
What do you do when you are hit on???

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Thanks Miranda! My neighbour wears a bikini all summer, and I usually wear shorts or a skirt on the bottom, but she doesn''t. And another neighbour does what I do. Although I am "inland", maybe we are more okay with this in Calgary?!?!
Yup. I think different cities have different norms. Or maybe we are both just hoochys. I''ll be willing to bet our hubbies are happy!
Whoops, sorry, I''m feeling a little spunky today!
Or the neighbourhood men......
But Miranda do you wonder when you are in your bikini in the frozen food sections why men are hitting on you?

LC, if you feel comfortable go for it. Sounds like your neighborhood does. But it seems like this sort of attention bothers you.
Heehee! You guys are funny!

I just thought I lived in a very friendly place because the men here are just sooooo nice (said in a most innocent voice).

I do have to say that I do not personally wear a bikini to the grocery store. It just would not be weird to see someone with one on there. Mine is only on at home, the beach. or the pool.
I agree with Miranda, I guess it totally depends on where you live, I live in Sweden (with a chilly climate) and as soon as spring hits people start to hang out in their bikinis
. People do gardening in their front- or backyards, or hang out on their balconies in their bikinis, it's not a big deal, or uhm, no one raises an eyebrow over a bikini top. I used to live in an area with a lot of appartment buildings, and with some green sceneries, We would always hang out in the fields in our bikinis, where a lot of people would pass by (i'm a very private person otherwise, and don't wear provocative clothes), so it's not like i'm "hoochy" or whatever. I mean shouldn't I be able to wear a bikinitop during the summer months unless i'm at the beach? I think some places are very okey to wear a bikini and doing gardening in your yard is one of them... I think you should dress however you feel comfortable (as long as it is appropriate) and I def don't find wearing a bikinitop in your front yard as inappropriate. I don't know, it might just be that people here are very liberal?

ETA: I don't wear my bikini to the grocery store either, It wouldn't really fulfill a purpose for me, and I would feel wierd...
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
I thought Calgary was cold!

In the OC, where 50%+ of houses of pools (Google earth,) I would never expect to see a woman do her gardening in a bikini top.

However, I have gone to the grocery store in a bikini top/skirt. Sometimes you just have to run to the store really fast.

I guess it's the opposite.
Date: 5/29/2008 6:33:33 PM
Author: JulieN
I thought Calgary was cold!

In the OC, where 50%+ of houses of pools (Google earth,) I would never expect to see a woman do her gardening in a bikini top.

However, I have gone to the grocery store in a bikini top/skirt. Sometimes you just have to run to the store really fast.

I guess it''s the opposite.
No? We don''t want funky farmer''s tan when we are at the beach. Haha...In reality you probably wouldn''t see women gardening here period. There are landscapers for that, LOL!
Date: 5/29/2008 6:29:46 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
Start postin'' your pics then!
Date: 5/29/2008 6:51:24 PM
Author: Miranda
No? We don''t want funky farmer''s tan when we are at the beach. Haha...In reality you probably wouldn''t see women gardening here period. There are landscapers for that, LOL!
Yeah, exactly.
Date: 5/29/2008 6:53:46 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 5/29/2008 6:29:46 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
Start postin'' your pics then!
don''t think anybody wants to see me in a bikini
If I get a creeped out vibe I nod and keep moving. No chance am I getting close to someone who gives me a spooky vibe, no offense. I am going to thank them, be apologetic, make comments. Off I go.

If a guy is clearly and I mean clearly asking, I say, I am married, but thanks.

Also, we have all become so concerned and sometimes rightly, but sometimes a guy is just being nice and is NOT really trying to start anything. I mean, it is often blatant (Are you single and Do you want to have lunch are sort of OBVIOUS), but a guy smiling and saying certain things are not necessarily to ask you out.

When I have a guy say I look nice or hot or whatever, I say, thanks! You and my hubby agree!

I am sure spring fever has hit, and with the gorgeous weather and such, I am not surprised some of the cute PS''ers garnering some attention!
Hmmm... I guess the front yard/bikini top issue is probably pretty dependent on location. I assume I live in an area similar to Tacori, because it would definitely draw some stares in my town (well, in the suburban town I grew up in... nobody has front yards here in the city!). But we''re 2-3 hours away from any beaches, so bikinis are mostly reserved for pools and lakes and country clubs. Occasionally I''ll see girls tanning in swimsuits in the park here, but nobody over the age of 25, really. People are generally a bit more conservative here on the east coast though, I''ve gathered.

But like others have said, if it''s part of the culture of your particular area, and you''re okay with attracting a bit of attention, then it''s probably not a big deal!
I would say Calgary is pretty liberal. I think since we do have "cold" winters (I don''t really think it is that cold - usually not much below 0C for the winter), people are anxious to get out and dress very "summery" in the warm summer months. So I think it is not unusual in my area, but obviously it would be in other areas!
Date: 5/29/2008 7:29:42 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 5/29/2008 6:53:46 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 5/29/2008 6:29:46 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
Start postin'' your pics then!
don''t think anybody wants to see me in a bikini
Hey DF, you could use your red cumberbun as the bikini top!
Date: 5/30/2008 4:46:16 PM
Author: sevens one

Date: 5/29/2008 7:29:42 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 5/29/2008 6:53:46 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 5/29/2008 6:29:46 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
Start postin'' your pics then!
don''t think anybody wants to see me in a bikini
Hey DF, you could use your red cumberbun as the bikini top!
are you folks bragging or complaining?
Date: 5/30/2008 4:46:16 PM
Author: sevens one

Hey DF, you could use your red cumberbun as the bikini top!
are they still in style?
Date: 5/29/2008 12:23:27 PM
Author: ephemery1
If I''m talking to a guy and sense he is being more flirty than friendly, I''ll usually make sure my wedding/e-ring are in plain sight and wave them around a bit. If he persists, I figure he''s kind of a jerk, and have no problem saying ''sorry, I''m not interested'' if the conversation results in some sort of invitation. If he''s a nice guy and just clueless, I''ll sometimes say ''I''m married actually'', to avoid making him feel totally rejected. So depends on the situation, I guess...

My friend and I were just talking the other day about how I get hit on 10 times more often when my hair looks nice... it is the funniest thing. When it''s pulled back in a ponytail, nothing. But when it''s long and straight and shiny, freshly blow-dryed, hanging halfway down my back, I''ll get multiple comments just on the way to work in the morning... and the impact is especially dramatic when I''m wearing black and my hair looks more blonde. Once when I was walking home from the hairdresser around rush-hour, a car actually plowed right into another car right there on the street beside me. Both guys got out of their cars and the one guy yelled, ''If you hadn''t been looking at that girl, you could have been looking where you were going!!'' I almost died of embarrassment on the spot.
I do this as well. I can actually tell ahead of time before they even speak whether they are going to approach you or say something to strike up a conversation. I am polite if they strike up conversation, and they usually get the message that clearly I am unavailable.
I don''t ever get hit on. I can''t remember the last time that happened to me. I''m very shy, so I never make eye contact with people. Plus, I never leave the house without my ipod, so I''m not really connected to my environment. Even if I don''t feel like listening to music I''ll still put my earbuds in, just so people will think I can''t hear them if they talk to me.
Date: 5/30/2008 4:51:07 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 5/30/2008 4:46:16 PM
Author: sevens one

Date: 5/29/2008 7:29:42 PM
Author: Dancing Fire

Date: 5/29/2008 6:53:46 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 5/29/2008 6:29:46 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
all these bikini talk but no pictures ?
Start postin' your pics then!
don't think anybody wants to see me in a bikini
Hey DF, you could use your red cumberbun as the bikini top!

LC, just my 2 cents; I wouldn't be wearing a bikini if you don't want men hitting on you.
Here''s the thing. I was driving down the road the other day, and there was a bunch of very attractive men, wearing board shorts and nothing else. They had the bodies to pull it off and look great. Did I hollar at them? No, I looked, admired, and moved on. They enjoyed their afternoon, getting some sun.

Why can''t a woman do the same thing??? Why can''t I wear a bikini and not get demeaned and made to feel uncomfortable?

Okay, rant done.
Date: 6/2/2008 4:11:47 PM
Author: LitigatorChick
Here''s the thing. I was driving down the road the other day, and there was a bunch of very attractive men, wearing board shorts and nothing else. They had the bodies to pull it off and look great. Did I hollar at them? No, I looked, admired, and moved on. They enjoyed their afternoon, getting some sun.

Why can''t a woman do the same thing??? Why can''t I wear a bikini and not get demeaned and made to feel uncomfortable?

Okay, rant done.
emcrook.gif know I love you girl...but...from one bikini wearer to another, if you show your body, someone is going to look at it. Period. They might do it politely, or they might do it rudely, but honey, they are gonna do it.

I''ve gardened/washed the car in a bikini top & board shorts plenty of times. If someone were to whistle, I''d just ignore it. But we have a large property and all our friends and their kiddos come over to swim, play basketball, etc in the summer, and all of us girls wear our bikinis.....granted, I tend to toss on board shorts or a sarong if I''m running around lately (working off the "I had 2 babies" jelly belly) but I see absolutely see nothing wrong with wearing a bikini top. I look weird in a one piece or a tankini, and I''ve never been able to pull one off. I look best in a simple triangle top & string bikini...its what I live in during the summer. Oh well.... I grew up waterskiing & scuba diving like that too....I still ski in a bikini....I just tie that bottom on HELLA TIGHT! lol....
Okay - I''m done my rant and I agree with ya Diver. But girl, you are gonna get looks if you don''t tie up those bottoms good and tight!!!
Lit Chick - MEN. ARE. VISUAL. Women are not . . . As much

Really, though, men are much more visual than women are hence the large market for *adult* materials. Perhaps I''m naive, but, I don''t think women frequent those types of sites quite as often.
Date: 6/2/2008 11:29:55 PM
Author: Miranda
Lit Chick - MEN. ARE. VISUAL. Women are not . . . As much

Really, though, men are much more visual than women are hence the large market for *adult* materials. Perhaps I''m naive, but, I don''t think women frequent those types of sites quite as often.

I agree with Miranda and Diver.
Hey LitigatorChick, next time some guy looks at you and says, "looking hot", turn right around, look him dead in the eye and say "I know!" then laugh and walk away. That usually does the trick.

I don't usually see a reason to get snappy - most can be ignored. Although I do recall having to tell a pushy member of the opposite sex that I was married. His response, "So? I don't want to marry you." Holy cow. My head just about exploded. Men can be pigs.

There are some items of clothing that are as small as a bathing suit--my tankini covers more than some tank tops I see folks wearing. Does that mean people should not wear what they want? Does it necessarily imply they are being provocative? A resounding "no", IMHO.

We were talking about this yeaterday, and my DH and told me the young gal at the bank had a very revealing wrap style dress on. A DVF perhaps. He said she looked very welll in it. But does it necessarily follow, her wearing the dress was an inviation for a comment from my DH or any other person?

I''ll never forget a stand up comic talking about this subject--his routine was about women and men: and how every woman who was available was out there and obviously waiting for "him", "Ya, they are walking down the street and that meant they were ready for him". It is subject matter for comics for a reason.........

I am unrepentent for wearing bathing suits in the privacy of my back yard and at the pool; and tank tops on a hot day. If men think I am out there "for them" then I am sorry for their delusion!!!!

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