
So freaked out!

decodelighted|1347763892|3268937 said:
LALove|1347732101|3268702 said:
ihy138|1347728994|3268668 said:
Well I guess they are actual burgers as they were caught IN a house down the road.
They sound scary but DELICIOUS! (glad they got the bad guys/meats!)
LMAO deco! :lol: I thought you'd lost your mind- delicious?! I had to read my quoted post 3 times. Cut me some slack- it's late, I'm sick and autocorrect sucks! ;))

(That was damn hilarious!)
chemgirl|1347760727|3268908 said:
LALove|1347752860|3268833 said:
MZ- while I'm ok with the idea of civilians owning firearms, I personally am not at this point because I don't know how to use a gun. I've never even held a real gun in my life. I just never had any interest. But now that I have a child to keep safe I really do need to have some kind of plan in place. I mean if someone had broken in last night, my only option would have been to barricade myself and DS in a room and call 911. The idea of being defenseless really frightens me.

I do think the security system is a good start. The one I purchased has a crazy loud alarm and you can program it to turn on every light in the house - that seems like it'd deter most criminals. I'll have to have a serious talk with DH to explore all our options. Thank you for your advice!

Did you get the professional installation and home assessment with it? We found it well worth it given that we have pets. The installer knew how to position the motion sensors so that our pets wouldn't set them off. They also had fantastic suggestions like placing contacts on a sliding door that could be accessible using a ladder. Another consideration is where your electrical box is located. Ours is inside, so we have our system set so that somebody could break into the garage, but not the house. If our electrical box were in the garage we would have had to set it up differently. Just things I didn't think of.

A professional installer can also wire in smoke detectors and CO detectors so the authorities are alerted if there is a problem. Its peace of mind with small pets.
Hmm... the sales guy I spoke with yesterday didn't mention professional installation. He just asked how many doors/windows and then we put together a package and it's being shipped. Once we put it in place we test it all with them via the phone. Did you hire another company to do this?
LALove|1347800983|3269035 said:
chemgirl|1347760727|3268908 said:
LALove|1347752860|3268833 said:
MZ- while I'm ok with the idea of civilians owning firearms, I personally am not at this point because I don't know how to use a gun. I've never even held a real gun in my life. I just never had any interest. But now that I have a child to keep safe I really do need to have some kind of plan in place. I mean if someone had broken in last night, my only option would have been to barricade myself and DS in a room and call 911. The idea of being defenseless really frightens me.

I do think the security system is a good start. The one I purchased has a crazy loud alarm and you can program it to turn on every light in the house - that seems like it'd deter most criminals. I'll have to have a serious talk with DH to explore all our options. Thank you for your advice!

Did you get the professional installation and home assessment with it? We found it well worth it given that we have pets. The installer knew how to position the motion sensors so that our pets wouldn't set them off. They also had fantastic suggestions like placing contacts on a sliding door that could be accessible using a ladder. Another consideration is where your electrical box is located. Ours is inside, so we have our system set so that somebody could break into the garage, but not the house. If our electrical box were in the garage we would have had to set it up differently. Just things I didn't think of.

A professional installer can also wire in smoke detectors and CO detectors so the authorities are alerted if there is a problem. Its peace of mind with small pets.
Hmm... the sales guy I spoke with yesterday didn't mention professional installation. He just asked how many doors/windows and then we put together a package and it's being shipped. Once we put it in place we test it all with them via the phone. Did you hire another company to do this?

We called a few alarm companies (ADT, Alarm Force) and they asked about our windows, doors, and if we had children or pets etc. Then about a week later a guy came with the system and installed it. He knew how to set it up so that we could leave it armed while we're on vacation, but still let our cats roam the house (our sitter has her own access code that only works when we're in vacation mode). I wouldn't have had a clue how to do all that on my own.

They did contacts on all of the doors and large windows. They also put motion sensors in key areas. He was very good at knowing where everything should go to cover the house effectively. Even told us the number of motion sensors we ordered was overkill and moved one so it covered two areas.

This service was part of the package, but maybe things are a bit different here. Most houses in my area are built pre-wired for security systems.

The peace of mind with having a system like this is awesome. I know the police will be on their way if there's a burglary, and I know my cats will be rescued if there's a carbon monoxide leak while I'm out. Fantastic.

Glad you are all okay. The monitored security system is a really good start. Make sure to have it installed by someone who is good. They'll be able to put things in places that it won't be set off by pets but will be set off by an intruder. A combination of motion detecting, door/window sensors, and glass-break sensors in your home is good because it allows you the most options when installing. Our monitoring company took care of arranging the installation for us. You might call them back and ask what they suggest.

At our house, our first line of protection is making the house an uninteresting target. Lighting, visibility, and security monitoring sign are a good start. After that comes slowing them down and making it difficult to get in your house. If it takes them a long time, they will usually move on. If all else fails and they've gotten into the house and we are faced with no alternative, we WILL protect ourselves.We both have the tools and training to make sure our family is safe.

Other precautions we have include dowels in the tracks of all windows and sliding doors. It is possible in some windows and doors to shift them just right and slide them out of their track. Your security sensors will help with this, but the added layer is really cheap (our whole house was probably $15) and gives a little added protection. I've been glad to have them as I get up in the mornings or home from work only to realize that someone didn't lock the back sliding door.

If you've got gates to get into your back yard, you might consider a lock on them. We also have a motion security light in that area.

Another thing to think about is your landscaping. Do you have big clusters of bushes that are thick enough to hide in? Prune your trees and bushes to thin out around the base so that you can clearly see if needed. (If police come to your house to respond, they will stand on the outside of your fence and shine a very bright flashlight around the yard first. Thinned out bushes allow them to see better.) Fewer hiding places also make you a less interesting target.
I'm also careful to keep the plants by the house smaller (either tall/skinny or short) so that there is nothing large enough for a person to hide behind while trying to get into the house.

Keep your cell phone in your bedroom when you sleep (I turn ringer off) so that you can easily call police if needed.

Please do look into all your options. Even with a system, it can take 5 minutes or more for the police to show up. There are also ways for people to get past the systems (B's co-worker had his home broken into and the burglar knew how to make it past all the sensors including the motion detectors. System was on and armed the whole time, he just was able to get past it!). Get yourself into a training class to refresh. Take your DH for training as well. (there are plenty of us on here who are familiar with stuff, so if you need help selecting something let us know!)

Most important -- have a plan!
Know what you are going to do. Know what your DH will do. Know how you will get to your DS and where you will all be.
LALove|1347758639|3268882 said:
missy|1347753549|3268843 said:
LALove, so glad you are OK and that the police already have the criminals in custody! So scary!!

We recently got a home security system (Frontpoint security) at our beach house- not because anything has happened here or in the area but just because we are in the suburbs and suburbs make me nervous! I wanted to feel 100% safe while sleeping at night and that is the main reason we got it. When we go to bed we just arm the system and if anybody tries to get in the alarm goes off and our security system calls the police. My dh was against getting one (we never had one before) but I did the research and I have to say I love the system we have. It is so easy to use, we can arm or disarm it remotely (makes it super easy when we need people to come and do work etc as we don't live here full time) and customer service (24 hours) is amazing. It's all wireless so nobody can cut wires and disarm the system. Sorry I sound like an advertisement for the system but I couldn't be more pleased with it.

The main impetus (for me) for getting a home security system was not concern about someone breaking in when we are not here (though that would suck) but someone breaking in when we are here! Scary beyond words- especially after that heartbreaking case in Connecticut. That story has stayed with me all these years. Terrifying and tragic beyond words. :cry:

Anyway, I highly recommend a security system. Peace of mind is priceless!
Thanks Missy! I'm so happy they were caught too! I think tonight would be pretty rough if they hadn't been.

That is the security system we purchased!! It seems awesome! I love the wireless connection and the fact that the police are notified if you don't answer your phone. Did you know you can program it to turn on lights in your home if the alarm is triggered? Who would continue breaking in with a loud alarm going off and a totally lit up house? And the price was surprisingly reasonable.

The case in Connecticut is so so sad. You hear about these sad/horrifying stories quite often but it really was something I thought would never happen to us. That's why we never purchased a security system but that was pretty naive. Either way, better safe than sorry.

Yes, it is an awesome system! The customer service is excellent. It was easy peasy to install- a professional installation was not necessary and believe me I wouldn't say that if it weren't really simple. It took about 15 minutes total I think.

We also purchased the fire/flood sensors and are thinking about the security cameras but right now don't feel it is necessary. Love the fact that you can do that with the lights too!

It's just that we are not here more than we are so it is so nice to have those options. So glad you got this system- I did research before I decided upon Frontpoint and I know we made the right choice after having it for these last few months. They really are excellent- you cannot find any negative customer reviews which you cannot say about other security/alarm systems. Good luck- hope you are as thrilled with it as I am LaLove!
I read this thread and while truly scared for you, thought my mind had put it to bed...

Not so! I dreamed about you LALove, and that I was telling someone the story of what happened and suddenly I was there and they were still trying to break in. In the dream, I knew who they were and felt terribly responsible for them attempting to break into your house (disclaimer: I really don't know them :o ). I am so sorry you went through that. Awesome that they were caught, but I imagine the damage has been done, just as it was done to me and I didn't even experience it! I'm just a big baby, I guess :rolleyes:

Good luck with all your safety mechanisms. I recommend dogs too. I am now the owner of three to my surprise (DS brought home a stray pitbull puppy about 8 months ago). They all sound tough and Joseph, the pitbull, while a big pushover, sounds like he would eat someone whole...
LAlove, What an awful thing to happen and thank goodness you and your family are safe. It sounds like you are doing all the right things in the aftermath. If you feel comfortable with a gun, can safely handle it and store it in the house then it is a useful defense. Naturally there is always a concern about children and firearms. I remember asking a couple who were avid shooters and had a collection of guns what about their little girls? The dad said that they kept them locked but also at an early age started discussing the purpose and danger of guns with their children and planned on teaching them how to safely handle guns when they were a little older. Not having grown up with guns in the house I thought that was a sensible response.

I heard that a dog, any dog, will discourage a robber because of the noise. They will just move on to an easier target. That being said, a neighborhood watch would help keep the community safer. It seems that with the downturn in the economy there is an increase in b&e. Often the police department will send an officer to a neighborhood meeting to talk with them about security and watches. I send wishes for a swift return of your sense of safety and control in your life.
chemgirl|1347803238|3269055 said:
We called a few alarm companies (ADT, Alarm Force) and they asked about our windows, doors, and if we had children or pets etc. Then about a week later a guy came with the system and installed it. He knew how to set it up so that we could leave it armed while we're on vacation, but still let our cats roam the house (our sitter has her own access code that only works when we're in vacation mode). I wouldn't have had a clue how to do all that on my own.

They did contacts on all of the doors and large windows. They also put motion sensors in key areas. He was very good at knowing where everything should go to cover the house effectively. Even told us the number of motion sensors we ordered was overkill and moved one so it covered two areas.

This service was part of the package, but maybe things are a bit different here. Most houses in my area are built pre-wired for security systems.

The peace of mind with having a system like this is awesome. I know the police will be on their way if there's a burglary, and I know my cats will be rescued if there's a carbon monoxide leak while I'm out. Fantastic.

Oh I gotcha. The system/company we decided to go with doesn't do instillation - they send you everything and you put it up yourself. Missy has the same system and she said it was easy to install. DH and dad are pretty good with electronics etc so it shouldn't be a problem. Also, the company walks you through testing it all out once you've installed it.
OMG - how scary! :errrr: I agree with the alarm system. And I hope you feel better soon.
LALove - how was last nights sleep? Were you able to sleep thru the entire night or were you a bit jittery? And, how's the flu bug... hopefully its passed by now.
Very creepy indeed. I had a similar experience and got an alarm system for the house. I sleep much more soundly now.
TooPatient - Thanks :wavey: The system we got you install yourself but I guess it's really easy. We did get motion sensors, glass break sensors and video cameras. I may have gone overboard a bit but I don't care. :)

One thing I realized re making the home an uninteresting target is that I leave my purse(s) on my kitchen table which it totally view-able from the kitchen french doors. Oops. I didn't think it was a big deal since we back up to woods.

Dowels! I forgot! I grew up with those as our "security system". Good idea.

I normally keep my cell in the kitchen charging but good point about having it with me. I'll move the charger to my room.

DH and I are definitely reviewing all of our safety options re if someone were to get in.

Thanks for all the tips!!! :)

missy - I'm excited to get it!! I researched it online and it got stellar reviews everywhere. So good to hear that you love it! I didn't get the fire sensors but did get cameras. Maybe overkill but it makes me feel better that if there's an attempt again we will have the person/people on tape.

minousbijoux - Oh no! I'm so sorry my thread gave you nightmares! I HATE bad dreams! :errrr: We do plan on getting a puppy in the spring. I bet your dogs are good security! I'd love another pitbull but DH is sensitive to animal dander so we have to pick a less shedding breed.

wordie89 - Thank you! :wavey: We're looking into having a gun in the home. I grew up with guns in our house and it was never an issue. They were locked up and we knew to not even go anywhere near them!

Lil Misfit - I'm feeling much better just knowing the same people won't attempt a break in again. Once we have the security system in place I'm sure I'll feel very secure.

Enerchi - I've been sleeping great! :) DH on the other hand.. Lol. DS hopped out of bed last night and threw his door open (had to go potty) and DH jumped out of bed. LOL I guess it's good that he's on high alert. Normally he sleeps through everything.

Tuckins1 - I'm sorry to hear you had a similar experience. :( It sucks. I'm glad to know the alarm helped you feel more secure. :))