
I'll never look at chocolate the same again....


Jan 13, 2006
Notice I didn't say, I'll never look at chocolate again. :bigsmile: Seriously though, if you appreciate chocolate (and who doesn't??), I really think you will appreciate this short, two part video series on how we get chocolate. It takes you from cacao bean in Ecuador, all the way to the processing plant here in the states. And you have the very cute, very funny test kitchen manager from Bon Appetit as your host. It''s a win win.
(and in case you decide you could just watch him boil water, he's got a YouTube series called, It's Alive. Basically about different fermenting recipes, with a few random others thrown in)

Part 1

Part 2
He kinda looks like the love child of Scott Caan and Matthew McConaughey...
Bwahahahahahaha! you guys crack me up!
I'll only consider watching it if there is nothing in it that will make me not want to eat chocolate again.:lol:
I'll only consider watching it if there is nothing in it that will make me not want to eat chocolate again.:lol:
There's not, really.... Although the cacao beans are kinda slimy straight out of the pod. But it's not bad. :bigsmile:
I really didn't have any idea the cacao beans were fermented. And I have never heard of this chocolate, has anybody else?
I really didn't have any idea the cacao beans were fermented. And I have never heard of this chocolate, has anybody else?

Hi, Ellen-

I had no idea cacao beans were fermented. I have known of Guittard chocolate for many years, but I thought it was French or Belgian. I had no idea it was made in San Francisco.

AGBF :wavey:
Hi, Ellen-

I had no idea cacao beans were fermented. I have known of Guittard chocolate for many years, but I thought it was French or Belgian. I had no idea it was made in San Francisco.

AGBF :wavey:
Have you had it? And if so, how would you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being tops?
I LOVE chocolate! I think I was born craving it - lol! Afraid to watch anything that might turn me off of it but then again, maybe that would be a blessing!!
I LOVE chocolate! I think I was born craving it - lol! Afraid to watch anything that might turn me off of it but then again, maybe that would be a blessing!!
It wouldn't, it's really interesting. :wink2:
Have you had it? And if so, how would you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being tops?

I don't have a clue whether I ever had it. I have had millions of types of chocolate in my life and some have made an impression, but rarely a brand. The only one I remember dying for was a specific white cocolate bar with coconut that I was only able to buy in France and could never find anywhere else.

Guittard chocolate is awesome! If you've ever had See's candy it's the chocolate they use. It's my preferred chocolate if I'm making candies or baking. Pretty reasonably priced for high quality chocolate!
Guittard chocolate is awesome! If you've ever had See's candy it's the chocolate they use. It's my preferred chocolate if I'm making candies or baking. Pretty reasonably priced for high quality chocolate!

It's funny you mentioned See's, because one of my friends from California loves See's candy and thinks it's the best in the world. I was just thinking about it when Ellen asked me if I had ever had Guittard. See's was not memorable to me.

I had generally bought Godiva chocolate if I bought a box for the holidays, but my husband's aunt and uncle liked only milk chocolate. They asked for a box of Neuhaus chocolates. When I first tasted them I was pretty impressed.

Guittard chocolate is awesome! If you've ever had See's candy it's the chocolate they use. It's my preferred chocolate if I'm making candies or baking. Pretty reasonably priced for high quality chocolate!
Oh yum, yes I know See's candy. We used to have one around here eons ago. :love: Thanks for letting us know that!
I’m not sure I understand what the chef’s looks have to do with the content of this video.
@Ellen did someone say chocolate?:kiss2:

this gif is for you @marcy



Count me in the category of afraid to watch the video but I will take your word that it won't turn us off chocolate...thanks for the link Ellen.
@Ellen did someone say chocolate?:kiss2:

Count me in the category of afraid to watch the video but I will take your word that it won't turn us off chocolate...thanks for the link Ellen.
I am SO sorry I titled this as I did. I simply meant, when I look at chocolate now, I will appreciate where it came from. That's ALL I meant!!
House Cat, just in case you were asking sincerely, the cooks looks have nothing to do with the video. He's just easy on the eyes. ::)
I am SO sorry I titled this as I did. I simply meant, when I look at chocolate now, I will appreciate where it came from. That's ALL I meant!!

Aww no worries @Ellen! I was just teasing you.

House Cat, just in case you were asking sincerely, the cooks looks have nothing to do with the video. He's just easy on the eyes. ::)

Now this makes it more to check it out.;)2
It's funny you mentioned See's, because one of my friends from California loves See's candy and thinks it's the best in the world.

I grew up in California and I too think See's is the best in the world! Maybe it is because I grew up eating it. It's not Christmas without a pound of Nuts and Chews! My Grandma would give each of us a box every single year. It's one of the things I miss most now living in New England.
I am nearly 60 years old and I think I have recently developed an allergy to chocolate. When I eat a chocolate candybar I get phlegmy and start to cough. Small quantities such as in a chocolate chip cookie don't seem to bother me.
I don't know why after all these years.
I am nearly 60 years old and I think I have recently developed an allergy to chocolate. When I eat a chocolate candybar I get phlegmy and start to cough. Small quantities such as in a chocolate chip cookie don't seem to bother me.
I don't know why after all these years.
We can eat something with no problem for years and then instantly be allergic. I can't tell you why that happens, but it does. And it stands to reason that as we age, unless we are eating a super healthy diet and exercising, etc., our immune systems start to fail somewhat.
For our family it was all about Fannie Mays for the holidays (and special occasions). Yum. Sadly because of mergers and such, I have heard the still existing stores are not quite the same. for example two of my favorites, the pink peppermint bark, and the dark chocolate candied orange peel, are no longer made : (
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