
A $9,000 Ball of Yarn...Oh Tiffany...

I came across that last night and, like one of the commenters, wondering if the 'everyday objects' was a joke!

Some of the items are nice, although I wouldn't buy them.

But some are 'too deep' or 'artistic' for my taste. :whistle:

A tin can for $1,000?
A straw for $350?
A gold or sterling sliver paper clip?
This link is in Canadian dollars; not sure of US price or availability.

Thanks, but I'll simply 'admire' on-line. ;)2

I do think the ball of yarn, the bird's nest and some others are interesting.
But not something I'd buy. Certainly not at those prices.
Thanks for sharing Arcadian.

Interesting, but who buys this stuff? $450 for a ruler!:rolleyes2:

Thanks for my laugh of the day--right before work. It was appreciated!

Thanks for sharing Arcadian.

Interesting, but who buys this stuff? $450 for a ruler!:roll2:

It seemed as though I was always having to replace rulers, etc., that would get lost during the school year.

I can just imagine the conversation:

"Mom, I lost my protractor, so borrowed yours. But now I can't find it."
"The one in my home office? My Tiffany sterling silver and walnut one?"
"What? Yeah. The shiny one. Oh, and I need your paper clip, too."
I saw that! And tried to figure out who would buy it and WHY.
A textile artist would like it, maybe? Where is Vintage Lover—the PSr who makes her own fabrics?

Someone super into knitting? Someone who has a taxidermied cat and wants kitty to have a ball of Tiffany yarn?
:lol-2::lol::lol-2::lol:If someone balls the ball of yarn I can crochet something for them with it.
I guess for the person that has everything??? I'm sure I can find lots of other things I want for $9k!
Tiffany’s marketing campaign + there’s a sucker born every minute = $$$$
Whimsical as it may be...price gauging even for Tiffany. :eek2:
I like the bird’s nest and the pineapple dish (she says very meekly :P2). but yes, very high price tags!
That's a bargain :lol: If I wanted to buy it in £, they want over $11,000!
:lol: This reminds me of whats her name's Goop site.
I wouldn't buy that even if I had a zillion $$ at my disposal. It baffles me that people enjoy this, but I've never understood the Tiffany appeal.

Re. 'Yarn'

No barbs ?

Too reminding barbed wire !

Other things make sense www
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I think it is cool. I wonder how big it is? Weight? What is the middle like? Hollow? Would I buy it? No!
Must remind self to buy a ball of wire at the hardware store and tell everyone it’s from Tiffany and Co.
I wonder where it would be worthy enough to display such a pricey ball of yarn? On top of a desk? On a book case? Put it on a chain and wear it as a HUGE pendant?
It looks like a piece of art to me. Call me crazy, but I like looking at it. I could actually see it in a museum. Some kind of museum. Not one of Impressionist art (paintings). ;))

I still want that sterling telephone dialer from "Breakfast at Tiffanys"

I have visions of someone recycling that tin can...oops! :eek2:
I have visions of someone recycling that tin can...oops! :eek2:

Haha! I actually love the tongue-in-cheek "tin" can made of silver and gold, though not for $1,000. And as a knitter, I could definitely go for the ball of yarn... at least it wouldn't be seeming to nag me as an unfinished product. But no, I wouldn't pay that much for a paperweight.

I'd consider the alarm clock if it were sterling silver, but it isn't...

I think I just appreciate well-made things, and little touches of luxury. But I'm too cheap to buy things like this new. I have bought some Tiffany desk items used... including a sterling Tiffany perpetual calendar, and Alfie: And I have a rat like this one stashed away, waiting for my rodent-loving niece to graduate from college this coming spring:

(sorry - having trouble attaching a picture)
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I have a ceramic crumpled paper bag that comes filled with glass jet planes (a gummy candy) so I see the appeal of these everyday items in precious metals - they’re playful art.
Still think these are overpriced (I think that of most Tiffany tho) :mrgreen2: