
A person you may want to keep your children away from...

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Dec 29, 2004
Not sure if you have ever seen this website...

Type in your address for all the sex offenders (rape, child molestation) in your area. Work and home addresses are provided, along with photos. I thought it was an interesting tool for those also looking to buy a home.
This is scary, a registered sex offender lives in my building!

I don''t really know who he is, but his face is familiar and his parking spot is near ours. Very scary, it gave me the chills. Luckily, he''s not a child crimes, battery, or rape offender, but he is under the category of "other." What does the "other" category of crimes include? You have to pay a $19.99 fee to get an actual background. I''m glad to know about this, but now I''m going to be creeped out every time I walk around here.
You are really lucky you have access to this kind of information. Where I live they protect sex offenders and we don''t get to see who is on the sex offenders register.

Yep, it''s a handy, albeit scary tool. What really pizzes me off is, juvenile offenders aren''t listed, to "protect" their identity. Sweet. They''re protected from us, but we''re not from them.

We found out we have one up the street, and my youngest played with the kid next door and had spoken to this offender on more than one occasion. The only reason we found out is because someone (friend) who works for the police station warned us, which they''re not supposed to do.
Its so scary that these people live right nearby us. My older sister (who I have absolutely NO contact with) is engaged to a convicted sex offender. He has served 8 years in prison for sexual assault on two little girls. I cannot understand why my sister would have anything to do with this person. Of course her story is that it was a set up. She left her 5 children to move 200 miles away to live near the prison he was in and social services asked if her 2 year old daughter could move in with me. After 6 months she decided to put Cassidy up for adoption and I had to let her go. There are far too many victims in this story.

I did an analysis for my newspaper on this and found that 60% of the population in my city live within 1/4 mile of a sex offender. 90% live within a 1/2 mile. I plotted schools, daycares etc. It was scary. I live in an average mid-west city.

Best defense is to teach your children because you never know when a sex offender is around.
Date: 3/20/2007 4:24:04 AM
Author: kcoursolle
This is scary, a registered sex offender lives in my building!

I don''t really know who he is, but his face is familiar and his parking spot is near ours. Very scary, it gave me the chills. Luckily, he''s not a child crimes, battery, or rape offender, but he is under the category of ''other.'' What does the ''other'' category of crimes include? You have to pay a $19.99 fee to get an actual background. I''m glad to know about this, but now I''m going to be creeped out every time I walk around here.

The ''other'' category could be something like going to the bathroom in public and getting caught. One of my sister''s friends was caught peeing outside one night on his walk home from a bar and since it is "indecent exposure" he had to be put on the sex offenders list. I''m sure there are other crimes also, but this is the one that came to mind.
This is a great tool, but what I learned was scary. There are two sex offenders living within 1/4 mile of my house.
Date: 3/20/2007 11:42:04 AM
Author: Rachie

Date: 3/20/2007 4:24:04 AM
Author: kcoursolle
This is scary, a registered sex offender lives in my building!

I don''t really know who he is, but his face is familiar and his parking spot is near ours. Very scary, it gave me the chills. Luckily, he''s not a child crimes, battery, or rape offender, but he is under the category of ''other.'' What does the ''other'' category of crimes include? You have to pay a $19.99 fee to get an actual background. I''m glad to know about this, but now I''m going to be creeped out every time I walk around here.

The ''other'' category could be something like going to the bathroom in public and getting caught. One of my sister''s friends was caught peeing outside one night on his walk home from a bar and since it is ''indecent exposure'' he had to be put on the sex offenders list. I''m sure there are other crimes also, but this is the one that came to mind.
I really hope it''s something this trivial! Then I wouldn''t have to be so paranoid around here. I think I''m going to pay the money for the background check just to know what his bio is for this stuff. If it''s indecent exposure or **** watching or something...I''m not going to be as worried as something more serious. Sorry for the TMI.
Date: 3/20/2007 12:37:36 PM
Author: kcoursolle

Date: 3/20/2007 11:42:04 AM
Author: Rachie

Date: 3/20/2007 4:24:04 AM
Author: kcoursolle
This is scary, a registered sex offender lives in my building!

I don''t really know who he is, but his face is familiar and his parking spot is near ours. Very scary, it gave me the chills. Luckily, he''s not a child crimes, battery, or rape offender, but he is under the category of ''other.'' What does the ''other'' category of crimes include? You have to pay a $19.99 fee to get an actual background. I''m glad to know about this, but now I''m going to be creeped out every time I walk around here.

The ''other'' category could be something like going to the bathroom in public and getting caught. One of my sister''s friends was caught peeing outside one night on his walk home from a bar and since it is ''indecent exposure'' he had to be put on the sex offenders list. I''m sure there are other crimes also, but this is the one that came to mind.
I really hope it''s something this trivial! Then I wouldn''t have to be so paranoid around here. I think I''m going to pay the money for the background check just to know what his bio is for this stuff. If it''s indecent exposure or **** watching or something...I''m not going to be as worried as something more serious. Sorry for the TMI.
I would too. Its not a lot of money to pay for peace of mind.
there's another website too i think has a little GPS chart thing where you can see where people are on the map, it also shows what their crimes were (aka indecent exposure, crimes involving a minor etc).

interestingly enough as well, i looked up a bunch of my friends and family's houses and even those in really nice, expensive areas typically have 1-2 within a mile of them as well. so it seems like it might be very hard to move to an area without one. i think sometimes they stay with family members after release from prison or similar.

last time i looked there were like 2-3 within a mile of us...and 1 living within two blocks of an elementary school (near us) which i thought was against the law! i wonder how monitored this all is.
I don''t know how it works over there Mara but here in Uk they have to live a quarter of a mile away from a playground, nursery or school.

With my sisters b/f he is closely monitored until he has been out of prison a year or his probation period is finished. Then I guess he can move about freely. I really wish we could check stuff like this here.
Date: 3/20/2007 2:02:48 PM
Author: Mara
there''s another website too i think has a little GPS chart thing where you can see where people are on the map, it also shows what their crimes were (aka indecent exposure, crimes involving a minor etc).

interestingly enough as well, i looked up a bunch of my friends and family''s houses and even those in really nice, expensive areas typically have 1-2 within a mile of them as well. so it seems like it might be very hard to move to an area without one. i think sometimes they stay with family members after release from prison or similar.

last time i looked there were like 2-3 within a mile of us...and 1 living within two blocks of an elementary school (near us) which i thought was against the law! i wonder how monitored this all is.
Yep, I''ve used that one also. Isn''t it color coded?

And you''re also right in that it would be kinda tough to not live by one. We live in a very desirable part of town (not bragging, just good location) and we have 4 within a 4 block radius.
It''s definitely scary to see how many there are around where you live! I looked awhile back and there was one in the building next door!!! Thankfully I don''t live there anymore anyway, but they''re all over the 15 within a few miles of the apt!
It wouldn''t bother me if there was an offender living a mile away...only if he lived in my immediate neighborhood. That might creep me out a bit.

It''s just something good to use and know to be aware, but hopefully I didn''t scare y''all too much by posting the link!
Thanks for posting this TG. I checked into this before we moved, but, haven''t looked for a while. I''m so glad that there are still not any w/in a few miles of us. That doesn''t get my guard down, though. I''m always worried about something happening to my kids...To the point of paranoia.
Remember a couple years ago when that guy from Fargo kidnapped those two children? He lived two blocks from me. North Dakota is supposed to be one of the states with big disclosures, and I did some lookign on the Sheriff''s website when it was in the news, and found 5 others living on my block-- 4 in my building.

Soah wean yooo goa up der to Fargoah, lock them doors okaye. Yew''ll be happier donchano.
One thing to keep in mind is that sex offenders tend to move around a lot. When I did the analysis, a team of reporters actually went and knocked on the doors of all the offenders to see if they lived there and over 50% did not live at the address that was "registered." They were often living with friends or family in another part of town or sometimes even a completely different city. You really just never know...they could be living right on your street and you might never know.

There are a lot of crimes on the sex offender list that seem questionable to me...the peeing in public is one of them. Another one is a 18 year old boy who has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend can be classified as a pedofile if the girl''s parents press charges. I was amazed at how many of those there were for my city.

There are some websites that not only give you the type of crime, but have an actual picture of the person. I pulled all the ones within a 1/2 mile of my son''s school and the principal put them on a bulletin board for the teacher''s to review so they could watch out for people who linger around the playground.
yeah ID the megans law website has pictures of them as well as a list of all their crimes and their stats etc. i haven''t looked at it in a while though. and yes i agree that sometimes the crimes are too ''blanket statement''...they should have a different type of status for diff types of offenders i think, but that might be too complicated.
Date: 3/20/2007 5:54:56 AM
Author: Maisie
You are really lucky you have access to this kind of information. Where I live they protect sex offenders and we don''t get to see who is on the sex offenders register.


exaclty the same as where I live. Its rediculous.

kcoursolle-in your building?!! That''s crazy. That would scare me too. I''d want to know what he did
OMG, so scary!!! I typed in my old address (an apt that was closer to NYC, in a trendy, nice area, but closer to "bad" areas, if you know what I mean) and there are so many offenders there I couldn't differentiate the squares hardly at all!!! Tons of clusters everywhere!!!

My fi and I bought a place and moved in together last yr in a more suburban location, but still, when I typed in my current address there were 2 offenders listed that live within 2 miles of my home...Scary!!! But I am so glad I didnt know about this website when I lived in my old apt...I was single but did have a roomate. WOW, ignorance is bliss!!!!!
I''ve seen this before. We live in a tiny town (pop 3200) that has alot more country than town, no stop lights, Main St is a dirt road. We have a sex offender 1/4 mile down the road from us, and there are a total of 31 in the area.
I looked on this site and it won''t narrow down on my road, but there are sex offendors relatively close to us... as in somewhere on our same street. So that''s comforting. I want children so badly, but it''s seeing sites like this that remind me how crazy and scared it''s going to make me! Traveling Gal, thanks for the info, it''s important to know who you''re living next to. Scary story -- DH''s parents had a family friend that used to come over and socialize with them all the time, and she looked on a site like this one day, and his name popped up! No one ever knew... luckily they stopped talking with that person and made sure to keep the kids away. People can be so terrifying.

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