
Speaking of Boston...

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Oh my god those lofts are TO DIE FOR!!! Have you seen them in person?
No, I know about where they are though; it's not far from where I work.
You can google map them and see the street view, it's pretty darn cool. Map link. It's right behind the VA medical center, so there will be some ambulance/truck noise.
It's several blocks from the shops/town center, but it's a stretch that's revitalizing. Apparently they gave $30,000 to the first 10 signers! Desperate much? That was in December. We could go when you're here...
Oh man, that would be so much fun to check them out. Maybe I will just schedule some apartment searches around that time too so I can kill to JP birds with one stone. Wish I could have gotten in on a $30k credit!! I wonder how many are left and do you have any idea what the going rate for one is? I see that the sf varies pretty widely...

Do you want to meet in JP to make it easy? I tell you I am getting quite excited and anxious. I have seen a few other condo conversions in JP that I drool over... I never thought I would get all Homer Simpson at the thought of buying a place to live! "mmmm condo conversion..." hahah
The rates are I think 300K to 700K, probably studio- max beds. That''s not too bad for abound here, the average 2 bed goes for 4-500K.

We can meet in JP; I''ll see if I can find a good lunch spot!
Hi, if you''re here, do you want to do lunch at Bukhara Thursday/Friday? I think you like Indian, right?
Mercoledi don''t hate me! I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I have booked myself solid in an attempt to find the best apartment that I havent left room for much else. I would totally do lunch tomorrow but a former coworker''s current boss (at another company) wants to meet me for lunch as a pre-interview to potentially convince me to come work for their company! While I wouldnt normally do this it sounds like an amazing opportunity to work for a great company (that has offices in Back Bay! Whoo hoo!)

I know you are crazy busy this weekend and so I can''t persuade you to have lunch or something with me then, otherwise I would so I could talk your head off!

And to update you on the "hunt" as I have called it- I spent hours on Wednesday with an agent in Brighton and every single apartment was not what I was looking for and in the end was kinda expensive for what it offered. I could deal until I waited for the B line to get back to my hotel and I waited almost 30 minutes! And in the heat!! That was a huge turn off. Today I went to Salem and actually think I may have found the best contender but dont want to jinx it yet. If it works out I will totally post photos. Salem was super cool and I loved hanging out there.

Tomorrow after being in the office a bit, I am meeting that woman for lunch and then hitting JP to see two apartments. Needless to say, aside from redeye yesterday and walking around in the sweltering humidity- I am EXHAUSTED!!

But I will stay vigilant until I can find a place.

So sorry I completely never made it to the boards to catch your message. I hope you will forgive me. I promise that if we dont meet up this week that I will be sure to claim some time from you in September when I am officially a Mass transplant!

By the way, if I could get all the dust humanly possible to make this apartment hunt amazing, I would really appreciate it everyone!!!

I figured you were busy and this is certainly the least efficient way to try to contact someone! Sorry about your Brighton experience, the B line T is always like that and during the academic year it takes forever to get from Brighton through BU into downtown.

Salem is cute, isn't it? Tiny, but cute. It has some nice cafe's and a decent vintage/consignment shop.

Good luck in JP and double good luck for your working lunch! That sounds great!

I'm around tomorrow, but I leave Sunday AM for vacation. If you want to grab brunch/lunch, let me know.

**** new job and apartment dust ****
Well, good news everyone!! I found an apartment! It is in Salem in the historic McIntire district, is an 11 minute walk from the train (although a bus picks up/drops off right in front of the house and goes there too- good in case it is snowing) and is 5 blocks to the heart of Salem. Needless to say I am so excited!

I signed the papers on Tuesday before heading home- boy what a relief!! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you sweet and awesome ladies for helping me out- you were the best!! And since I know we PSers all love photos attached are a few from the apartment. It was recently gutted to be a condo but the market got so bad they took it off and are renting it. It hasnt even been lived in yet- whoo hoo! Hubby and I are leaving SF on August 21st, I cant wait!!!

Dining room...

And kitchen!! OK, now time for a get together!

Oh and I had the best ice cream at Lizzie''s in Cambridge and thought of our awesome discussion about the importance of ice cream! Man was it goo!

What a gorgeous apartment. Congratulations on finding it!
Thank you so much Zoe!!
Congrats! I love Salem and your place is beautiful. You''re going to have such fun living up there this Fall.

We may be doing a get together for the Boston area folks in September, we''d love to have you join us. Well, we''d love for everyone to join us. hehehe.

Another thing, A ton of us Bostonians work in the Back Bay area. If you need information about any of the companies, just let us know. You never know where you''re going to find a helpful connection. We''re also great for lunch dates!
Congrats on getting an apartment! It looks gorgeous.
Thanks HH and Kismet! I am so game for a get together. Any of you work in publishing over in the Back Bay?

And speaking of Back Bay- I had lunch before I left at Ciao Bella and had the BEST piece of cheesecake I have ever had in my life. Everyone needs to go get a slice!
Yay for finding the apartment, it looks fantatic!! You''ll love Salem!!

I have a good friend who worked as an editor for a publishing firm in the Back Bay (she does freelance editing now). I''ll find out the name of the firm.

I work in the Financial District now, but always love to go back to the Back Bay for lunch (I miss the restaurants there), so if you ever want to grab lunch with Hudson, count me in! I hope to see you at the Boston GTG as well!

Just 2 weeks until you move!!! Strangely enough, D and I will be in San Francisco then, haha.
NEL- that is funny that you will be here as I make my way over there! I would love to grab lunch with you girls in the Back Bay, there are so many awesome restaurants to choose from!
Any of you work in publishing over in the Back Bay?

I DO, I DO!!!!! *jumps up and down waving arms*

Of course there are TONS of publishers in this area
Houghton Mifflin
Bedford St. Martin

Do you work in publishing?

And forget the restaurants, there's even better SHOPPING!
I work for Cengage!!! But seriously need a new job

And yes, the shopping rocks! Or at least the window shopping does!
Hahaha I can''t say I haven''t heard that from a few people these days. I work for Pearson. If you''re really looking for a new gig, we should talk.
Hudson, that is too funny and really perfect. I love your office location too- so jealous! Question is, how on earth do we facilitate a chat? This just makes me want to be in Boston even sooner so we could eat cheesecake, shop and talk work all at the same time!

Oh, and did you know we bought Houghton? I just made the world a little bit smaller
Oh, and did you know we bought Houghton? I just made the world a little bit smaller

Yes, those are the friends who want new jobs!

Unfortunately there''s no easy way to facilitate outer-PS contact. It has to be like a blind date. We agree to a time and place to meet via posting on PS. It stinks, but it''s the only way.

So give me a holler when you''re finally in the area. Although if you''re with Cengage, won''t you be in the South Station/Financial District area? I thought that''s where their main Boston office was. Then again, I know some of the people who stayed on at Houghton/Cengage are in the Houghton building which is literally right across the street from me.
Unfortunately the South Station office is being changed to accommodate the Houghton people- they wont be in their awesome back bay location for long
and we''ll all be in one undisclosed location. (I love not knowing things!)

I will definitely give you a holler when I am out at the end of the month and we can meet up to talk shop, bling and food all at once. When are you planning out the Boston GTG?
The Boston GTG date is TBD. It''ll be some time in September/October I think.
I used to work for Houghton and then left publishing after a little over 2 years to get my masters and enter the world of teaching. I loved it there and I learned a lot. I miss it at times -- you can''t beat the location. The reps we worked with and the perks we got were great -- I miss that as well.

I''m off to see if there''s an update to the Boston GTG thread. I''m hoping to be able to attend -- the last one was fun, and it was great meeting NEL, HH, Nytemist, Alj (Allison D now), Tberube, Keepingthefaith, Selkie, KTicern, and DiamanteBlu.
Cool apartment, what a great find!

HH- A good friend of mine works for Pearson! She was in Boston in editing, then a rep in NY state, and is now a rep in CT. Sound familiar? She had the worst lunch shopping addiction ever! It''s tough, with Newbury right there.

See you gals at the GTG!
Date: 8/8/2008 11:18:31 AM
Author: shigidigi
Thanks HH and Kismet! I am so game for a get together. Any of you work in publishing over in the Back Bay?

Alas, I work out in the boonies (well 20 miles outside of Boston) so no lunch for me.
Kismet maybe we can do it on a weekend so you can come too!!
I just found out my firend worked for Pearson as well...specifically Allyn and Bacon. Go figure! I know she still does some freelance work them...strangely enough she makes more freelancing for them than she did working FOR them. Strange, I tell you.
That is the sad truth of the biz- they would rather give you more $$ as a freelancer than pay for your health insurance and 401k match!
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