
a mock up of a possible STD

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Sep 9, 2007
Minus our last names..

I do have a version with our last names in the orange circle..

Let me know your thoughts!!!

i love the design.. did you do that yourself? i like it without the last names but i would make sure that the last names are somewhere (return adress on envelope or something) just to be 100% sure that your guests know exactly which jennifer and which eric are getting married... those are pretty common names!
I think it looks great! I love the orange color. Is orange going to be one of the main colors you are using?
I think it''s super cute. I just have 2 things to add: location and "Formal invitation to follow" at the bottom.

STDs are kind of a new phenomenon and older people might be confused and think they are supposed to RSVP to the FMIL brought that up when we were making our STDs too.

Great job!! Are you doing a card, magnet, postcard, email or something else?
I did design these myself

I am a graphic designer by day.. also OBSESSED with the color ORANGE..hehe Actually all my personal marketing materials are orange.. where I work though my CEO HATES orange and makes me aware of that all the time haha..

BUt I think I will def. be using the one I set up with last names..

My thoughts are to print this on an ivory colored paper.. maybe mount it on a larger brown piece of stardream paper (the shimmery stuff) and yes I will be carrying orange over into my reception... I am interested in doing willow branch centerpieces.
Wow, those are amazing! I have already looked online at different STD cards as I''m getting engaged in Dec. and married in Oct. 2008 also. I haven''t come across ANYTHING I like as much! I may have to hire you...
Love the design, but more than that I love the color combo!! Nice job!
Love em! I agree with karasue91 on adding "Formal invitation to follow". October is a perfect month to get married when you''re obsessed with orange!
Haha well I put jennifer on there for fun... JK

Yes I am a Jennifer.. and then I will be a Jennifer-Eric lol

did you get my lil message on the other board??
Ness maybe I can help you out when the time comes..
I love it! You do great work!
It loooks FABULOUS!

You have great style and taste.

I would just add the items Karasue mentioned.
What lil message?
haha, yes I got it and plan to use the info

It''s going to be so much fun watching you plan BOTH of our weddings
Heehee, jk
I like it!
I love it! But it bothers me that his name is in bigger font. Makes his name jump out and not yours. I''d make both the same.
I love the design and the colors! But now that Neatfreak pointed out that his name is bigger, I would agree to make it the same size as yours.
Jennifer, that looks amazing!! I love the orange! You are very talented.
Thanks everyone for your comments!!!! I got hung up in a meeting from around 3:30-5pm.. How dare they get in the way of my PS-ing and wedding planning haha.

I owe everyone a new mock up.. I have some other details with this up my sleeve as well.. The wheels are TURNING TURNING...

but I think I came up with a solution to the last name bit... they NEED to be on there... but I''ll have to blur them out when I send the next version along.


I like the colors and the general feel, but I can''t get over what I see. I see an Oprah''s book club cover, with the little orange sticker placed in the upper left corner that says, "Oprah''s book club selection". I guess it''s just me.

This is just a prelim run.. The big plan I have for part of the STD still needs to be executed.. I promise it won''t be book cover like once I get all my materials!!!

I LOVE IT! I love damask designs, and orange (I''m an Illini!)

Jfus--I wish we could swap info so I could hire you to design my save the dates!

Haha I wish I could help everyone out!!!

Haven is there any way we might be able to??? It drives me nuts..

I am also on some other message boards where there is an option to post your contact info in a profile... I like it.. I have made some friends from other websites...
I love it! Love the look, the color combo, everything! Very cool.
Date: 11/30/2007 9:06:27 PM
Author: jfus

This is just a prelim run.. The big plan I have for part of the STD still needs to be executed.. I promise it won''t be book cover like once I get all my materials!!!

Then I LOVE it. It''s going to be just beautiful! I can''t wait to see the finished product-- please show us!
Hey Everyone I''m back....

OK here''s a 2-d version of the save the date. I haven''t fully executed it yet.. just bits and pieces because I still need to order paper and some other materials..

But here''s how it will go...

So take the layout I last posted...and lets bring it up a notch or two... The first image you see on the left hand side is the save the date closed. It would be a gatefold card.. you can see the line I added horizontally to suggest this. This would be in a chocolate shimmery colored paper..

Then there is the orange circle that is cut out that reads "save the date"... that circle is then mounted on an ivory/creamish colored shimmery paper as well... OH and I will be adding onto the date part.. those dots that appear between the 10 and 18 and then the 18 and 08.. well I am going to add little swavorski crystals to act as the dots.. since I love bling so much!!!

Then the right image is very similar to the previous image I posted... except I have now added our last names in a scripty font face... Which is blurred for pricescope protection haha... and I have added the words "formal invitation to follow"...

And the back of this invite would have a piece of magnetic tape or the business card magent backing so that the STD can be posted on the fridge yet it''s still a beautiful card.. I am still working on some sort of adhesive that is removable so that when the card is hung on the refridgerator.. the gatefold will not fall open.. I have seen some dot like adhesives that will do this.

Ok So yes I am a little crazy with these STD''s..but keep in mind I am a graphic designer.. so this is my thing.. and the way I look at it is.. the STD is going to be around much longer then the invitation... SO they might as well look AMAZING!!!


They look great!
Will you be making your own invites as well?

Also, how are you printing these? Is this an at-home project? I''m thinking you may have some fancy printing techniques available to you through work??
Sorry I''m drilling you. Just trying to figure out if this would be a doable project for a layman : )

P.S. we have the same wedding date!!
They are really nice! Personally, I don''t know about the crystal doesn''t seem to match with the rest of it. But if you love it, then go for it!

I am also curious as to how you''re planning to print them.
MMM thanks for the comments!

I will most likely be carrying over elements of the STD into my invites... I never thought I"d become this obsessive about STD''s..being I have done some for friends and what not.. and I''ve always been like.. the reality of it is.. they get tossed haha..

As for printing.. Well I may do something BOLD... I may purchase a LASER PRINTER! I know NUTS right??? Well I thought that I could use my ink jet that is fairly good but I saw some samples of a friends STD''s where she used a laser printer and it looks 100x better.. Yeah I know I could probably spend $300-$400 and it may be better off spending 1/2 of that and getting them printed professionally but the thing is I have become a bit neurotic when handing over jobs to vendors.. especially when I have ordered special paper and such..It never comes out just right!!!

Anyway I figure.. once I have the laser printer maybe I can try and start up little wedding freelance gig.. we will see... :)

So we are wedding date twins and we also both have halo cushions from mark at ERD!!!!

I see what you are saying about the crystal.. I figured it may be a nice lil touch.. just an add on..

But we will see...
I love them. The only thing that I''d recommend adding at this point is location. Including a city would help your guests with any early travel arrangements that they''d like to make.
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