
Reaching out to the Pricescope Proposal idea factory!

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Jun 28, 2006
Before this past Saturday, I have never asked a man for his daughters hand in marriage, very very scary. My hands were shaking for about 5 minutes after I did it, and I'm usually a very laid back and calm person! Well, I got a very welcomed blessing, which brings me to this post:

I want to propose sometime next week and haven't been able to lock down a good idea. I've had a few good ones, but I tend to overanalyze and obsess to make sure things will be perfect and foolproof (especially when it comes to my GF)
She's made it very clear that she A) doesn't want a proposal in public and, B) has no need for a big production. Still, I want her to have a great memory to cherish because she really deserves it.

There is a unique opportunity that I'd like to exploit, but I'm not sure how or if there's any way to make it better. My girlfriend has an apartment on the top floor of her parents house, with double doors that lead out to a balcony style porch. My basic idea is to somehow(
) get her to go onto the porch then I'll read her a love letter that I wrote myself, after she says yes, I'd climb up (maybe after stashing one of these) and present her the ring in the box.

Comments, tweaks, changes, additions are VERY MUCH NEEDED and welcomed!

Me -->

EDIT: A good friend of mine is a photographer with professional equipment and volunteered take stealth pictures of the proposal where/whenever it's planned to be. If I do this at sundown, that could make for some nice surprise pictures later on.
Romeo and Juliet style?
Date: 8/7/2006 10:00:25 PM
Author: JulieN
Romeo and Juliet style?
Eh, I like to think of it more like David style.

Do you think this rates too high on the cheesy scale? BTW, we''re both in our late 20''s.
Aw...very cute!

It all really depends on your gf''s style. Is this something she would appreciate of think it''s way too sappy? I like the idea, but if it were me and my FF started reading me a poem while I was on my balcony and then proceed to climb up I think i''d honestly start laughing. Now then it would probablly turn to tears but, that''s just me. It is a very sweet and romantic proposal, which I am all for, but keep her feelings in mind as well.

Let us know how it works out.
Date: 8/7/2006 10:14:10 PM
Author: RoseAngel04
It all really depends on your gf's style. Is this something she would appreciate of think it's way too sappy?
Thanks for writing RoseAngel, good question. No, she wouldn't start laughing, that's not like her. Knowing her she'd immediately realize it was her proposal, then be happy/relieved that I didn't do something with skywriting or monkeys on unicycles.

Like me, she's a romantic, so I think the general idea would work. I just need to fill in some holes like how do I get her to come out to the balcony and other things I might not be thinking of!
Date: 8/7/2006 10:22:48 PM
Author: David0722

Thanks for writing RoseAngel, good question. No, she wouldn''t start laughing, that''s not like her. Knowing her she''d immediately realize it was her proposal, then be happy/relieved that I didn''t do something with skywriting or monkeys on unicycles.

Now I want skywriting monkeys on unicycles for my proposal!
Aw, I like your idea a lot! It will be private, and it is not over the top at all. How sweet. There is a fine line between romantic and sappy, but I think your idea is romantic!

Maybe you could get her onto the balcony by leaving her a note that tells her to go outside.
Date: 8/7/2006 11:00:50 PM
Author: Fancy605

Maybe you could get her onto the balcony by leaving her a note that tells her to go outside.
...interesting. I love how these forums work, little ideas here and there that spark the creative juices!
Cute idea! You know your GF best and it sounds like she''ll think it''s sweet rather than sappy. It''s definitely unique! I like Fancy''s idea of leaving her little notes to get her out onto the balcony. And maybe on the balcony you could have a huge bouquet of roses and other little gifties awaiting her.
She''ll feel like a princess!
where do you live? I did mine in downtown chicago in this church was the middle of the afternoon at lunch and no one was it was a BEAUTIFUL location and not infront of anyone....she LOVED it
Oooh! Notes! That''s a great way to get her outside. Kind of like a treasure hunt that lands her on the balcony, and also by that point, she''ll be expecting *something* out of the ordinary.

I love that idea! I''d be all about climbing onto the balcony if I had some sweet notes leading me there.

Maybe you could start off with a note telling her you were going to lead her to a special spot, for a special reason or whatever, then have her digging around in her dresser, under her bed, amongst books, silly things like that, looking for other "clues" as to where to go.

Does she like that sort of silly game thing?
Fisher''s take on the notes idea sounds good. It could be like a treasure hunt. I actually have a friend who proposed to his GF by leaving her notes that led to various places. It was on her birthday, and he left her a little gift at each place (burned CDs, a book, stuff like that). She thought she was looking for her main birthday gift and had no idea he was going to propose.
Sorry to be the lone voice of dissent here. The treasure hunt proposal has become quite a popular approach.
Dare I say, I think it's starting to become a little cliche. I think David's original idea of simply leading her out to the balcony is the best and most unique idea I've heard in a long time. If it were me, I'd rather be surprised with one exquisitely written would probably move me to tears knowing that a proposal is waiting for me out on the balcony!

Thoughtfully simple and heartfelt is the sweetest proposal of all in my book.
But only you know what your GF would love best...go with your gut!
Like Kristy, I don''t love the treasure hunt idea. It is really sweet for the guy to go to all the effort, but it sort of seems like it could kill that "special moment" by dragging it out.

Anyway, what if you were to call her from your cell phone and tell her to go out on the porch to see a beautiful sunset, and when she goes out, she can find your note. You could also have her come home to flowers and your love letter in her bedroom, which would end by telling her to go outside, where she would find you, a ring, and maybe champagne to toast the engagement.

If you do the ladder climbing thing, practice first, and make sure it works ok.
Haha Laine, good point. It would be a huge bummer for you to climb up that ladder and end up in the ER!

I think the treasure hunt idea is a good idea for a birthday or special anniversary present.
heehee, yeah, everyone is different. I love a surprise drawn out, as long as I know the MOMENT has come and is in front of me. Some think more along the lines of "just get to it." Either way you go, it will be precious and sweet. I agree with trying out the ladder first.
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