
The teeny tiny Scottish PS GTG


Jan 30, 2010
Hi everyone,

I thought I would give you an update on what may be the smallest PS GTG ever. :bigsmile:

Last saturday, 28.8.10, I finally met a fellow PSer, the lovely Jennifer W! She is amazing! :appl: :wavey:

We met at Glasgow's, if not Scotland's, premier jewellery location, The Argyle Arcade.

We went for coffee first, to get to know each other, which for me was instantaneous! We oooohed and aaaahed over each others bling. Tried them on, swapped stories and preferences. Jennifer is great company and knows how to tell a good story! Then we hit the shops.

Some of you may remember I have consigned my RB and I currently own an interim AVC. Having tried on a few rings recently I have come to the conclusion that a bigger (obviously :devil: :lol: ) RB looks best with my eternity ring. So I decide to engage Jennifer's superior diamond knowledge to my own advantage.

We went into 3 of of the higher end stores and tried on RB's ranging from 1.31 right through to 2.01. Can you guess which one we/I preferred? Yip, you guessed it, the 2.01! :lickout: :devil: :$$):

So I have a LOT of saving to do!! :shock:

GOG are going to be getting some serious business from me when I do get the cash together! Hi Jonathan! :wavey:

After we were suitably spangled by the bling and store lighting we headed out for a late lunch. We went to Rogano's, which is one of Glasgow's oldest restaurants. It is 75 years old this year and is still decked out in its original Art Deco style.

If you do check out the link, you will see our 2 seat to left hand side of the bar. :praise:

After a very enjoyable lunch in it's cafe we went upstairs for a cocktail. I stuck with french martini's and Jennifer had a small ( :lol: ) selection. We chatted and had, what I can honestly say, was a wonderful and enlightening time! After our cocktail or six, :naughty: :naughty: , we rounded off the day with a glass of champagne. :lickout:

I had the best time and cannot wait to do it again, some time soon. I would also love it if other fellow PS'ers came along too.

Now all I have to do is work out how I can convince my DH that I really really need to go to one of the big PS GTG's in the the Good Old US of A!!!!! :wavey:
Wot, not chips and curry sauce?

I am totally jealous, but glad you two had such a lovely time. Any pics?
Hi Gailey, :wavey:

We thought would do culture this time! :lol:

Actually, chips and curry sauce makes me quite ill!

No pictures this time. Next time, I promise. we were too busy gabbin and a bit squiffy by the end too! :devil:

Ps I saw your picture in my new favourite thread. Can you guess which one? I'll be 41 in December. :errrr: :tongue:

You look fabulous! No shame there! Maybe you will convince DF to do the same. :lol: :shock: :devil:

Sounds like you had a great time! Wish I lived closer :bigsmile: !
what fun!!! no picture sof bling?!

Hey Susimoo!
I had the best day in ages, thank you! Can't believe how fast the time went by though! It was after 10pm when I finally rolled home, and we first met up in the morning... :bigsmile: Waaaaay too many cocktails!

It was great to see an AVC in person at last. My only disappointment is that Susimoo has tiny, delicate hands and well, I don't. I couldn't get her bling on my shrek fingers. ;(

I'm looking forward to doing it all over again very soon, it's rare to find such an instant connection with someone. I blame the diamond fixation. ;)) Any more PSers in Scotland who fancy expanding the smallest ever gtg group?

Jennifer W said:
Hey Susimoo!
I had the best day in ages, thank you! Can't believe how fast the time went by though! It was after 10pm when I finally rolled home, and we first met up in the morning... :bigsmile: Waaaaay too many cocktails!

It was great to see an AVC in person at last. My only disappointment is that Susimoo has tiny, delicate hands and well, I don't. I couldn't get her bling on my shrek fingers. ;(

I'm looking forward to doing it all over again very soon, it's rare to find such an instant connection with someone. I blame the diamond fixation. ;)) Any more PSers in Scotland who fancy expanding the smallest ever gtg group?


You go girls!

I am very fortunate to have met Canuk-Gal and she and I have become firm friends. When my OMC's arrive next week we are off to meet a new bench to make me a 3 stone ring with my blue spinel. So much more fun when there's two of you. Of course the obligatory lunch and a little quaffing will take place too! So I know exactly how you two feel.

And Suzi, thank you for your kind words. Clearly you're in the right thread because macular degeneration must have set in :wink2: Although to be fair it wasn't a seriously high res close-up now was it!

No, I don't think DF is going to rise to the challenge, ho-hum!!

BTW, here's a couple of bits of Gailey the Scot trivia for you. Gavin Hastings is my all time favourite Scot and my third name is Haig!!!!
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Thank you for your kind words Tyty333 and Mozo! Unfortunately, no pics. In the arcade they are particularly sensitive about photography due to a rather appalling armed raid at one of the jewellery stores we were in. :nono:

One of the assistants was assaulted and over £1,000,000 worth of stock was taken, IIRC. So I don't normally ever ask to take photo's so as not to alarm them. Sorry! :(sad

As for the lunch part, we were too busy drinking, oh eh I mean eating! :lol:

You didn't want to see me after I fell off my bar stool did you? :tongue:

Gailey, I still say you looked fab! No need for close ups. We saw how you look to your public and you looked GOOD!!!!

Jennifer, my diamond pal, hello!!! Once my husband gets over the fact that lunch kept me out till almost 10, I can come out to play again! :devil:

Oh and for the record the only thing about Jennifer that resembles Shrek is her Cameron Diaz style fabulousness! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Jennifer W said:
You like Gavin better than you like us?! :bigsmile:

Hell, I like Gavin better than me! :naughty: :devil: :bigsmile:
bling and cocktails: i'm really sorry i wasn't in glasgow for this event.......!

movie zombie said:
bling and cocktails: i'm really sorry i wasn't in glasgow for this event.......!


MoZo, next time!! :bigsmile:

We will keep you posted! :wavey:
Suzi, you're sweet! Although I think Cameron's legal people will be in touch shortly. :bigsmile:

Did you fall off that barstool? I may have done, but I wasn't sure - I though maybe the room had just revolved a little. As they do... :mrgreen:
susimoo said:
Jennifer W said:
You like Gavin better than you like us?! :bigsmile:

Hell, I like Gavin better than me! :naughty: :devil: :bigsmile:

I revise my statement by saying, "Gavin Hastings is my all time favourite Scotsman"!!

And in case the 142 people who have viewed this thread are wondering who on earth Gavin Hastings is, here's a little photo.

"Lions captain Gavin Hastings swaps shirts with New Zealand fullback John Timu, NewZealand vs British & Irish Lions, Eden Park, Auckland, New Zealand, July 3, 1993"


Gavin circa 1993.jpg
He plays rugby, for anyone wondering what the heck he's doing in this photo... :bigsmile:

Jennifer W said:
Suzi, you're sweet! Although I think Cameron's legal people will be in touch shortly. :bigsmile:

Did you fall off that barstool? I may have done, but I wasn't sure - I though maybe the room had just revolved a little. As they do... :mrgreen:

Hi Jennifer :wavey:

About the legal stuff, I doubt that very much, no grounds for complaint. However, if they do, I know a VERY good lawyer!!! ;))

I didn't actually fall off my barstool, although how I stayed on is a minor miracle! That was just to make you laugh! ( as well as test your memory of the day! :lol: )
Glad to see it wasn't just me. :oops: :lol: