
Air France Flight 447


Jun 30, 2009
I'm sure you may remember 2 years ago when Air France flight 447 disappeared on its way from Rio to Paris. They have now located the plane at the bottom of the ocean with some of the missing passengers. One victim's wife said it freaked her out to think her husband was at the bottom of the ocean, still in his seat, wearing his wedding ring and necklace. That would freak me out too. Assuming they recover the bodies, what would you do with your loved ones' jewelry? Would your perspective change if they had really expensive jewelry? Could you bring yourself to wear it?
That is really sad. I would love to have the pieces back. I would probably wear it. It would make me feel closer to a lost
loved one. My DH only wears his wedding ring. I would wear it daily if something happened to him. He wouldn't wear mine, but
I think he would have a hard time giving it to my DD. We are both pretty sentimental.
It was such a tragic event but I think finding it will give their families closure. Yes, I would want back the jewelry and treasure it.
What a HORRIBLE vision to have a their loved ones. How sad. I guess I would be happy to have a body to bury though. I cant believe after a year the bodies are still there and recognizable. I think at that point I would bury the jewelry with my loved one. Then again, if it was my expensive ering, I would want it to go to a loved I have NO idea what I would do.....let me think about this for a few.

Would the salt water effect white gold like chlorine does? Just curious.
How awful.

Yes, I would want back any surviving personal belongings. I don't know what saltwater and fish may have done to things over 3 yrs time so I don't know what quality they'd return in. But, I'd still want them. Wear them? IDK. But, IDK if I'd wear them even if they were removed immediately upon death either.
lbbaber|1305293610|2920626 said:
What a HORRIBLE vision to have a their loved ones. How sad. I guess I would be happy to have a body to bury though. I cant believe after a year the bodies are still there and recognizable. I think at that point I would bury the jewelry with my loved one. Then again, if it was my expensive ering, I would want it to go to a loved I have NO idea what I would do.....let me think about this for a few.

Would the salt water effect white gold like chlorine does? Just curious.

I imagine the bodies will not be recognizable, but if they are still in their seats then they can track which seats belonged to which passengers.

This is horrible, and I couldn't imagine having to know that my loved one was in their seat, drowning. I would most certainly want their jewelry back, as it would make me feel like some part of them is still with me.
I think the jewelry would probably be the very last thing to cross my mind - I'd be feeling a crazy welter of disappointment that there wasn't a miraculous but unlikely crash-landing on an island, relief (not quite the right word, but as close as I can get) that we'd be able to put them to rest properly, rage that it had taken this long ....

But at the end of the day, I suppose that, yes, I would want to receive their personal effects. I doubt I could bring myself to wear them: I'd probably put them in a memory-box or personal shrine of some sort. If future generations wanted to adapt it, that'd be up to them.
Last thing on my mind too. I imagine I would want it to keep it. What other choice would I have?
I... have absolutely no idea.

I'm just imagining how horrifying this must be - heartbroken, having to deal with that gut twisting, mind numbing pain all over again. I feel something of it sometimes, in nightmares, and there aren't words to describe the relief it is to wake up...

I don't think I could wear his wedding ring, and I know I couldn't give it to anyone else. I would definitely want to have it though.
It's horrible but what did these people THINK happened to their loved ones. Planes don't just evaporate whole & straight to heaven? Anyway ... I'd want the jewelry. Don't know if I'd *wear* the jewelry ... but I'd treasure the memento.
dragonfly411|1305302467|2920773 said:
lbbaber|1305293610|2920626 said:
What a HORRIBLE vision to have a their loved ones. How sad. I guess I would be happy to have a body to bury though. I cant believe after a year the bodies are still there and recognizable. I think at that point I would bury the jewelry with my loved one. Then again, if it was my expensive ering, I would want it to go to a loved I have NO idea what I would do.....let me think about this for a few.

Would the salt water effect white gold like chlorine does? Just curious.

I imagine the bodies will not be recognizable, but if they are still in their seats then they can track which seats belonged to which passengers.

This is horrible, and I couldn't imagine having to know that my loved one was in their seat, drowning. I would most certainly want their jewelry back, as it would make me feel like some part of them is still with me.

I heard they were so deep in the ocean they might have been frozen. But then I also know that they brought 2 up and they will attempt to see if they can be identified by their DNA and they are only going back for the rest if they make identifications on those 2.
The jewelry can CERTAINLY help them make identifications.

I would want the body back. To me, one of the worst things is not just when someone dies that you love but when you are in uncertainty. I guess it was certain that those people were dead (not like when a loved one just vanishes and the police are searching and not find anyting, or when a soldier goes MIA and the loved ones are left in total limbo) but it is still something that creates a lot of difficulties when you don't get the closure that a funeral and having a known gravesite provides. I would want to give any remains a Christian burial, because those are my beliefs (assuming that the loved one was also a Christian. I would respect their personal beliefs). I don't know about what to do with the jewelry. I tend to feel that its pointless to bury jewelry with dead people as I have heard that the cemetery personnel and also sometimes the mortuary personnel (though its harder for them to manage) just steal the rings and so forth. My husband has expressed that he wants to be buried with his wedding and I am afraid to do it, because I think it would get stolen. My own jewelry, I would rather think of descendants wearing and enjoying, as I enjoy some inherited or even my descendants bringing them to the pawn shop and getting 2 cents to buy something they wanted than to think of some stranger taking it off the dead body and bringing it to the pawn, if you know what I mean.

I think that most people die painful deaths. Once in a while you hear of someone who died in their sleep and did not know what happened but that is unusual. Whether car accidents or cancer or gunshots or heart attacks, I don't think death is a very nice experience. I think it is a gift from God that we don't know how we ourselves would go till the time. In the past, people used to prefer slow and lingering deaths b-r-raped ecause they wanted to make peace with their loved ones and make peace with God and die in what they called an 'edifying' way--to be an example. Nowadays people want to go quick and not know it--though that is much harder on the loved ones. I don't see much point in thinking about the pain someone was in as they died, whether in an accident or in a hospital bed. I feel grateful that when my father was dying of cancer (which was painful but fortunately in his case rather short--six months) I was able to go and see him and talk to him and we could say the things we needed to say and that I know I did my best for him and I feel sad for people who don't get that chance with sudden death (which has happened in my family also, as in everyone's. I had a cousin die in a fiery car accident, another cousin was kidnapped, gang-raped and shot in the head, an uncle was riding a bicycle and hit by a truck, and other family members have died long, lingering deaths with dementia and alzheimers which I think actually was the hardest of all on the close family members and caretakers.) A couple of years ago, one of my son's friends, in high school, was murdered by his father, who one day inexplicably shot the whole family, the dog and himself and no one has any idea why and no one saw it coming--he looked normal up to the afternoon when it happened and nothing seemed wrong. YOu have to grieve through these things and you would like to understand, but mostly you can't. I believe one day God will let us know why. Meanwhile, I think it is important to realize I myself am going to die someday and don't know how or when, it could be thirty years from now (I am fifty), it could be later today. I try to keep it so that I don't have any fights going on with loved ones or hostility or grudges that it would be painful for them to remember, and so that there is no dirt they can find out that will hurt them (some of the most painful things I've seen for family members is when they discover some secret life or some affair or some other dirt when someone dies and they didn't know it and its like their loved one was a different person than they had thought) and I try to keep it so that I pray every day to God and read my Bible and one of the things I pray is that I accept whatever is going to happen to me or loved ones, because it is His will and He is going to take care of me, regardless, and He is going to take care of my children and my husband if I suddenly go. I don't dwell on death but I try not to be denial, because I am going to die and everyone I knew is gong to die and just old sick people die but babies die and young people die and people die suddenly and it is not romantic or glamorous like in the old movies--or even like the new movies where there is a lot of violence but it mostly looks exciting instead of ugly like it really is.
I always remember Death is the enemy, and not something that God wanted for us. Even Jesus, who I believe was God and could raise people from the dead, wept when his friend Lazarus died, before He raised Lazarus from the dead. Because He knew, in His human nature, that death is ugly and not meant to be. There is a great poet, John Donne, who wrote a wonderful sonnet that begins "Death be not proud, though some have called thee, Mighty and dreadful.." It is well worth reading. He finished by saying, which I believe is true something like, "in the end, Thou, Death, shall die."
The French court ruled they only have to bring the bodies up if identification can be made through DNA. That makes me really sad. I want them all up whether or not they can identify them.
I was reading that the bodies rapidly decomposed when they were brought to the surface so there won't be an attempt to bring more up.

I can see both sides of it. I would want my loved one to be buried, but I can understand how some wouldn't want them brought up in the state they are in.

Its just horrible to think about.
chemgirl|1305386396|2921706 said:
I was reading that the bodies rapidly decomposed when they were brought to the surface so there won't be an attempt to bring more up.

I can see both sides of it. I would want my loved one to be buried, but I can understand how some wouldn't want them brought up in the state they are in.

Its just horrible to think about.

Where did you read that?
herekittykitty|1305386596|2921708 said:
chemgirl|1305386396|2921706 said:
I was reading that the bodies rapidly decomposed when they were brought to the surface so there won't be an attempt to bring more up.

I can see both sides of it. I would want my loved one to be buried, but I can understand how some wouldn't want them brought up in the state they are in.

Its just horrible to think about.

Where did you read that?

The mirror...

I am reading conflicting info though. Apparently they can't know the results of the DNA testing yet. I don't remember where I read that second bit of info.
IMHO, discovering the bodies is a wash.
I do not understand the closure thing.
Dead is dead.

Being upset that the body is still there seems odd.
What did you prefer, your daughter be shark food?
It's all so arbitrary.
Is pumping in formaldehyde that eventually leaches into the groundwater actually better than giving the body back to feed the earth's life cycle?

I guess it would be nice to get the jewelry back, but as you can see I'm not terribly sentimental.
My husband wears only a wedding ring. I would give the ring to our son.