Diamond and Jewelry

Why are there several dealers offering the exact same stone?

Most jewelers and diamond dealers have for decades shared in a system called memorandum or memo. If a customer goes into a store looking for a particular item that the store doesn’t have in stock at the moment, they will ring up one their suppliers and borrow a few stones for long enough to make a sales presentation...

Why are there several dealers offering the exact same stone? CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Hearts & Arrows Diamonds – It’s not all about light return.

As some industry leaders are fond of pointing out, a non-H&A diamond can be just as bright under direct lighting as some H&A diamonds. I agree. But that is not the whole story when it comes to H&A diamonds... After all, most people don't carry a set of halogen lights to shine on their diamond at ...

Hearts & Arrows Diamonds – It’s not all about light return. CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

The Diamond Industry in 2005

Market of rough diamonds The first major event of the year was last week’s overall 3% price increase by De Beers’. On top of that, sightholders are looking at an extra charge of probably 2%, in order to contribute to De Beers’ promotional budget. All together, this is already an overall increase of over 5...

The Diamond Industry in 2005 CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

The NEW AGA Cut Class and AGA-Light Behavior Index with ImaGem

The AGA-LBI and DFS System With the advent of new technology which is capable of physically measuring light behavior in diamonds, AGA will now use the new AGA Durability-Finish-Size (DFS) system when we also utilize ImaGem light measurements. The original AGA Cut Class system was based on a conservative and tradi...

The NEW AGA Cut Class and AGA-Light Behavior Index with ImaGem CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

The role of contrast in diamond appearance

Contrast A chess board is 50% black; it returns half as much light as a sheet of white paper. But a chess board looks brighter than white paper when they are both moving. The same is true for a diamond; if a stone returned light so that the crown was bright all over, it would not appear as bright to your ...

The role of contrast in diamond appearance CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

A moment of decision is coming

The diamond business is at a moment in time where old ideas and technology are truly meeting head on. We have the GIA and AGS about to grade the cut of a diamond based on measurements and ray tracing computations along with minor parametric grade limiting characteristics. We have several other players grading or ab...

A moment of decision is coming CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

A review of the “foundation” of GIA’s new cut grade system

Tabulation of the 15 stones presented as examples of 5 Categories The article concludes with photos and proportion data of 15 stones given as examples of 5 Categories of cut quality. The Categories are presented as the ‘foundation’ of an eventual grading system, but a vague qualification is added; they may not be th...

A review of the “foundation” of GIA’s new cut grade system CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Just imagine

Your first day, getting to know the product This morning, you flew into an area in the Arctic, seeing a huge pit from your helicopter. On the ground, enormous trucks pass by carrying tonnes of earth. Your first question to the engineer, guiding you around: how many kilos of diamonds in such a truck? He explains ...


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