
They're growing!

Oh, they are too adorable! I wuvz they little tummeez! :appl:
They are irresistible!!!! :love: :love: :love:
gah, they are so cute!!! :love: and they are bling kitties too, judging by their curiosity over your lovely ring. Hope all goes well for Trifecta!
Nawww!! WANT!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
First and foremost, I would like to say that THEY ARE ADORABLE! Totally melt-your-heart faces!

Secondly, so the vet says that a runt is a runt... Has he checked for parasites? SIL's little puppy wouldn't eat, and when he did, he either didn't poop or he had intense diarrhea with blood. He had Giardia. He had to get treated for it 3 different times it was so aggressive. I don't know if it's the same for cats. And I'm sorry if you have already ruled this out as the problem. I've fallen in love with Trifecta and I've been praying everyday that he survives. I have a runt myself and its a sensitive subject for me because the breeder was going to put her down... I can't imagine a world without my Emma.
Oh Ginger! LOVE! And this from a dog person! They are so adorable and I have never seen a little kitten so smitten with his human as Trifecta is with you. I too would like the update on stink eye - in these most recent pics, Stink-eye looks so...well, cute and open and non-Stink eye! And after all that he is a she too? I love their pile of furry adorableness. Thank you for the pics and good work.

Go Trifecta, go!
I love your pictures, kittens are so adorable!
Oh my gosh what little darlin's!!! Runts always seem to have so much personality & love, it's amazing. I hope he gets his feet under him, so to speak, & grows & grows. I've had good luck w/Royal Canin hypoallergenic dog food for my Siberian with lifelong digestive issues -- might be worth trying the cat food.

I had a female cat named Igor; she thought she was extra cool with a boy's name.

They're just all so cute cuddled up together, want to reach out & pick 'em all up! More pics please!!

--- Laurie
minousbijoux|1354774986|3323889 said:
Oh Ginger! LOVE! And this from a dog person! They are so adorable and I have never seen a little kitten so smitten with his human as Trifecta is with you. I too would like the update on stink eye - in these most recent pics, Stink-eye looks so...well, cute and open and non-Stink eye! And after all that he is a she too? I love their pile of furry adorableness. Thank you for the pics and good work.

Go Trifecta, go!

I agree totally.
DandiAndi|1354771344|3323866 said:
Nawww!! WANT!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:

Weeeeelll, isn't that convenient? You want and I've got. You know they're rescue kittens, right? And all their vet work will be complete, right? And they'll be available to take home around Christmas, right? AND we live in the same city, right? :naughty: :cheeky: :bigsmile:
YayTacori|1354774103|3323886 said:
First and foremost, I would like to say that THEY ARE ADORABLE! Totally melt-your-heart faces!

Secondly, so the vet says that a runt is a runt... Has he checked for parasites? SIL's little puppy wouldn't eat, and when he did, he either didn't poop or he had intense diarrhea with blood. He had Giardia. He had to get treated for it 3 different times it was so aggressive. I don't know if it's the same for cats. And I'm sorry if you have already ruled this out as the problem. I've fallen in love with Trifecta and I've been praying everyday that he survives. I have a runt myself and its a sensitive subject for me because the breeder was going to put her down... I can't imagine a world without my Emma.

He has been treated for the run-of-the-mill parasites, but not for Giardia. With my line of work I'm familiar with people Giardia specimens and I suspect it isn't that -- the smell of his poo isn't as vomit-inducing as Giardia usually is. :? I appreciate the suggestion though, it is one more possibility to pursue if there isn't improvement in the coming week or so. The vet said that he is underweight, but not dangerously so - we've got a bit of time to work with.
B.E.G.|1354730577|3323249 said:
Love this thread!!

Is the black one any less stink-eye-y than he was before? Or she? I thought it was a boy in the previous post - not sure now!

It looks like Trifecta may have found a permanent home...he's certainly making a great bid for staying :) BF got a horrified look on his face the other day when I told him I wanted a house so I could fill it with animals and foster kittens...mostly because I also mentioned that a lot of those kittens probably wouldn't leave said house :P

Yes, the little black one has calmed down nicely. She's still not a cuddlebug, but doesn't dash off at the sight of my approaching feet and likes to arch her back up for a good pat. :)) And yes, she is a she. I think. Honestly, sometimes it's very difficult to tell. I've had a few...unimpressive...boys that I had pegged as girls. Her personality suggests female to me though.

Lol at your future foster prospects. DH is so very good to me. They come and go, and then some don't ever go. :lol: Thankfully he's a cat lover himself (moreso than dogs, he likes how clean cats are -- you can tell he's not the one that cleans the litterboxes!).
ZahraLeyla|1354758769|3323691 said:
Re: the cutest little runt in the world, my cat Monty had similar digestive issues when he first got him. Any food he ate just seemed to go straight through him and he wasn't putting on weight or getting any bigger. We tried the mashed pumpkin thing and a few different brands of food for sensitive stomachs, but none of those worked. Eventually we tried Royal Canin Hypoallergenic food which solved the problem. Apparently he had issues processing certain protein chains (? not science oriented, so may have got this wrong), and this food contains hydrolyzed proteins which solved that problem. If you want, I'm more than happy to drop some around to you, because it's quite expensive to buy just to try out.

They are all gorgeous and you are a wonderful person for doing what you do.

Such a kind offer, ZL. I might go ahead and buy a bag to keep here though - our kittens regularly have Royal Canin babycat (I can't stand feeding rescues the cheap crap that gets donated, like feeding foster children McDonalds for every meal!). There's not a chance it won't get eaten in the house with 7 kittens and 3 adult cats. :)) One of our own cats can have a bit of an upset stomach every once in a while, perhaps it will be good for her as well.

I hope I get to see you next weekend. :wavey:
Lil Misfit|1354759232|3323696 said:
These are the cutest kittens ever...and such a difficult thread for me to see right now. But, OMG, do I love them all!!! :love:

;( I'm sorry, LM. I hope you and your husband are handling your grief as best as possible. I only hope that my rescued babies go to homes where they are treasured as much as Eq was. Big, big hugs.
I recommend pumpkin regularly for pets with stool issues, glad it's helping little Trifecta. All of the kitties are so adorable! Best of luck finding them homes for Christmas.
Oh wow-they are all gorgeous!

I am so glad to hear that they are all doing fairly well.

One of our last 2 fosters(I say last because we kept them both and now we are all full up of furbabies in our little house) had issues with slow weight gain, bloody diarrhea/constipation as a kitten.

The Vet finally-after many other attempts at food changes/meds/supplements put him on some supplement/med that finally worked wonders----I called it the green goo-I had to squirt it into his mouth. After the green goo, he finally began to gain weight and to grow---he got big really quickly after that! Not fat, just big. It was actually really entertaining as he didn't realize that he had gotten as big as he had for some time---he thought he was still little and would try to get into places he couldn't fit in anymore :)

Unfortunately, I don't remember what it was called. We also had used it a few times with our dog that had tummy issues(also worked great for him)---if you want I can try and find out what it was called.

Good luck!
justginger said:
YayTacori|1354774103|3323886 said:
First and foremost, I would like to say that THEY ARE ADORABLE! Totally melt-your-heart faces!

Secondly, so the vet says that a runt is a runt... Has he checked for parasites? SIL's little puppy wouldn't eat, and when he did, he either didn't poop or he had intense diarrhea with blood. He had Giardia. He had to get treated for it 3 different times it was so aggressive. I don't know if it's the same for cats. And I'm sorry if you have already ruled this out as the problem. I've fallen in love with Trifecta and I've been praying everyday that he survives. I have a runt myself and its a sensitive subject for me because the breeder was going to put her down... I can't imagine a world without my Emma.

He has been treated for the run-of-the-mill parasites, but not for Giardia. With my line of work I'm familiar with people Giardia specimens and I suspect it isn't that -- the smell of his poo isn't as vomit-inducing as Giardia usually is. :? I appreciate the suggestion though, it is one more possibility to pursue if there isn't improvement in the coming week or so. The vet said that he is underweight, but not dangerously so - we've got a bit of time to work with.
Oh goodness, I forgot about the smell of poop when Leo had giardia.... I've never smelled anything like it before....

I'm glad the vet said you still have some time. Trifecta is adorable.
justginger|1354794532|3323941 said:
DandiAndi|1354771344|3323866 said:
Nawww!! WANT!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:

Weeeeelll, isn't that convenient? You want and I've got. You know they're rescue kittens, right? And all their vet work will be complete, right? And they'll be available to take home around Christmas, right? AND we live in the same city, right? :naughty: :cheeky: :bigsmile:

oooh, they are so cute. I'm located elsewhere, but am totally wanting another kitty. We adopt black cats due to them being less adoptable. I keep showing photos of them to my DH...eventually he will cave in! ;))

That is so nice that you foster kitties. I'd love to do that, but would have a hard time adopting them out. We did foster one cat (a fabulous male tabby cat, very loving, who showed up one day and just moved right on in) and my son had a hard time when we had to find a home for him. If the timing had been different, we would have kept him.
Looking at these pics AGAIN today! They make me baby talk to the pictures in my head: Ohh, you wittle ting, oh what a big someone tired? Who's the cutest kitties in the world? You are!

There is almost nothing more adorable than a kitten. Except a bunch of kittens! :love:
The bling-hunting photo is my favorite!! :bigsmile:
They are ADORABLE ginger! The foster work you do is so admirable and amazing.

It yawns.

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

*Thank you* for taking such good care of all your fosters, and *thank you* for sharing the stories with us!! A few more weeks with you and your ring and they're going to be proper magpies :bigsmile:

I hope the pumpkin works quickly for trifecta! And that your antisocial little black one is coming 'round ::)
Loves Vintage|1354814480|3324369 said:
The bling-hunting photo is my favorite!! :bigsmile:

:lol: I was trying to take photos for the 'pets and bling' thread and they just kept trying to smack my ring. So cute!
I'm not even a at person but they are so cute!
How are they doing?
YayTacori|1355686783|3332830 said:
How are they doing?

They are...ok. The two largest are really, really good. Big enough to be sterilized, vaxed, and microchipped in the upcoming week - ready to go to their new homes! :bigsmile:

The other 5, including the runt of course, are I don't know how else to describe it. They've been cycled through a few different super premium foods (including for sensitive stomachs) and they're weedy and small still. Half have diarrhea constantly, the other half are constipated enough that the vet recommends I add pinches of Metamucil to their wet food! :rolleyes: They're been a real handful, perhaps because they lost their mother early. I have to clean them a lot more than previous litters, as they don't seem too keen to clean themselves properly. :nono:

Thankfully, almost as if to make up for their rocky health, their personalities are golden now. Trifecta perches on our shoulders like a miniature white parrot as we walk around the house. :lol: I only have to chirp, "Kittens!" and all five come running as fast as they can. I now have to shuffle my feet everywhere I go because, more often than not, I have 5 little shadows underfoot. :love:

I have high hopes they will come good. Just a rough start, I suspect they were born very prematurely. The two big ones were probably from a different father, conceived earlier than the other 5. That would mean when the two boofs (as we call them) were done 'baking', the mother went into labor, popping them all out even though the smaller ones weren't done cooking yet. They'll catch up eventually, just like a premie baby. ::)
justginger|1355840888|3334431 said:
YayTacori|1355686783|3332830 said:
How are they doing?

They are...ok. The two largest are really, really good. Big enough to be sterilized, vaxed, and microchipped in the upcoming week - ready to go to their new homes! :bigsmile:

The other 5, including the runt of course, are I don't know how else to describe it. They've been cycled through a few different super premium foods (including for sensitive stomachs) and they're weedy and small still. Half have diarrhea constantly, the other half are constipated enough that the vet recommends I add pinches of Metamucil to their wet food! :rolleyes: They're been a real handful, perhaps because they lost their mother early. I have to clean them a lot more than previous litters, as they don't seem too keen to clean themselves properly. :nono:

Thankfully, almost as if to make up for their rocky health, their personalities are golden now. Trifecta perches on our shoulders like a miniature white parrot as we walk around the house. :lol: I only have to chirp, "Kittens!" and all five come running as fast as they can. I now have to shuffle my feet everywhere I go because, more often than not, I have 5 little shadows underfoot. :love:

I have high hopes they will come good. Just a rough start, I suspect they were born very prematurely. The two big ones were probably from a different father, conceived earlier than the other 5. That would mean when the two boofs (as we call them) were done 'baking', the mother went into labor, popping them all out even though the smaller ones weren't done cooking yet. They'll catch up eventually, just like a premie baby. ::)
Oh wow! That's very interesting! I didn't know cats could do that! I'm glad that the largest two are doing well. And I'm sending a lot of dust to the other kitties so that they stay healthy and continue to grow! And no more diarrhea and no more constipation!
YayTacori|1355841321|3334511 said:
justginger|1355840888|3334431 said:
YayTacori|1355686783|3332830 said:
How are they doing?

They are...ok. The two largest are really, really good. Big enough to be sterilized, vaxed, and microchipped in the upcoming week - ready to go to their new homes! :bigsmile:

The other 5, including the runt of course, are I don't know how else to describe it. They've been cycled through a few different super premium foods (including for sensitive stomachs) and they're weedy and small still. Half have diarrhea constantly, the other half are constipated enough that the vet recommends I add pinches of Metamucil to their wet food! :rolleyes: They're been a real handful, perhaps because they lost their mother early. I have to clean them a lot more than previous litters, as they don't seem too keen to clean themselves properly. :nono:

Thankfully, almost as if to make up for their rocky health, their personalities are golden now. Trifecta perches on our shoulders like a miniature white parrot as we walk around the house. :lol: I only have to chirp, "Kittens!" and all five come running as fast as they can. I now have to shuffle my feet everywhere I go because, more often than not, I have 5 little shadows underfoot. :love:

I have high hopes they will come good. Just a rough start, I suspect they were born very prematurely. The two big ones were probably from a different father, conceived earlier than the other 5. That would mean when the two boofs (as we call them) were done 'baking', the mother went into labor, popping them all out even though the smaller ones weren't done cooking yet. They'll catch up eventually, just like a premie baby. ::)
Oh wow! That's very interesting! I didn't know cats could do that! I'm glad that the largest two are doing well. And I'm sending a lot of dust to the other kitties so that they stay healthy and continue to grow! And no more diarrhea and no more constipation!

DH and I were having a chuckle earlier because we've discussed the consistency of cat poo more over the last fortnight than the rest of our lives combined!
I asked our Vet what we had given our furball when he was younger to help with the diarrhea and slow weight gain.

It was a vitamin/mineral supplement. She said it is no longer on the market and its replacement is not exactly the same combo.

It had an array of B vitamins, iron, and a pre and probiotic. So, maybe a probiotic or B12 might be of some help!?!?!

Good Luck-they are super cute little ones :)