
Weekly Workout Thread 1st April till 6th April

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May 14, 2006
It''s just past 9pm here and I''m already in bed-so so lazy
We booked our gospel choir
They are so so amazing-I cannot wait until our wedding day. They sang with such passion and enthusiasm. So excited! They''re the dublin gospel choir for anyone that''s interested from Ireland.

Marcy-sorry to hear about everything falling today-I hate it when you have days like that. D''s not that chatty when he''s fishing either-he likes to concentrate
. We went to Kerry (south of Ireland) last year on a mini-holiday as his birthday present as the fishing down there is amazing. It was on the condition that Amber came too so I had someone to keep me company. It worked out great and we''re going for a week this summer. I''ve never played golf before-not sure I''d be into it. Your breakfast sounds so good. I just stuck to my crunchy nut cornflakes again-not very adventurous in the morning.

Night all-hope you had a good Sunday!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi All! Hubby and I had a super wonderful weekend; finally just now we are able to relax a bit. Yesterday we got up and went to the Very Large Array (approx 2 hrs away). We left at 9:30am, the VLA is the world's premier astronomical radio observatories; here is a link if you are interested in looking. They only give tours 2x a year so I really wanted to learn more about it and see this for myself as I had only seen it in movies like Contact, Ind Day, etc. I will post some pics later, and then we got home from the VLA at about 4pm; I had to shower and then to a friends birthday party.

This morning we ran to the farmers market and it is such a gorgeous day and we were talking about riding bikes. Well, I complain about my bike because it isn't the best bike in the world so the bike I rode in Paris rocked and left me really wanting a nice new one. Well hubby says lets go check out the bikes at this bike specialty shop near our house so we did and I found a super nice mid range Giant brand bike. So today we rode bikes for 1 hr and 45 mins; I love my new bike whooo hoooo. . . no more crappy bike anymore.
hehe Well now hubby is making a wonderful soup w/the veggies we bought from the Farmers Market, chicken breast and white beans, yum. I also got a great haircut today and won a prize at the local TJ's for grocery's, YAY!!! So overall a great weekend!!

Appletini, thank you for the kudos; I love frosty's but the oranges were perfectly sweet so that helped. Hope you had a great walk jog. Fun for a bachelorette party in Vegas; you will be in great shape for it!

Patiently Waiting, I am sending good weather vibes your way!! Yay for kickboxing! Hope you get to ice skate this weekend!

Hey Linda, how are the grandsons feeling? You sound like a great grandmother!!!

Bee, I love lasagna; I am sure you are fine! Wow, you are a busy bee w/all the wedding stuff! How was the gospel choir meeting today?

Kimi, hope you are having a fab time in AZ!!!! We miss you! Glad you get to pop in sometime this week!

Monnie, darn to the cubs game! Yay for walking and weights good for you!!! Yay for the weight loss! I am also eating more veggies; they are great!

PHX, whooo hooo for the 10k, you will do great!

Rod, hope you had a great workout. Wow, darn to going straight to summer weather; I can't handle humidity. . . I start to melt. hehe Hope it cools off! Yay DHW will be here before we know it, yay!

Hey Miss DeeJay, we miss you around here; glad you checked in!

LP, cute new avatar!! Thanks for the kudos, your cupcakes looks so cute! I had mexican yesterday too and I think I ate too much, darn mexican food. hehe

Marcy, maybe you can take up sewing again so you can keep busy. Or go for a short walk to keep your mind off eating. How is the weather; I hope warmer for ya.

Thanks for letting me share a pic of my bike; also you get to see my wisteria and flower/rock garden!!! Have a great evening all



Feb 27, 2007
The lasagna was great. I have to run the dishwasher twice because there are so many dishes but we get 4 meals out of one pan (I get a 1/12 per meal and Marty gets twice that).
Bee, I eat cheerios during the week but have a bigger breakfast on the weekends. One day I went to drive the cart when my husband wanted to play golf. He paired up with another 3 guys and other than golf shots they barely talked. I told my husband if that had been 4 women we would have known each other’s life stories by the 9th hole. How wonderful to have an amazing choir for your wedding. When is the big day?
Skippy, I didn’t know they only give tours 2 times a year at VLA. I will be anxious to see your photos. Wow, you had a great weekend – got to see the VLA, got a new bike, have a new a hairdo and won free groceries. Yippee. Once I get used to having my husband gone on Saturday and Sunday morning I do fine but just the first few weekends are boring. I’ve been thinking about sewing again. I am knitting a vest and always have school work to do. I tend to go shopping more then too. Your new bike is pretty and your flowers are lovely.

I’m off to dish up some slow churned and have some mini hostess cupcakes with it.



Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, you dinner sounded yummy! I just read your post so my pics of the Very Large Array are out in hangout
If you go you will want to plan to go when they are closer in; they should be closer in come this fall. Right now they are in the C configuration; it takes 16 months to gather the data that is why the configurations changes from A-D (A is 14 miles apart from each other and D is the closest) . It is really cool!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey From Dreary and Super Wet Tampa...........

The day started off a little overcast, but then the rains started and it hasn''t let up now for over 8 hours. We could certainly use the rain, but like I said in an earlier post, this is supposed to be one of our driest months of the year, so it''s just odd. At least it wasn''t hot today. And since the weather was just so lousy, neither of us felt up to working out, so we just braved the rains, did our grocery shopping and came home and watched a movie on the Sundance Channel. For dinner we had fresh salmon, with sauteed spinach and fresh silver queen corn. We decided to brave the rain and go get a cup of coffee at Sbucks after dinner, but of course we couldn''t sit under the oak. It was actually fun as everyone was inside for a change. We have to get up early as our condo is being shown in the morning. So, we''ll just go out for coffee, then come home for lunch before heading to the gym. Rain or no rain, we will workout tomorrow. I''m not too sorry about not working out anyway. A day between workouts is often a really good thing.

Hey Skippy!! Sounds like you had the winning weekend for sure. I would love to see the VLA. I''m a science fiction person and loved Contact (that was with Jodie Foster right?). Then you got a new bike which is "uber" cool BTW. Then you won free groceries?? Girl would you please send some of that good luck magic my way. Just wish for a really good job for your pal Rod OK?? Oh and also if you could share some more of your luck, please wish that our condo sells soon, so we don''t have live in our cars when the money runs out - LOL!! I''m so glad you had such a wonderful weekend!!!

Marcy, so sorry you spilled so much in the kitchen. I think Marty was right in advising that anything requiring sharp objects, should be avoided by you today. The lasagna sounded yummy!

Glad you were able to book the choir you wanted for your wedding bee*!

Not many posts today. I hope it means everyone''s out having a super nice Sunday.


Apr 19, 2004

Hello ya''ll!!! Feeling a bit bitter and gained 2 pounds back of the 8 I lost in the last 5 weeks--it''sall good!

Skippy--Love you new bike!
Marcy--yanno, I find the men at our golf course more gossipy than the women (if you can imgine), my DH comes home and tells me things the other men have said/shared on teh gol course, things I woulod never consider telling another female golf partner!
Rod: great pic of you and Charlie!



Nov 24, 2006
Date: 4/6/2008 8:27:12 PM
Author: Rod
Hey From Dreary and Super Wet Tampa...........

The day started off a little overcast, but then the rains started and it hasn't let up now for over 8 hours. We could certainly use the rain, but like I said in an earlier post, this is supposed to be one of our driest months of the year, so it's just odd. At least it wasn't hot today. And since the weather was just so lousy, neither of us felt up to working out, so we just braved the rains, did our grocery shopping and came home and watched a movie on the Sundance Channel. For dinner we had fresh salmon, with sauteed spinach and fresh silver queen corn. We decided to brave the rain and go get a cup of coffee at Sbucks after dinner, but of course we couldn't sit under the oak. It was actually fun as everyone was inside for a change. We have to get up early as our condo is being shown in the morning. So, we'll just go out for coffee, then come home for lunch before heading to the gym. Rain or no rain, we will workout tomorrow. I'm not too sorry about not working out anyway. A day between workouts is often a really good thing.

Hey Skippy!! Sounds like you had the winning weekend for sure. I would love to see the VLA. I'm a science fiction person and loved Contact (that was with Jodie Foster right?). Then you got a new bike which is 'uber' cool BTW. Then you won free groceries?? Girl would you please send some of that good luck magic my way. Just wish for a really good job for your pal Rod OK?? Oh and also if you could share some more of your luck, please wish that our condo sells soon, so we don't have live in our cars when the money runs out - LOL!! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful weekend!!!
Rod, I am sending lots of job finding PS dust to you. Hubby use to call me his lucky charm as I use to win lots of little prizes; I should try the lottery. hehe Wait a second I won $20 once doing that and remember when I found $20 cleaning the front yard up above this spring. hehe

Rain can be so romantic; I wish I got to have coffee w/you and Charlie relaxing and watching the rain!! Hey, I would love for you and Marcy to come out here; i would go w/you all to the VLA!!! hehe
Yes, Jodi Foster is correct; they have a signed picture by her on the wall!!

Marcy, sorry about spilling; I am that way too. I always manage to fall or spill; you and I would make a great pair. hehe

ETA: Sharon, I thought of you when i got my bike since you love to bike. In fact it is one of the most comfortable bikes; I could see you and I riding bikes together having fun!!! Glad you are good w/your weight; you are tiny btw. Hope you feel back to your normal self soon, hugs!!

Glad you all liked my bike, thank you
; it is super comfy to ride


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, I believe at their widest the dishes cover 27 miles so I am sure it would be cool to see them at their closest. I will have to go check out your pictures. We plan on visiting the VLA sometime in the next few years – maybe we can have a PS gathering there and we could all get together then. That would be awesome. You and I would make quite a pair spilling things – our food would be great but the kitchen would be in serious need of a cleaning.

Rod, sorry to hear you had a dreary, rainy day in lovely Tampa. We are going to have rain and snow showers all week here. Tomorrow’s highs are back in the 30’s. I swear this winter has gone on far too long. I agree, it was a good call for Marty to keep me away from sharp objects today.
Sharon, I am relieved to hear you are feeling better. I agree some of the guys can gossip with the best of them. I think my husband and his friends actually talk a lot but the day I was driving the cart no one knew each other.

Well, my nails are dry so I’m off to bed. Sweet dreams my WWT friends.
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