
Switching careers & the economy.

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Sep 6, 2007
First off, thanks in advance for any input and advice that is given. This is truly a stressful time for me and I''m not quite sure what is the *best* thing to do at this point.

I am currently working at a very small credit union as an Assistant Manager. While our numbers are good, a few things such as a manager who does not know what she is doing and a board of directors who just don''t care, we could very well end up with our doors closed at any point in time. I am highly underpaid for being an Assistant Manager and was promised a substantial raise after 6 months. 6 months was in December and here it is the end of February and still no raise. Everyone keeps making excuses and blah blah, the point is, they promised and didn''t come through. I have been extremely miserable at my job, not because of the job itself but because of the manager. I basically do her job b/c she doesn''t know what she is doing AT ALL. I''ve gone to the board several times about my concerns but nothing has been done and honestly, I think what everyone says goes in one ear and out the other. Anyway, I''ve been waiting on a state job but with the economy, it''s extremely hard to get a budget waiver for any positions so they can hire. So who knows how long I will be waiting for that.

My mom does private care on the side with a partner and one of my sisters. This partner just found out she''s very ill and will have to leave the job and therefore, my mom is left having to cover all her shifts plus her own. Not to mention, my sister is now in the hospital and so my mom has been trying to cover all 3 of their shifts. She offered me her old partners permanent position and I would LOVE to get into this field. I have always loved working with the elderly and have been trying to pursue several different positions in that field. Somehow, my life has landed me in the banking industry and well, while I am glad that I have a job at all, I also would love to jump at this unique chance and pursue something that is of true value to me. I would be making more than I make now and would only have to work morning hours, leaving the rest of the day for quite possibly going back to school.

DH is scared of me leaving a "steady" job but as I have said before, our doors can close at any moment and we already came pretty close once this past year. He feels with the way the economy is that I shouldn''t take the risk. He said it was my decision and he would stand behind me no matter what but to think long and hard about it. I am so torn. I love what I do. I am extremely good at it... BUT I don''t intend on staying in this field. My current employer took away our pension and doesn''t offer any sort of benefits. So why should I stay there? Oh, I should also mention that this new position would be off the books. I think this is where DH says that I shouldn''t leave a "steady" job for something like this. I am not worried about getting paid as my mother has never had any issue with these families paying care. They could down the line, of course, but well, there''s blind faith. That could go for both jobs though. A paycheck is NEVER guaranteed, IMO. So as I said, I''d be making more, have time for schooling and also be only 10-15min from work as opposed to the 45 I am now. My car eats gas so I would save a lot in that alone!

I know rambled a lot. Any questions, feel free to ask. But any opinions of what I''ve given so far? I don''t know what to do. I just feel as though at this moment, I am stuck in a dead end job that is going nowhere fast.


Jul 22, 2007
Read through your post. You''ve already made your decision.

When I face a major life change, I ask myself "where are there more blessings?"

While clientele within the care industry will always be changing (for obvious reasons), there are very few fields that are more steady and reliable. Perhaps your DH would be more at ease if you were to get certified or a degree in this field.

Good Luck!


Aug 19, 2009
it sounds like you know what to do already.
I say go for it. Esp. if your DH has a job too.


Sep 6, 2007
Date: 2/25/2010 5:35:33 PM
Author: somethingshiny
Read through your post. You''ve already made your decision.

When I face a major life change, I ask myself ''where are there more blessings?''

While clientele within the care industry will always be changing (for obvious reasons), there are very few fields that are more steady and reliable. Perhaps your DH would be more at ease if you were to get certified or a degree in this field.

Good Luck!

That''s where the schooling comes into play. I don''t know what exact avenue I plan to take with this field but am actively looking into my schooling options. I know having some sort of degree would make him feel a lot better about it all.

I agree with your "where are there more blessings" question. I want to do something worthwhile with my life and I have no doubt that this would bring many blessings into my life.


Sep 6, 2007
Date: 2/25/2010 5:43:19 PM
Author: Bella_mezzo
it sounds like you know what to do already.
I say go for it. Esp. if your DH has a job too.

I suppose I do know. Maybe I just need others to agree with my decision? I''m not sure.

DH does have a position. A very secure one at that. So you''re right, I should go for it.


Aug 14, 2009
I guess I'll be the voice of dissent.

You mentioned you have a pretty good "in"... Do you have another set of solid options, of which you know one will work out, should things with your "in" go poorly? Do you and DH have savings/income to spare for when it doesn't go as planned? What about afterward, if job satisfaction declines - will it have put you in a position to venture into something else that you'd like to do? Contingencies!

Your DH is right in that depending on where you are, the job market is still abysmal, and it's just worse for entrants. Reality is, unless you have some history or a multitude of very reliable people vouching for you, why would anyone hire you when they can have their pick of people with years of experience in that field?

I'd try to stick it out until the market is further along the road to recovery, but then, I'm not an adventurer!

ETA: I wrote this before reading your last post - only you and DH know what's best for you, and if you decide to change careers -


Mar 29, 2005
I was going to tell you to go for the career change until you said it was going to be "off the books." You do realize this your mother employing people "off the books" is illegal, right? And I assume the reason you will be making more money is that you won''t have any of the mandatory withholdings deducted from your paycheck. And you won''t be declaring this money as income because you won''t be getting a W-2.

Putting the ethics and legality of what you''d be doing aside (and that''s a big aside), you wouldn''t be getting any credit for your earnings for the purposes of Social Security, you wouldn''t be eligible for workers'' compensation if you get hurt (and caregiving for the elderly can be dangerous, particularly with back injuries), and you wouldn''t be eligible for unemployment if your mother''s business were to close. Would you even be able to put this job on a resume later? I''ll be blunt and say that working illegally off the books isn''t a good career option regardless of how much you hate your present job. But if you''re okay with the illegality and the other consequences of working off the books then that''s your call.


Sep 6, 2007
Date: 2/25/2010 8:15:47 PM
Author: rainwood
I was going to tell you to go for the career change until you said it was going to be ''off the books.'' You do realize this your mother employing people ''off the books'' is illegal, right? And I assume the reason you will be making more money is that you won''t have any of the mandatory withholdings deducted from your paycheck. And you won''t be declaring this money as income because you won''t be getting a W-2.

Putting the ethics and legality of what you''d be doing aside (and that''s a big aside), you wouldn''t be getting any credit for your earnings for the purposes of Social Security, you wouldn''t be eligible for workers'' compensation if you get hurt (and caregiving for the elderly can be dangerous, particularly with back injuries), and you wouldn''t be eligible for unemployment if your mother''s business were to close. Would you even be able to put this job on a resume later? I''ll be blunt and say that working illegally off the books isn''t a good career option regardless of how much you hate your present job. But if you''re okay with the illegality and the other consequences of working off the books then that''s your call.

You present a good case. DH brought up some of those points as well. Perhaps it''s why I''m struggling so much with the decision. I am so unhappy with my present job that I am trying to rationalize taking such a risk. I think I know in my heart of hearts that the *BEST* decision is to stay... but it''s hard to tell my head that b/c in all honesty, at work, I''m in the one foot out the door mentality. Which isn''t good. I have to figure out some way to stick it out and not be so miserable.

Thanks. I am taking what you said into serious consideration!


Aug 19, 2009
Date: 2/25/2010 8:28:58 PM
Author: inhisarms17

Date: 2/25/2010 8:15:47 PM
Author: rainwood
I was going to tell you to go for the career change until you said it was going to be ''off the books.'' You do realize this your mother employing people ''off the books'' is illegal, right? And I assume the reason you will be making more money is that you won''t have any of the mandatory withholdings deducted from your paycheck. And you won''t be declaring this money as income because you won''t be getting a W-2.

Putting the ethics and legality of what you''d be doing aside (and that''s a big aside), you wouldn''t be getting any credit for your earnings for the purposes of Social Security, you wouldn''t be eligible for workers'' compensation if you get hurt (and caregiving for the elderly can be dangerous, particularly with back injuries), and you wouldn''t be eligible for unemployment if your mother''s business were to close. Would you even be able to put this job on a resume later? I''ll be blunt and say that working illegally off the books isn''t a good career option regardless of how much you hate your present job. But if you''re okay with the illegality and the other consequences of working off the books then that''s your call.

You present a good case. DH brought up some of those points as well. Perhaps it''s why I''m struggling so much with the decision. I am so unhappy with my present job that I am trying to rationalize taking such a risk. I think I know in my heart of hearts that the *BEST* decision is to stay... but it''s hard to tell my head that b/c in all honesty, at work, I''m in the one foot out the door mentality. Which isn''t good. I have to figure out some way to stick it out and not be so miserable.

Thanks. I am taking what you said into serious consideration!
Hi, inhisarms. I am in complete agreeance with rainwood .. I was with you until you said "off the books"!

Is your income imperative to your household, or could you guys support yourselves solely off your DH''s salary?

The thing about being married is that you have to do what''s right for your family, not just for you personally, KWIM? I understand how you feel about your job, I really do. I''m sorry you''re going through this


Sep 6, 2007
Date: 2/25/2010 8:40:49 PM

Hi, inhisarms. I am in complete agreeance with rainwood .. I was with you until you said ''off the books''!

Is your income imperative to your household, or could you guys support yourselves solely off your DH''s salary?

The thing about being married is that you have to do what''s right for your family, not just for you personally, KWIM? I understand how you feel about your job, I really do. I''m sorry you''re going through this

"Could" we? Yes. Would I want to? Not at all. So that is something I have to think about. It runs a huge risk. One I didn''t clearly see before...

And you''re right in that it''s about my family, not me.

Thanks so much everyone. Seriously! I always know that the amazing PS''ers are here to help!
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