
A message for Calliecakes


Feb 11, 2006
Hi Callie,

I've been looking over this website and think a requiem may be coming. I was thinking if I had anything I wanted to say to anyone before it was too late and we all lost touch. You are the only one that I missed saying something about your god-awful attack at home. I do not come on here every day and missed it when you wrote about it, but when I did see it, it was too late to comment. But I didn't forget it. I can imagine the terror you felt. I think we are all afraid of this happening to us. So, I want to say how sorry I am, for surely a person as nice and kind as you are, did not deserve this to happen to her. Nasty business.

AS to your comment in my thread about the perfect lives of some people. I have found only a few in my life. One woman I know does have it all, wonderful and nice-looking husband who loves her, 3 children who give her no problems and are really nice, plenty of money to do what they want. nor does she have to work They are happy. Really. So, what's the defect you may ask. She can't take any stress or conflict. She went to France with her best friend and her sister. The first evening the sisters had a fight. The following morning, she got on a plane and went home. She couldn't take that. She helped me out 2 days a week. If I raised my voice at my son, she would be like the deer in headlights...As my son got worse she couldn't deal with it. I had to let her go. I liked her. Stress changed her. She was unable to function well. I think some adversity does help you grow.

The rest of the perfect life people just are pretending. It like the look--alike Hermes handbag. They're only wishing.

Calliecakes, you take good care of yourself. My fondest regard,


Jun 7, 2014

Annette, Thank you for your kind words. I think of you often and hope you are doing well. There are people who touch our lives while often not realizing they do so. Annette, you are one of those people for me. I admire your strength, kindness, wisdom and honesty more than you could possibly know. I’m grateful I’ve gotten to know you here.

If there is ever anything I can do to help you, please let me know. I sincerely mean this. Callie
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