
Will you marry me - Translation help!!

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Feb 17, 2006
Okay here''s one for anyone who is able to speak another language besides English. Part of my proposal, I am trying to incorporate different ways to say "Will You Marry Me?". Although I''ve got basic high school spanish under my belt and really don''t remember much of it. I know I can use a translation program over the web, but usually the syntax and stuff is just incorrect and you end up saying "Would you be my woman?" (I know someone who said that) or something that is no where near the real way to say it in the right language.

So anyone who can help me out... Every different way/translation will help out!!

Thanks to all in advance!
ok...I can definitely help here...since it is my 1st language!

te casarias conmigo? = would you marry me?

quieres ser mi esposa? = would you be my wife?

quiero pasar contigo el resto de mi vida = I want to spend the rest of my life with you

te amo = I love you...

I can go on and on...someone stop me!
GREAT! Thanks for the spanish! Now I need some other languages... French.. Italian.. you name it... I will definitely be using it in my proposal!

I appreaciate everyone''s help!!!
Try this link

It should let you translate into a number of different languages.
Oops! Sirevan I didnt read your entire post. You can disregard my post about babelfish.
Not a problem... I''ve already been there and just feel as though that some things could be missing from their translation. Hence my post.

But thanks for your suggestion anyway!
well...a way to say it in french would be

"veux-tu m''épouser?" (would you wish/like/want to marry me?)

it''s really an idiomatic thing though....have to ask a french person to be absolutely sure.

Hal turiidin tzauejni?

(OK, so I can''t make the right little transliteration symbols...this is probably no help.)
Ah... we''re getting somewhere! Thanks everyone! If anyone else has more translations... that would DEFINITELY be very useful! I appreciate all of your help!!!
I like languages. There have been other threads similar to this, but usually focused on just one language. This is a thread on Italian phrases one might use while proposing. I will also post a link to one on Portuguese phrases of the same nature.

in italiano

Here is the link to the thread on Portuguese. Wink speaks Portuguese. He might be able to help.


Date: 3/9/2006 4:16:32 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
well...a way to say it in french would be

'veux-tu m'épouser?' (would you wish/like/want to marry me?)

it's really an idiomatic thing though....have to ask a french person to be absolutely sure.

I'm not a French person, but I play one on T...oh, never mind. I think it would be more romantic to say something other than "Do you want to marry me?".

I would say, "Je t'aime beaucoup et je voudrais passer ma vie avec toi." ("I love you very much and I would like to spend my life with you.") THEN say, "Veux-tu m'épouser?" or, "Peux-tu me marier?" (Are you able to marry me?)

Où est M. Vincent Pardieu? Nous en avons besoin!

I believe that the translation in Afrikaans (bear in mind I have not spoken it with any frequency in 10 years), is:

Will jy met my trou? (Will you with me marry) (for pronunciation: "will" sounds like "vil"; "jy" sounds like "yay"; "met" is like the baseball team "mets", "my" is like the month "May"; "trou" is like "throw" without the H. "vil yay met may trow"

: )

I wish you well,

Date: 3/10/2006 10:08:55 AM
Author: AGBF

Date: 3/9/2006 4:16:32 PM

Author: rainbowtrout

well...a way to say it in french would be

'veux-tu m'épouser?' (would you wish/like/want to marry me?)

it's really an idiomatic thing though....have to ask a french person to be absolutely sure.

I'm not a French person, but I play one on T...oh, never mind. I think it would be more romantic to say something other than 'Do you want to marry me?'.

I would say, 'Je t'aime beaucoup et je voudrais passer ma vie avec toi.' ('I love you very much and I would like to spend my life with you.') THEN say, 'Veux-tu m'épouser?' or, 'Peux-tu me marier?' (Are you able to marry me?)

Où est M. Vincent Pardieu? Nous en avons besoin!



Hee! My favorite phrase in high school used to be "je t'aimerai demain!" (I'll love you tommorrow)

Weird ass grammer point I never knew until last semester--apparently if we are being anal retentive, it should be "nous avons besoin de lui". Only happens when the object of the preposition is a person. Weird. French grammer is so much worse than Arabic.

Anyway, Portugese is SO romantic in my opinion. It's the best of all possible language worlds. I wish I had a good reason to learn it...
Date: 3/10/2006 10:55:33 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
Weird ass grammer point I never knew until last semester--apparently if we are being anal retentive, it should be ''nous avons besoin de lui''. Only happens when the object of the preposition is a person.

Thank you, rainbowtrout! I love to learn grammar...English or that of a foreign language! Merci bien!

OT---really? Another grammar person?? Yay!!!!! I''m not obsessive about it when I speak, but I do like knowing how all the bits fit together.

Watashi to kekkon shiteiruno?

(Beware: this is only my "American who took Japanese in college" version; it may not be entirely perfect but it is grammatically correct and technically accurate to my knowledge)

I think one problem you may run into is that in some languages, "will you marry me?" doesn''t have the same ring and panache that it does in English; perhaps not a "traditional" way of proposing marriage in some cultures, or just sounds plain awkward.

Good luck!
I have been to India and studied Hindi-this one should work

In Hindi

Kya aap Mujhe shadii hae? (kyah aahp moojay shahdee hey)

You to me marry?
Date: 3/9/2006 4:16:32 PM
Author: rainbowtrout
well...a way to say it in french would be

'veux-tu m'épouser?' (would you wish/like/want to marry me?)

it's really an idiomatic thing though....have to ask a french person to be absolutely sure.

Hey, I'm a Frenchie (French Canadian)!

Yup, in French it's "Veux-tu m'épouser?"
And I'm hoping to hear that SOOOOON!!!

ETA: AGBF - Actually, "Peux-tu me marier?" sounds very awkward. "Veux-tu m'épouser?" is the question.
Here it is in Chinese:

Mandarin PinYin - Pronounciation without the tone marks: Qing Ni Jia Gei Wo Ba?
Cantonese: Neih Ga Bei Ngoh La? (Here's a link to help you with the pronounciation of the pronouns: Ngoh and Neih -

I don't know how to post the written Chinese on here. It's slightly different between the Mandarin and Cantonese version.
Ok I can put written Chinese on here with an attachment. Here it is all together. Hope it works.

Date: 3/10/2006 8:58:42 PM
Author: anchor31
AGBF - Actually, 'Peux-tu me marier?' sounds very awkward. 'Veux-tu m'épouser?' is the question.

It sounds bald to me in French, but I will bow to your superior knowledge. My Italian husband proposed to me in English in France and asked, "Would you like to marry me?". Italian is strange in its emphasis on distance for politeness. (One asks, "Would you be the plumber?" not, "Are you the plumber?" for instance.) At any rate, we had a moment of international confusion during which I thought I was being asked a hypothetical question! ;-)

Wow!! You guys are AWESOME!! Thank you so much for all your help. I''ve got so many to choose from! Keep sharing if you have any others, I''ve got a few more weeks and could use as many different translations as possible!!!

But thanks again!!! I''ll share the proposal story, after she says "YES!"... So stay tuned and keep those translations coming if you have any other ones!
Hi guys... Thanks to all for your help!

I''ve got some great stuff here. I''m a bit confused with the Italian thread, but would love to know exactly how to say "Will you Marry Me?" in Italian. I think once I have that one, in addition to the rest... I should be all set!

So if anyone knows, or has a friend that speaks fluent Italian, can you please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it!


In Italian, I believe it''s "Mi vuoi sposare?" (me vwoy spozaray - with the accent on the za)
How about the traditional Irish way of proposing - tug your flat cap over your eyes and mutter "would you like to be buried with my people"
Date: 3/10/2006 8:43:30 PM
Author: midgirl
I have been to India and studied Hindi-this one should work

In Hindi

Kya aap Mujhe shadii hae? (kyah aahp moojay shahdee hey)

You to me marry?
Hmm. My hindi isn''t great, but the last word here is wrong... hae = is. You want "will you marry me", not "is you marry me".
instead, try "kya tu meri patni banugee?" (will you be my wife?)
Date: 3/15/2006 1:54:50 PM
Author: Sirevan
if anyone knows, or has a friend that speaks fluent Italian, can you please let me know. I would greatly appreciate it!

I've got a husband fluent in Italian. He is now a US citizen, but he was born, raised, and educated (through university) in Italy. He said that technically "Mi vuoi sposare?" is correct. He said that he doesn't know if that is what is usually asked when someone is proposing (and reminded me that he never had to propose in Italian). He did say that, in Italian, that question sounds bald. (Italian is very genteel. One is never direct.) He would be inclined to ask, "Vorresti sposarmi?" if he had to ask in Italian.

That is pronounced, "Vohr-ray-stee spo-zar-mee?". The "o" in "vohr" is long.

Here''s a link to ask her to marry you in sign language (I didn''t know how to type it out...this will be easier)
My parents are from Italy and I've taken a few high school courses so my tenses may not be perfect, but everything sounds more romantic in Italian - at least in my opinion. Here are a few sayings that I think are on target or close to it. Good luck!

cara, ti voglio bene con tutto il mio cuore. Voglio sapere se voi essere la mia sposa.

my dear, i care for you deeply with all of my heart. I want to know if you want to be my wife.

Amore, ogni giorno e speciale perche tu sei nella mia vita. Ti vuoi sposare con me? Dimmi si!

My love, every day is special because you are in my life. Do you want to get married with me? Tell me yes!

Quando sono con te, il mondo si ferma. Tu sei la piu bella donna nel mondo. Amore mia, vorrei essere la signora ____________.

When I'm with you, the world stops. You are the most beautiful young lady in the world. My love, would you like to be Mrs. _______________ (your last name).
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