
4 -year-old Accused of sexual harassment

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Interesting response by the school district.

Seems they lack logic, Storm....

The expert opinion making the conditional remark that unless the kid had been exposed to pornography,and if so would be consider a sexual harrasser is a bit of a leap.

"Sexually Innocent"? That is a rather interesting "title" in itself. Makes one wonder......

Seems like the Chicago area was a bit nuts today, jihad at the mall, sexual kid, and shooting downtown at the Citibank center. Maybe it''s the full moon?

Date: 12/9/2006 2:59:52 AM
The world really has gone mad.

Agreed. If (and I am not presuming this to be true) this child is having some sort of psychological problem, it should have been handled confidentially by a school social worker.

I have heard of several children this age trying to touch a woman's breasts. I have even seen it. The woman just needs to explain boundries. I have seen my 3yo nephew ask questions about them...too. (my sister inlaw has large ones). Honestly it is probably more curiosity than anything at 4.
IF it is sexual.. so what. Boys are not even allowed to be boys anymore...there has to be something wrong?? We (even little ones) are HARD WIRED this way. We like girls... I know, shocking. It is human nature to want to do certain things to girls, I certainly thought about the girls sexually as a kid (maybe not 4, but I do remember thinking my 1st grade teacher was attractive)..., and there is nothing wrong with human nature!! Its natural. Thats how the world has worked for millions of years!!!
The kid just needs boundries explained to him... that is all. The world has gone mad. The world needs to take a pill and relax.
Well..I just took a shower, and I was thinking about how mad this makes me. I honestly blame the Universities when I was going to school 13 years ago or so..I know what they were trying to pump into me.
Our universities program everyone now to be ultrasensitive to everything and everyone. I tried to block a lot of this out, but many have been fed this garbage and ate well. The reaction of this teacher is most likey directly related. An older more experienced teacher would never react this way hopefully. Our nation seriously has some problems now due to such thought.
We don't raise anyone who can take care of themselves any longer and handle issues on a daily basis. We have raised and continue to raise people who cannot fend for themselves. Instead they make a huge deal of it like this teacher has done.. Well folks thats life, now deal with it...yeesh. I cannot imagine this happening in any other country on this planet! It honestly makes me want to retch.
mtrb, I agree with everything you said, and the first post had me cracking up. And yes, this country needs to get a grip.

Has anyone opted to consider that this is a four year old child, probably NOT far from the teet? Children are held close to a womans breast ALL the time as a young child, it is a place of comfort and facination. Just like a little boy fondling himslef when you change his diaper, he knows it feels good and that it is part of his body, children do not even understand sex.. ask the average 13 year old how they get pregnant and you will get a variety of crazy responses... GOOD GRIEF!!

ALL children, girl and boy are facinated by breast (and men

When I worked in a preschool I cannot count how many time a child reached out to grab or touch my chest, just as both my children did. My response was to push their hand away and say, "No Timmy, those belong to Miss Mines, and you cannot touch them." CHildren will understand it if you set the boundrey.

Geez he is FOUR! He doesnt understand what is & isnt inappropriate, yet. She should have explained that certain part of our bodies shouldnt be touched without permission & that a hug is better or something.
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