
acting without thinking

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Jun 29, 2006
I just did that. Ugh. Not that I feel I should have acted differently, but I wish I could take an hour or two to figure out how I should react and then go have a do-over. In fact, what I *did* do saved me from spouting off a lot of things I was thinking.

I am a block co-captain for neighborhood watch in our area. I''ve been pestering my cocaptain to go around to our 6 houses to introduce ourselves, give them our numbers, get their numbers and/or emails. So we''re going to do it today... I forgot and so had to scramble for 90 seconds to be out the door then went back in to print some phone numbers. Anyway, none of that is important. What is important is there is a house across from me that is questionable and we decided that she and my husband would go there and there''s another house down the street that has young guys that speed and she doesn''t want them to have her number because she feels she is already being targeted and is concerned about "terrorism" on her house. Good lord, what you also need to understand is this is an old fashioned neighborhood in suburban portland that is like mayberry for the most part. So I''m on the phone with the watch chair and she''s trying to shush me. When we start walking she starts lecturing me how I need to be on guard because those people can hear me (she also refers to mexicans as those people right in front of my husband, ugh) and I smile and wave my hand and tell her that I''m not nearly as paranoid as she is and she says well you should be, I''ve had interactions with these people and blah blah blah and I''m like, sometimes the way people treat you has to do with how you treat them and she tells me I''m stupid. I overlook that... within a few feet she calls me ignorant. I stopped in my tracks and said, "you know what Lxxxx..." and I stopped myself, turned on my heals and walked home. After about 25 steps I heard her laughing incredulously and I just kept walking thinking I need to NOT say what I''m thinking. But even walking away has its consequence and I''m loathe to deal with that consequence because what I really want to say and is on the verge of tumbling out of my mouth, would be so unpleasant. This is not my first run in with her.


Nov 30, 2005
Well I say good for you!
I don''t at all consider that to be acting without thinking. Whatever damage that has done to your ability to work with that woman, it''s got to be astronomically less than if you''d said what you were thinking!


Jan 11, 2006
I agree...good for you, Sara! You took the high road and kept your mouth shut. She is the only one who looks bad. This is what I always tell my kids to do!

I''ve gotta tell you something, though, your avatar is scaring me.
Pleeeeease change it to something pretty.


Nov 1, 2003
well ya should have told her off not walked off :}


Aug 12, 2005
I disagree with storm, I think you did the right thing by biting your tongue and risking hurting her feelings immensely by telling her what you really think of her...sometimes it''s just best to act on instinct and walk away when you know it is a lose/lose situation like you were in. Obviously she is careless with words but paranoid of what everyone in the neighborhood thinks of her, so let her feel like an ass and make an ass of herself within the neighborhood, best choice for you as I see it is to disassociate yourself with her if possible. Too bad, but that''s life, and life is full of people who can''t see the forest for the trees.


Mar 6, 2006
I think you did the right thing. I actually fired my contractor mid job because I could not take his racist comments anymore. He made one too many derogatory remarks about mexicans for me and I fired him. I could not take hearing his racist rants in my home. He assumed because I am caucasian like he is that I would be OK with his comments. Accckkkk I hate people like that. It was a pain in the butt to find someone to finish a half done job but I don't regret firing him for one minute. And I told my kids why I fired him too.

Unfortunately you are neighbors with this woman. You took the high ground and thats a good thing. Too bad you need to keep dealing with her. Is there a way you can have less interaction with her?

That kind of behavior is soooo unacceptable and yet all too common at the same time.

Oh, and I gotta agree with diamondseeker, your avatar is really creepy!


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/2/2007 9:15:01 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
I agree...good for you, Sara! You took the high road and kept your mouth shut. She is the only one who looks bad. This is what I always tell my kids to do!

I''ve gotta tell you something, though, your avatar is scaring me.
Pleeeeease change it to something pretty.
LOL Not gonna change it for a while - I love it!! Though I may change it to different eyes or something haha, maybe ask irina to make one where the eyes go off toward the ears or something googly LOL Hey, how can you not love platinum, diamonds, and quartz?????

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
Good job. There is a saying, something like there is no reasoning with a FOOL. That is what she is. Your action on the other hand made her have the only reaction she could have had...and that was to laugh. If she had any remorse or a "check valve" that told her something she did was wrong...she should have been chasing you and saying Whoa...wait a minute...I understand you misunderstood me...or I am sorry...or at least something besides laughing like a FOOL. Don''t second guess your character. It will never let you down. to the avatar that is one masterpiece of Art...dear board it is $98 million dollars. Creepy? It is a cast of a real human skull from the 18th century...the "artist" chose to use the REAL teeth...the incredible thing is it is completely covered in 8,601 FLAWLESS diamonds and a huge pick one on the forehead worth 4 million pounds. Took 18 months to complete.

Creepy still? Don''t you know ART when you see it? Urghhhhh! (Creep-PEE)



Mar 6, 2006
I know its art and I have read several write ups about it. I was just expressing my own opinion. And she expressed that she loves it. Thats the beauty of art, personal expression. Someting someone finds wonderful, others don''t get. And thats OK!


Aug 12, 2005
Hee hee, I keep trying to tell you guys that that''s what my skull looks like underneath my scalp... ROFL! I''m a hybrid, lol! J/K, but I think the skull is creepy but fun...


Jan 13, 2006
Cehra, she reminds me of my mother.

There is the slightest possibility that she called you ignorant AFTER she called you stupid, to try and soften her comment. There is a difference, and being ignorant of something is really not a slam, it just means you don''t know about the subject (your situation). It''s still not great to hear though. And I''m not saying you don''t, she is...

And I''m in no way trying to stick up for her, just saying what came to my mind after reading this. I also have a feeling she may have started laughing to do just what it did, make you mad. She may have actually felt bad/embarrassed, and it was a defensive reaction.

I''m sure you can think of a diplomatic approach to this, maybe by telling her you respect her ignorance of learning to accept those she doesn''t find to be like herself, and you wish she''d show the same courtesy to you for doing so.

And for the record, I think your av is hilarious, I cracked up!


Mar 20, 2003
Yeesh, judging and fearing your neighbors without knowing them is no way to improve your community! No wonder she fears that she''ll be the victim of "terrorism" -- if you''re a jerk, you can expect a little more mischief directed your way.

You did the right thing by walking away. Of course, it would be nice if all the times some idiot got under our skin we had just calmly said, "I am exiting this conversation. Good day." But usually you''re too horrified and outraged to do so. So walking away was the next best option. Her laughing was definitely her only defense upon realizing she couldn''t bully you into being as hateful as she is.

Just be friendly to the people she is so bent on alienating. Most people are generally decent, and if you develop a rapport with them, they''ll be less likely to speed or create other nuisances. And won''t you just get a kick out of fraternizing with the enemy in front of Miss Huffy? She sounds like a very small person.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
I think Sara''s avatar is supposed to be funny. Check out her HILARIOUS thread on ''Colored Stones'':

So I think she loves it because of the funny-factor, not the ''art factor''! But perhaps I shouldn''t speak for her!

And Sara, I absolutely think you did the right thing. People who are racists often think that their views are ok or ''not REALLY racist'' so long as they don''t make explicitly hateful statements (these are the ''don''t get me wrong some of my best friends are xyz'' types) and every time we let something slip by without saying or doing anything, we help confirm that those attitudes are acceptable. So, you sent a strong message by walking away. Hopefully she''ll think about it! Hurray for you!

door knob solitaire

Jun 26, 2005
OH post was not interpreted correctly. I too say it is creepy.

What is the creepiest part is it IS a casting from a REAL Human Skull. And those are the mans real teeth. This was a real human being. Those are his teeth removed from the original skull. That is the creepy thing for me. Knowing this "artist" spent hours handling this form...staring at it...eeeeuuuu!

There is something wrong. WRONG. WRONG. that this "ART" is accepted as "ART" I don''t care if he used the hope diamond...there is such a thing as decency and respect for the departed. Not to carve up body parts and parade them around as "ART". There are society thresholds...I am sad this one was crossed.

He got what he wanted...15 minutes of fame. Sad. But creepy, I agree.

Offense-not intended~my intention is to provoke thought and possibly conviction.



Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/3/2007 12:37:12 AM
Author: amylikesrocks

Oh, and I gotta agree with diamondseeker, your avatar is really creepy!
oh yeah its kinda creepy but it is the ultimate in adornment LOL To me its rather ironic - like trying to take it with you LOL Not to mention just funny. Maybe it was my early exposure to a polish vampire in burbank - particularly sphincter, the skeleton brother LOL


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/3/2007 8:01:15 AM
Author: Ellen
Cehra, she reminds me of my mother.

There is the slightest possibility that she called you ignorant AFTER she called you stupid, to try and soften her comment. There is a difference, and being ignorant of something is really not a slam, it just means you don''t know about the subject (your situation). It''s still not great to hear though. And I''m not saying you don''t, she is...
the thing is I''m *not* ignorant of what it is like to be in bad situations with neighbors. In bremerton we lived across the street from a drug house, hearing kids crying out the window "he''s hurting my mommy" and having 300 pound men chasing pregnant women down the street with knives... and in alameda the house next door got torn down and the park extended which means the drug park with the hookers was right outside my bedroom window while I had an infant and a husband who was in the middle east on west pac for 6 months. I am from san francisco where weirdos would follow me home or try to hook up in the park... I''m not ignorant of what a bad situation looks like. And this isn''t it. This is freaking mayberry. No one plays loud music, no one is dealing drugs. She doesn''t like that this group of young adult men have souped up cars and drive too fast and she has created a committee to put in speed bumps or stop signs (which is fine with me - they shouldn''t be speeding) and she thinks they''re mad at her and they probably are and that''s OKAY. It''s okay to have people mad at you because you''re putting restrictions up. It''s NOT okay to assume they''re going to commit "terrorism on my house" because of it. Good grief. I''ve been around the block with this woman. When I first moved here two years ago she filled me with so many horror stories about this or that I was in fear of my life - telling me how women across the street would just disappear overnight and all these people coming and going... well it turns out it was a mexican family with extendeds coming and going and she''s freaking insane.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/3/2007 10:36:38 AM
Author: Independent Gal
I think Sara''s avatar is supposed to be funny. Check out her HILARIOUS thread on ''Colored Stones'':

So I think she loves it because of the funny-factor, not the ''art factor''! But perhaps I shouldn''t speak for her!

And Sara, I absolutely think you did the right thing. People who are racists often think that their views are ok or ''not REALLY racist'' so long as they don''t make explicitly hateful statements (these are the ''don''t get me wrong some of my best friends are xyz'' types) and every time we let something slip by without saying or doing anything, we help confirm that those attitudes are acceptable. So, you sent a strong message by walking away. Hopefully she''ll think about it! Hurray for you!
yes, hence why I chose the crosseyed one... I''m going for the ultimate in multi-layered irony LOL


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/3/2007 12:54:18 AM
Author: door knob solitaire
Good job. There is a saying, something like there is no reasoning with a FOOL. That is what she is. Your action on the other hand made her have the only reaction she could have had...and that was to laugh. If she had any remorse or a ''check valve'' that told her something she did was wrong...she should have been chasing you and saying Whoa...wait a minute...I understand you misunderstood me...or I am sorry...or at least something besides laughing like a FOOL. Don''t second guess your character. It will never let you down. to the avatar that is one masterpiece of Art...dear board it is $98 million dollars. Creepy? It is a cast of a real human skull from the 18th century...the ''artist'' chose to use the REAL teeth...the incredible thing is it is completely covered in 8,601 FLAWLESS diamonds and a huge pick one on the forehead worth 4 million pounds. Took 18 months to complete.

Creepy still? Don''t you know ART when you see it? Urghhhhh! (Creep-PEE)

I never ever ever would have posted the skull for the artistic sake of the skull. However, the googly quartz eyes just make it :D

Thanks again irina!!!!


Dec 31, 1999
My pleasure Sara, this guy has met a chick he is going to propose to as soon as he gets all of his ASETs together


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/3/2007 4:13:20 PM
Author: Pricescope
My pleasure Sara, this guy has met a chick he is going to propose to as soon as he gets all of his ASETs together
LMAO! with all of those diamonds that could take forever LOL! (typical guy!!)


Mar 6, 2006
DKS, thanks for clarifying. I was tired when I responded last night. Could not sleep so I was on the computer :)


Jan 25, 2005
Date: 6/2/2007 1:24:51 PM
I''m like, sometimes the way people treat you has to do with how you treat them and she tells me I''m stupid. I overlook that... within a few feet she calls me ignorant.
You should have told her that she indeed just proved your point.


Jun 29, 2006
Date: 6/4/2007 7:17:43 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 6/2/2007 1:24:51 PM
I''m like, sometimes the way people treat you has to do with how you treat them and she tells me I''m stupid. I overlook that... within a few feet she calls me ignorant.
You should have told her that she indeed just proved your point.
yeah, touche. I also realized she lied to me. when she first got there I asked her if she got any of the blue forms from the head guy and she said "he didn''t have any" but when I called him she said, "ask him if he has any" and I didn''t realize this until later but it was just like ugh. I can''t deal with that stuff... needless to say later that evening I found a stack of the blue forms on my porch. She went and got them and dropped them off with me I guess? I''m hoping she''ll give her up "co" chair to this section of our neighborhood because I really think its crappy that she wants to treat neighbors differently from one another when she''s supposed to be representing them all.
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