Natural Diamond Prices – December 2024
At PriceScope, we remain dedicated to providing timely and insightful updates on the latest trends in the diamond market. Our expert analysis focuses on the economic and social changes shaping…
What Is An Independent Appraisal and The Benefit In Securing One This Article is dedicated to the memory of a wonderful Independent Appraiser & a wonderful friend: William (Bill) Lieberum (A.K.A. RockDoc) 1948-2007 Diamonds and jewelry sold in today’s...
What Is An Independent Appraisal and The Benefit In Securing One VIEW POST
First a brief disclaimer: This article was written by a retail jeweler operating from an e-commerce platform. Summary: For as long as diamonds have been popular, retail jewelry stores have functioned as the traditional distribution channel for bringing diamonds and jewelry to the masses. With the advent of...