
Well I got the BAD news outta him

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Feb 27, 2006
My ring is nowhere near complete. The woman that is making the ring, doesn''t do the casting, they had it sent out for that. She had it sent out the first time and it was horrible, she asked them to do it again and when it came back the second time, she said it just wasn''t enough for her to work with and although she could definitely make it nice, she didn''t feel comfortable with the quality and it would jeopordising the integrity later down the road. She said that the ring would not have held up a life time and she didn''t want me to be in for constant repairs. So.... she''s sent it out to a completely new caster and was expecting it back any day, this was a week or 2 ago when my b/f inquired about it. They have been incontact all this time, but b/f didn''t want to say anything to me, to try and keep it a surprise.... And he tells me you just have to be patient! HA if only he knew I have been patient, but he doesn''t see that. Then he asked me how he should ask, and I said "Gee, you had 5 months to really think about that, you should know by now." (nice blow)
Since I had to beat the information out of him.

She was extremely apologetic and she knows we''ve been waiting a long time. B/f sympathizes, she knows it''s beyond her control, but I just had to know it''s been nearly 5 months! He told her wilth the drama with our dog, there''s no way he would have proposed anyway, so she knows everything even the status of our dog, she''s been asking about him. (In case some of you don''t know my dog, Boomer has seizures back in Oct. and was misdiagnosed, until Feb. we finally found out he has diabetes, and by march he went blind!. Yesterday I was rushing him to the vet with a urinary tract injection as there was blood in his urine from the spike in sugar the other day. not fun)

So what are your guesses, A month and a half away???


Mar 24, 2007
Oh, hun, you''ll make it through! Just try and remember that in reality you have one important goal - to marry him. Everything else - the rings, wedding, honeymoon, are really just the icing on a huge cake. The ring needs to last a lifetime because you want the marriage to last a lifetime, so what''s another 2 months compared to that? A drop in the bucket, really.

Though..all that is what my married friend tells me every time I talk about waiting and/or looking forward to wedding planning. I think it''s good advice, which is why I shared it, but I understand how crazy you can go wanting it RIGHT NOW and it not coming day after day, week after week!

Just try to keep your chin up, Mustang. I''m so sorry to hear about boomer. Give him a big hug from us on PS.


Nov 6, 2005
5 months is a long time! but now you''re in the final stretch and you should try to enjoy this time of anticipation!


Jan 30, 2007
Mustang hang in and it will get finished and be gorgeous I''m sure

I''m so sorry to hear about boomer what a terrible thing that he was not diagnosed properly and that the poor dear lost his sight. Hopefully you guys will be able to get the diabetes under control and he can have a good life. My thoughts are totally with you I adore dogs and owners who care about these creatures who can''t speak for themselves, pets are a wonderful gift I think.
My little one (baby) started getting seizures about 2 years ago but sadly it was not diabetes and they got worse and we had to put her down

Anyway your ring will be home on your finger really soon so just keep visualizing that until it actually happens that''s what I did LOL.
All the best!


Aug 8, 2006

I''m so sorry about the delay on your ring. And I''m sure your b/f has been going over and over this proposal in his mind, and how to do it. Like you said, he''s had PLENTY of time! I''m sure it''s going to be REALLY special!! Hang in there, and just know that it''s going to be perfect. The ring especially.

Sorry to hear about Boomer. Poor little guy.


Jan 25, 2005
5 months for two-ish castings???
The only good thing here is that she has been in contact with your bf and that she wants to do quality work. However, this is taking longer than a snail trudging through peanut butter!
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