes a bottle, so for takeoff and landing we have one ready. So far we have been lucky and with the engine noise she usually sleeps. We do also try and schedule the flight to coinside with naps or nightime sleep.

I have not had experience with more than one hour time zone change, but I have friends who regularly visit from Alaska and they just kept their kids on their same schedule. Especially if its going to be a short trip.
did a quick price check on United for a child and it''s the same price as an adult? Is this accurate?

called but they said too much call volume so can''t take call. I''m not looking forward to flying ever since airline customer service has tanked.
Janine, if you give your kid juice, take off and landing would be a good time to do it (or any drink she likes). A snack might work too, as sometimes the jaw moving will help the ears.

I would DEFINITELY get a seat for her at that age.

As for the time difference, I agree that if it''s a short trip, try to keep the same schedule so you don''t have to adjust going back. If your girl is like mine and wakes up with the sun, then you might have to adjust. I''d probably split the difference and try for an hour and a half adjustment if that''s the case. If it''s a longer trip, then I might try to accommodate the 3 hour difference. With Amelia, it takes 2 days to acclimate to the time change.

And for me personally, since Amelia is up for 6 hours from wake up to first nap, that would be where I would try to place a flight. My girl doesn''t sleep well anywhere but her crib. However, because I got free tix to Hawaii, we are going on an afternoon into evening flight. This is not going to be fun, I think, and I''ll report back in Sept. Ugh.
Thanks Tgal! Is the seat usually full price even though it''s for a child?

We''lll be there about a week so I''m sure she''ll end up adjusting even if I try to keep her on schedule. And the trip is to LA so maybe a GTG, hehe.
Will you be flying on a weekday or other "off" time? When we flew to Seattle last week we went up on a Thursday morning on a half empty plane. The flight back Sunday afternoon was (or course) completely booked.

If you know you''ll be going on a flight that''s rarely full, you might be able to chance it and not buy a seat.
Date: 5/12/2010 1:35:17 PM
Author: janinegirly
Thanks Tgal! Is the seat usually full price even though it''s for a child?

We''lll be there about a week so I''m sure she''ll end up adjusting even if I try to keep her on schedule. And the trip is to LA so maybe a GTG, hehe.
Janine, I honestly don''t know...maybe Tacori can chime in. The last time I flew with her, she was in a bassinet and the next time we fly with her, we got all our tix for free.
T flew at 22 weeks and it was borderline for sure! I felt bad for the guy sitting in front of us b/c she basically kicked his seat the whole time. There is just NO leg room. If you can afford it I would buy her a seat. Airlines do offer a discount but like someone said I am sure it is off FULL price fares. On that trip we had a layover and did get lucky. I think she only had to sit on my lap on one flight. Personally I think it is easier having her on my lap for take-off and landings BUT if she has her own seat she must sit there with her seat belt on. Tricky with a toddler. I have never taken a car seat and not sure if I would be able to get her to sit in it but if you can that is an idea. T has just flown too many times w/o one.

Time change...well the last time we had a 3 hour time change she was seven months and we tried to keep her on our old time which is very, very difficult. More recently we only go places that has a one hour difference. They say it takes a day for every hour so I do try to adjust her on those trips. If you are going to adjust maybe you can try to adjust her while you are home a few days before.

When to fly...when she was young I picked nap time so she would sleep. That phase ended once she started walking. So now I try to plan trips between her naps. It is tough but she will not sleep on the plane. Pick the back of the plane. It is louder, closer to the bathrooms, and I feel more out of the way.

T has been on so many flights. I have lost count. Sometimes she is an angel sometimes she is THAT kid.
She has bad days and traveling is stressful at any age. Some airports have playrooms. Not sure where you are flying or if you have a layover. Keep that in mind when you plan your trip. You know your kid the best. Mine is not easy PERIOD so why should traveling be any different?
But I have some tricks to help cope. You gotta do what you gotta do
Resurrecting this thread since we''re now booking for this trip. I''m tempted to forego the seat for C since it''s so expensive and I keep thinking what if there''s an open seat on the flight. Six hours on my lap is a long time though, and just my luck will be packed flight so maybe not worth taking the chance.

I have a question on car seats though--is this required or is that only for when they can''t sit up?
They only let you take them if there''s an empty seat, but they don''t require them as far as I know. Although it was nice to be able to strap the kid in and not let him out, it would be harder if there was only a lap belt keeping him in place.

Is there any way you could ask the airline if that flight is normally full?
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??
I could but it''s a NYC - LAX flight, and I just have a feeling it tends to be full or close. I like the idea of a carseat for wheeling her around (with one of those pulleys) and snapping in on plane and then into the car. But then again, I can also check it in and I don''t think they charge for it...
Date: 6/10/2010 3:32:10 PM
Author: dreamer_d
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??

dvd player, stickers, books, coloring stuff, cookies, snacks...the serenity prayer helps too
Janine, I''d buy the seat. No way I''d have a toddler on my lap for that long. Plus it makes it harder for you to get anything out of your bag, etc.

Date: 6/10/2010 3:48:31 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 6/10/2010 3:32:10 PM
Author: dreamer_d
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??

dvd player, stickers, books, coloring stuff, cookies, snacks...the serenity prayer helps too
I am so not a TV fan, but you can bet your bottom dollar I will be stocking on up DVDs for the 5 hour plane ride to Hawaii this Sept. Especially since the flight will go way past her bedtime and I will be super lucky if this kid doesn''t melt down.
Date: 6/10/2010 3:32:10 PM
Author: dreamer_d
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??
DD: will you be buying him a seat?
Date: 6/10/2010 3:48:31 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Date: 6/10/2010 3:32:10 PM
Author: dreamer_d
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??

dvd player, stickers, books, coloring stuff, cookies, snacks...the serenity prayer helps too
hells ya on the dvd! with dora videos in my case! coloring and snacks were already on my list, but thanks for the sticker and serenity prayer suggestions! :)
Date: 6/10/2010 3:53:54 PM
Author: janinegirly

Date: 6/10/2010 3:32:10 PM
Author: dreamer_d
We are taking Hunter on a trip for 5 hours when he will be 17 months... how the heck do you amuse the kids for that long on a plane??
DD: will you be buying him a seat?
No, we are too cheap. I think it will not be a fun trip.

They have TV on the plane but he would need earphones! And he so far thinks TV is lame. But snacks, coloring, stickers, books... all good ideas. And he is just gonna have to walk up and down the aisles a lot.