Wedding Planning: Gifting Bridal Party and Parents
There are a lot of little bits and pieces to planning a wedding. It can be very overwhelming to consider all of the essentials at once. Hiring a wedding planner minimizes the event stress. Even with a planner, there are still lots of tasks for the Bride and Groom before the big day. Those personal touches personalize your wedding and make it (even more) special.
Many people originally find PriceScope when they are beginning their ring search. We love engagements and weddings. This may not all be in our defined niche, but we know that it may help people who are PriceScopers! If we help with these parts of the planning, they can spend more time on our favorite part; the RINGS!
Your friends and family are along with you for the nuptial ride, especially those that are participating in the wedding in some capacity. It is important to thank them for their part in your special moment, but you also don’t need more tasks on your list. We have compiled a quick list in hopes that you can one-stop-shop for your parental and bridal party gifts. Let’s cross that to-do item off your list!
It’s a beautiful thought to buy gifts individually tailored to each person if you have the time and/or resources for that. Many couples simply don’t have much time at this stage in the game. It is totally acceptable to purchase matching gifts for the bridal party, follow a theme, or get personalized items as a memento. The important part is that they know that their part was valued and they have something that they can remember the day with. Give them a reminder of the friendship/family that they love.
In my personal experience, I have most often been gifted with jewelry that we all wore during the ceremony. It gave us all a unified look that was amazing for pictures. We all had something special in our jewelry boxes to remember the event with. The men most often got personalized flasks, pocket watches, money clips, or the like.
You don’t need to break the bank and get each person something that costs more than the bride’s dress. Something simple and beautiful will still create a great look for photos and staples are always appreciated in anyone’s collection!
Things they want, things they need, just something to show your appreciation. They have spent their time, money, and energy to be part of your wedding out of love. A token of your thanks is a lovely gesture. If matching jewelry is not your goal, fear not! There are lots of ways to gift your favorite people!
We hope that this has given you some ideas and helped to make your planning a little easier. You deserve a great wedding and it’s a far better event when you can go into it prepared and with less stress.
If you are planning a wedding, we wish you lots of luck and love!