
Wisdom or Folly?

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Sep 10, 2003
I''m considering starting a thread titled Would You or Wouldn''t You? where people could list which online vendors they would and would not buy from. I think the perception, right or wrong, is that pretty much everyone here recommends the same small list of online vendors. I think such a thread might be helpful to consumers new to Pricescope as it would reveal the general consensus and at the same time show them who they could contact for a dissenting opinion (which is often difficult to track down on Pricescope). Of course, a thread like this could easily spiral out of control as people rise to defend their favorite vendors and harsh words are exchanged.

I picture a thread having only posts listing who each poster would and would not buy from without explanation. Maybe a link to this thread could be provided for side discussions.

Any opinions?


Aug 29, 2003
Sounds like "Pricescope summary" no ?

There doesn't seem to be any limit for sellers not to participate to this forum as the usuals you mention - aside the amount of aparently thankless work needed to keep up with the grapevine.

I just hope there will be no harsh words (as you predict) if you do open such a thread... They're just as banned as direct marketing, as far as I remember Leonid's rare inerventions.


Sep 19, 2004
The one downside to such a list is how does a vendor get on it.

Perhaps the more usefull list would separate out the vendors based on their time here:

Longterm pricescope vendors: Would // Would not.

Newer vendors: Would // Would not.

I''m not even sure that would totally work. Can you figure out a scheam to allow a new vendor to enter the fray and do well as long as they are in fact doing well?



Nov 1, 2003
I have my top 5 list and they have earned a position on it by paying dues both in providing top notch customer service, great diamonds, and helping out on the board.
There are a few others Id recomend if someone was looking for less than a super-ideal.

None of them were given a place on my list they earned it and must keep earning it.

I think a thread on which vendors would you recomend would cause less problems.


Sep 10, 2003
To clarify, each poster would have his own list of online vendors with whom he would and would not do business. I don''t see a problem with new versus established vendors since I don''t see the lists as comprehensive. Vendors, by default, would be left off the list unless the poster had a reason to include them in one or the other category. This would just mean that most new vendors would make neither list.

I feel a would-buy-from-only list would be less helpful though certainly less problematic.


Aug 29, 2003
Voting is confidential, no ? unless volutarily followed by posts... Could this be a poll ? (not just including your list, but... don't know, whatever a search brings or the database has)


Sep 10, 2003
That''s an interesting idea. I hadn''t considered making anonymous polls. One "would buy from" poll and one "wouldn''t buy from" poll. That would certainly get more participation. I still like the idea of allowing public lists to be posted, though.


Sep 19, 2004
I would think that you need more questions; something along the line of:

Would buy from without question or concern on any of their diamonds.

Would buy a specific product line from a specific vendor without question or concern.

Would buy from only after asking questions and ensuring that my concerns were understood and be addressed.

Would not likely buy from unless there was a specific item and a lot of very specific conditions were agreed to.

Would not buy from at all

I for example have 2 vendors in the first condition, several in the second, and the rest are below that.


Sep 10, 2003
This is why I hate and never post polls.


Aug 29, 2003
Date: 1/16/2005 4:40:42 PM
Author: Superidealist
That''s an interesting idea. I hadn''t considered making anonymous polls. One ''would buy from'' poll and one ''wouldn''t buy from'' poll. That would certainly get more participation. I still like the idea of allowing public lists to be posted, though.
"woudn''t buy from" looks like parliamentary veto - harsh, that is. ''Guess in normal "pro-something" vote the smaller number of votes says something too - that''s somewhat along the lines "woudn''t buy from" but not quite as bad.

The one technical problem is that PS polls do not allow multiple votes. As is, unless one fakes it deliberately, there''s no way to vote for more than one seller, which does not match the spirit of the exercise very well.

On the other hand, whoever votes on a PS poll can also post on the same thread explaining why, so there''s no need to guess ex ante all the reasons that may be latter revealed.

Anyway, I still doubt that voting pro or against any seller is much in the spirit of Pricescope. Sellers cannot dismiss each othe, negative comments are always so civil here, conflict mediation over sales is not unheard of... and for the sake of all these I wouldn''t move a hair to taint the aparent cordiality. That''s what I most like about this place by all means.

I bet PS already is a way for professionals to peek on the other side of the counter. If there ever was a good practical appendix to Communication 101, this forum must be it. From this perspective, the nicer the chatter the better - IMO, at least.


Sep 10, 2003
The more I think about the poll idea, the less workable it sounds. I favor the original idea of individual lists. At least that way people could give more or less weight to the opinion depending on the poster. With an anonymous poll you'd lose that.

I just question whether or not there would be many willing to participate.


Sep 10, 2003
The thread has been created here.


Sep 8, 2004

I personally think it would help consumers if you did justify your lists especially with regard to putting a vendor on the list that you would not buy from. Just putting a vendor on the would not buy list without any explanation of why is not very helpful in my opinion.

I like the idea of what you are doing, but I think more information as to why a vendor was put on a particular list would be more helpful.



Sep 10, 2003
Noobie, that a vendor does not appear on my "would buy from" list does not mean that I would not buy from them. I agree that this site tends to be somewhat myopic.

TL1, I encourage those who care about the reasons for my selections to send me a private message. I will be happy to discuss it in private. I assume most people couldn''t care less what an individual thinks. I imagine most will be more interested in the concensus opinion. I do believe, though that there is value in seeing that there is no unanimity of opinion and that even the most recommended and most repected vendors have their critics.


May 16, 2004

It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to say what dealers I would not buy from. I have had experience with only one of the PS vendors here, it was a good one and I am currently talking to them about another purchase for that reason. Sometimes we hear of bad experiences with one vendor or another. We hear quite often of a handful of dealers who have made loyal customers. I don''t think there is any point for any of us to try to make a "list" of vendors we wouldn''t deal with since I don''t know of anyone on this forum who has dealt with ALL of them personally. We all have different needs and require different kinds of service, so who you deal with just depends on who meets YOUR particular needs the best.

Therefore I can only say who I will deal with from experience: DirtCheapDiamonds

*also posted on your other thread


Sep 10, 2003
I don''t think you have to have dealt with all vendors to have an opinion about with whom you would or would not do business.


Dec 14, 2004
Without a list of reasons behind a particular entry, your "would/would not" just reads like a list of unfounded biases.

Still, who has the standing to be so definitive about so many vendors without having done business with them? This sounds like it''s verging on being a popularity contest of who you imagine is a good or bad vendor?

Maybe more helpful would be a discussion about what would encourage or discourage you from doing business with a generic vendor. What do you demand in the process to feel comfortable about the purchase?


Sep 10, 2003
Date: 1/17/2005
Author: Feydakin

Except, of course, you would be perpetrating hearsay on any vendor that you have not dealt with based on what someone else said.
Couldn''t an opinion be formed based upon what the vendor has said or done? You need not do business with someone to decide that you would not do business with him.


Sep 10, 2003
Is it bad to form an opinion a vendor based on what he says and does?


Jul 22, 2002
Date: 1/17/2005 10:47:49 AM
Author: Feydakin
But, if you perpetuate an ''opinion'' based on someone elses false accusations, do you think that this is a good thing?? We already have 2 posts against DBoF for no other reason than they don''t like Brad.. They have absolutely nothing to do with his business, or his service, or his pricing, they just don''t like Brad because he doesn''t like Pricescope.. Or was this the intent of the thread all along??
His demeanor has every thing to do with his business. Quite frankly, the viotile nature of his personality comes through loud and clear. He can hate PS all he wants. BUt, his accusations are unfounded in sooo many instances. He appears very paranoid, arbitrary, contrary & his way or the highway. Not someone I would *ever* like to do business with. Been there. Done that w/ the same type of personality.

I don''t seek out trying to do business with people I don''t like, especially when one is basically a sole proprietor.


Nov 19, 2003
Since everyone seems to be looking for input here, I will toss in my vote with those that believe that this is a BAD idea. The entire idea that seems to be forming here seems to be one that would tend to promote negativity and that is NEVER a good idea. I believe that there are plenty of opinions on all of the forums as to who many would like to deal with, as a positive thing without trying to form a "blacklist" of vendors.
Any business transaction that is made between a buyer and seller is a two way street and that transaction can be affected by either of the personalities involved. Since none of us can really ever get both sides of a story, I think that forming any kind of negative list from a customers point of view is quite unfair to any vendor. If someone has a complaint, then they should be able to voice it freely and then the other party should be able tell their side of the story...once. No blow ups, no continuing whining from either party. There is nothing that can turn a civil forum into a quagmire of problems faster than an attitude of focusing on the negative things that can occur to anyone. There are far to many positive things to look at without turning undue attention to anything negative. I would ask that we let any idea of a negative list just drop.

Rank Amateur

Feb 26, 2003
So my Top Ten Appraisers Who Can Kiss My Ass list is also a no go?



Jan 26, 2003
Date: 1/17/2005 7:55:43 PM
Author: Rank Amateur
So my Top Ten Appraisers Who Can Kiss My Ass list is also a no go?

I like it!

Back to the topic at hand:

I am going to post a list of vendors from whom I have bought and from whom I would buy again. This does *NOT* mean I would not buy from others. In fact, I *hope* one day to buy some specific items from specific vendors I have not YET bought from! Wink owes me a diamond tennis bracelet, for instance.

I have bought items and been very happy with the SERVICE of (not necessarily the opinons of):

Diamond Brokers of Florida
The Tradeshop
Blue Nile
NiceIce (although I regret that this purchase was only jewelry-handling items, not gems or finished pieces of jewelry!)



Jul 30, 2004
But, if you perpetuate an "opinion" based on someone elses false accusations, do you think that this is a good thing?? We already have 2 posts against DBoF for no other reason than they don''t like Brad.. They have absolutely nothing to do with his business, or his service, or his pricing, they just don''t like Brad because he doesn''t like Pricescope.. Or was this the intent of the thread all along??
- Steve -
- Bench Jeweler - Designer - And all around Renaissance Guy
- If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds of distance, run - Kipling

Steve - I responded to one of the 2 posts you mention not because I don''t like Brad because he doesn''t like PS .... I responded because he started a thread that questioned my capacity as a consumer to make informed decisions about advice I receive and take on a public forum Simple case of you call me stupid and I will get mad - nothing more sinister!

That said, I don''t think this thread is a good idea. As with any customer service industry you get the good and the bad. I do like to read "recommendations" from consumers on here because it''s helping my fella and I take the time to research and plan the diamond we are going to buy and who we will buy the setting from since it''s such a big purchase. We are willing to put the time in to research this and reading a story behind a recommendation/experience can be helpful. Recommendation thread perhaps?

I can understand an element of this thread in that at least on sites such as Ebay you are given the option at looking at ratings of sellers and then it''s ultimately your choice if you are willing to accept less than 100% when buying things - sellers are human after all
But I agree with Michael E - this idea seems too negative for me.

One thing has come from this thread, I realize I can talk up a storm! *Sigh*

LOL Rank Amateur!



Aug 24, 2006
Unfortunately the name Rank Amateur has already been taken, so I can''t use it here.
And being fairly new to PS I may be speaking out of turn, but I will do so anyway because this thread struck a chord.

I don''t think the list is a good idea. There is enough information to be had here for a consumer to make a choice as to the vendor that they want to use. Individual lists, especially those that are for lack of a better word negative, I don''t think add to the comparison discussion. I for one, can determine through research here on PS which vendors I''d use and which I wouldn''t. Others interested in finding the best vendor for their requirements could do the same.

Just my $.02.


Dec 14, 2004
Or put it this way, gather enough replies and you''ll have every known vendor listed on the "blacklist" someplace and probably all of them on the "whitelist" someplace, too. A lot of sound and fury, but signifying what (and told by whom?).

If you haven''t done business or tried to sincerely do business with each vendor you list, those are not categorizations by themselves that should carry very much weight with potential consumers. If you have a specific beef, start a thread and spell out your position on the vendor. Other may agree or disagree, and discussion ensures.

That''s a lot closer to the point of a forum, and one key to the value of this one certainly, much more so than a private "who''s hot and who''s not" that lacks the information to be a basis for other people''s rational decision making.


Sep 10, 2003
Many years ago, I used a guide published by an environmental organization that listed major companies and their subsidiaries in a table format with a set of categories. Each company received a checkmark in categories that applied to them and consumers could make purchasing decisions based on how important the categories were to them. Categories included: no product testing on animals; hired women & minorities; contributed to environmental causes; used recycled materials in products; etc.

Rather than a "would/would not" purchase discussion, I would find it useful to expand on the "vendor comparison" thread to include categories that are most important to PS consumers. Some of the issues discussed that could be turned into categories would be: contact by email; contact by phone; does/does not do custom work in house; will/will not set stones purchased from other vendors; friendly customer service, etc. If the consistent themes that come up on this board can somehow be turned into a checklist, consumers can choose what charateristics of vendors are most important to them.

I''m not suggesting this method would be completely unbiased. It would take some work to gather enough info via survey to get as much objectivity as possible in the categories.


Nov 19, 2004
i like the concept matata...those are common questions around here. some do custom, some don''t. some work only in platinum, some only in gold.....etc. it would be nice to have all of those things together. maybe even list a specialty.........


May 16, 2003

I debated whether to answer the thread or not, and finally decided that I would pass.

I agree that giving new consumers a summary of vendor recommendations is in theory a good thing. However, the implementation is difficult to do and keep it based on facts, not opinions, and I think newbies should have facts. Opinions are just that and can often go negative and do a lot of unfounded damage.

I have clearly recommended the vendors with whom I have had good experiences in many posts. It is not useful for me to list a subjective opinion on whether or not I would buy from other vendors unless I have a concrete reason that would be helpful to others. There are those who I have not particularly liked dealing with in my shopping process, but that is just personal perference. Not something specific that others should be aware of and it would do more harm than good to list those. There are those from whom I have not purchased, just due to circumstances of what I was looking for at the time. I don''t have anything other than heresay to recommend these vendors, even tho I tend to think highly of them. Again, not my place to vouch for them since I have no direct experience, just opinions.

I don''t realistically see how you can compile a meaningful list here. I think people are better off searching for specific vendors and reading ongoing posts or posting specific questions to form their own opinions.

If someone is interested in adding data such as Matata has listed to your existing vendor comparison, that would most likely be useful to new shoppers.
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