
What about YOU drives your SO crazy?


Apr 30, 2005
Of course none of this is true :tongue: , but . . . I've been told . . .

I yawn too loudly.
I'm a control freak.
I have double standards.
I act like I'm always right.
I act as though the house is mine, not ours.
"His" dogs are better-behaved than "my" parrot, and this is my fault.
I should eat at fast food restaurants with him, just like "normal" people.
I shouldn't worry about the house being perfect before people come over.

I could go on.


Jun 25, 2007
I am forgetful and absent minded. I lose keys, phones, wallets... you name it.
I cannot park my large truck in compact parking spots.
I am defensive and smart off when I'm angry, normally without thinking.
I'm a worry wort.
I'm a backseat driver.
I eat sushi.
I watch movies a lot. SO can't sit through them.
I like alternative rock, he can't stand it.
I am a shopaholic.
I read a lot. SO was raised in a non reading world, so he's not as interested and feels like it's a waste of time that could be spent outside.

These are all self admitted issues as well. LOL! I totally know I do all of it.


Mar 11, 2010
I am one of those annoying people who hits the snooze alarm 5 times.


Jul 7, 2004
Number 1 would be control freak. I also am very passive aggressive. And my standards for myself, my work and other people's work (and themselves) are like ridiculously high and unwavering, and that I write people/businesses off IMMEDIATELY when there is anything less than perfection. It's non-negotiable. He also doesn't prefer that I shop a lot, that I have an absurd magazine collection, that I am ridiculously cynical (he considers anything besides farting rainbows "negative") and that I don't see the positives in most things, that I am too honest for my own good, and that I have taken over the bathroom as my own. He's a boy. He has three grooming items. Why does he need a whole shelf in the closet? STFU.


Jul 7, 2004
KittyGolightly|1318436216|3038584 said:
I am one of those annoying people who hits the snooze alarm 5 times.
I was til him. He sleeps SO lightly that any noise ruins him. When we first slept in the same bed, it didn't last too long because I am a snoozer. I had to adapt to that if I wanted to sleep in the same bedroom. I now see the error of my ways. :naughty:


Apr 26, 2007
Standard disclaimer about none of this being true applies.

Apparently, I:

-leave the floor damp after showers
- do not empty the garbage can often enough
- could stand to run the Roomba more often
- have a serious problem when it comes to flea markets, and, more specifically, wanting company when I visit them
- never want to watch the movies he wants to watch (he likes bad shark movies, can you blame me?)

And so on and so forth. Foul calumny, all of it.


Apr 25, 2008
I must know, Dragonfly. How the heck does your eating sushi "drive your SO crazy"...? How does that have any effect on him whatsoever?


Apr 25, 2008
Things I do to drive DH crazy:

- I can't remember to put cereal away. This does not occur with any other food item. JUST cereal. DH can't stand it, and I have NO idea why I have this weird issue with cereal.

- I can't make decisions when I'm hungry, and I get REALLY cranky. So when I'm hungry, he'll ask where I want to eat, and I simply cannot answer him, and progressively get more and more angry from being more and more hungry, to the point where we actually FIGHT about dinner. I, apparently, must be fed on a strict schedule.

- I put his things away and then he can't find them. This is his problem though. If he put his stuff away the first few times I asked, I wouldn't be forced to do it myself! Hmph!


Aug 10, 2010
Funny thing with most of the stuff I do that annoys my SO is that they are his fault! :roll:

- I am messy and have a tendency to leave a trail of stuff around me. The part that bothers him however is when I leave my stuff in the living room. Thing is that he makes the same mess but that's all right since he does it in our second bedroom which now is exclusively the room for his toys, computers, swords and knives, etc. Except for sleep and funny stuff he does not want me camping out in our bedroom, which leaves me the living room. So I usually have my laptop, pens and paper, etc (I am a student) on the living room table, which annoys him. Go figure!

- I leave clothes in the living room. Reason: he wakes up later than I do and our wardrobes are in the bedroom. So I leave some stuff in the living room since I either forget to take out stuff the night before or when I do remember the Swedish weather is being it's unpredictable self again.

- I don't wake up if I get a text during the night. The reason? I have to wear industrial strength earplugs because SO snores very VERY loudly.

A couple that are my bad.

- I am a time optimist, usually never late but often doing stuff the last second.

- I very rarely roll my eyes which drives him nuts.

And one thing that more than annoys him he just plain dislikes.

At home and in my private life I am a warm, sometimes too nice, don't feel the need at all to take commando and generally ditsy person.

Professionally and in school I usually end up in the leadership role and can be a ball-breaker when I need to. The first time he heard me take one of those calls on a Sunday when the work of 2 months is going down the drain and the deadline is in 12 hours, he did not recognize the person he says I became.


Apr 26, 2007
elledizzy5|1318438726|3038615 said:
Things I do to drive DH crazy:

- I can't remember to put cereal away. This does not occur with any other food item. JUST cereal. DH can't stand it, and I have NO idea why I have this weird issue with cereal.

- I can't make decisions when I'm hungry, and I get REALLY cranky. So when I'm hungry, he'll ask where I want to eat, and I simply cannot answer him, and progressively get more and more angry from being more and more hungry, to the point where we actually FIGHT about dinner. I, apparently, must be fed on a strict schedule.

- I put his things away and then he can't find them. This is his problem though. If he put his stuff away the first few times I asked, I wouldn't be forced to do it myself! Hmph!

Ha! Me too. After 8 years of knowing me, 5 years of being with me, and the countless times when I have told him that if he does not do something and feed me I will bite his face off, he's no longer even vaguely irritable about it: he just makes sure he has some raw meat on him at all times, like the lion-tamer at the zoo.

Hey, dude, whatever works ....


Apr 20, 2010
It drives DH crazy that I'm really indecisive. There are days where I cannot make a decision to save my life. He'll ask me what I want for dinner and I'll say "I don't care," but then when he suggests something, it doesn't sound good. What can I say - it's easier to know what I don't want than what I do want.

I'm also really clumsy and spill things frequently (see recent thread regarding nail polish removed-ruined coffee table). He knows it was an accident so he wasn't mad, but I'm sure he was biting his tongue in annoyance.

He can't understand why my feet/hands are also ice-cold and why I must warm myself on him.

I'm more of a project-starter, while he's a finisher. I like to start a million things and never finish them.

Oh and this is one that has driven everyone I've ever lived with nuts (including my mom, ex, and DH). I don't like to finish certain food items (like cereal). So I'll get tired of a cereal halfway through the box, buy another kind, and eventually we end up with 8 half-finished boxes of cereal in our house. OR I'll go on a food kick, buy/make a lot of it, and then get sick of it halfway through. Then I never want it again, so it just sits there and goes stale. My mom used to pull her hair out, because I've done this since early childhood. I'd announce that I loved some certain type of food, my doting/retired/bored dad would go out and dutifully buy 21 boxes of potato pancake mix, and then I'd never eat it again.

I'm sure I'm actually an extremely annoying person to live with - plus we're both only children, so we've both made major adjustments in sharing/living peacefully with someone. To our credit, I think we've done a good job. There were frequent wars in our apartment the first year we lived together (we almost broke up) but I think we've both learned to become less selfish and to make adjustments for the other person.


Sep 3, 2009
Some rumors about me, spread by DH:

I'm negative. As in, "We need to get the chimney cleaned, it's been 3 yrs, dangerous to have fires in it." See, I'm anticipating the worst, when Fires Only Happen to Other People. Similar stuff all the time!

I read murder mysteries, which are a waste of time.

Major procrastinator -- (ergo, the chimney hasn't been cleaned in 3 yrs!). There may...just a shred of truth in this. :devil:

I baby the animals by taking them to the vet before they drop over dead, when HE hasn't been to a doctor in 5 years. I'm still working on the relationship between these...


Nov 3, 2009
Disorganization. He hates it, and so do I.

I diagnosed myself with ADHD as soon as I found out about this syndrome and everything that may surprise you in my postings comes straight from it. I am surprised at achieving anything in life with such a a problem - I think coffee and good sleep help a lot. I have never been on stimulants because of a very severe illness. On the other hand, surviving in another country and having two kids despite a potentially debilitating medical problem and ADHD are actually two things my husband and I both respect me for. But ADHD is vexing... To both of us. Basically he is my husband, the father of my kids and also my personal secretary. Luckily, he is super-organized and a control freak so me being so relaxed and not getting stuck on things suits his personality well.


Jul 28, 2008
I love this thread - very funny.

I have just asked SO this question and he has alleged -

- I am a born worrier and I completely over think things - or as he put it "you really like a good worry".

- I have a slightly obsessive nature and am always all-guns-blazing-can't-think-about-anything-else for my current 'thing' until I complete it/get it.

- I am a champion sulker.

- I spend a lot of money on childrens clothes. (I would have liked to argue the toss with this but when a Boden parcel popped through the door this week our three year old daughter recognised the packaging and shouted "new clothes!!!!").

Jennifer W

Jun 18, 2010
elledizzy5|1318438726|3038615 said:
- I can't make decisions when I'm hungry, and I get REALLY cranky. So when I'm hungry, he'll ask where I want to eat, and I simply cannot answer him, and progressively get more and more angry from being more and more hungry, to the point where we actually FIGHT about dinner. I, apparently, must be fed on a strict schedule.

I could have written that! We have fought over whether to have fish and chips with vinegar or sauce.

J says that nothing really annoys him, because it's "just me being me." I think that's a polite way of saying that I annoy him so much and in so many ways that it isn't possible to list 'em all...


Sep 16, 2009
Where do I start!

I sleep in and he likes to get going in the morning
I use my laptop in bed
I leave hair in the shower
I eat too much junk food
I procrastinate doing the sewing to the point that he'll put something in the sewing pile and get it back in 6 months
I read before bed and fall asleep with the light on
I have too many shoes by the front door

I'm sure there's more.


Dec 18, 2007
KittyGolightly|1318436216|3038584 said:
I am one of those annoying people who hits the snooze alarm 5 times.

me too, and i'm messy. drives DH crazy.


Jul 28, 2007
I never (and I mean NEVER) replace the toilet paper after I finish the last of it.

I'm passive aggressive (see #1 above)

I have a terrible short term memory (so he says, but I maintain that said conversation never happened)

I always get what I want (this is true)

I'm too positive, optimistic and upbeat for his taste (he's French - all dark and broody and disgruntled 24/7)

I'm too much of a Capitalist for his Socialist sensibilities (see the bit above about him being French)

I sometimes sneak a cigarette here and there (quit smoking years ago, occasionally sneak one to accompany a cold beer or hot coffee when hanging out with other smokers, always get caught red handed)

He thinks I'm a neat freak, which is laughable, cuz I'm soooo not! I think I'm a mild to moderate slob, and that he's just utterly gross :)

I never, ever, ever admit when I'm wrong. Because I'm never wrong. That's a fact.

I'm not very self-disciplined. I don't always follow through on things - I'm more laid back and he's very regimented and has tons of self control.

Hmmmm, I'm sure there's lots more, but these are the most notable ones I can think of!

ETA - the snooze button on the alarm is a big one! Reading someone else's post above reminded me. DH gets up on the first ring. I need about 40 minutes worth of snooze hits before I can even open my eyes.


Dec 29, 2006
I worry too much.
I can hold a grudge BIG TIME.
I'm really stubborn. (See #2.)
I don't like to admit to being wrong. (See #3.)
I'm clumsy. Really clumsy. I accidentally dropped the remote on my nose the other night and then burst into tears right away. It HURT! My husband didn't know whether to laugh or console me.
I'm early for everything. If I arrive somewhere on time, I feel like I'm late.


Nov 16, 2008
Zoe|1318458437|3038851 said:
I worry too much.
I can hold a grudge BIG TIME.
I'm really stubborn. (See #2.)
I don't like to admit to being wrong. (See #3.)
I'm clumsy. Really clumsy. I accidentally dropped the remote on my nose the other night and then burst into tears right away. It HURT! My husband didn't know whether to laugh or console me.
I'm early for everything. If I arrive somewhere on time, I feel like I'm late.

Are we related, Zoe? LOL I am the same exact way!
I'm also very passive aggressive. :Up_to_something:


Apr 20, 2010
Lil Misfit|1318466121|3038920 said:
Zoe|1318458437|3038851 said:
I worry too much.
I can hold a grudge BIG TIME.
I'm really stubborn. (See #2.)
I don't like to admit to being wrong. (See #3.)
I'm clumsy. Really clumsy. I accidentally dropped the remote on my nose the other night and then burst into tears right away. It HURT! My husband didn't know whether to laugh or console me.
I'm early for everything. If I arrive somewhere on time, I feel like I'm late.

Are we related, Zoe? LOL I am the same exact way!
I'm also very passive aggressive. :Up_to_something:

Ahaha, I must be a long lost relative, too. Pretty much all of these apply to me except maybe always being early. But I'm an admitted grudge-holder who is never wrong. Oh yeah, and I've also injured myself with the remote.


Apr 19, 2010
This thread is too funny! I can fully admit that I annoy my husband as much as he annoys me:

-I am messy.
-I have too much "stuff" and because of #1, its all over the house.
-I always leave dishes in the sink.
-I am impatient and I get too worked up about things.
-Every time we leave the house I have to go back in because I forgot something. It never fails.
-I leave too many shoes by the front door.

I'm really indecisive too but he is just as bad as I am so I don't think I drive him crazy. You should see us trying to make the simplest of decisions though, its ridiculous :???: I'm terribly clumsy too but I don't think that drives him crazy.


Apr 30, 2005
I realize when reading these that I too am guilty of many of them.
What have I done? I've created a monster. ;(


Dec 25, 2009
I'm condescending.
I sometimes leave the laundry in the dryer and then his shirts are wrinkly. (He could probably do the laundry himself if he felt like it.)
I wake him up annoyingly when he doesn't wake up to his alarm clock.
My hair clogs the drain.

Other than that, I'm perfect...

ETA: SO says...
I don't use fabric softener. (once again, he could do the laundry if he wanted.)
I nag a lot.


Aug 8, 2005
So VERY MANY THINGS. There isn't enough time to list them all!


Dec 21, 2004
ericad|1318453598|3038798 said:
I never (and I mean NEVER) replace the toilet paper after I finish the last of it.

I'm passive aggressive (see #1 above)

LOL!!! Eriacad, this is too funny! :lol:

This is the best thread I've read in a while. I'm reading these to DH and... well... funny, he doesn't seem to find them as hilarious as I do. :confused: :lol: I'll have to come back and post some of my "bad behavior" according to DH.


Dec 21, 2004
ame|1318436483|3038588 said:
Number 1 would be control freak. I also am very passive aggressive. And my standards for myself, my work and other people's work (and themselves) are like ridiculously high and unwavering, and that I write people/businesses off IMMEDIATELY when there is anything less than perfection. It's non-negotiable. He also doesn't prefer that I shop a lot, that I have an absurd magazine collection, that I am ridiculously cynical (he considers anything besides farting rainbows "negative") and that I don't see the positives in most things, that I am too honest for my own good, and that I have taken over the bathroom as my own. He's a boy. He has three grooming items. Why does he need a whole shelf in the closet? STFU.

Ame, I thought I was the only one with a DH like this. I swear, sometimes he (and ILs) live in a bad Disney movie. I call it their 'happy bubble' complete with rainbows, blue birds and puppy dogs.


Oct 11, 2008
Jennifer W|1318450658|3038768 said:
elledizzy5|1318438726|3038615 said:
- I can't make decisions when I'm hungry, and I get REALLY cranky. So when I'm hungry, he'll ask where I want to eat, and I simply cannot answer him, and progressively get more and more angry from being more and more hungry, to the point where we actually FIGHT about dinner. I, apparently, must be fed on a strict schedule.

I could have written that! We have fought over whether to have fish and chips with vinegar or sauce.

J says that nothing really annoys him, because it's "just me being me." I think that's a polite way of saying that I annoy him so much and in so many ways that it isn't possible to list 'em all...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Hilarious! I think this would be my DH's response, as well... He wouldn't know where to begin :Up_to_something: I drive the man batty!


Apr 19, 2004

He doesn't like the way I don't like the way he does dishes.



Jul 28, 2009
He hates that I'm constantly asking him to repeat himself. He mumbles, I don't hear well, and I'm often not paying attention when he starts talking out of the blue...bad combination.

He also thinks I routinely take simple things down an illogical path and reach the absolute wrong conclusion, but I don't agree with that one. I'm just more creative and expansive in my thinking!
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