
admit it you did it, when you were a kid! time to come clean

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Dec 1, 2005

I frequent another forum, a car forum, so you can only imagine some of the things these guys got away with. I would post them here but not sure how appropriate they would be. I want to know what some of you guys did as a kid and never got caught.

- When I was younger we lived in an apartment complex that had a soda machine by the pool, it was older and I figured out how to get free sodas from the machine whenever I wanted.

- I had a tendency to take things for free, when they really weren''t.

- My dad used to own his own candy business and was a distributor, I would take some of the merchandise and sell them on my own for my own profit (I was 9-10). I never told him. I might need to let him know this weekend.

I used to sell pages out of my dad''s **** magazines on the school yard. I was in 4th grade. My school was on a campus that had 7 elementary, 2 middle & 1 high school. I mostly sold them to older kids at after school events. The price of the page changed according to "how good the picture was." I had auctions for them to drive up the price. I made almost $1000 in one school year. My dad had a big stash

I never got caught because my dad would have had to admit that he had the **** magazine stash. I''m sure he wondered what happened to them.
I think I will plead the 5th on this one!!!!!!
Date: 3/7/2007 12:13:34 PM
Author: strmrdr
I think I will plead the 5th on this one!!!!!!
What fun is that....
Date: 3/7/2007 12:20:39 PM
Author: dmbfan

Date: 3/7/2007 12:13:34 PM
Author: strmrdr
I think I will plead the 5th on this one!!!!!!
What fun is that....
statue of limitations may not have ran out on some things!
Besides my wifey2b reads PS!
ok ok will post one that wasn''t very illegal....
Every night for 2 weeks we would rearrange my neighbors patio furniture after she had yelled at us about something.
After about a week she noticed it and came over and asked us if we had seen anyone over there.
Course we said no and promised to keep an eye out!
Date: 3/7/2007 11:37:21 AM
Author: IslandDreams
I used to sell pages out of my dad''s **** magazines on the school yard. I was in 4th grade. My school was on a campus that had 7 elementary, 2 middle & 1 high school. I mostly sold them to older kids at after school events. The price of the page changed according to ''how good the picture was.'' I had auctions for them to drive up the price. I made almost $1000 in one school year. My dad had a big stash

I never got caught because my dad would have had to admit that he had the **** magazine stash. I''m sure he wondered what happened to them.
OMG, that is too funny!!!
Another I remember

I was going to a private catholic school during my elementary years and we tried to ditch school. of course the jumped the fence first and then the last person would toss the back packs over. we got caught before the last person tosed the backpacks and we had to individually go into the priest office and pick up our bags if we wanted them back....
I am guiily of many, many things – here’s a sample..

Going to the drug store and taking all of the black hair dye out of the box and switching it with blonde hair dye.
Having my friends little brother pee in a water pistol and spraying it on the neighbors laundry that was drying outside.
Date: 3/7/2007 2:46:14 PM
Author: treysar

I am guiily of many, many things – here’s a sample..

Going to the drug store and taking all of the black hair dye out of the box and switching it with blonde hair dye.
Having my friends little brother pee in a water pistol and spraying it on the neighbors laundry that was drying outside.
OMG, that''s hysterical!!!!
Date: 3/7/2007 2:53:27 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 3/7/2007 2:46:14 PM
Author: treysar

I am guiily of many, many things – here’s a sample..

Going to the drug store and taking all of the black hair dye out of the box and switching it with blonde hair dye.
Having my friends little brother pee in a water pistol and spraying it on the neighbors laundry that was drying outside.
OMG, that''s hysterical!!!!
I am sure that I have a wall of bad karma waiting for me somewhere from this kind of stuff.
Puttin' Nair in a girls shampoo at camp...

Switching my dad's vodka with water.....
Date: 3/7/2007 11:37:21 AM
Author: IslandDreams
I used to sell pages out of my dad''s **** magazines on the school yard. I was in 4th grade. My school was on a campus that had 7 elementary, 2 middle & 1 high school. I mostly sold them to older kids at after school events. The price of the page changed according to ''how good the picture was.'' I had auctions for them to drive up the price. I made almost $1000 in one school year. My dad had a big stash

I never got caught because my dad would have had to admit that he had the **** magazine stash. I''m sure he wondered what happened to them.
ROFLMAO...OMG, That is hilarious! You were quite the entrepreneur!
Date: 3/7/2007 2:46:14 PM
Author: treysar

I am guiily of many, many things – here’s a sample..

Going to the drug store and taking all of the black hair dye out of the box and switching it with blonde hair dye.
Having my friends little brother pee in a water pistol and spraying it on the neighbors laundry that was drying outside.
OMG...How come I was never this clever?!
How about as an adult?

My daughter loves to slide down our stairs in her sleeping bag, but I tell her she can't because it's too noisey to the neighbor below. Well, the neighbor below me piss3d me off, so I told my daughter to grab the sleeping bag and start sliding
This is so funny to me because my of the things my daughters try to get away with; ages 6 & 9. The other day my daughter got in trouble at her moms house (Divorsed obviously) and my ex told my daughter to watch it!!! She told her how we couldn''t get away with much when we were younger and only had two parents, they have to potentially deal with four (she is already remerried) I thought that was awsome and should scare them a little.
When I was 15 I was obsessed with driving. I used to take the car and drive around town and run errands. When I got my learner''s permit and went driving with my dad, he was shocked at how well I did. I could parallel park and everything. Thank God I never got stopped ''cause my dad would have killed me. I did get busted by my friend''s mom. She said she passed me on the road one day, but she never told on me. She and I must have both been out of our minds!
When I was in high school, I would sometimes work at an ice cream parlor whenever my schedule permitted. I used to give away 9-inch round ice cream cakes to my friends when they came to visit. And then I''d quickly make new cakes to fill up the gaps in the display case so I wouldn''t get found out. That''s about as wild-n-crazy as I got as a kid. I was otherwise pretty boring and followed all the rules.
Date: 3/7/2007 4:41:24 PM
Author: BizouMom
When I was 15 I was obsessed with driving. I used to take the car and drive around town and run errands. When I got my learner''s permit and went driving with my dad, he was shocked at how well I did. I could parallel park and everything. Thank God I never got stopped ''cause my dad would have killed me. I did get busted by my friend''s mom. She said she passed me on the road one day, but she never told on me. She and I must have both been out of our minds!
Me too, me too!! I was driving so perfectly that when it was time for driving lessons, they guys said you''ve been doing this for some time huh??? I just laughed!!!
Date: 3/7/2007 2:46:14 PM
Author: treysar

Going to the drug store and taking all of the black hair dye out of the box and switching it with blonde hair dye.
Girl, you are Evil. Capital E.
The only thing I regret was stealing some Silly Putty when I was young. Otherwise, if I did some bad stuff intentionally, I likely had no regrets about them so they''re not around in my memories anymore to both my conscience. Ok, I almost killed a buddy of mine twice, but he laughed and I laughed about it right afterwards so it''s all good. We both know now to not do stuff thaaaat bad anymore.
I once got tagged for shoplifting. My 'friend' had, unbeknownst to me, put a pair of earrings in my purse. Fortunately, she had (unbeknownst to me) been tagged for it before, whereas I had never been... plus my reaction was so genuinely confused (and I didn't have pieced ears) that they let me go with a stern warning to my mom about being more careful the people she let me hang out with.

That was enough.
Edit to add: My mother was a TERROR so I was pretty much a really good kid. She grounded me once for a year and stuck it out for the FULL 365 days. And that was because I was STANDING next to a kid who was smoking. I recall not being allowed to have my 13th birthday anywhere but at home and with a guest list limited to 6 people as punishment for the shoplifting excursion PLUS being grounded for a REALLY long time. My mother made 'strict' look desirable.
so you really want to know ok here it is.My grandmother always gave me a little gift when I went to fetch chicken eggs for her. I knew all the places to find fresh eggs so it took me very little time to earn my gift.I started to get a bit greedy ( was under 6 yrs old) , so one day I went to her the next house in search for the eggs.I counted about 5 eggs more than ever before , so I proudly presented it to my grandmother.When she did the count something did not match.She did not have that many chickens and she knew I collected for her daily.So I was asked where these eggs came from.I had to tell her and then she asked me to immediately take them back.By that time the chicken''s made lots of noise from my 1st collection and there were people all around.Trying not to break any eggs in the process I had to carefully time it to put them back exactly where I found them.
that was my first and the last time I ever tried to impress her to earn more points.I did learn...
Date: 3/7/2007 11:37:21 AM
Author: IslandDreams
I used to sell pages out of my dad's **** magazines on the school yard. I was in 4th grade. My school was on a campus that had 7 elementary, 2 middle & 1 high school. I mostly sold them to older kids at after school events. The price of the page changed according to 'how good the picture was.' I had auctions for them to drive up the price. I made almost $1000 in one school year. My dad had a big stash

I never got caught because my dad would have had to admit that he had the **** magazine stash. I'm sure he wondered what happened to them.
OMG. this was the absolute BEST. ID, you seem so eyes were like saucers when i read this!!! i read it to greg too tonite...he was cracking up. what a little entrepreneur, SO hilarious.

i was a total imp as a child...i didn't really do too many 'bad' things...but i fed milk to my mom's houseplants...telling her when she caught me that i was just trying to make them grow. also my mom was a single parent when i was young and my dad was not in the picture at all, and i guess i would walk up to men in the supermarket and ask them if they would be my father...
6.gif POOR MOM! she was so embarassed. i also used to hide in those round clothing racks they had in department stores and then jump out and scare people when they looked at the clothes on the rack. ummm what else. oh i guess when i was young, like 5...i punched a neighbor boy in the nose because he wasn't listening to me
. mostly it was just mischevious hyper child stuff.
not at all like my solemn personality now!
man, you guys were just bad kids! LOL

I never did stuff that affected people other than myself and my poor parents, but I got in my share of teen troubles. Smoking cloves, sneaking booze, sneaking out to kiss boys, fibbing about my whereabouts....standard teen stuff when you have a ridiculously over protective mother who never let you do anything.

Gypsy: Your mom must be my mom''s sister. i felt your pain. I was ALWAYS grounded. years on end.

Oh, I once did a friends and I got a little tipsy on Bartles and Jaymes when we were 15, snuck over to the condo complex down the road, took a moonlight swim, and then rearranged all the patio furniture for many many units. Dude, I thought I was the only one! I justified that it wasn''t quite vandalism, but more of a redecorating project, and we didn''t take anything. LOL.

When I was really really small, maybe todler age, I remember going into the bathroom and spinning all of the toilette paper off the rolls onto the floor. Then my mom would come in and fix it and tell me not to do it. I would go right back in there and spin it all down again because I thought it was funny. Looking back on it, I can''t believe I can even remember this I was so little.

When I was about 9 or 10 I got in trouble in class and as part of my punishment I had to bring a sheet home to my parents telling them about it and they had to sign it and I was supposed to bring it back. I forged it...eek, i don''t *think* they ever found out.
Date: 3/8/2007 1:28:38 AM
Author: Mara

Date: 3/7/2007 11:37:21 AM
Author: IslandDreams
I used to sell pages out of my dad''s **** magazines on the school yard. I was in 4th grade. My school was on a campus that had 7 elementary, 2 middle & 1 high school. I mostly sold them to older kids at after school events. The price of the page changed according to ''how good the picture was.'' I had auctions for them to drive up the price. I made almost $1000 in one school year. My dad had a big stash

I never got caught because my dad would have had to admit that he had the **** magazine stash. I''m sure he wondered what happened to them.
OMG. this was the absolute BEST. ID, you seem so eyes were like saucers when i read this!!! i read it to greg too tonite...he was cracking up. what a little entrepreneur, SO hilarious.
I''m not as conservative as I give off.

Yeah, I was so dissapointed when we moved for 5th grade and my dad either got rid of or hid his stash better. It took me until I was 14 to find another good source of income. We moved out to the country and my parents had a big yard with a big garden...that I was required to tend. They left for work at 6am and got me up to go weed, pick produce etc. Well, I started selling the much as I could get away with...door to door. The bad part is I used to do it around 3:30pm when the factory working men got home...and their wives weren''t....I wore my string bikini and sandals (remember now, I''m a D cup girl and was by age 13). Those men would buy darn near anything. My parents eventually caught on that I was selling produce so they helped me expand the garden so I''d have more to sell. I wound up paying for a lot of my college this way..I made thousands. My parents never knew my little bikini secret though ;) I still can''t believe I did that.
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