
Age Verification Bypassed

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Feb 8, 2003
Lost is on tonight (yes, DH and I probably are the last two people in the Northwest still watching the show) and I bought beer because it''s necessary to make any sense out of the story line.

Well, I was not carded. In fact, the checker did the "age verification bypassed," procedure.

It seems now that I look back, that just within the last six months, no one has carded me. Up until then, every month or so, someone would card me. . .maybe it was because last summer, I dressed in tank tops/shorts and now I''m wearing more conservative winter clothes. Or maybe I just look old

Life, as I know it, IS OVER. Anyone else in the same boat? Next round is on the house
I was completely bummed when I went to the boat (gambling boat) with my friend who is several years older than me. She got carded, I didn''t.

However, I was vindicated the following week when I got carded buying spray paint!! Of course, the checker was approximately 143 years old, so maybe everyone looks young to him....
Yep - I''m seriously contemplating Botox.
I almost never get carded at this point (except for places that must card absolutely everyone) and I just turned 25! So don''t feel old. I think a lot of people are just lenient on the carding thing (at least where I live).
I''m 5''10", so there have been times when I was a teenager and wasn''t carded. (Great when you''re in college, not so great when somebody calls you "Ma''am" at 23.)

If you were carded regularly as recently as last summer, and assuming you haven''t suddenly taken up both tanning-booth and 2-pack-a-day ciggy habits, though, I''d guess your winter clothing being more adult-looking accounts for the difference. You''ll be carded again come summertime.
I almost never get carded, and I''m 27. Even when I was 21, I rarely got carded...and I don''t look that old. I find that if they glimpse an ID in my hand, they don''t EVER bother to ask if they can actually see it. Funny enough, our state stores (the only places that sell wine and spirits in PA) are the worst about checking...
Aw don''t feel too bad. I''m sure it was the more "adult-like" clothes. I am in my late 30s and get carded the majority of the time still, but if I am wearing more "professional" clothes as opposed to being dressed down running errands, I get carded a lot less.
Well if it helps any..I wasn''t carded today and I even had my ID out. I am 22...and it''s a college town. I was like "....?" The girl entered her own birth date for mine apparently. So anyway, maybe they were just being lazy!
I get carded a lot less after cutting my hair. That and I think I am starting to get wrinkles. Sad thing is I still sound really young. Think Bernadette Peters from the Jerk...

My valid driver''s license even got REJECTED at a bar the night of my engagement party. I didn''t even know how to respond to that. Considering at the time I had been celebrating my 25th birthday for several years in a row....
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