
The strangest times to talk or think about jewelry.


Sep 30, 2007
Kenny's thread on his recent hospital stay, and noticing the nurses diamond rings, made me think about one of the strangest jewelry conversations Ive had... I was in a very bad accident and my hip and femur were crushed.I waited for an hour and a half in the emergency room for medical attention and finally the doctors and nurses pulled me out of my suit and dress shoes all the while not saying much to me.When a nurse finally asked me where my pain level was i responded by grabbing her hand and telling her that she had a pretty engagement ring but one of the prongs was missing.That's the last thing i remember saying when waking up after surgery! So what are your odd ball stories that come from your love and obsession with jewelry and gems?
omg, that's so crazy... :bigsmile:
Now that made me LOL!!! :lol:

Now you really are a jewellery super hero!! Even in intense pain you still managed to avert a diamond disaster. My hero!!! :appl:

PS would it be totally inappropriate to ask if you were wearing your underpants over your suit trousers?

:tongue: :devil: :lol:
Ok I laughed pretty hard at that. We discussed rings at my father in law's funeral. My SIL asked me something about my ring because they were doing something to hers for the 10 year anniversary. I was like We're at your dad's funeral!?
I was in a compliance meeting at work when I noticed my ring throwing sparkles on the wall. Apparently I didn't just think this, I said it out loud too. "Ooohhhh! Sparkles! " we all had a good laugh at that one.
I had my annual lady parts exam recently, and the doctor and nurse, both women, started admiring my rings. We had a nice little chat about antique jewelry while I was there on the table, feet in the stirrups. :oops:
LOL Selkie! At least they were more focused on the one item you were still wearing than on your lady parts!
ame|1317819579|3033769 said:
Ok I laughed pretty hard at that. We discussed rings at my father in law's funeral. My SIL asked me something about my ring because they were doing something to hers for the 10 year anniversary. I was like We're at your dad's funeral!?

My SIL and I did the same thing. We discussed diamonds and rings while waiting for her grandmother's funeral service to start. She was hoping to get engaged, but she and the BF broke up shortly after. Don't know exactly what happended but she's not looking for a diamond anymore. She's been with her current guy for 10 or 12 years, but refuses to even consider getting married.
yennyfire|1317849796|3034086 said:
LOL Selkie! At least they were more focused on the one item you were still wearing than on your lady parts!

Ha! I've noticed my gyne checking out my ring, too!
I was once stuck (briefly, thank God) in an elevator with a woman who was blatantly watching the rainbow sparkles it was throwing onto the wood paneled walls. After getting out of the elevator, she followed me to my office, which is quite a ways away from the bank of elevators and grabbed my hand in front of the whole staff and started asking a million questions. My coworkers still make fun of me about my "diamond stalker!"
Lil Misfit|1317866710|3034271 said:
yennyfire|1317849796|3034086 said:
LOL Selkie! At least they were more focused on the one item you were still wearing than on your lady parts!

Ha! I've noticed my gyne checking out my ring, too![/quot

My gyno has the most unbelievable three stone emerald cut ERing...! Yes I stare at it everytime I go and wonder how she can wear that while doing her job :eek:
Selkie|1317843460|3034027 said:
I had my annual lady parts exam recently, and the doctor and nurse, both women, started admiring my rings. We had a nice little chat about antique jewelry while I was there on the table, feet in the stirrups. :oops:
Haha OMG. Me too! I was having my IUD changed out and the nice receptionist was holding my hand so we had a lovely chat about jewelry while I tried not to wail in pain. It was distracting at least!