
Weekly Workout Thread 1st April till 6th April

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Feb 21, 2005
dragonfly, i am not a serious biker. i have a recumbent bike at home that is usually what i''m referring to when i say i''m "biking." when the weather is nicer (hopefully soon!), i also try to commute to work on my bike several days a week. sorry to disappoint!

dance class tonight was awesome as usual. i need to go stretch some more, though. i am going to take a day off from exercise tomorrow since we have another special dance class on saturday.

night all!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone........

It was another beautiful day in Paradise. Breakfast and lunch on the terrace, then coffee under the oak, followed by a very strong workout this afternoon. Since it''s Thursday and tomorrow''s a day of rest, I always push harder before a day of rest, so I''m a bit sore tonight. I''ve been unbelievably hungry tonight too. Charlie made a great meatloaf with steamed carrots and I ate every bit on my plate. Then we split a cinnamon raisin muffin from Panera with coffee. And when we came home we were both still hungry, so I popped some good old fashioned popcorn. Now I''m full, and I feel like a little piggy, but I sure do enjoy popcorn every now and then. It was one of the forbidden foods I had removed from my diet for over two years, so it''s fun to have it again! Nothing on the job front, though I still apply to jobs that seem appropriate. Not sure what we''ll do tomorrow, but I''m sure we''ll get into something! Our condo is supposedly being shown, so at least we''re getting some traffic.

I''m attaching a picture of the two of us from Charlie''s Birthday dinner. I think the picture turned out pretty good. I hope you''ll think that we''re not too bad looking for two middle-aged guys. I''m on the right, Charlie''s on the left.

Sorry I don''t have time to write individual comments to anyone. I''ve got to get off to bed so I can get up early and be out in time for the showing in the morning.

Sleep well everyone!



May 14, 2006
Morning all! Thankfully it''s friday!! I''m so sore after bootcamp last night but at least I feel like I''ve worked hard!!

Marcy-you definitely have not blown it! You''ve lost 150lbs and will go on to lose the remainder of what you want to lose. A little bit of cheese pizza doesn''t mean that you''ve blown it. The best thing to do is enjoy it and then move on and eat a little better the next day. Life would be so boring without those little treats!

Rod-love the photo-you and Charlie look great!

Well off to college-talk to you all later! Have a great day!


Apr 30, 2005
Rod, you and Charlie are the cutest, you both look GREAT!!!

Tell me, I am curious about Charlie's meatloaf recipes, one day he will have to post himself and give us the recipe!

Good job on the bootcamp Bee!


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all!!! Well lunch with my friend was good! He actually wanted to go to a sit down place but I couldn't as I had a lot to do so we went to Wendy's. I was hungry and wanted to order a burger and fries but WW was very inspiring yesterday so I got a chicken breast sandwich and this yummy little manderine slices. I was full and it was healthy. Well after lunch I got locked out of my house (there went my maximizing time effort)
the power went out so the garage would not open and I forgot a house key so I had to go to my parents house to borrow one and thank goodness they weren't out of town.

Well this morning I hopped on the scale and I weigh about a .6 lb less then yesterday so that is good news; thanks for the kudos gang. I kept thinking; I worked hard this past week so I should have done better than yesterday. hehe

Bee, thanks for the kudos!!! You rock w/your bootcamp!!! How are the wedding plans?

Rod you and Charlie are so adorable! Love the picture!!! Your meal sounded yummy; enjoy sushi tonight!!!

Deelight, I hope you feel better soon. People can be so rude sometimes. Yay for PT!

Shortblonde, I love baklava; it is my huge weakness! Yum!

Hey Miss Lorelei and others I missed

TGIF and have a great day all!!! Oh I didn't walk yesterday as it got cold and looked like it was going to rain; I hope it is better weather today as tomorrow is jam packed full of things to do


Nov 29, 2004
Happy Friday! Today is my Friday off and I have full afternoon planned but decided to get in some exercise this morning to start the day off right. I tried ctd''s walk/jog program and did the week 1: 4 min walk/2 min jog combo for 30 minutes through the neighborhood, and since the running put me ahead of my usual walk schedule, I covered 2 miles instead of 1.7. I''m going to a bachelorette party in Vegas in three weeks, so the pressure is on for bikini belly. I even made an appt for an airbrush tan (in my case natural glow) just so I won''t blind everyone at the pool.

Skippy, I''m proud you making a healthy choice in an unhealthy situation...I would have gotten a large order of fries and a small frosy...i love the salty sweet combo. I don''t know what your house situation is, but I once got locked out while DH was out of town so I had to walk to our friends house in my pjs at 8am on Sunday (.7 miles away). So now we have a series of keys hidden because our garage has a different key. We have the garage key hidden in the yard and the house key hidden in the garage, this way I dont have to walk so far the next time I need to use the spare.

Rod, You are charlie are both so precious, and wow you look great.

ctd, thanks for posting the walk/jog program a few weeks ago. Did it say how many days a weeks to do it? Any more progress to report?


Dec 28, 2005

Somehow we missed spring and went directly to summer. It's pretty hot out and one can feel the humidity building too. When we first moved to Florida I didn't care much for the massive humidity we have, but after all these years, I've gotten used to it and actually like it. Also, since losing weight, I find the heat so much easier to tolerate. There are just so many advantages to losing weight!! We got up and out early for the showing of our condo. We heard the people liked it very much, but they are just beginning their search, so they're not in a big hurry. Otherwise, we really haven't done much today. We did drive up to the BMW dealer to see the new 1 Series convertible and coupe. They are really nice and if we had jobs, Charlie would have probably gotten a 135 Convertible. That may still be an option for the future when we are employed again. We will be heading out for our usual Friday evening Sushi, FroYo and coffee under the oak.

bee* I'm glad bootcamp was good and it made you sore last night!!

Lorelei, here is Charlie's Ground Chicken Meatloaf Recipe. Note: He doesn't really measure, so each time he fixes it, it's a little different, but always good. Also, we tried ground turkey too, but found it was just too dry. Ground chicken works great in a meatloaf. This recipe does not include salt. It's just not necessary as the soup mix contains enough salt to begin with.

1 Package Ground Chicken (about 1lb)
1 Packet Lipton's Onion Mushroom Soup Mix (the dry soup mix that people often use to make dip with)
1 Egg Beaten
1 or 2 Teaspoons of Mustard (spicy mustard, like Guldens)
A Couple Tablespoons of Catsup
Seasoned Breadcrumbs (just enough to help hold everything together)
A Few Handfulls Fresh Spinach (raw, not cooked)
Chopped Onion and Chopped Mushroom (as much as you like)
Fresh Chopped Garlic (again as much as you like)
Seasoned Pepper

Mix all the ingredients together, shape into a loaf and if you like put some Catsup on the top. Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 20 - 25 minutes (it cooks fast). Enjoy!

Skippy, I hope the weather's better today and you get your walk in. Sorry about being locked out of the house, but glad you were able to get a key from your folks! Good for you eating healthy at Wendy's!! I haven't been to a Wendy's in a long long time. I used to love their spicy fried chicken sandwich - Yummmm!

Good for you starting your day off right with the walk/jog program this morning Apple! I've never been very good about exercising in the morning.

I hope everyone's having a good Friday and looking forward to a great weekend!

I'll check in later after dinner........


Nov 6, 2007
Hello all! Well, last night''s kickboxing was tough but it felt so good. I''m a tad bit sore today, which means I know I had a great workout
Tonight''s plan is to hit the gym for some cardio and weight training. I''m hoping to find some time to squeeze in some practice ice skating this weekend, but it will be a pretty busy weekend so might not be able to squeeze it in.

Linda - You''re definitely not boring! I love that new car smell too!
Skippy - Great job with the weight loss and for staying strong while eating out (not always easy to do). I''m so jealous of your weather - please send some sun to PA soon
It''s been raining the last few days and probably will rain through the weekend

Kim - Have a great trip!
Rod - You and Charlie are adorable! What a handsome pair you make! Good luck with selling the condo - it sounds amazing. It''s hard to believe how hot it is in some areas already. It''s still a bit chilly here (50s) and raining from yesterday through this weekend.
marcy - The lava cake sounds so yummy! I hear you on the greasy foods. I find if I eat things more out of the ordinary like that (higher fat) they tend to make me sick since I''m not used to it. Hope you sleep better tonight.
Deelight - Hope you feel better soon. Awesome job with the situps & pushups. I try to do the regular (toe) pushups but many times feel too weak to resort to the girly ones (knees)

Bee - Bootcamp sounds a lot like my kickboxing - a lot of hard work but so rewarding afterwards! Great job with the workouts!!
Steph - Hope you''re having fun in ATL!

Hello to all the rest of the WWTers out there...have a great night!!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi all,

Rod: LOVE the picture of you and Charlie: You both look so sweet, that we just could sit down and chat for hours and hours. I am going to try Charlie''s meatloaf. It looks delicious.

Skippy: Yay for you for not blowing it at Wendy''s. I know when I take my two grandboys to Burger King, it is hard for me to stay on track, looking at them eat those luscious looking burgers. I have a salad though and maybe sneak a little bite of their burger. HA!!!
And double YAY for losing more weight!!!

Appletini: Your bachlorette party in Vegas sounds like it will be so much fun.

PW: Good for you for kickboxing. Knowing me, I would probably throw my back out!!!!! I hear that is really good exercise. I LOVE ice skating, we really want to go soon.

Haven''t been doing much, except taking care of my little grandboys. They are still sick. They have been arguing alot and bonking eachother on the head. I had to send them to their rooms this afternoon. While there, I did some hand weights, leg lifts and sit ups.

I''ll check back later all.

Linda P.S. HEY MARCY!!!!!!! Hey BEE!!!!


May 14, 2006
Hey everyone
Just in from work a little while and ready for bed already! No news at all-ate way too much of my mothers lasagna but she really does make the best lasagna so it''s hard not to go overboard when she makes it.

Lorelei-thank you!!

Skippy-wow .6 in a night-woohoo!! Your lunch sounds so tasty today-well done for not getting the burger and chips! Wedding plans are going great-meeting gospel choir on sunday, photographer next thursday and band on saturday week and then apart from the car and a couple of other little things, we''re all booked! I like getting things done early

Rod-enjoy the sushi, FroYo and coffee tonight!

Patiently-your kickboxing sounds so tough! It is worth it afterwards though-even if it''s not enjoyable at the time!!


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All,

Today was our Teacher''s Appreciation Luncheon, and I was so good. I had some chips and salsa, made two tacos out of salad, beans and chicken with the skin pulled off and skipped dessert.

I''m doing laundry and getting ready to leave tomorrow. Really looking forward to escaping for a bit. My sister called and wants to come visit next weekend, I had to tell her it was a bad time, which I hate doing, but see if she and my nephew could come in two or three weekends instead.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, beginning of a new week. My laptop will be making the trip with us, so I''ll probably check in once or twice while we''re gone.



Aug 12, 2005
Evening WWTr''s! Rod, you and Charlie are very handsome, what a great picture! And the meatloaf recipe sounds soooo good, I have to admit I still have cravings for things like that, I love Gulden''s brown mustard and I put it in everything (like vegetarian baked beans, on sandwiches, in mayo based salads, etc.)...I wonder if I could make it with one of those meat substitutes. Hmmm, will file the recipe away for future use/adaptation, thanks! Hope you''re not having any crazy weather in Tampa like the rest of the southeast has been...yikes, poor AK has really suffered the past couple days.

The Cubs game was pretty fun. It was chilly, though, and our seats were in the shade, so we only stayed until right after the 7th inning stretch. Cubs lost, hey, what''s''s only been 100 years this year since they won a World Series and that loss had them 0 for 2 Wednesday. I didn''t find it too difficult to switch right out of baseball mode after that.
Poor ol'' cubbies. I am trying to remain optimistic for DH, the diehard fan, but it''s hard!

I''ve been doing really well this week with walking and using weights, I even did an ExerciseTV workout this morning and then DH and I took a walk with the dogs, then a couple hours ago I did arm weights. And although I am DYING to visit the tanning bed (I''ve been abstaining for almost two years now, I think) in preparation for shorts and tank tops weather, I haven''t. Instead I''ve been using the Jergens face self-tanning lotion and after just two days of that I have achieved an official "glow." Yay! Monnie: wins, Wrinkles: lose.
(And yes, skin cancer loses too.) I tend to get a pretty nice tan just from wearing spf 15 while walking/being outdoors in the spring and summer, so I will continue to rely on the real thing and a little help from the Jergens lotion to give me some extra color.

I lost a pound this past week, which was nice...I attribute it to all the fresh fruit and veggies I''ve been buying lately and managing not to mix with super high calorie dressings...also I am still on the "no booze" thing and I think that''s contributing as well.

Hello to are all doing great, and I just have to repeat a phrase my mother used to tell me whenever I would get down: don''t let the little things in life defeat you! (Yes, exactly the same as the book title: don''t sweat the small stuff.) So true!


Apr 30, 2005
Rod, thats great, thanks so much for the recipe and please thank Sir Charlie too!! We will be shopping this weekend, so we can get the fixin''s for it!
It looks deelicious!

Not much working out this week, it is coming up to the first anniversary of King''s death, so I am not feeling my best, but I will press on soon.


Apr 30, 2005
Blast - double post


Mar 20, 2003
My 10K is today! And 31,000 people are signed up!

It''s supposed to rain but the chances have gone from 60-70% to 30-40% for when I''m running.

I''m nervous; there are going to be so many people running and so many people on the sidelines. I don''t like not knowing what to do or where to go.

The starting line is 1.6 miles away, so we''re just going to walk. It''ll be a little slow-going because my husband is going to walk his bike, but he''s just accomodating me because I didn''t want to ride my bike there (I don''t ride very often and I didn''t want to do an unusual exercise right before the race and also thought the streets would be crowded). Then my husband is going to ride about 3 miles from there to a friend''s house where they''re having a lawn party to spectate. He''ll have an extra bottle of water for me. I know they''ll have water stands, but I always carry water when I run, and I figure today isn''t the day to vary what I do too much.

OK, DH is awake. Wish me luck!


Apr 30, 2005
BEST OF LUCK TO YOU PG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 12, 2005
Good luck, PG, whatever the circumstances!


Nov 24, 2006


Mar 26, 2006
Just checking in to say hi!

One of my clients sent me a fruit basket yesterday... but it also had all sort of small bags of other goodies aside from fruit. Of course I completely bypassed the apples and oranges and pears and went right for the chocolate covered almonds...
Oh well, today is another day, right?

Good luck today PG!!

Cute pic Rod!


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All,

Good luck to you today, PG!!

Monnie the Cubbies game sounded fun! The last time we went it rained on us. I love going to Wrigley Field.

Lorelei, I''m sure the year anniversary of King''s death is difficult for you. Spend lots of time with Jasmine and take good care of yourself.

Rod, you and Charlie are so handsome!

I''m doing laundry and working on some school stuff. We''re leaving a bit before noon. Again, have a great next few days all.


Mar 26, 2006
Totally random question (but I can''t think of where else to post it... ). I was making myself some french fries for breakfast (yes, sadly, the HH is out of town AGAIN) and I accidentally spilled a whole box of kosher salt on the floor. When I got back from finding the broom and dust pan (I SWEAR the cleaning lady puts things in the most unlikely places on purpose!) The Demon was licking up salt. I don''t think it will *kill* him but do you think he''s going to be sick? I''m heading out with clients in a little while and I won''t be home for a few hours at least...


Jul 30, 2007
Good luck today, PG!!!

The last couple of days have been so bad diet wise for me! On Thursday we went wine tasting and while I was spitting/dumping, I still ended up having a fair amount of wine since we went to 4 different places. We also went to a great restaurant for lunch where the portions are HUGE. It was delicious, but not diet friendly.

Then yesterday, I made cupcakes and while I only had a couple of mini ones, that was coupled with a GIANT burrito for dinner. I guess I got too excited over the couple of pounds I''ve lost and figured I had to gain it all back.

Rod, you and Charlie look so handsome! Thanks for the meatloaf recipe.

Skippy, good for you for making healthy choices--I love chicken sandwiches. Good job on losing more weight!!!

Appletini, sounds like you had a great jog yesterday.

PW, I hope you get to go ice skating this weekend--sounds like fun!

Linda, it''s so funny that you used your grandkids time-out to get a work-out in!

Bee, your mom''s lasagna sounds great! Maybe I''ll have to get Kris to make some for me.

Kimberly, have fun on your trip!

Monnie, I''m sorry your team lost, but I''m glad you had fun at the game! I''m so jealous that you can tan. I just go from pale to bright red and back. I like your mother''s phrase--my grandfather always used to say "stay in the buggy". Similar idea but from a different era.

Lorelei, I hope you feel better. *hugs*

Dee-Jay, chocolate covered almonds are tasty--I don''t blame you one bit! I think salt should be ok for the Demon although if he ate too much he might not feel too great. I''d definitely leave out plenty of water for him.

Hi to anyone I missed!


Dec 28, 2005
Morning All,

Just a quick fly-by. We had a very nice Friday evening. Sushi, FroYo and Coffee under the oak was fun. It was warm but breezy evening, with lower humidity, so we wound up sitting under the oak for a longer time. Then we came home and got in the spa for a nice long therapeutic soak! We''ve had breakfast on the terrace and now we''ll be heading out for lunch shortly, coffee and the gym.

Kimberly, I hope you and J have a wonderful trip to Phoenix!

Linda, I''m sure we could talk for hours and hours. It''s a shame you are so far away!

Monnie, I''m sure the recipe could be adapted for non-meat. Good for you losing a pound and for eating more fruits and veggies and for walking and using weights! The last time you wrote about Mr. Monnie, he had had a good interview and was hopeful an offer was coming. Anything happening with that for him? As you''ve seen, there''s zip, nadda, nothing going on with our job search at the moment. I keep you both in my thoughts daily. Oh and they just had a segment on our news about the things people catch from tanning beds. OH MY
All sorts of things thrive on tanning beds, including the virus that causes warts. One woman had to have several hundred removed - yuck. So, continue using the healthier topical lotions and skip the tanning bed. It''s much healthier for you for sure!

Phoenix, I will keep you in my thoughts today and hope the 10K is a fantastic experience for you. 31,000 runners? Oh my, that''s a lot of people to run with!!

I''m thinking of you Lorelei. The first anniversary can be the toughest.

Hey Skippy! Glad you''re excited to be off to the VLA, but what''s the VLA?

DeeJay, Fruit is your Friend. Stay away from the chocolate covered almonds!! Hey to you too!

Heading out now. Have a great Saturday everyone........


Mar 20, 2003
Thanks so much for the well wishes!

It was really hard. There were so many people! We spread out in waves starting 5 or 10 minutes apart, but I still started with 3,300 people! I spent the first mile trying to pass people (I think because psychologically I was looking for open spaces), then the second mile realizing I had overdone it and nursing a sidestitch.

At that point I threw my goal of an hour out the window and just tried to pace myself and run the whole way. The best part of the race was when I passed the party where DH was hanging out and heard the calls for my name. I also got to cast my nearly empty water bottle to the ground dramatically as DH handed me a fresh one, which was fun. I didn''t see anyone else with their own water bottle, but like I said I always run with one. There were water stands every mile or so but that is a long way to go if you are overheating! And then you feel like you have to chug it so you can toss your cup and keep running. I''m really glad I brought my own.

Last weekend I had a really pleasant 6.2 mile run, but this was one of those grin and bear it types. My time was 1:04:36. That''s not too shabby considering that there were so many people, it was raining, I wasn''t used to running on asphalt and paving blocks, and I had already walked 1.6 miles to get there (the walk home wasn''t that much fun!).

It really zonked me out. Usually I can run 5 or 6 miles and then cook dinner or whatever, but I was really sore and took a nap. I finished 5 hours ago and I think I''m just recovering!

DH is taking me out to a nice tapas place tonight where I can have some sangria to celebrate.

Ladypirate, I don''t want to be one of those "yo-yo dieters" but I do think that sometimes we just need to splurge for a short period. You don''t want to start resenting your healthy lifestyle but rather embrace it and take advantage of the fact that sometimes you can have a treat or two.

DeeJay, I don''t know the answer about the salt but I hope your dog is ok!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I got the house picked up and cleaned today. I took a bag of clothing to the local meals on wheels and have been working on laundry. DH was able to play golf for the first time this spring so I got quite a bit done around the house.
Shortblonde, I hope you had a great dance class today.
Rod, thanks for posting the picture of you and Charlie. You guys look great. I was thinking of having some popcorn tonight – I bought us some smart pop 100 cal packs. Woo hoo for summer arriving in Tampa already. It’s always fun to go look at new cars.
Bee, thanks for the words of encouragement. I’m fine but so motivated right now I’m trying to avoid the treats. Glad you had a great workout at boot camp. Your mom’s lasagna sounds great. I was thinking of brewing up a batch this weekend.
Hi Lorelei! Sorry to hear you are approaching such a sad anniversary. I''ll be thinking of you.
Skippy, glad you had a healthy lunch at Wendy’s. Congratulations on loosing more weight. Rats for locking yourself out of the house. I’ve done that a few times. My folks live about ½ mile away so luckily I’ve only done it when they’ve been in town. Have fun at the VLA! Mmm for pancakes.
PW, sounds like you had some great workouts the past few days. I did catch up on my sleep.
Linda, that''s too bad your little guys are grumpy from being sick. I hope they get better soon.
Kimi, yay for making your teacher’s luncheon healthy. I hope you have a great trip to Phoenix.
Monnie, rats for the Cubbies loosing. Congratulations for loosing a few pounds.
PhoenixGirl, you did awesome on your run. Congratulations! How fun to dramatically throw your bottle down after getting a new one from your husband. Running with that many people would be a little overwhelming and I can see why it’d drive you to run faster to get away from the crowd.
DeeJay, that’s nice one of your clients sent you a fruit basket. Poor Demon, I hope he feels okay. I am sure he is thirsty.
Ladypirate, I’ve been thinking about making some cupcakes for work but know I’d eat a few first. It’s safer for me not to bake them.
Have a great weekend. Laters.


May 14, 2006
Evening everyone! Nothing really to report at my end. Got up early and went to bootcamp and then went for a walk with Amber. Poor Amber cut the quick in her nail so I just went to the shop to buy her a treat. She''s happily munching on it now and her nail is fine

Lorelei-sorry to hear that it''s coming up to King''s anniversary. Take care of yourself.

PG-Well done on completing the 10k! That''s a great achievement! Enjoy the tapas and sangria-you deserve it!

Dee*Jay-I would have done the same thing with the basket! Chocolate covered almonds are so much more tempting than fruit! Demon should be fine-just leave lots and lots of water for him and feed him something bland tonight.

ladypirate-definitely have Kris make the lasagna-I love it!!

Marcy-glad you got lots done today. Definitely make the lasagna-I''m lasagna mad now after eating so much of it last night

Have a good weekend everyone!


Dec 28, 2005
Evening All.........

We're having the oddest weather for early April. April is typically a cool and very dry month. In fact it's historically the second dryest month of the year. And summer heat that creates our typical afternoon or evening thunderstorms doesn't usually start until mid-June. So here we are in the first week of April and it's like June outside. Even the weather people seem befuddled over the odd weather pattern. I hope it isn't a predictor of a longer hotter summer for us.

Anyway, we enjoyed a nice lunch, then coffee under the oak before heading to the gym. We we're a little later than usual on a Saturday afternoon, so if we wanted to have a full workout we needed to move quickly between sets. It was almost like super-setting, which is to go from exercise to the next without any rest in between. And, my muscles are sore to prove that super-setting can be very effective. We ended our workout with the elliptical like we usually do, but since it was getting too close to dinner time, we only did 30 minutes, but we pushed harder for those 30 minutes to get as close to what we would have accomplished in our usual 35 minutes. I stayed at a near constant 95 RPM and still burned 500 calories and traveled over 4 miles in 30 minutes. And I was exhausted doing so!

Dinner wound up being our favorite little neighborhood diner. We both had some homemade tomato-chicken-bean-vegetable-basil soup, which was really really good and spicy. And for dinner I had a Po'Boy and side salad. The Po'Boy was a combination of fried grouper and shrimp on a hoagie roll with lettuce tomato and spicy tartar sauce. It was very good. Charlie had a Mahi Mahi grilled salad, which was also really good. For desert we had FroYo again, only tonight I had Green Tea with fresh Blueberries and Charlie had Mango with fresh Mango. We finished our evening with coffee under the oak until the thunderstorm hit and everyone left because of the rain.

Tomorrow, we'll basically repeat today, but we'll fix dinner at home and the FroYo shop is closed on Sundays. They say tomorrow will be a rainy day too. Odd weather for sure.

DeeJay, I missed your post about Demon. I'm sure by now Demon's OK. I'm guessing he drank some water after licking all the salt. French Fries for Breakfast huh?? Really??

LP I hope your indulgences over the last couple days were enjoyable and the weight you lost doesn't come back.

Congratulations on the 10K Phoneix!! Sounds like you did a GREAT job and we're all proud of you. I hope you enjoy your Tapas evening tonight to celebrate!

Marcy, I hope you got to enjoy your Smart Pop 100 Calorie popcorn. I figure if I'm going to have popcorn, I want popcorn the old fashioned way and I pop it on the stove with Canola Oil and real kernels. Glad you got so much accomplished at home while DH was playing golf!

Hey bee*........I'm glad Amber is OK. Such a nice mommy getting her a treat. Wow, Bootcamp in the morning?? While I work out hard, mornings and working out have never been good for me. I'm just better at exercising in the later afternoon or evening time frames.

I guess that's enough blah blah blah for the day. I hope everyone has a great night's sleep and a very healthy Sunday.


Feb 27, 2007
I spent most of my day cleaning, doing laundry and shopping. I have to adjust my routines this time of year when my DH starts playing golf on the weekends. It’s not that I mind that he’s gone but I am used to him being around all day and doing things together. Once he starts playing golf I don’t quite know what to do. Of course in the fall I have a hard time adjusting to him being home again all day. The reason I am mentioning this is I was kind of nervous, antsy, bored or something most of the day when he was gone so I had the munchies. I didn’t eat anything really bad when I was home alone but when Marty suggested we go to out to have chips and salsa for supper and split a dessert I readily agreed. I did pass up a margarita though. He’s been working on our truck to help with power to pull the 5th wheeler around this summer. He just got a chip installed that can boost the turbo so he wanted to go for a ride to see how the truck was running and suggested we go out to eat tonight.
I also watched some movies this afternoon and got several inches done on the vest I’m. I walked on the treadmill right before we went out tonight.
Bee, poor Amber getting cut. You’re a good mom and vet taking care of her. As a matter of fact I plan on making lasagna tomorrow. It’s great because it will take care of several meals for me this week plus I can freeze some to have for lunches. You get a lot of meals out of one little pan.
Rod, we had some clouds today that looked like rain but we only had wind. You really burned up some calories on the elliptical. Woo hoo! We didn’t end up eating our popcorn but I know cooking it the old fashioned way is best. We watched ½ of the movie Blade Runner (it''s on BluRay and looks amazing) but since it was getting close to 10 we decided to watch the rest tomorrow.

Well, I’d best get to bed. Take care.


May 14, 2006
Morning everyone-can''t believe it''s Sunday already! D''s going fishing this morning so myself and Amber said we''d tag along. Then it''s onto booking the gospel choir for the wedding. Not a strenuous sunday. Have so much study to do though!

Rod-yep they do bootcamp on Saturday mornings. Usually I do step aerobics and aerobics and I love those classes but I just wanted to give their extra bootcamp session a try. It was really for the elite people of bootcamp as they ran up and down hills the whole time-not enjoyable-think I might go back to my aerobics from next Saturday! Well done for working so hard on that elliptical! Keeping above 95 is amazing for that long. Your dinner sounds so good!

Marcy-I''m the same when the fishing season starts-D is out fishing constantly so I have to switch around our normal weekend plans. Amber and I normally tag along as it''s a beautiful place to walk also. I had a major case of the munchies the last week but I think that I''m over them now-hopefully! Enjoy your sunday!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I fixed us a low fat version of your typical egg and toast breakfast this morning. I used the 45 cal SL wheat bread, very little butter, no oil to cook the hash browns and I had egg whites. I fixed my husband some bacon. It was quite tasty. For lunch I ate a bowl of mixed fruit. I am making us low fat lasagna for supper. I bought stuff to make a tossed salad too. I thought we could use some of my small bagels to make garlic bread.
I had issues in the kitchen today. I dropped the carton of eggs on the floor and broke about 6 eggs. What a mess. Then when I was cleaning up the fruits and veggies I knocked over my fruit and veggies wash getting it all over the place. Aak. Marty said if there was anything that needed cut up with a knife I was to ask him to do it; he didn’t think I should use sharp instruments today.

Bee, I think this weekend zipped by way too quickly. That is great you and Amber can go for nice, scenic walks while D is fishing. Sometimes I’ll go with Marty when he is playing golf so I can drive the golf cart which I thoroughly enjoy. He usually plays with some buddies though so I’ll only go when he is not playing golf with them. I went with them one time and quickly found out they don’t like chit chat when they are playing golf. I guess that’s what the 19th hole is for.

I hope everyone has a great day.
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