Natural Diamond Prices – December 2024
At PriceScope, we remain dedicated to providing timely and insightful updates on the latest trends in the diamond market. Our expert analysis focuses on the economic and social changes shaping…
As part of the development of Next Diamond™ and to provide a consistent method to display diamonds from afar, the Cut Group has been working on a lighting box, diamond movement system and camera set ups. We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions for improvements for a standardized lighting box. The m...
Buying Diamonds: Consumers’ Problems and a Solution By Sergey Sivovolenko, Janak Mistry, Garry Holloway and Dr Yuri Shelementiev The Next Diamond™ cycle Abstract: Next Diamond™ enables diamonds to be cut and polished in a way that solves problems for diamond cutters, retailers and consumers. Cons...
Buying Diamonds: Consumers’ Problems and a Solution VIEW POST
GIA's letter to the Editor This journal article documents letters to the Editor exchanged between the GIA cut study team and the cut group who wrote an article in The Australian Gemmologist The original article from Volume 23, Number 1, January – March 2007 is not reprinted here, but a similar article was po...
Letter to the Editor of the Australian Gemmologist VIEW POST
Contrast A chess board is 50% black; it returns half as much light as a sheet of white paper. But a chess board looks brighter than white paper when they are both moving. The same is true for a diamond; if a stone returned light so that the crown was bright all over, it would not appear as bright to your ...