
Healthy Living Thread


Mar 26, 2006
Happy New Years Eve kids!

Just a quickie to wish you a marvelous 2017!!!

Will post more tomorrow -- right now off to some fancy delicious dinner! :lickout:


Dec 28, 2005
Happy New Year!

Marcy, I hope you're going out last night was fun and safe.

It was a nice evening last night. We had waaaaaaay too much food. We kind of just grazed all evening long. I had a couple glasses of wine. It was a cool, not cold night, so we put candles all over the back yard and sat out under the stars for a while. We ended up watching Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin, which was kind of goofy, but fun. Midnight came, we all embraced and then we cleaned up the kitchen and went to bed.

Today, I planned to slow cook a pork butt roast in the crock pot. The roast is too big to fit in it. I'm doing it in a low temp oven instead. I hope it turns out OK? It's simmering in apple juice and lots of spices with onions and mushrooms.

We're not going anywhere today. Just a nice relaxing day at home. Yay for tomorrow being a day off from work!

Hope you have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope your fancy delicious dinner was fun last night. Sounds like a great way to ring in the new year.

Rod, sounds like you had the perfect evening last night. I especially liked looking at the stars.

I didn’t get to watch the NYE’s eve show but today I watched the video online of Mariah Carey’s getting upset and walking off the stage. Wow, I wonder if they’ll go after her for breach of contract or something. One of the comments I saw today was spot on – what happened to the entertainer could wing it to make sure the show must go on. You’d think entertainers would have learned by now not to lip sync.

Your pork roast should turn out okay in the oven; I am starting to smell our supper. I picked up short ribs to cook in the crock pot today. I put some BBQ sauce on mine, Marty put some kind of dry rub on his ribs and I put a few baked potatoes in there as well. I wrapped everything up in foil so there shouldn’t be many dishes. Woo hoo!!!

Have a nice time relaxing today, Rod. Enjoy the warm weather for me. We are expecting wind chill temps -30 most of this coming week. I told Marty plan on driving me to work. Ha!

We had a nice time last night. Our dinner reservations were at 5 (since I didn’t make them until Tuesday) so we got in and out of there pretty fast. The place we went is called Little Bear and their signature dessert is called bear balls. They are so good; it is a ball of vanilla ice cream rolled in crushed Oreo’s. I’ll post a picture.

We got home a little after 6 and Marty finished watching some movie he recorded then we headed over to a friend’s house for game night. The first game we played required more skill, thinking and memory that I possess but I got better at it and ended up with the 3rd highest number of points. It’s one of those games where your collect cards, build things, buy things, etc. The second game was way easier and I was 2 spaces away from winning and someone got a chance card that you can move someone to a different spot so naturally they put me on the other side of the board. Then I got “blocked” in that spot so I lost. We had fun though.

We had some champagne at midnight then ventured on home. I was the designated driver last night so I drank water and only a few sips of my champagne.

We are watching football today. I am enjoying being lazy. :bigsmile:



Dec 28, 2005
Marcy, the roast did not turn out the way I planned it. It slow cooked for 8 full hours and was cooked all the way through, but was not fall off the bone the way it should have been. The rest of the dinner was great, but the meat was disappointing. It's actually in oven cooking more. I hope your crock pot meal works out better than ours.

It was way too warm for January 1st, in the mid 80s. I keep hoping we'll get some cool weather for at least a few days, but all we've had so far this year is 2, count 'em, two chilly days. That's just not normal, even for Tampa. I don't want the -30 wind chill you've got, but some cool weather would be so nice, when the rest of the year is bloody hot.

We had some leftover chocolate cake for desert and soon we'll get in the hot tub for a nice relaxing soak under the stars.

We don't have any plans for tomorrow. Nice!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy 2017 kids!

Curby, your night sounds wonderful! As for dinner at 5 pm... the CB and I actually eat in the 5-6ish window more often than not. I don't like to eat late, and if it's a night where he picks me up from the office and we go out we just head directly to the restaurant at that point. Very civilized -- there are not as many people crowding the restaurants at that time!

Rod, I'm sorry your pork didn't turn out at planned. My friend made a port roast for Christmas dinner that was amazing. She didn't make it in a crock pot either, but did have it in the oven for many hours. It was covered with aluminum foil all except for right when she put it in the oven and for a little while before she took it out to brown the "crust" (it had a rub on it). Not sure if the foil made any difference or not though...?

Today my friend and I went up to Connecticut to visit a friend of hers that has a house there. It was a very very cute place with a lot of land and he's done an amazing job decorating. We also went out to lunch at a fabulous place. We started with a giant pile of nachos and then I had the lobster BLT. :lickout: I had a cocktail that had apple cider, bourbon and pumpkin liquor. Double :lickout:

Tomorrow I've got to start thinking about packing. I can't believe it's almost time to go home!


Dec 28, 2005

I'm glad you're having a great time. Time goes by too fast when you're having fun. Yummmm to Lobster BLT!

I cooked the roast much the same way. Uncovered at first, then sealed completely till the end, when I let it brown. It just wasn't fall apart like it should have for that many hours. So, I cooked it another couple hours and it was finally what I had planned. It was a huge roast at 10lb, so we have lot's left over for tomorrow nights dinner and then some. The roast cooked in apple juice and my own blend as a rub.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Day 2 of 2017 – So far so good.

Rod, I am glad cooking your roast some more got the meat to a point where it was fork tender. A 10-pound roast would be awful to throw out because it didn’t turn out right. Our ribs came out of the crockpot very tender. I ate one today and pulled the other one apart for a BBQ sandwich tomorrow.

That is good to hear everything else turned out great for dinner and of course you topped it off with delicious chocolate cake.

Dee Jay, we eat early too. It’s definitely a bonus on getting in to a restaurant for supper. 7 pm seems to be the peak time to go to dinner and you always have to wait for a table then.

Glad to hear your roast turned out well. I have not tried to cook a roast in the oven on convection but I hear that works really well to cook meat really.

That drink with apple cider sounds delicious. Mm.

Darn that you have to start packing.

I unwillingly went to the grocery store with Marty this morning. I made him buy me hot chocolate while we were there. Ha! Sucker. That will teach him to want me to go with him to the store. They even had little teddy bears at Starbucks that were quite cute. He just kind of ignored me when I pointed them out.

I have been working on laundry today including all the bedding in our guest bedroom. I spilled a big glass of water last night on the living room (naturally right over the electrical plugs in the floor). That was fun to clean up and added a big batch of towels added to my stack of laundry.

I cleaned out the drawer in the end table by my chair and cleaned out some of the cupboards in the utility room. Baby steps on cleaning out things, right?

I was looking on the Simply Sapphires website for some affordable yellow sapphires for earrings and almost made an offer on a pair of 6mm trillions. I can’t decide if trillions would look goofy as solitaires on dangle lever backs. They do have a pair of 5.5mm rounds. I can’t stop myself from buying jewelry.

Have a fabulous evening.


Dec 28, 2005
We eat early too. Charlie was ready for dinner at 4 this afternoon.......LOL

It was actually a nice relaxing day. We lounged around this morning, then when we got dressed, we took a spa sample to the pool store, got a battery replaced in one of Charlies watches and sat outside at Starbucks and had coffee.

When I put the roast away last night, I cut it into manageable chunks and put it in a large casserole dish. So when we got home, I put it in the oven and got it nice and hot. We still had mashed potatoes left over, so I added some cheddar cheese and extra butter and heated them up and tonight's dinner was what I had hoped last nights dinner was going to be. We still have enough roast to have it the next several nights. I think we'll have pulled pork tacos next.

I so don't want to go to work tomorrow. At least it's only a 4 day work week. My Birthday is Friday. We're having dinner Saturday night to celebrate at my absolutely favorite Italian Restaurant. They have a lobster and pasta dish that is simply amazing. They steam a 2lb lobster, then de-shell it at your table and toss it in fresh linguine and a tomato sauce right at your table. It's so so so good. We'll be with my brother and SIL.

Next week, I have my prostate surgery. At this point, I just want to get this over with. I'll be off for two days, since I'll have a catheter in for a couple days (sorry if this is TMI). Then I have to wait for a week for the pathology report. That's probably the toughest part.

Good for you, Marcy for cleaning things out. This week, Christmas will come down. But Charlie will do it while I'm at work - YAY!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, LOL on day 2 so far so good! After 2016 I'm afraid of what 2017 might have in store for us...!

Rod, that pasta dish with the lobster sounds marvelous! And I'm sorry you will be off for a few days after the surgery and then you have to wait for the report to come back but I'm absolutely certain it will be good news.

Today my friend and one of her neighbors and I went to a late lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Underwhelming at best. We've just been hanging out since then watching football and playing on the computer. I've found a rug that I love for the boathouse but it comes in two color schemes. The one I'm leaning toward will requiring picking a new paint color for the whole place, and the paint color is the one thing I've been absolutely constant on the whole time. The poor CB will just roll his eyes when I tell him, ha ha.

Tomorrow I go home!!! I plan on getting up early and doing laundry so I have time to remake the guestroom bed and get the towels all done before going to the airport. My flight isn't until three so it should all be OK. Still not sure how I'm going to fit everything into my luggage though... yikes.


Mar 26, 2006
I forgot to say I have also found a couple of coffee table options. The one I really love weights 291 pounds, and since we have to move that every night when we pull out the sofa bed that's probably not a option -- ha! -- but I've not a few others in mind now. I hate it when I search and search for things and nothing leaps out at me so having a couple of choices makes me feel a little better! Like the rug; I have been searching for months (literally since I saw the place last summer) so to have it narrowed down is a relief!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Rod, if we are meeting people for dinner who eat at 7 or later we are usually starving by then. Your leftover supper sounds delicious. Have a very Happy Birthday on Friday! Dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant will be fun. Good luck with your surgery next week and I am sending mega dust your way to all clear results from the pathology report. I know the kitties will keep you company while you are resting up. Good point we only have to work 4 days this week.

Dee Jay, 2017 will be fine. Heck we’ve made it 3 days so far. I saw on FB something cute – it doesn’t matter if you are a glass half empty or a glass half full person – just remember the glass is refillable. While I like the Cheesecake Factory’s cheesecake I find their food mediocre and the wait to get seated makes me less likely to eat there. You are a good house guest cleaning up the guestroom before you go. My SIL is pretty oblivious to things like that; she’ll do something if you ask her but she’s not observant or thoughtful about what needs done. She is the mom of some of those 20-30 somethings that were so lazy on our vacation so I shouldn’t be surprised. They come by it naturally. LOL that the rug you like would result in a new color scheme at the boat house. You have to coordinate things though, huh? That would be awful to move a 300-pound coffee table just to go to bed. Have a safe trip home tomorrow.

I was a space case at work today. Kind of distracted, found it hard to get back to my routine and just didn’t want to be there. My new employee started. He seems quite nice.

My chauffeur took me to work so I had a nice warm vehicle to get in to when we left today. We only have about 2” of snow so far. They are forecasting up to 9” by Thursday evening with wind chills well below zero. If I want a ride tomorrow I am going to have to get up early; we’ll see how that works out. Marty has a conference call at 8 so we’d need to leave a little after 7 so he’d be home in time. Cold or sleep. What would Brian Boitano do?

Have a fabulous evening.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, not only did I clean the bathroom and wash the sheets and towels but I also swiftered up a enough dog hair to knit a whole new German Shepherd. I can't believe this dog isn't bald given the quantity of fur I found around the house!

I'm happy to report the trip home was uneventful and the it was MARVELOUS to sleep in my own bed! I walked to work this morning and my cheeks, at hour later, are still quite pink from the cold and the wind. Ahhhhhh -- Chicago in January!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, you are a wonderful house guest. Some pets do shed a lot. Welcome home! I bet you did enjoy sleeping in your own bed. If this cold is moving your way you’ll have frozen rosy cheeks. It’s 0 right now; I don’t know what our wind chill is though.

Funny but true story – my new employee is going to move to my boss’s department. I had him a day and a half. Our director told my boss this morning there is a hiring freeze on now for at least a few months. My boss only had 2 employees in that department now so it’s really difficult if one of them is sick or on vacation. I have 5 employees and to be honest if they’d get their work done in a reasonable time we wouldn’t need another employee. So management decided to move the new guy to that department. If that department is strong it helps my team anyway.

We’ve had constant snow for about 24 hours now; not heavy but constant. It’s icy and cold out there. I sure enjoy having my chauffer.

Have a great evening.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, did your snow ever let up or is Marty outside tunneling a path to the garage? :cheeky:

Last night I took on the task (and what a task it was!) of refolding all of my good sweaters using acid free tissue paper. Oy. Who needs this many sweaters? NO ONE! I also have a bunch to take back tonight to TJ Maxx because I tend to (over) order stuff (e.g., in multiple colors and sizes and then take back whatever doesn't work). I'm sure when I come trotting in with my 8 sweaters to return they won't be very happy to see me... oops. Today I am wearing a new olive colored long cashmere sweater I bought at Bloomie's half off when I was on my trip. I also got it in black. This thing is WONDERFUL. If it came in 20 colors I'd buy them all!

My two best work girlfriends and I just booked a trip to Vegas over Super Bowl weekend. After I got it all set up and confirmed one of them said, oh, I might have to do XYZ over that time. I hope not! I mean, there is a business center at the hotel of course, but what a PITA for her. My other girlfriend and I would certainly go and be with her in the business center, but fingers crossed it doesn't come to that!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I should suggest Marty go dig us a tunnel in the snow. I doubt he’d cooperate though. We ended up with about 10 inches. Is this storm headed your way? You can’t have too many sweaters. Your cashmere sweater sounds fabulous. Most of my sweaters are cotton or cotton-wool blends. I am a big fan of fleece too.

I hope your SB weekend in Vegas turns out to be all play and no work. Marty always gets stuck working when he is on vacation.

Marty’s department is going to announce a reorg next week. He asked his boss if he should be looking around for something else and all he would say was please don’t. We don’t want you to go anywhere. I hope they get things figured out and work picks up again. He is so bored.

The solar filter for my camera showed up but I haven’t opened it yet. Not like I’m going outside tomorrow to try it out.

Not much different going on here today. Work, snow, cold.

Simply Sapphires has a let’s make a deal going on for a few days (ends today) so I offered $100 for a pair of 6mm yellow trillion sapphires. They can no more than say no. I want dangles to match my yellow sapphire ring but I didn’t want to spend much money on them.

Have a great evening and a wonderful day tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007
It's -11 and feels like -29. Brrrr.


Mar 26, 2006
It's Friday kids!!!

Rod -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here's to hoping the birthday fairy brings you a wonderful day!!!

Curby, did you win your sapphire bid? I've started figuring out the bidding process one ebay but sometimes it's too much hassle for what I'm (potentially) going to save so I get lazy and just hit the "buy it now" button, LOL.

Last night I returned a bunch of sweaters at TJ Maxx and got a couple of small things (I think the most expensive item was off the clearance rack for $4.50 ha ha!). Then I ate left over pizza for dinner and went to bed early. These cold nights make me want to climb right on top of that heated mattress pad and stay there!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Rod! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: I hope you had a fabulous day!

Dee Jay, I got a counter offer of $130 which I accepted. I found a pair of earrings I like with little diamonds on them. I'll have the local guy make them for me. They will go great with my ring.

Glad you found some good deals at TJ Maxx. We have one here and I used to buy purses there but not much else. Our store is pretty small.

Funny we were talking about KMart recently. Our store is closing in a few months.

I made pizza for supper tonight. Marty had fish and rice.

I am with you on the heated mattress pad. I crank mine on before I get in bed, then turn it on low but usually crank it up again when I wake up later.

On the way to work today the truck said -12 degrees and my phone said wind chill was -39. I wanted to go back to bed.

I had a busy day at work today so I was glad 5 pm rolled around quickly.

We have my office holiday party tomorrow night. I would love to stay home but Marty enjoys seeing people he knows.

I totally plan on taking down the tree this weekend. Really!

Have a great weekend.
Marcy / Curby




Dec 28, 2005
Thanks for the Birthday wishes Marcy and DeeJay. It was actually just a pretty typical Friday. I worked all day and we met our friends for Sushi like we do every Friday evening. Tonight is when we're celebrating with my brother and SIL. I decided I wanted to go to the best Italian restaurant in town. It's been there for like a billion years, isn't in a fabulous location and looks like it could be out of a NY mob movie in decor. It's truly old school Italian, with fabulous and $$$$ food. I already know what I'm getting. They steam a lobster, bring it out to your table, de-shell it in front of you, add the lobster meat to a table side pan, with fresh linguine and a tomato sauce and saute it in front of you. It's superb. At least the last time I had it, it was.

Today, I have to go to our optical shop and either order replacement lenses for a pair of glasses I already have or get a new pair of glasses. It may actually cost less to get new. Every time my prescription changes, the glasses I wear have to be sent to California for lenses that are extremely expensive. When we had more money, I had two pairs with the same script in them. But I've been using just one pair for the last few years and to send them away, would leave me having to wear a pair with an out of date prescription and I'd have to do that for two weeks. Not thinking that's such a good idea this time around.

Marcy, those temps are simply ridiculous. I'd likely get under an electric blanket and never leave the house. Those earrings are fabu! I hope your work party tonight is fun!

DeeJay, your Superbowl Vegas weekend sounds like fun. I'm sure they were thrilled to see you at TJ Maxx with all your returns. On the news they've been reporting on the demise of stored like Macy's and Sears, but stores like Maxx are doing pretty well. We usually shop a lot at Macy's at Xmas time. We realized we didn't go there once this year. Now I feel guilty. Our Macy's isn't closing, but two others in the local area are. The last time we went into Sears, we just walked out. There was no one anywhere to help us, which is what their problem is. They no longer have sales associates. They just employ cashiers, who don't give a rats A$$ about helping anyone. We're seeing the demise of the brick and mortar store, in favor of online shopping. Things change.

Have a great weekend. It's going to get really cold down here. Really cold means it will be in the low 30s when we wake up tomorrow morning. For us, that is indeed cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrr.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, how excellent that you got the sapphires at such a good price! And I really like the design of the earrings too!

Rod, your Italian restaurants sounds like the one at the end of my block. We eat there A LOT. It's owned by this guy named Marty and he's like something straight out of central casting, LOL.

Last night I had an English muffin for dinner to try out my new toaster (the $34.99 version that is replacing the THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR VERSION that someone bought me many years ago -- and it's sucked from day one!). This new one is a keeper! This morning the CB headed off to the boat house to do some work. I have half cleaned the master bathroom at this point, I've got a second load of laundry in, and I'm heading off to take a client to see some things in a little while. But baby it's cold outside! Right now it's about 9... burrr!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Rod, your dinner tonight at that Italian restaurant sounds delicious! Have fun. Did you order new glasses? I always keep my old pair of glasses in case the current pair ever breaks. I could not see to drive without something. I can squint and see close up things but distance is a total gray blur. We have a Macy’s about 60 miles from us but we don’t shop there often. I like their clothes, handbags and kitchen things. Our Sears is pretty empty too but they aren’t on the latest hit list. Shopping online has got to be hurting a lot of local stores. Stay warm tomorrow. I saw where the average temperature in the US was 11. Wow, that is cold!

Dee Jay, it’s nice to have a good restaurant in the neighborhood. Our old house was very close to a good Mexican restaurant – the service is usually awful but the food is wonderful. Isn’t it sad that the expensive appliances don’t always perform better than the reasonably priced ones? We got a Sunbeam Belgian waffle maker as a gift when we got married. It worked perfect but it only made one waffle at a time. We bought a Cuisinart one that makes 2 waffles. It was on sale for $200 –ooh such a bargain. The waffles are mushy and I don’t like them one bit. Unfortunately, I’d already thrown out the other waffle maker already. Stay warm on your outings today. I hope CB doesn’t run in to bad weather on his trip to the boathouse.

We are in the 20’s today. We went to the grocery store about noon and it was 21 degrees. I was a rebel and left my hat, gloves and scarf at home. We took the Porsche today; poor thing it hadn’t been run for about a week now. Marty was having fun with it in the snow and on ice.

We had sandwiches with deli meat for lunch. Marty makes his sandwiches with whole wheat tortillas. We are having tenderloins for supper then popcorn later.

We took down our Christmas tree. It is amazing how much bigger the den looks now. Marty will wait until it’s warmer to take down the lights outside. They may be there until spring. Ha ha!

I changed out the table cloth and place mats but think I’ll do laundry tomorrow.

I tried a photo of the sun with my new camera and the solar filter. I am getting ghosting with multiple images. I’ll have to figure that out before the eclipse next summer.

I decided to pass on the office party tonight.

Have a great weekend.
Curby / Marcy


Dec 28, 2005
Just got home from dinner and it was simply fantastico! We started with Calamari, then Caesar salad and for dinner, just what I wanted. The lobster in linguine and tomato sauce. My brother had the same thing. We upsized the lobsters to 3lb (which was quite pricey), but how often do you get a treat like that on you birthday. We shared a slice of cheese cake and had Cappuccino. It was all outrageously priced, but so worth it.

Yes, I am getting new glasses. And it wound up costing more than just replacement lenses, but it makes more sense. Every time I need new lenses, I have to have the glasses shipped to California and I'm without them for two weeks. I'd have to have another pair with the same prescription, but that costs too much. So, I found a pair of frameless glasses with titanium frame arms that are really cool. They weigh virtually nothing. And our optician can replace the lenses in their shop so the most I'd be without my glasses is a couple hours.

Maryc, the 20s doesn't sound nearly as bad as it was earlier. It's funny when you said your den is so much larger without the tree. It seems our downstairs doubled in size when Christmas was put away. I love the decorations when they're up, but it's also really nice to get your house back.

It's in the 40s right now. We're toying with getting in the hot tub. We'll see. Right now we're watching the Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher documentary, Bright Lights. It's fascinating. What lives they led.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids,

Rod, your dinner sounds delicious! Rats it was pricey but like I kept saying when we went to Pebble Beach “oh well; we didn’t come here to save money”.

Good deal you are getting new glasses and are getting ones that the lenses can be replaced in a few hours.

I am like you Rod that I love the holiday lights and decorations but I am soon over them and am happy to see them go. I don’t know when Marty will get around to taking down the lights outside. I might unplug them sometime this week.

I watched Bright Lights this morning. It was interesting. I didn’t know much about Todd Fisher; he seems like a nice man. Debbie Reynolds was a nice and classy lady and it was touching how close she and Carrie Fisher were in recent years. It was intriguing to be on the outside looking in on their lives. I did enjoy watching it. I watched Carrie Fisher’s Wishful Drinking this past week.

Not much going on here today. I got up at 7 and started a roast in the crock pot. We are having mashed potatoes and veggies with it for supper.

I am working on laundry, went to mail a few things (without hitting a curb by the way) and I’ve been working on a program for our astronomy meeting.

I had fun on the way to post office plowing through some snow drifts; I am impressed with how well my new car handles the snow and ice. I thought the snow drifts on the side of the road were a safe place to see how my car went through deeper snow. Since it’s going to be 40 tomorrow I’ll let my chauffeur stay home.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy


Feb 27, 2007
I never posted pictures of my dangle earrings that i got for Christmas. They are tricolor gold. I will enjoy them when I want something dressy.



Feb 27, 2007
Sunrise this morning. Yes I got up early.



Dec 28, 2005
Pretty earrings and sunrise picture Marcy!

We spent the day today with the owners of the optical shop where we buy our glasses. We've been good friends for years, but for some reason, we hadn't spent much time with them this year. They have two children and have busy lives. And we have busy lives as well. They bought a farm about 2 years ago, so they wanted to show us what they've done with the house. They haven't moved there yet as they're doing some big changes to it, but after a year and half, I found what they're doing not so great and workmanship not particularly good. They think they've made good progress, but I suspect it will be many more months before they finish it. They now have horses and goats though, so we got to feed them.

Then we went to dinner with them. Italian. Oh boy. Two nights of Italian restaurants. I don't think I want Italian again for a long time.

Leaving their house, which is on a dark street after dinner, Charlie somehow didn't see the neighbor across the street had their car parked on the street. Turns out we scraped the side of their car and ours. But we didn't realize we did it until we got home. I called our friends and asked them to speak with their neighbor in the morning and let them know we likely scraped the side of their car. It won't be dented, but I'm pretty sure there will be some paint work required. I have no idea how much this will cost us.

Fun Fun Fun.......NOT


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I really like your near earrings and I'm sure you'll get to wear them a lot! And that sunrise is just AMAZING!

Rod, oh no about scraping the cars... Maybe (magically) their car will somehow be OK even though yours was scraped. Fingers crossed in a big way for you on that!!!

Yesterday we went over so I could see the new concrete floor in the boathouse. I know -- how exciting is my life, ha ha! We also assembled pieces of paper in the size of the furniture and rug and I still cannot figure out whether to get he 5 x 8 rug or the 8 x 10, even after moving everything into every possible iteration. He!!, I can't even really determine which side is going to be the living room and which side is going to be the dining room! Geez -- I'm certainly confuzzled on this, especially considering I've only got 400 square feet to work with. You'd think things would be obvious in a place this small in size! Oh well, at least I've got time. I did order the rug in the 2 x 3 size though so I can see the colors for real. That way I can at least get some paint picked out. Oh... and the round coffee table isn't going to work either so now I'm on the hunt for an oval one. I found an option and it's $999, BUT shipping is another $647. Yes, you read that right. WTF?!?

A friend of mine came over and we did x-mas presents and then we went to dinner at the Italian place right by me. I had way too much sghetti... ! :lickout:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Rod, that was nice of you and Charlie to catch up with some old friends. That is a shame the progress and work on their farm isn’t coming along as quickly as they hoped and the work isn’t so great. Are they doing it themselves or did they hire it out?

Another Italian dinner sounds great. I miss pasta but Marty is viewing it as evil processed food these days.

I am so sorry to hear about the car being scraped and I hope your friend’s neighbor is understanding about it if their car did have some damage. Hopefully their car is okay. No fun for sure.

Dee Jay, you’ll figure it all out for the boathouse. I like the idea of getting the smaller rug to see what colors you want to paint the walls. How big are the 2 rooms you are considering for the living room or dining room? I like taking paper the size of you furniture to test out. Good idea! That is very pricey to have a coffee table shipped. We had an oval coffee table in our first house. It was horribly beat up. Our first home was full of hand me down furniture. The oval coffee table came from a guy we bought a car from that spring.

You are definitely wanting me to get some Italian food now.

Thank you both for your compliments for my earrings and the sunrise photo.

My sapphires were here today but Marty didn’t get to the door in time so I have to pick them up at the post office in the morning. I am anxious to see them.

I kind of had a stomach ache this afternoon and I am very achy so I just had a toasted egg sandwich with a few leftover mashed potatoes for supper. I mixed up some OJ and a little sprite; I don’t know why but that sounded good to me. I liked less dishes.

Darn it snow is in the forecast again this week. At least there is only about 4 months of this crap left in Wyoming.

Did you see one of the famous redwoods you can drive through (it’s actually only been walk through recently) got knocked over by wind in California? How sad. I guess the tree shattered on impact. We were going to go see them when we were in Pebble Beach but it was too far to go from where we were staying.

Have a great evening.
Curby / Marcy


Dec 28, 2005
DeeJay, that's a right pricey coffee table. Is it light enough to move every night? I'm sure you'll put the BH all together really nicely. Don't overthink it. Furniture can be moved. Just get pieces you like and have fun.

Marcy, sorry for all the Italian food talk. We don't often have pasta. It's odd having it two nights in a row. Sorry about more snow in the Forecast. Our office building has the heating and cooling system off on the weekends. When I got up this morning, it was about 40 degrees outside, so I knew the office would be freezing. And it was. I wore a heavy sweater to work and I was still shivering. They plugged in a portable heater to my backup power supply. That caused the entire side of my office to lose power. No one had a key to the utility room. So I sat there for the first two hours of work just shivering and doing nothing else till they sent the maintenance guy over with the key to reset the circuit breaker.

Charlie decided to go over to the house across the street from our friends and see if they were home. They were. So he explained to them what happened last night. The husband came out looked at his car, which was scratched and he seemed completely not concerned. Said it would likely buff out. Charlie told them how sorry he was and offered our contact information and they said nah, if it doesn't buff out, they'll get it from our friends across the street. Charlie said it was a really nice Volvo we swiped. Our car lost paint all the way to the metal. The Volvo is just scratched, but the paint evidently wasn't scraped off. Charlie offered to pay for them to have it detailed and they just thanked him for letting them know what happened. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Our car will need to have the rear quarter panel repainted. It's a Mercedes with a special paint color. I expect it to be quite expensive.

The hospital called to give me pre-op instructions for my procedure on Thursday. The operation is scheduled at noon, but I have to be there at 9 AM. I can't even have any water after midnight the night before. I am so dreading this. :(sad


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, the entire boathouse is about the size of a two car garage and the only walls are in the bathroom so the entire space is open. There is a header that comes down about 12" from the ceiling running the length of the space though, and that creates a natural divider in the space, but the two sides aren't equal.

Rod, that's great that the neighbors were so nonchalant about the paint! Right after I moved into my place the girl above moved out. Her mother was driving a U-Haul truck with all her stuff in it and scraped my paint too. I also didn't get spun up about it; it was a ten + year old car that I use to haul things around in (for instance, there's always a load of some construction stuff on it's way to the boat house now) so I never even bothered with it. Just one more scrape on the side of a city driver!

Last night I had leftovers for dinner and went to bed early with a migraine. The CB picked his daughter up from the airport (she was in Haiti with a group of doctors and nurses and other volunteers that go down four times a year to provide free medical care) and when he came back he was telling me all about her trip. I think I fell asleep in the middle of him talking to me, ha ha! The headache has ratcheted down a bit today though.
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