Flower Engagement Rings: A Blooming Symbol of Love and Romance
When it comes to picking out an engagement ring, there’s something truly enchanting about the choice of a flower design. Not only do these rings bring a touch of nature’s…
What Is An Independent Appraisal and The Benefit In Securing One This Article is dedicated to the memory of a wonderful Independent Appraiser & a wonderful friend: William (Bill) Lieberum (A.K.A. RockDoc) 1948-2007 Diamonds and jewelry sold in today’s...
What Is An Independent Appraisal and The Benefit In Securing One VIEW POST
First a brief disclaimer: This article was written by a retail jeweler operating from an e-commerce platform. Summary: For as long as diamonds have been popular, retail jewelry stores have functioned as the traditional distribution channel for bringing diamonds and jewelry to the masses. With the advent of...