
There's some good news too

I hope you’re both very happy together.
That's fabulous news kenny, I'm so thrilled for you that you've found happiness again.
Gays are a small percentage of the population, so it's not easy to find people to date - not to mention I'm in my 60s.
Being an old-school prude, I have never joined any of those online dating, meat-up, or any GPSie-dudes-near-you-for-boing-boing-now sites. :rolleyes:
I still don't even have a smartphone plan - my plan is still just text and voice only.

So it's a miracle we met via a mutual friend at the gym.
the most import question ....
does he wear jewlery ?
If he’s
A bear
A red head
Appreciates gems/jewelry
That’d be a triple threat hard to resist.:mrgreen2:
Best wishes!
And, hope he is an animal lover. Maybe you will have fur babies together!
Thank you, Arkieb1.
But I don't go along with "meant to be" in this case - or in nearly all cases.
Evidence for such so called "meaning" is inadequate for me to accept it as true.
Such extraordinary claims carry a burden of proof that they have not met.
Such things just ARE.

I strive to take responsibility for what I want, instead of passing it on to some external make-believe entity or make-believe destiny, fate, or meaning.
Similarly, I don't say, "Bless You" or "Gesundheit" when someone sneezes because there is no evidence that the soul is vulnerable to demons entering :rolleyes: when we sneeze, fart, burp, vomit, poop, pee, etc.

All I know is, I do not want to be alone.

FWIW, I'm way more rational than I was 1.5 years ago.

Actually that wasn't how I meant it, maybe it's an Aussie to US thing - something was lost in translation, I wasn't saying it was "meant to be" that you met someone new I was stating that universally, we as humans are not meant to be alone (ie living on our own all alone)..... In cities in Australia older people who have partners that have died and family that live overseas or in other states often live alone, I've seen situations where they have died and the sad thing is people don't find them for ages. I'm sure that happens in the US too.

Plus being lonely sucks. That's what I meant by the comment. I don't think it's natural for us to be alone. Don't get me wrong I love my "alone' time (away from husband and 11 year old), but 24/7 not so much. I've always thought cultures that revolve heavily around community and helping each other and just generally having all generations of people around each other contain people that are much happier too.
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Wishing you happiness, Kenny!
Life has a way of surprising us. I’m so glad you are in a happy relationship. You deserve happiness Kenny.
I've met someone.
He's wonderful, and it's going well.
I'm very happy about this!!!!!

A year and a half is a long time.
Excellent news indeed. Wishing you much happiness in the future.

DK :appl:
So happy for you! Knew you would come back when you were ready.
I’m glad you are happy again.
I'm attracted big hairy men.
In the gay community they are called bears.
But after I snag one, I want him to eat healthy.

It's wrong.
I'm stupid and bad.

I'll never be perfect.
It's a mystery why we want what is not good for us.
Does any overweight PS member eat food, or food quantities they know they should not eat?

Yes, my new SO is a bear.
Slim hairless me are not attractive to me.
He and I do work towards a healthier lifestyle.
Tonight it's stirfry.

I fully realize that it's a unreasonable paradox.

Have you no inconsistencies and conflicts in your life?
Clearly, I do.

Oh Glob, I hope he doesn't see this thread.

So glad you have found someone and are happy!

And it happened in such a cool, old school way!

You and I have EXACTLY the same taste in men. I remember a thread on it a few years ago. Hope your new guy will be open to you posting pics of him from time to time (if you are also open to it, of course).

I think the fact that you met your new guy at the gym shows that he is at least trying to be healthy, and I think that's great. You can be big and still be reasonably healthy.

Congratulations on your new relationship - I hope you will be very happy together!
Internet dating is not for everyone, myself included.
Been there, done that, via paid as well as free sites.
I am just so damn fussy and difficult to please. :lol-2::lol-2::lol-2:

DK :))
That *is* good news! I'm happy to hear that Kenny, and excited for you that he's a bear (i.e. exactly your preferred type)!
So happy for you Kenny!
I am so happy to see you back, Kenny and so happy that you have found someone new and most of all that you are happy.
I hope you don't mind me saying I was a little worried about you. Thank you for coming back, and I wish you much happiness in your new relationship.