
A pricescoper''s worst stolen! =(

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Nov 19, 2006
So, this happened a few weeks ago, but I wanted to wait until I post about it...

My bf and I were in my hometown for a couple of weddings (cousin and childhood friend) and we were staying at the brand new hotel downtown ("the best hotel in town" - according to our cab driver - it''s just a Hilton, so you can guess that my hometown isn''t the most cosmopolitan)

Anyways, we were staying there a few nights, and we were thinking "Oh, this is a pretty nice hotel, we should stay here when we come back for Christmas"- Then, on saturday morning, we are in a rush to get to the church for 11am (we are still on west coast time so it feels like 8am) and I put on my new david yurman citrine pendant...

We get to the elevator, and I remember that I hadn''t put on my eternity band (4th anniversary present from the BF) - I had left it on the chain of my Tiffany elsa peretti necklace (2nd anniversary present) in the room on the console. But, since we''re in a rush, I don''t go back to get it...

Fast forward to ~6:30pm, we''ve gotten back to the room and we''re getting ready to go to a hockey game...we find this weird note from the housekeeper - sort of apologizing for not cleaning our room enough because it was messy (we got ready in a hurry)

I go to switch out the yurman necklace (dressy) for the tiffany one (more casual) - but it''s NOT THERE! And neither is my ring!! I search frantically - not in the bathroom, not under the bed...etc. We talk to the front desk, who apologises and says they will talk to the head of housekeeping the next day. They also check all the housekeeping carts, etc.

The next morning, the girl who cleaned our room calls in sick (looked REALLY suspicious to us) and they fill out an incident report and promise that the hotel manager will get back to us the next day. In the meantime, we''re going back to LA. It takes him 3 days!! Of course, we hear from the hotel''s insurance agency, who lets us know, so helpfully, that their insurance will not cover it since we don''t ''know'' who took it.

So, I call the police, fill out a report, and submit to my insurance agency. They were actually the best out of all of this - I had a $500 deductable but other than that I have gotten the full value of the items - but not the sentimental value of course =( And, after hassling the useless general manager, we had only 2 nights of our 4 night stay refunded...not even enough to cover the deductable.

The police are investigating the housekeeper and her associates, and checking the pawn shops, but since she denies everything there is not much they can do. It could have also been that she left the door open as they were cleaning and someone else took it...oh well.

BF and I went to Tiffany''s on Rodeo yesterday to replace the necklace - I think I''m going to wait on the ring though. Since it was purchased from an estate jewler, it cost a lot less than it would new, so we''ll have to wait to replace it. Not sure if I want to get the exact same one or something different...but I''m sure you gals will be able to help me out with that...

I guess the moral of the story is...1) Have insurance (renter''s or homeowners) 2) Don''t leave jewelry in the room 3) Know how much your insurance covers - luckily my items were below the limit, but it was pretty darn close!



May 15, 2005
Rockzilla- I am in near tears for you. This is just awful, and I cannot imagine that I would handle this any better than you! So glad you were able to at least recover a bit....


Dec 29, 2004
Ugh, I am so sorry to hear that. I never leave ANYTHING in the hotel of value. There''s simply no way to prove anyone took anything.

As far as jewelry goes, don''t ever take it off when you are away from home. Not for anything. Only take what you can wear. I sleep with my rings on when I travel because you just never know. Even if I am eating messy bbq ribs or something for room service, they stay on!

Hope you feel better about all this!!


Oct 30, 2002
sorry to hear about this rockzilla!!! good luck replacing your glad you had them insured.

in general, i'm with TG on traveling with jewelry. if i ever take off my jewelry, i put it right near my bedside while i sleep. but i don't often take my rings off because they are my most valuable items...i hate sleeping with them because my fingers swell but 99% of the time i'd much rather have them on.

recently i was travleing for work and went down to the gym at something like 10:30pm. i realized i left my rings upstairs because i'd thought i was going to bed, but decided to work out first. i was on the treadmill thinking...oh i'm only going to be down here for 30 min. then i thought, how crappy would i feel if i didn't go get the rings and something happened/aka room was broken into and they were gone? so i got off the treadmill and went to get them, it cost a few minutes but i had that peace of mind at least.

i also typically don't travel with anything that can't be easily replaced (rings are the exception, but they are also insured). we typically use the in-room safe when traveling as well but you just never know. people are shady!


Aug 8, 2005
OMG! I am LIVID for you. Absolutely LIVID.

I would start emailing and writing the CEO. They don''t know who took it, my arse!!! Thank god your insurance was good about the whole thing. But what a HORRIBLE thing to happen to such sentimental items!!!!

WOW. I cannot even imagine. We normally don''t let housekeeping into our room at all unless we are there honestly. I can''t imagine I would start to do so now.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/13/2007 1:12:28 AM
Author: Gypsy
OMG! I am LIVID for you. Absolutely LIVID.

I would start emailing and writing the CEO. They don''t know who took it, my arse!!! Thank god your insurance was good about the whole thing. But what a HORRIBLE thing to happen to such sentimental items!!!!

WOW. I cannot even imagine. We normally don''t let housekeeping into our room at all unless we are there honestly. I can''t imagine I would start to do so now.
Gypsy, KNOWING and PROVING are two different things. That''s why poor Rockzilla is SOL.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 11/13/2007 1:13:54 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 11/13/2007 1:12:28 AM
Author: Gypsy
OMG! I am LIVID for you. Absolutely LIVID.

I would start emailing and writing the CEO. They don''t know who took it, my arse!!! Thank god your insurance was good about the whole thing. But what a HORRIBLE thing to happen to such sentimental items!!!!

WOW. I cannot even imagine. We normally don''t let housekeeping into our room at all unless we are there honestly. I can''t imagine I would start to do so now.
Gypsy, KNOWING and PROVING are two different things. That''s why poor Rockzilla is SOL.
I know, but well... I''m livid just HEARING about it. I can''t imagine how Rockzilla feels. Violated, to start, I''m sure.

((HUGS)) Rockzilla. I would still flood the CEO and raise heck. I really would.


Jun 30, 2007
Oh, Rockzilla, I am so sorry! That just absolutely sucks, and it is one of my biggest fears while traveling, staying in hotels, etc...

I hope that you are able to recoup your items, and I''m so sorry you''re having to deal with all of this.

Sending hugs and good thoughts your way...


Sep 30, 2007
Im am so sorry to hear about your loss! I know how you feel because i have had jewelry stolen from my home before.I was lucky that the kids only stole gold filled chains thinking that the good jewelry would be stored at the bottom of the jewelry boxes.I hope you might get some type of satisfaction from the hotel...i agree that you shouldnt let the matter easily drop.Good luck.


Oct 4, 2007
Date: 11/13/2007 1:17:21 AM
Author: Gypsy
Date: 11/13/2007 1:13:54 AM

Author: TravelingGal

Date: 11/13/2007 1:12:28 AM

Author: Gypsy

OMG! I am LIVID for you. Absolutely LIVID.

I would start emailing and writing the CEO. They don''t know who took it, my arse!!! Thank god your insurance was good about the whole thing. But what a HORRIBLE thing to happen to such sentimental items!!!!

WOW. I cannot even imagine. We normally don''t let housekeeping into our room at all unless we are there honestly. I can''t imagine I would start to do so now.

Gypsy, KNOWING and PROVING are two different things. That''s why poor Rockzilla is SOL.
I know, but well... I''m livid just HEARING about it. I can''t imagine how Rockzilla feels. Violated, to start, I''m sure.

((HUGS)) Rockzilla. I would still flood the CEO and raise heck. I really would.

you poor thing Thankfully they were insured (a small blessing). At the very least you can replace the items if not the sentimentalness. I have had very sentimental pieces stolen off me while moving house from someone we knew indirectly and it still burns my goat at least there is Karma.

I definitely would mail/call the CEO of that hotel it helps sometimes to cause a stink if for nothing else to know it is on record and hopefully that silly Biatch will not be able to do it to someone else. Sometimes it pays to be mean well direct really.

I''m a strong believer in Karma what goes around comes around


Jan 11, 2006
I''m so sorry, Rockzilla!


Jan 19, 2005
Oh my goodness...this is terrible! I''m so sorry this happened...makes you feel horrible about people in general!
My mom lost her "special" gold pendant at our wedding...she took it off in the bridal room and left it with my makeup during the ceremony. The area was locked all night...I think. I feel horrible because she actually wore my pendant because I decided not to wear mine. I have asked the manager but NO WORD. I also feel silly because it''s our mistake. I don''t even know if it was stolen...must be if it''s gone unless it''s on the floor...wish they would allow me to take a look! YIKES!


May 14, 2006
that is awful! I would be so livid also. I would definitely complain to the CEO. I can''t believe that your one rang in sick then the next day.


Dec 30, 2006
How absolutely horrible for you. I just hope that someone does the decent thing and hands your jewellery back in. I know its unlikely but you never know.... I know you have replaced your necklace but it would be nice to get your ring back.


Jan 13, 2006
I''m so sorry this happened to you.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
God, I am so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how devastated you must be.

Definitely go as high up as you can - I would also consider threatening to call the local paper. I would also slate them on tripadvisor.

My mother has had two lots of jewellery stolen while travelling. I never take anything I would be upset if I lost, unless I while always wear it. But there is always that time you forget to pick the piece up when you leave the room.

One lot on holiday in Bulgaria - including a lot of beautiful pieces that my father bought her in Nepal in the early 70''s that are totally irreplaceble. From inside a washbag in a locked suitcase in the room.

Then in a hotel in Rome - she left her jewellery in her suitcase that was stored in reception the day they were leaving. She didn''t find out till they got to the airport. She tried calling the manager but they pretended they couldn''t speak english. So I called him and went nuts in Italian - didn''t help though, they denied everything. She now only travels with what she can wear.

That time it was an antique gold necklace that my father had bought her. I think he''d only paid $400, but it was heavy and 15kt that you can''t get now. The insurance company insists that you have to go to their jeweller - Goldsmiths - who are an okayish modern B&M in the UK. Luckily I''d taken some photos of my mother wearing the piece. The guy in the store we went to was brilliant - he not only said we couldn''t replace the piece from them, but valued it at $3k, so the insurance company just sent a big cheque which we spent on 2 necklaces, a bracelet and some earrings from the antique shops in the jewellery quarter in The Lanes in Brighton.

I made sure when I insured my e-ring that I gave full details. If it gets stolen and I have to claim I don''t want to be sent to some B&M where they haven''t even heard of tsavorite, let alone know where to get one as good as mine. I''d also want a new custom setting.


Jul 13, 2007
I''m so sorry you lost those pieces! But thanks for sharing your story, it helps us all remember to be more vigilant.


May 8, 2007
I can totally understand how you feel! I have actually been robbed twice and each time it is like they took a piece of me with me jewelry. I am so SORRY! And you are absolutely right, it''s not the actual piece that is missing that hurts so bad, it''s the sentimental loss...

I agree with the other when the say to start writing and calling and making a stink... It can''t make things any worse...

Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
I''m sorry this happened to you. I hope the police will be able to recover your things. Definitely call or write to the CEO of the hotel chain.


Apr 6, 2005
I''m so, so sorry, Rockzilla!! I can''t even imagine the feelings you have over this. I so glad you had insurance, though that won''t help at all with the sentiments.


Oct 19, 2007
Ugh, your story brings up one really nasty memory.
I am so sorry to hear about this, I know exactly how you feel and it''s the worst feeling ever.

I had a beautiful bangle stolen from me in a hotel room. It was given to me by my Aunt when I was about 5 years old. It didn''t fit me when I was that young so I kept it safe in my jewelery box till I grew up. Well, 20 years later I left it on top of the microwave in a hotel room and never saw it again. The manager was useless, even rude about it, because I couldn''t prove anything. Basically there was not much I could do so I figured if someone could stoop that low and take something that wasn''t their''s, well, what goes around comes around. I strongly belive in that. I almost feel sorry for someone like that.

I am now very careful when it comes to hotels, as I''m sure you will be. This just makes me sick though. I''m glad to hear you are getting the monetary value back but I know how it feels when that doesn''t even come close to recovering what was lost. I hope you feel better.


Nov 12, 2004
Oh, rockzilla....I''m so sorry! You must be just heartbroken.
At least you were insured.

With the holidays coming up, this probably is a good time for all of us to remember the perils of traveling with jewelry.

What do you seasoned travelers think of the in-room safes that some hotels/cruise ships have? I may have read here that they''re not so great, but I can''t remember...



Apr 19, 2004
Date: 11/13/2007 9:49:09 AM
Author: widget
Oh, rockzilla....I'm so sorry! You must be just heartbroken.
At least you were insured.

With the holidays coming up, this probably is a good time for all of us to remember the perils of traveling with jewelry.

What do you seasoned travelers think of the in-room safes that some hotels/cruise ships have? I may have read here that they're not so great, but I can't remember...


So sorry Rockzilla!! Total bummer.

Widget--I have always used them for cash and passports--since I never travel with much jewellery anyway..


mela lu

Nov 21, 2006

Urgh. what is wrong with people??? I guess we didnt all learn to ''not take what''s not our''.

sigh. So sorry for your loses

Siamese Kitty

Feb 3, 2006
What a truly awful story!
(ugh-and a Tiffany necklace!) It''s not a wonder that no one fears taking things out of hotel rooms when that is the extent of the G.M.''s "investigation". Truth is, he''s probably more worried about covering that shift than getting your stolen items returned. ridiculous

I have to say, though, once I was working in a restaurant where someone left behind a really expensive pair of sunglasses and I confirmed when they called that I had the glasses at the hostess stand. When they showed up 30 minutes later, I went to retrieve them in my little lost and found hiding place and they weren''t there. To this day I have no idea what happened. And that biotch called me a thief and every other name in the book in front of a restaurant full of people. I didn''t get fired, but I don''t think the manager ever did believe me. I never felt so terrible.... Anyway, I digress.

This truly is a wake-up call. Even when I travel int''lly I usually bring a change of necklace/earrings (always leave my pear home, though). But no more-it''s really not worth it.

I am so sorry this happened to you, Rock. I hope you are able to find good replacements for your lost pieces. And please do post on tripadvisor! I always check that when I travel and have eliminated hotel options on someone''s claim that something was stolen.


Feb 10, 2006
Sweetie i am so sorry. but thank the lord you had insurance.

Well make sure you tell us what you end up getting....




May 24, 2005
Uggggg. I''m so sorry. Thankfully your insurance was able to cover it, but I''d never stay in a Hilton again.


Apr 5, 2007
Date: 11/13/2007 9:49:09 AM
Author: widget
Oh, rockzilla....I''m so sorry! You must be just heartbroken.
At least you were insured.

With the holidays coming up, this probably is a good time for all of us to remember the perils of traveling with jewelry.

What do you seasoned travelers think of the in-room safes that some hotels/cruise ships have? I may have read here that they''re not so great, but I can''t remember...

Widget, I travel a lot for extended periods of time and I usually use the room safes but I wipe down the key pad after I put something into it because someone told me that they can put powder on the keypads to see which numbers you''re using most often..? Someone also told me that there''s always a hidden keyed access on the room safes, sometimes under the keypad or something. I''ve never seen one and I''ve also never had a problem with this either. But I also NEVER travel with anything that I cant stand to lose. In fact, my husband is getting me a plain plat band for traveling so I never have to take it off. Now if I was traveling here in the US or Europe, I would only take what I could reasonably wear all the time, whether it was my Tahitian strand and my rings, or something like that. But I have to say that I do sometimes hide valuables deep in my luggage and lock it. But I put things in difficult to hide places. Maybe I''m lucky, I dont know. But I just never give people the opportunity to steal. My friend has said that she doesn''t like assuming all people are out to steal from you but I look at it from the perspective of - you just never know what difficult circumstance an otherwise honest person might suddenly be in and feel forced to take advantage of an opportunity to take something. So I just remove that temptation completely. Or at least I make is as difficult as possible!

Rocky, sorry for your loss...but happy you were insured and the pieces seem replaceable...


Mar 28, 2004
In addition to not leaving valuables in your room, it''s best to keep them in your carry-on luggage when you travel. I have had things stolen from checked bags when I''ve flown in the past. Especially now that you''re not allowed to lock your bags under the new regulations (except with locks the TSA--and everyone else in the baggage handling chain--has keys to), you can''t assume anything is secure.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 11/13/2007 9:49:09 AM
Author: widget
What do you seasoned travelers think of the in-room safes that some hotels/cruise ships have? I may have read here that they''re not so great, but I can''t remember...


So sorry Rockzilla! I heard never to leave jewelry/money or anything of value around. Hubby doesn''t believe me but I lock up our stuff or keep it in my purse.

Widget, I was watching a news program saying the inroom safes aren''t as safe but I wasn''t paying super close attention because I keep my jewelry w/me or to take it on vacation. Oh I found the link
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